

  • Bethy25
    Bethy25 Posts: 73
    Stephanie, I don't have alot of time to get online on Saturdays so hopefully you are ok with me checking in on Fridays? I am sure it's hard enough keeping track of people as it is so if it's super annoying, just let me know ;)

    SW 01/01/2011: 192
    CW 01/07/2011: 188.5

    3.5Lbs Lost woooooo whooo!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend with smart choices. Weekends are the hardest for me to eat right so hopefully I can keep on track!!
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Stephanie, I don't have alot of time to get online on Saturdays so hopefully you are ok with me checking in on Fridays? I am sure it's hard enough keeping track of people as it is so if it's super annoying, just let me know ;)

    SW 01/01/2011: 192
    CW 01/07/2011: 188.5

    3.5Lbs Lost woooooo whooo!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend with smart choices. Weekends are the hardest for me to eat right so hopefully I can keep on track!!
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    I meant to reply and say that I agree 100% Weekends are the worst for me! I normally go out with my family and can't seem to eat right. Everyone is eating what they want and I feel like "Why can't I eat what I want!" "Because you're trying to lose weight dummy!", is what the little voice in my head should say but it stays quiet or tells me it's ok to start back up on Monday! AARRGGHH! Why can't I talk myself out of eating the wrong things and eat the right things during the weekends?
  • laDOLCEvita7
    Yes, Fridays are completely ok to check in if you cant do saturdays. Just check in. On Monday when I make the chart and if anyone hasnt weighed in Fri, Sat or at least sun i will remove their name, because I will assume their not interested in being in the group. Let's have a last chance workout tonight. Challenge yourself to burn 500 calories by midnight. You can do it all at once. Or break it up and do 250 calorie one hour, take a break come back and do the rest. However you want to do it. Let me know if you finished your challenge. Then reward yourself with something nice, but not with food. To lose 10 lbs in one month thats an average of 2.5 lbs a week. Ask yourself do you think your on track for that? Blondie, you lost 7 lbs so far. AWESOME!. Even though your so close to 10, please dont give up, keep pushing. Up your goal if you need to. Everyone whatever you set your mind to that's what you will recieve. Im hitting the gym right after work. Ill be back to post tonight that I finished my 500 calories burned. Hope you all do too. :)
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    I have a taekwondo class tonite so I will burn 500 for sure!
    But I think I will also do a quick work out at home..30 day shred probably..gonna boost my burn for today!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I'll do a workout tonight but my big calorie burn days are on Saturdays when I actually have the time. I am SO sore from the workouts I did this week that I can't push myself too hard tonight so I can push the pedals on Saturday. But I'll burn at least 500 calories on Saturday...
  • janellnicole2
    Burned 600 during workout today! Wanted to give up sooooo bad, but kept thinking...LAST CHANCE WORKOUT! (and unfortunatly I am working on losing the 5 lbs I gained over the holidays!)
  • Bethy25
    Bethy25 Posts: 73
    Great Challenge Stephanie... It's On!!!!
  • laDOLCEvita7
    I want to share with everyone, I've been reading the book "The Secret." Which is AMAZING. It discusses positive thinking will equal positive results. So, from now on I want POSITIVE, POSITIVE, POSITIVE in this group! :) No more beating yourself up, including myself because I used to do it. Stop worrying about what bad thing you did yesterday. The past does not exist! You can not physically see the past. You can not touch the past. So therefore it does not exist. Everything we say rather good or bad is a confirmation to ourselves. If we say "I'm the fat one." Then studies show you will lose weight at a slower rate. If you say "I am on my way to being thin." Guess what? That weight is coming off faster than you can blink. What the mind can conceive the body can acheieve. If you do not believe you can lose weight than you wont. Stress will cause your body to hold onto weight. So stop stressing. Also I noticed many people on here saying "I did so good, but I still have this amount to lose." From now on focus on "I did so good." And leave it at that. Often we tell ourselves "Im fat" or other put downs. But would you go to another person and call them fat? Most likely not and Im hoping you wouldn't. But ask yourself...."If I wouldn't call someone else fat or put them down for not doing enough exercise....then why do I put myself down?" :flowerforyou:
  • susuzz
    susuzz Posts: 14 Member
    I AGREE with Stephanie ~ it' truly is amazing what our minds are capable of!

    Here I thought I was done working out.....I went to the gym as planned this morning. Came home, logged, 401 burned calories! Then I read Stephanie's challenge....guess what? I'm going to head out and walk the dog!

    SO pumped to be part of this group ~ thanks for the encouragement!!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Great challenge. I burned around 500 today doing Insanity Pure Cardio.. It was definately a great workout! I was soaked by the time I got done!

