pet peeves at the gym



  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    This thread is why I have my own full home gym - and well worth the investment. No lines, no waiting, no germ-infested smelly my own music, use my own's freakin' heaven!

    Let's be honest, most of the things people whine about probably don't come up that much and aren't that big of a deal. The only equipment I ever have any real trouble getting on is the squat rack, and that's only if I go to my gym's location that only has one rack. The one I go to weekends has three. Sweat? Meh, I whipe down but I never check if anyone else does. It's just sweat and it won't kill you. Smelly people? Meh, it's a gym. Everyone stinks. I've never encountered anyone that really really really stinks. The bathrooms at my gym are fine and the music is, well, tuned out. Who cares what the gym plays? Bring your own.

    I don't know, in every one of these threads there are a lot of folks complaining about people not re-racking weights or wiping down machines. Those seem to be the biggest two. Makes me think it probably happens a lot, maybe just not at your gym. <shrugs> And it only takes one weird person staring or prancing around nekkid to make me REALLY glad I have a home gym.
  • Gingersfit
    Gingersfit Posts: 31
    My home treadmill peeve? My 55 pound pit bull thinks it's his treadmill because he does walk on it some -- my first 5 or 10 minutes on the treadmill include straddling him as I try to walk or constant kicking motions off to the side trying to keep him from jumping back on.
  • IndecisiveGirl2013
    IndecisiveGirl2013 Posts: 67 Member
    People who don't wipe down the machines when they finish using them...disgusting. Or who just leave the weights lying around everywhere.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    People that leave random 45# plates everywhere. At some point I actually have to go on an easter egg hunt to find the dang plates. It drives me nuts.

    People that use the dumbbell rack as a shelf for their towel and water bottle. I don't want to touch your damp towel to get my dumbbells! ACK!
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    This thread is why I have my own full home gym - and well worth the investment. No lines, no waiting, no germ-infested smelly my own music, use my own's freakin' heaven!

    +1. My pet peeves usually include dogs looking at me funny, cats waiting and watching until I've fiddled with the DVD player and TV and am all set to start and THEN wanting out, and a guinea pig who makes a lot of noise at 5 am asking for his breakfast carrot.

    ^^^lmao! SAME!! puppy always flops on top of me when I'm doing my stretching and foam-rolling routine. Tough to take...
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    My home treadmill peeve? My 55 pound pit bull thinks it's his treadmill because he does walk on it some -- my first 5 or 10 minutes on the treadmill include straddling him as I try to walk or constant kicking motions off to the side trying to keep him from jumping back on.

    My treadmill is in my garage because I have no room in my house for it. When I walk in the evenings and its hot my boxer-mix purebread mutt likes to come in, give me a look that clearly says "WTH??", huffs and walks away. I'm really glad my dogs don't try to use the treadmill, lol, especially with me. The smaller one might but I would easily trip over him.
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    This thread is why I have my own full home gym - and well worth the investment. No lines, no waiting, no germ-infested smelly my own music, use my own's freakin' heaven!

    Let's be honest, most of the things people whine about probably don't come up that much and aren't that big of a deal. The only equipment I ever have any real trouble getting on is the squat rack, and that's only if I go to my gym's location that only has one rack. The one I go to weekends has three. Sweat? Meh, I whipe down but I never check if anyone else does. It's just sweat and it won't kill you. Smelly people? Meh, it's a gym. Everyone stinks. I've never encountered anyone that really really really stinks. The bathrooms at my gym are fine and the music is, well, tuned out. Who cares what the gym plays? Bring your own.

    I don't know, in every one of these threads there are a lot of folks complaining about people not re-racking weights or wiping down machines. Those seem to be the biggest two. Makes me think it probably happens a lot, maybe just not at your gym. <shrugs> And it only takes one weird person staring or prancing around nekkid to make me REALLY glad I have a home gym.

    YEP, I've been training for over 30 years now and I've done both. Home gym is far superior, as long as you can afford equipment that meets your training needs. And I have everything I need. :-))
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Most of the time I don't give a care what's going on around me, but when someone comes in smelling really strongly of cigarettes or perfume and gets right next to me while I'm running on the treadmill it activates my allergies and asthma and I can't keep my pace. I usually have to move so I don't start coughing and wheezing. Gross! :smokin:

    Also, the other day this guy walked by (he was probably at least 3 or 4 feet away from me) and a horrible stench blew past. It smelled like filthy butt crack. My involuntary gag reflex was very nearly activated. Thankfully, he didn't stick around. Please, people. Basic hygiene.

    Thankfully, things like this are a rare occurrence at my gym. But when they happen, it's memorable. :sick:
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    So far no peeve's in the gym but there are a bunch of people who chat the entire time we are doing our water aerobics and face each other in a big circle, which takes up unnecessary space in the pool.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    This thread is why I have my own full home gym - and well worth the investment. No lines, no waiting, no germ-infested smelly my own music, use my own's freakin' heaven!

    +1. My pet peeves usually include dogs looking at me funny, cats waiting and watching until I've fiddled with the DVD player and TV and am all set to start and THEN wanting out, and a guinea pig who makes a lot of noise at 5 am asking for his breakfast carrot.

    ^^^lmao! SAME!! puppy always flops on top of me when I'm doing my stretching and foam-rolling routine. Tough to take...

    My terrior-mix knows when I get the yoga mat out and will come sit next to me until I'm done and when I ask "Did you do your yoga today?" promptly does the downward facing dog. Cracks me up every time.
  • hmrambling
    hmrambling Posts: 321 Member
    Guys who wear very strong cologne/body spray to the gym. Can't say I've noticed a woman do it yet, but there are multiple men, including a trainer who is there all the time.


