pet peeves at the gym



  • ariesflame
    ariesflame Posts: 82 Member
    I don't go to the gym but one of my friends' pet peeves is when she goes to the gym and does her workout and there are five or six women our age (30's) who sit on the equipment chatting in their workout gear and never do any exercise. Ever. She said they are not rude and will politely move when she is headed toward the machines or whatever...but it's just weird because they go every day and she's seen ONE of them use a treadmill ONCE in many months of gym attendance. To me it sound like they may as well be in a coffee shop or someone's living room.

    I attend a boot-camp group that runs 4 days a week. We do HIIT type circuits and such, everyone starts off on different stations and rotates. There are some folks who sign up with friends, and just chat the whole time instead of do ANY of the work. It does effect the group dynamic. We are all there to work our butts off.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    If you got to be naked in the locker room, be quick about putting back on your clothes.
  • ccbronson
    ccbronson Posts: 3
    I hate when I'm in my gyms designated circuit area, and people can see that I am doing the circuit, but they sit on the next piece of equipment that I need and make it so I have to skip it and come back to it.
  • ScorpDX
    ScorpDX Posts: 93
    -People who don't wipe down equipment
    -People who chat loudly on cellphones
    -Gym staff forgetting to leave a jug of water beside the cooler for when the current one won't make it through the night
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    this guy :angry:

    Ummmm. I didn't know we could do THIS at the gym.
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    There is a guy at the gym who uses the weight machines, and he yells sooo loudly when he does it. It's the strangest sounding yell too. I just want to be like, dude, for the amount of pain you should like you're in, you should at least be doing free weights to be getting something out of that pain!

    Seriously, he is so loud and sounds so odd... Especially on the leg extension machine. I always know when he is working out lol
  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    If you got to be naked in the locker room, be quick about putting back on your clothes.
    Oh yes; this one! I was a member of a certain gym where a lot of the women walked about naked. Drying their hair, running back and forth from their locker to the showers, etc. It doesn't sound that bad, but I found it awkward. Especially the woman I found more than once sitting with her naked peekatchew on the bench in front of my locker! WTH??? Just sitting there, chatting with a couple of other women. If I remember correctly, her knickers were on the floor in front of her. Ish!
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,277 Member
    It's only my second day at the gym and I've already found a gripe. :laugh: People that use a plastic cup to get a drink from the cooler and just leave an empty cup or half a cup of water wherever. When I get there it's late and had a lot of traffic earlier - there was a cup in every cubby (12), about ten on the counter, and three on a weight machine. All within 10' of both a sink and a trash can. I know, you're so wiped from your workout you just can't fathom 15 seconds of courtesy. Sloths.

    And both giggling and gagging at the naked bench peekachew. Just gross. It probably made a suction sound when she stood up.
  • runforestrun35
    runforestrun35 Posts: 480 Member
    People who don't wipe equipment
    People that stand there and stare at you until you are done with your set on a piece of equipment ( I usually do 3 or 4 sets and get out of the way quickly... No texting or talking)
    And when people leave garbage in the lockers they were using.... Just gross!
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    If you got to be naked in the locker room, be quick about putting back on your clothes.
    Oh yes; this one! I was a member of a certain gym where a lot of the women walked about naked. Drying their hair, running back and forth from their locker to the showers, etc. It doesn't sound that bad, but I found it awkward. Especially the woman I found more than once sitting with her naked peekatchew on the bench in front of my locker! WTH??? Just sitting there, chatting with a couple of other women. If I remember correctly, her knickers were on the floor in front of her. Ish!

    Don't burst our bubbles, men think all women's locker rooms involve women walking around naked....

    I used to hate the bro's in groups of 113 standing around one machine taking turns so that no one else could use it for the entire day.
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    OMG having read this thread I am SO lucky with my gym. OK I go there at 5.30am but the other mad people who are up at that time are great! Men and women are chatty and friendly but not overly so and we all get stuck in with our workouts. Women in the weights section don't get ogled or stared at, no one gets stared at on cardio equipment. One or two of the blokes are a bit serious but hey, it's 6am and they are working out - it doesn't affect my work out!

