I challenge you to lose 5 Pounds This Month January 2011



  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member

    Jan. 3
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    I've been stalled on my weight loss for a while. Been stuck at 126.6 for a month! Today I'm down to 126, so .6 lost this week. Feeling kind of frustrated but not giving up. I have amped up the workouts and have been doing weights, so I may be gaining muscle. I don't know.

    Jan.1 126.6
    Jan. 3 126.6
    Jan.17 126.0
    Jan. 24
    Jan. 31 Goal: 121.6

    Feeling unsure about getting down to goal weight!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Weighing in for last week: 175.5 (0 pounds lost). I'm okay with that though and will keep on pushing forward! :)
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Thank you everyone for you kind words! The essay winner will get $250 cash, but I really don't think I'll win. With anyone who wants to enter on the internet I am sure I'll be up against lots of folks who have trully wonderful life changing stories. But I had fun writting it and it feels great to open myself up in that way. In the past I would have never told somthing so personal. But my new healthy life style has inspired me. I hope the judges have kids, lol, that would prob help my chances. :laugh:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I found my Richard Simmons Sweatin' To The Oldies DVD over the weekend so tonight I will ramp up my exercises by sweatin' with Richard. Hopefully on Saturday morning my scale will show I weigh 159. YESSS! X X Fingers crossed.
  • Up 4 it!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Just sending a quick note to let you all know I have returned home...missed talking to you guys daily..but will try to get caught up on all..

    Had a wonderful time at the waterpark...the kids really enjoyed themselved and I actually worked out 2 of the 3 mornings....but my eating was HORRIBLE....so not weighing in anytime soon...

    Good day all, will try to recheck back in later after reading everyones posts....
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Bru, I'm amused by the update on your hubby. Baby steps! God love him! :laugh: (I'm only laughing because I can guarantee that my husband is even worse!) Maybe after a week or so of logging the crap he's eating, you can review his intake together, and make some suggestions on how to improve his worst areas. I'm sure he won't turn into a perfect role model overnight, but if he keeps making small improvements, it will add up over time.

    Shelli - my entire family has tested positive for MRSA at one time or another, and I believe we are all still carriers. Either the antibiotics doesn't actually kill the bacteria, or It's like we pass it back and forth. Our 'presentation' of MRSA is skin infections. We start out with a pimple of sorts, which then gets infected and turns into a boil or cyst that is extremely painful and difficult to drain. The worst is my 2 year old, she has had several of them in / around her diaper area. I hope you are MRSA-free, and that you managed to keep your daughter immune.

    Tina, great to have you back!!

    Betty - say hi to Richard for me! HAHA! Enjoy!

    Drumlinegirl and Ceelovejay - that's right, don't give up! You must keep fighting. The scale does have a weakness. You will find it soon.

    Ding724, Blackbyrd, and ifychudy - great losses!!
  • quansc
    quansc Posts: 80 Member
    I'm new to the MFP. I accept the challenge. Two down, 3 to go. :smile:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member

    Jan. 3

    Ifychudy....Congrats on ONEderland! :bigsmile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I missed catching up over the weekend. Finally went to the Doctor on Saturday morning. I am still have weird shooting pains through my chest since I got sick in early December. She does not think it is my heart because if it was I would not be able to get on the treadmill and run several miles, but just to be safe she did an EKG and that looks fine. I had to schedule an echo stress test also but could not get in until January 31. If it is not the heart then we go to the GI Doc. It just seems like lately it is always some physical problem with me. She also put me on an antibiotic for bronchitis.. Felt so good last night I ran a mile and then biked for 45 minutes.

    On a positive note it looks like many of you are having awesome months for weight loss. The scale finally moved for me Saturday. I am down 1.6 pounds for the month. I will take it since I have not really had a loss for several months. I could blame the holidays but cannot. It is my own fault. I need to get my eating more and more under control and start eating healthier. Not just counting calories, but making the calories count.

    Have a great rest of the day!

  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Wow - looks like everyone is doing fantastic on the scale this month! I was running late to work this morning & it was snowing, so I will weigh in tomorrow.

    My bully pup is going in for surgery tomorrow morning. He has a urethral prolapse and won't stop bleeding. Poor little guy. :cry: They are going to have to neuter him as well, which sucks because we were going to breed him. :sad:

    I'm still a bit sore from skiing on Friday and running the 5K on Saturday (with Bru). I took it easy yesterday & finally put all my Christmas decorations away. Then when I got all done CJ showed up and we just hung out & watched a movie. It was perfect timing and very relaxing. I took a walk in the snow over to the bank on my break this morning and am planning to just do water aerobics at the gym tonight. Hopefully tomorrow my bod will be back to normal & I can have a good workout again.
  • mroberts0918
    mroberts0918 Posts: 8 Member
    Checkin in - I had a bad choice weekend (I drank a lot of my calories, etc) - but I am back on track...
    Jan 3 - 182
    Jan 10 - 177
    Jan 17 - 179
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Jan 1: 145
    Jan 8: 142
    Jan 12: 140
    Jan 18: 140.6 :ohwell: I was down to 139.6 before I went home for the weekend. I expected to gain a pound while visiting family, so I'm not surprised. Then again, it's nice to know the weight I lost so far this month is staying gone.

    Kelly>> That's great that you're getting so much done. I hope you had an awesome ski trip. Sorry about your dog. It kills me when a pup is sick. They're so pitiful.

    Terri>> Congrats on being down this month! I'm sorry you're sick. I bet the shooting pains you're having are related to the bronchitis. A few years back when I had pneumonia, I experienced those.I hope you get better really soon.

    Congrats quansc, drumlinegirl, ifychudy, blackbird61 and others!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning all...tried to get caught up on all the posts....looks like the majority are doing so well, I am very proud....I got on the scale this am..despite my brain telling me not to, and my weight is up 4.5 lbs...I'm sure some is water weight since my eating on the trip was soooo HORRIBLE, but I should get to the YMCA atleast 2 days this week and I'll try to get 2 workout in at home, so hopefully that will be off in a few days...

    Kids had 2 hr delay this morning due to ice, then I am off to take my mom to the Drs.....Have a GREAT day all....man is it good to be home with you all...
  • lisamfick
    lisamfick Posts: 257 Member
    I'm definitely in!
  • catzybird
    catzybird Posts: 15 Member
    Count me in !
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Terri, I hope they figure out what's wrong. I'm super impressed that you're managing to workout through all of it - on meds for bronchitis, and running/biking? You go, girl!! I have the opposite problem as you: I can get my eating under control with reasonable effort, but have a really hard time getting/staying motivated to exercise!

    Kelly, sounds like you had a good mix of productive and relaxing weekend.

    mroberts, a few good choices, and that gain will disappear.

    Alioth, it's not so bad when you plan for the visit home, and know what to expect and how you will counteract it afterwards. Keep up the good work!

    Tina, hopefully the scale has scared you into behaving over the next few days! :laugh: We're expecting snow/rain/ice tonight. I'm looking forward to spring... I'm not much of a winter person. :grumble:

    Welcome to our newcomers!

    I'm trying to do better with planning my evening meal, since that is the one that I eat with the family, and I don't like to make multiple meals. Last night, we had BBQ burgers (yes, in -10C/14F weather, brr!) and oven baked diced potatoes, so I had a reasonable portion and (heaven forbid) I didn't put any mayo on my burger to stay within my calories. I also added a big serving of a broccoli / snow peas veggie mix. Tonight is homemade pizza night, so I'm thinking mine will be veggie, unless my cals for the day can handle some lean ground beef?... Adjustments!
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member

    Jan. 3

    Ifychudy....Congrats on ONEderland! :bigsmile:

    Thanks Kelly
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Welp, I had to check in for my EASA2 last night and that reading was two pounds down, which would be me at 4 total for the month. Woohoo! It's weird how my normal scale didn't move at all yesterday morning but the Wii balance board read me at -2 yesterday evening. I thought we were supposed to be heavier then? LOL
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