rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • orlandogirl97
    orlandogirl97 Posts: 30 Member
    It's amazing that most of the above comments have come from friends and family!
  • teenaterror
    teenaterror Posts: 3 Member
    When I was 26 my new Grandmother-in-law gave me a scale for Christmas and said it was obvious I didn't already have one. :(
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    When I asked for a diet cola in a bar once, the bartender said "it;s not working"
    He then wore it. All of it.
  • lessthan364
    "Moo" as I walked by.
  • swertyqwerty
    swertyqwerty Posts: 81 Member
    Nobody ever said anything mean to me, which made things hurt even more. Somebody gave up a seat to me because they thought I was pregnant, and much worse things happened as well. I think I would have to have plastic surgery to feel happy and normal because this stuff has damaged me psychologically.
  • animejennie
    animejennie Posts: 12 Member
    Ah....I think it was when my husband and I were planning our wedding and he was like " you plan on going on a diet before the wedding?" And when I asked him why he said something about how he was worried I wouldn't be able to play with our future children. What? I am 5'8" and at the time weighed 165. Not thin, but not too far outside of my weight range for my height. . .
  • jad5405
    jad5405 Posts: 1
    "My you a are just a little butterball aren't you" I was in my early twenty's, 4"11, and weighed 130 pounds.
  • lolersk8r
    lolersk8r Posts: 4 Member
    First off too everyone, the people who say this kind of thing are toxic. Most of them hate themselves and want to take it out on people, or they feel entitled to make you miserable for entertainment. Either way if these people are you friends, family, husbands, wives etc. you should take a long hard think about cutting them out. DO NOT let people treat you this way. EVER! Toxic people should get no time, no attention, no love from you. Your time, affection , love is precious, don't waste it on people who make you feel less than you really are and don't wait for them to change. They're not, unfortunately. If they want to be in your life make them prove it.

    I'll share a couple of my humiliating experiences

    1. a kid said i looked pregnant in 5th grade. I felt so ashamed.
    2. I got called Big Mac and my friend was called little mac.
    3. When i was in 9th grade i became a vegetarian and told the class when we had to tell something unique about ourselves. Some boy made a crack about looking like i still ate meat because i was chubby.
    4. Some kid on the short bus would yell at me calling me a pig while i was walking home
    5. As a teen i was walking and some boys drove by and said " Strut your fat stuff"
    6. I was playing in my backyard and my great grandma said to my mother " maybe that'll get some weight of her"
    7. A woman was watching me eat at a restaurant with some friends so i stared at her back until she looked away and I said loud enough for her to hear " I'm I going to have to smack a b**** with a rib!?"

    There are more but those stick out the most. I don't take any s*** from anyone anymore. If someone wants to have a go at me because of my weight it will be on and cracking. I'm sick of internalizing others negative opinions. They get it right back 10X as hard.
  • Louttie
    Louttie Posts: 138 Member
    Someone said i was oddly shaped. Got to me real bad.

    On the bright side ever since he said it i have lost half a stone. So i guess a sort of thanks is in order... not that i would actually thank him!!
  • lolersk8r
    lolersk8r Posts: 4 Member
    As a woman who, for years, struggled with undiagnosed PCOS and severe adenomyosis (which caused an enlarged uterus), I have certainly heard my share of rude comments over the years -- even when my actual weight was normal. I got the "pretty face" comments, the "pregnant" comments (those are tough to absorb when they start when you're 12 years old, 5'0", and 108lbs), and the "you carry it well...unless you turn to the side, it's hard to tell how fat you are." Plus, my mother -- always obsessed with her weight and sure she was fat at a size 5 -- had me on pretty restrictive diets from the time that I was seven (I got a bit chunky before a growth spurt), and her enforced exercise felt like my punishment for being "overweight." Over the years, I started to struggle in earnest with my weight and my health, never knowing why.

    Still, the comments that hurt me the most came from my now-estranged husband. Before we met, I had discovered a new love of fitness and had dropped 60 lbs from my top weight. I was happy, had mostly gotten over the old wounds, and while my health was still a challenge to manage (and I still didn't know why), I was working out for the right reasons and was proud of all I'd accomplished. After we got together, though, he kept making comments about how he couldn't believe he was with a chubby girl, and he was embarrassed because he didn't know what his friends would think of my weight. I told him it hurt me, but I tried to excuse it because he was not exactly experienced with women...and wasn't great with people in general. But I'd also just moved across the country and just lost a loved one, so I was emotionally vulnerable, anyway -- I don't know that I would have stayed with him had I still been back home with my old friends.