    And don't worry.. I won't give up. Maybe I'll lose more than 10! I'm more determined right now than ever to lose this weight and I'm taking full advantage of it. I was at a stand still for so long.. it's great to see some success. :drinker:
  • susuzz
    susuzz Posts: 14 Member
    Who is the author of the book you are reading?
  • paigemang♥
    Doing really good this week....i've kept up on my diary and have gone to the gym everyday. Mon-Thurs spinning or running. Then did spinng and yoga last night...2 hrs. My legs were done. I'm taking a rest day today even though i want to go so bad!!! LOL
    I have not weighed myself, i will do that tomorrow. Nervous!!!!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Stephanie191991
  • Veggie_Eloise
    Veggie_Eloise Posts: 99 Member
    Great challenge. I almost didn't want to workout today. I woke up so tired and grumpy.
    Then, I signed onto MFP and saw your post Stephanie.
    So I burned 900 today!
    I am so excited to weigh-in tomorrow.
  • laDOLCEvita7
    "The secret" is written by Rhonda Byrne. I LOVE IT! I just got home from the gym, I was super crunched for time. I did 100 calorie burn on the elliptical, then jumped on the thredmill. I thought how am I going to burn 400 more calories with almost no time before I had to leave? I cranked up the incline to 20 and put the speed at 3.0. I burned about 15 calories a minute. And it was almost EASY! It felt like a fast walk up a hill. I don't care for running so I found my alternative and it worked. Then I thought to myself, if we can do 500 calorie burn in one day. What else are we capable of? And the sky is the limit!! Now weigh in is not until tomorrow. But lets start thinking of next week. I am not a dietician and I am not a personal trainer, I am just a regualar person who is sick of weighing over 200 pounds. But I have come up with an idea. The 1st week of weight loss is a cake walk. The 2nd week most people have a tougher time. What if we go ahead and start preparing for that second week, next saturdays weigh in? My challenge, which you can choose to accept if you want, if you do not want to do it you dont have to or if for medical reasons you can't do it, I understand no matter what. But I will put myself on a challenge from Saturday 1/8/11 to Friday 1/14/11 to burn 3,500 calories total for the week! By burning 3,500 calories and staying within your calorie limit, drinking your recommended daily water, you are almost guaranteeing yourself to lose a pound of fat next week. Any burn counts. If you go to the store and you are walking and shopping for an hour look up how much that is on MFP and write down on a peice of paper to keep track. Even though you can burn calories by sleeping, that doesnt count. You have to physically be moving your body for your calories burn to count. You can do 500 calories burned, 7 days this week. Or you can do 700 calories for 5 days and skip two days. The choice is completely yours. You can even do the 700 calories broken up to 350 a.m workout and 350 pm workout. Susuzz went to the gym twice today. Congrats thats awesome. Thank you everyone for participating today. Im proud of all of you. When I signed on and saw the burn that you all put in, it makes me so happy that my efforts are so worth it. Make sure you reward yourself with something. But not food. I just rented a movie I've been wanting to see. Who's in on the challenge to burn 3,500 calories in one week? :smile:
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sounds like an awesome challenge for next week. I'll do it!
  • chelsiburnett
    definately a motivator!!!! thanks stephanie!!! I am in!!! :happy:
  • laDOLCEvita7
    As you post your weigh ins tomorrow, I want you to say one thing that you did this week that you are proud of yourself for doing. Just spreading the positvity, and I want everyone to believe that you can do absolutely anything you put your mind to doing. Thank you to those of you who are going to do the mini challenge of burning 3,500 from Sat to Friday. What are you going to reward your self with after you burn that final 3,500th calorie? Ive been wanting to see the "Little Fockers" movie, and I will not see it until that 3500th calorie is burned. Reward can be anything but not food. Imagine how your going to feel when you tell your coworkers, family and friends that you had a challenge of burning a pound of fat (3,500 calories) and you succeed! Also one more thing. For anyone that is still kinda having a hard time believing that they can do this. I recommend you to go to and upload a photo of yourself (in order for it to work you must have a full body photo and just you in the photo, if other people are in the photo it will not know who to take the weight off of, if its just your face, it wll take too much off), no one sees this its just for you. Set your current weight and height, then scroll the bar down to how much you want to lose. Then print the pic. It will give you motivation and show you what you will look like at that weight. I have a pic I did and scrolled it to 145 pounds and I carry it in my food journal. And trust me when I say when you see a thin version of you in a picture, it will be the biggest motivation. Then you will believe in yourself that you can do this.
  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    Disappointing weigh in but TOTM and know I'm holding lots of water. Still really gutted.

    Screen Name: 2Young4This
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 157.8
    8th Jan 2011: 157.2
    Goal by Jan 31st, 2011: 147