    I can't stand strong cologne/body spray in the gym.
  • marchellaz
    marchellaz Posts: 70 Member
    "that girl is in my spot" to the yoga instructor.

    the people just hanging out on the machine not doing anything

    the guy who doesn't use headphones when playing his music.

    men's sports loud arguments
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    Eh, I don't care about a whole lot when I go to the gym because I'm focused on just me. But some of the things that grind my gears are...

    1) Not wiping your butt sweat off when you're done with a machine. I've wiped an especially sweaty looking seat once because the girl that had just gotten off didn't and..................apparently she was on her period.
    2) Using your cellphone. If you're listening to music, recording a set or using an app that helps your performance whatever. But if you're sitting there on a phonecall forever not using the machine and just taking up space, the person on the other end BETTER be in a life or death situation.
    3) When I'm doing the 30 minute circuit and someone decides to just jump in and not go in numerical order. If you start at 1, go to 2. If you start at 10, go to 11 next. Not 3, then 6, then 2, then 2309230293. I've had one confrontation with a lady about this because we both went for the same machine. I literally plopped my butt down after she sneered at me and I said "Sorry, I go in numerical order like the sign says. You were just using 6, that means you go to 7 now. -smile-"
    4) Body hair in the shower. Seriously. Sometimes it looks like people are shaving their pubes in there. At least rinse them down the drain for the love of god.
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    People that don't wipe down the machine. And people that DONT EVER SHOWER. Seriously it's gross. That's about all. Oh and guys that feel the need to comment when you're in the weights section.

    People aren't required to shower AT THE GYM. I rather not get some nasty fungus from who-knows-what in those pits they call shower stalls. I work out hard, sweat, hop in my car and go home to shower in my own fungus infested shower, thank you very much!
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    The trainer who stared at me because I was plating 100 lbs on the bench press.

    I think he thought I didn't know how much I was actually adding. (Granted, some people don't realize that the bar already weighs 45 lbs without plates.)

    You can bet your *kitten* when he saw 5 smooth, strong reps, he stopped goggling.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    What are yours? Mine are:
    Poor form. Something just irritates me about people who, like the the guy beside me on the stepmill today, lean all their weight, slumped over on the machine, head down and clearly cannot keep up that speed without being supported by the machine, but, even after advice by trainers walking by, still does it--wont slow the speed down.
    The other one is the people who don't wipe down the machine. Eew
    . Last on my list are the ones who come in and chat loudly on the cell phone whilst standing on a machine(but not working out) or the men/women who have their girl/boyfriend there and have to stop and chat or kiss every five seconds and don't work out. Either situation, somebody could be actively using that machine, but people get irritated waiting for it. What about you?

    Guys who make a lot of noise when they lift, people who drop the weights to the floor, bad form, also.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    This thread is why I have my own full home gym - and well worth the investment. No lines, no waiting, no germ-infested smelly my own music, use my own's freakin' heaven!

    Let's be honest, most of the things people whine about probably don't come up that much and aren't that big of a deal. The only equipment I ever have any real trouble getting on is the squat rack, and that's only if I go to my gym's location that only has one rack. The one I go to weekends has three. Sweat? Meh, I whipe down but I never check if anyone else does. It's just sweat and it won't kill you. Smelly people? Meh, it's a gym. Everyone stinks. I've never encountered anyone that really really really stinks. The bathrooms at my gym are fine and the music is, well, tuned out. Who cares what the gym plays? Bring your own.

    I don't know, in every one of these threads there are a lot of folks complaining about people not re-racking weights or wiping down machines. Those seem to be the biggest two. Makes me think it probably happens a lot, maybe just not at your gym. <shrugs> And it only takes one weird person staring or prancing around nekkid to make me REALLY glad I have a home gym.

    YEP, I've been training for over 30 years now and I've done both. Home gym is far superior, as long as you can afford equipment that meets your training needs. And I have everything I need. :-))

    Same here. I got lucky on the weight set. A few years ago the company I work for had a freecycle type webpage and some lady was getting rid of a massive weight/gym set and all I had to do was haul it away. My husband and I had to take it apart piece by piece, haul it down townhouse stairs, and stuff it in the back of our minivan, but I didn't have to pay for it. The treadmill I got at a flea market for $30.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Not optional for me, my right side can always outdo my left and towards the end of my set sometimes the left elbow will begin to weaken and cannot push the bar up at the same rate as the right side, so my bar starts to angle a bit and I worry about plates sliding off.

    and this is the reason why you don't use clips. It's kind of a self correcting thing. Learn to bench evenly and you don't worry about it.

    Or getting caught under a load you can't dump when lifting alone. How delicious would that be? crushed by clips!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    People that I can smell. Good or bad....Yes, it is off putting for someone to smell like they haven't showered in a week, but PLEASE do not drench yourself in axe or perfume or anything, its equally disgusting.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Not optional for me, my right side can always outdo my left and towards the end of my set sometimes the left elbow will begin to weaken and cannot push the bar up at the same rate as the right side, so my bar starts to angle a bit and I worry about plates sliding off.

    and this is the reason why you don't use clips. It's kind of a self correcting thing. Learn to bench evenly and you don't worry about it.

    Or getting caught under a load you can't dump when lifting alone. How delicious would that be? crushed by clips!


    Someone gave me *kitten* about not clipping once- and I was like- why? I bench alone. it's safer to bench unclipped than clipped!!!!