    Cant comment on the changing rooms as I don't use them but eeuuggh to the naked women wandering around and sitting on benches etc. !! Surely, even if they aren't shy about their bodies, hygiene matters !

    My only pet peeve are the lazy beggars who use the gym during the night (its 24/7) and don't put their weights back and/or don't strip down the squat rack, squat press etc after they've used it. Its not difficult and delays the start of my set cos I have to do it for you!!
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    People who have Their Spot and glare at you or even worse, try to crowd you out when you dare to go anywhere near Their Spot. Did their parents and teachers never teach them how to share?

    When I did body pump classes I used to get annoyed on the instructor's behalf about all the people who ignored all his form cues, no matter how many times he showed them. If I was an instructor I'd have got up and manhandled them after the first 50 times of them ignoring me!
  • gary241069
    gary241069 Posts: 255 Member
    The only thing that really bugs me is how some women don't flush the toilet after using it and just leave it for someone else to come along behind them and flush it.

    Seriously. That's disgusting. Just flush it with your foot if you're a germphobe, but how completely uncivilized to just leave it.

    If you can't beat them. Join them. How about women who leave Period stains all over the pan lid.
    OMG I've been thrown into this
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Like many already said, not racking the weights.

    Didn't used to bother me too much - I mean, yes, it was annoying but not all that big of a deal. Not even when I was removing 45 lb weights over my head that I could just barely reach on my toes. Until today.

    Today I had to get someone to help me get the weights off of the bar at the deadlift station. How embarrassing.

    I'm sorry. I'm 5'3", 120 lbs, and can shift a decent amount of weight, considering. While I can manage to lift a 245 lb bar off of the floor (and proved it this morning), I can't lift and hold the end of said bar with one hand for long enough to maneuver the weights off with the other. I tried.
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    When someone is doing some type of dumbbell press and they legit think it's good form to clink the weights together at the top of the move. No, that's not distracting at all.

    When a man has to YELL when he is exerting effort during a rep. Not a grunt, not a groan, SHOUTING. I feel self conscious if exhale too loudly.
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    Farting. There's this one woman who always comes late to kickboxing, squeezes herself in between the other participants, even when there are open spaces elsewhere, and then does a gas-powered workout.
  • phoenixx866
    phoenixx866 Posts: 173 Member
  • stardance1
    stardance1 Posts: 20 Member
    People not wiping their sweat, people not reracking their weights, people clinking the weights on the machines. Standard gym etiquette, but obviously there are a lot of people who don't follow it if we all have the same complaints...
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    I work out at 5am because I hate all people and this is the best way to avoid human contact.

    There's this ONE GUY, though

    he likes to break up his free weight routine by doing fast half reps at the highest weight setting on only 3 circuit machines. He can't lift the highest weights. he just sets it to the highest weight and kinda-sorta lifts it a little, rapidly, then lets it drop with a loud CLANG!

    a hundred times a morning. on only 3 machines out of the dozens in the circuit.

    the most obnoxious thing is, his and my routines didn't initially match up, but on my 3rd week, suddenly we're having our "arm days" and our "leg days" matching up, so he's always abusing the machines in "my" section. that banging weight sound makes my skin crawl.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    my hugest pet peeve is machine stalkers. I call them stalkers because it never fails to see a group of three men or a couple of a man or woman and you see one of them working out while the others stare at them. I cant freaking stand it. its so annoying to me. Its all i can think about when i am soposed to be focusing on my form. A smaller one of mine is those who do the old school way of doing one set of eight reps or so then resting then another set then resting. I do circuit training so I am on the machine then off to another machine when i hit my fifteen reps. I don't freaking stand around the machine "stalking" it while i rest so nobody else can use it. Ugg.