    His constant criticisms wore me down over time, and I gave up for a while. Even when he didn't speak the words aloud, he'd make faces at my outfits, at what I was eating, and a myriad of other things. I was having terrible allergy issues in the area I had moved to, and a recurrence of the worst symptoms of the condition, so exercise was very difficult, anyway. But when we moved back to my home state, I started working out again -- all the while fighting the health issues. I started dropping weight again, but my self-image was so confused that I had taken to taking photos to try to get an idea of what I looked like.

    I made the mistake of mentioning to him in a moment of vulnerability that it felt weird to me that I didn't really KNOW what I looked like any more...and mentioned that some of the pictures I'd taken in a mirror surprised me because I looked a little smaller than I'd expected.

    And his response: "Well, maybe we just have skinny mirrors."

    I'm not sure why that comment is the one that still pricks at me most.

    This guy is toxic. RUN! FAR AWAY.
  • lolersk8r
    lolersk8r Posts: 4 Member
    I remember jumping on a big trampoline with kids that were a few years younger than me and then my ex-step cousin said something like they wanted me to jump and make them bounce because i was so fat. I ran out to my moms car and just bawled. My uncle made him come out and fake apologize to me which made me feel worse. They even sent me an apology card later. That was one of my most painful experiences because i was having fun then everything stopped and felt devastating.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 440 Member
    I'm anorexic and therefore underweight and have been told by family members that I look like I have AIDS/cancer. I would never comment on any of their weights but, as I'm underweight, it would appear I'm fair game :huh:
  • jenirod
    jenirod Posts: 2
    That's jus so wrong
  • jenirod
    jenirod Posts: 2
    I have 4 kids, after my 3rd I lost all my weight.. I went down to 120.. My 4th pregnancy I was on bed rest the entire time so I gained 80 some lbs.. Now I'm stuck at 175.. I'm 5'0.. People still think I'm pregnant.. :(.
  • lijepa1979
    lijepa1979 Posts: 16 Member
    When I was a kid, my mom and her friend would make comments about what I shouldn't eat. They were both bigger than me. When I look at pictures from my childhood, I realize that I wasn't really a big kid, but I was sure made to feel like one. When I was about 10, my stepdad got me a Get In Shape Girl set, not because he thought I would like it, but because he thought I needed to get fit. He also used to make me walk with a book on top of my head every night, sometimes in front of his kids, because he thought my posture wasn't good enough. By the time I was 12, I was denied desserts or told I wasn't allowed to have seconds, all the while watching them pack their faces, as well as my stepbrothers. Of course, by then, I had developed an ED. It took until I was 17, for my mom and stepdad (who were both bigger than me btw) to figure out that I had an Eating Disorder. The comments still kept coming.
    Then there was last summer. I was out visiting my parents and was pregnant. I ended up losing the baby the following week. However, I got told how I looked, hello! I was PREGNANT! Of course, when they came to visit two months later, they were talking about how much weight I had lost. Yeah, I guess that's what happens when you lose a baby.
    Sad thing is, I look back on a lot of pictures from my childhood and teenage years when their comments were the worst. I was pretty normal looking. Thanks to them, I had a low self-image, and I still battle with those issues. I am pregnant now and have been terrified of gaining weight through most of my pregnancy. It sucks how words hurt.
  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    Mine was on the opposite end of the spectrum of most of these. I was in the military and had a uniform inspection. The commanding officer said to the first sergeant, "is that uniform fitting right?" as he tugged on my belt. Then he said, "I guess it is, he just has a strange shape." I was about 140 or 145 lbs with broad shoulders.
  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    My boss called me gordita, then said "do you know what that means? little fat girl."

    To everyone who has commented here... please know that all of these things said to you are not true!

    You're not a number on a scale. You're not a the cruel names people have called you. You are a beautiful, wonderful creation, worthy of love and happiness.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I can't remember anything?

    lately my kid has said some things but he's very young, they aren't actually meant to be rude. they are just the truth...

    "mommy when you lay like that you look like a whale". --( i was under the covers).
    when I said "huh?" :ohwell:
    He changed it to "mermaid! you look like a mermaid" :embarassed: "Your legs look like you don't have any."---back to giggling.

    Me on the outside :laugh:
    Me on the inside :cry:
  • naturesfempower
    naturesfempower Posts: 107 Member
    "I'm sorry you can't wear that top at the pool. There are children out here." This told me it is OK for me to be in the inside pool exercising with the other heavy women and the senior citizens, but since I am overweight I am not supposed to be outside basking in the sun.
  • johnnyhatesjazz
    johnnyhatesjazz Posts: 95 Member
    My coworker lifted up my shirt in front of some other coworkers and said where did I get that fat gut... I was embarrassed but not too much coming from a guy that had the arms and legs of SpongeBob Square pants so when I said don't worry about it spongebob, it then took the limelite off me :laugh: