
  • epeebes
    epeebes Posts: 89 Member
    Just finished Core synergistics

    This was by far one of the hardest days for me. I don't know why i was so weak today. I literally felt like i was going to pass out. Maybe this means i should be eating more or something. I think my diet has been good and it hasn't bothered me before. I think i'm gonna have to do some more research on the diet aspect of p90x again.

    I felt the same way just now. But I will attribute it to not working out the past few days. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you!
  • Just finished Core synergistics

    This was by far one of the hardest days for me. I don't know why i was so weak today. I literally felt like i was going to pass out. Maybe this means i should be eating more or something. I think my diet has been good and it hasn't bothered me before. I think i'm gonna have to do some more research on the diet aspect of p90x again.
    Are you following their nutrition plan?
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Just finished Core synergistics

    This was by far one of the hardest days for me. I don't know why i was so weak today. I literally felt like i was going to pass out. Maybe this means i should be eating more or something. I think my diet has been good and it hasn't bothered me before. I think i'm gonna have to do some more research on the diet aspect of p90x again.
    Are you following their nutrition plan?

    I'm on the lower side of calories unfortunately. I can afford to have that much food in my house as the nutritional guide says to do. my calories is near 1600 a day. I think i am at the point where i am going to start buying protein powder. I am probably gonna pick some up tonight when i go to work. My bf thinks that would be a good idea too.
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    Kenpo X done...that is all!
  • Just finished Core synergistics

    This was by far one of the hardest days for me. I don't know why i was so weak today. I literally felt like i was going to pass out. Maybe this means i should be eating more or something. I think my diet has been good and it hasn't bothered me before. I think i'm gonna have to do some more research on the diet aspect of p90x again.
    Are you following their nutrition plan?

    I'm on the lower side of calories unfortunately. I can afford to have that much food in my house as the nutritional guide says to do. my calories is near 1600 a day. I think i am at the point where i am going to start buying protein powder. I am probably gonna pick some up tonight when i go to work. My bf thinks that would be a good idea too.
    The reason I asked is, if you're feeling weak during your workouts and it's hard to get through them, and you're following the plan for Phase 1, you could be "bonking" due to lack of carbs. It's the first thing that popped into my head when I read your post. If it happens for a few days in a row and you find you're struggling, adding a serving of complex carbs should help (like bread, potatoes or rice).

    That said, for anyone doing this program, no matter which schedule or whether you follow the food plan or not - do not undereat!!! Eating at a caloric deficit while doing P90X is not only unrecommended, it's cautioned against. I don't mean to sound preachy nor am I an expert (by any means!!) so I apologize if it comes off that way, but you really do need to eat to succeed with this program. This is my second time around with P90X and food-wise, let me tell you, I was skeptical, especially in the last month when your carb servings go way up (YAY) but that last month was total MAGIC. So if anyone is discouraged by the intensity of the workouts or that the weight isn't coming off as much as you hoped, TRUST THE PROGRAM. If you want inspiration, go search YouTube for body transformations... a big trend I noticed in almost every one I've seen is that the biggest changes happen in the last 5 weeks. I personally noticed almost no difference in my body composition in the first 30 days. Just keep pushing play and bring it!!
  • AidaR
    AidaR Posts: 28 Member
    Hey Sarina,

    Are we still checking in this week? My weight is still the same LOL 159lbs but I did lose 2 inches off my thighs and hips, also I'm not really feeling Kenpo so I've been doing Plyo instead. Keep up the good work y'all!!!!
  • jordan1221
    jordan1221 Posts: 58 Member
    Weeks 1 and 2 down!! Today, I weighed in at 190.8. Hopefully one week from today, I will be out of the 190s!!! So excited to start Week 3 tomorrow!!
  • Just finished Core synergistics

    I am actually starting to really like this workout also!!! It is nice to see improvements in yourself especially after a week of a slight gain on the scale..but don't worry my head is up and it just makes me work harder!!! Let gets this weeks done so we can get to our first relaxing week!!!

    I get fitter for a dress that I am wearing in a wedding in April tomorrow..I told my best friend the bride she might want to wait till closer to time cause I am losing inches and she won't listen..LOL.. I just tell her it will be her fault that the dress will be to big!!! I think I will just have to prove it to her!
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    So, I took my measurements and I lost about 7 inches! I think they might be off by an inch or two, but I'll still take 5 inches...so, I'm down with that...WORD!
  • pghatc41
    pghatc41 Posts: 18 Member
    W3D1 just done, I tried Core Cardio and Balance from Insanity. It was less intense than the other Insanity DVD's I tried but I still was unable to do everything without a bit of a rest inbetween so I think I still got a good workout in. Slacked a bit on the diet this weekend (the first half of the Steelers game drove me to drink!) so I have to watch that this week before weigh in on Saturday
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Just finished Core synergistics

    This was by far one of the hardest days for me. I don't know why i was so weak today. I literally felt like i was going to pass out. Maybe this means i should be eating more or something. I think my diet has been good and it hasn't bothered me before. I think i'm gonna have to do some more research on the diet aspect of p90x again.
    Are you following their nutrition plan?

    I'm on the lower side of calories unfortunately. I can afford to have that much food in my house as the nutritional guide says to do. my calories is near 1600 a day. I think i am at the point where i am going to start buying protein powder. I am probably gonna pick some up tonight when i go to work. My bf thinks that would be a good idea too.
    The reason I asked is, if you're feeling weak during your workouts and it's hard to get through them, and you're following the plan for Phase 1, you could be "bonking" due to lack of carbs. It's the first thing that popped into my head when I read your post. If it happens for a few days in a row and you find you're struggling, adding a serving of complex carbs should help (like bread, potatoes or rice).

    That said, for anyone doing this program, no matter which schedule or whether you follow the food plan or not - do not undereat!!! Eating at a caloric deficit while doing P90X is not only unrecommended, it's cautioned against. I don't mean to sound preachy nor am I an expert (by any means!!) so I apologize if it comes off that way, but you really do need to eat to succeed with this program. This is my second time around with P90X and food-wise, let me tell you, I was skeptical, especially in the last month when your carb servings go way up (YAY) but that last month was total MAGIC. So if anyone is discouraged by the intensity of the workouts or that the weight isn't coming off as much as you hoped, TRUST THE PROGRAM. If you want inspiration, go search YouTube for body transformations... a big trend I noticed in almost every one I've seen is that the biggest changes happen in the last 5 weeks. I personally noticed almost no difference in my body composition in the first 30 days. Just keep pushing play and bring it!!

    Thank you for that information. You are definately right, i haven't been trusting the nutrition program because i want to lose weight. I'm gonna definately work on getting more calories and i bought my soy protein powder yesterday. I tried it today after i did cardio x and it was pretty yucky. Its vanilla flavor and i put it in with a glass of milk. I got it down but i definately need to find ways to make it yummyier :) I think its gonna be a good transition for me because it took me a while to get off of whole milk. When i first tried skim milk i hated it, but now i love it. I think thats how the protein powder is gonna be as well.

    As for cardio x today, i felt alot better than i did yesterday. I was tired as hell afterword and feeling queezy but at least i didn't feel that way during it. I'm definately gonna work on getting more calories in my diet.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hey Sarina,

    Are we still checking in this week? My weight is still the same LOL 159lbs but I did lose 2 inches off my thighs and hips, also I'm not really feeling Kenpo so I've been doing Plyo instead. Keep up the good work y'all!!!!

    You are ok. I'm gonna be looking for the people who haven't checked in for 2 weeks to see if they still want to go into phase 2 with us. Congratulations, on those 2 inches lost. You are doing great. I am going to do my measurements again when we get to PHASE 2.
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    W3D1 Done. What more can I say
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    Aaaand....we've made it to Week 3! Yay...go us!! :)

    W3D1 complete!

    Looking forward to the weigh in Saturday....since the scale showed me back to my original weight after having gained, I am anxious to see the results another week in. Keep pushin' guys....we're doing GREAT!
  • cw:296.6

    still hanging in there. trying to do this around a truck driver's schedule is rough, bu t i will see this through the end.
  • W3D2 complete!!!!!! Ready for tomorrow...this week is awesome!!! I actually feel like I am getting some progress!!!:tongue:
  • W3D1, Core Syn done for today. Feeling the burn all over... I LOVE IT :happy:

    Congrats to everyone on their weight losses this week!! You're all doing awesome!!
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    W2D1 - done! I was walking around the store earlier and this is the first time that I have actually "felt" fit. My posture is so much better and I don't hurt like I used too...I'm really liking it! WORD!
  • PJudt
    PJudt Posts: 13 Member
    Ok.... this is the strangest thing. I have just completed week 3. I watch the scale and weigh myself daily. I know, I've heard it before... you shouldn't do that... yada yada yada. :). To me it's no big deal. I have a scale in each bathroom so I step on it... no big deal. Anyway, I started out at 205 to 206 lbs. Over the 3 week period my weight has fluctuated anywhere from 202 and 205 for the entire 3 weeks. Yesterday, I stepped on the scale and weighed 193 lbs. It is absolutely NO BS. I figure I must have broke the scale and went to the other bathroom to see my weight. 193 again. I literally lost 10lbs overnight. If anyone else told me this, I would laugh and say, "Right, Whatever Pal." This has never happened before and I've gone through P90X and other strenuous programs in the past. I still feel good and strong. Today I weighed in at 194. I follow the eating plan and bring it. The rest takes care of itself.
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    W3D2 completed with some additional cardio to go!
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