Does quality of food matter if you remain within calories?



  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    For one day? I doubt it will have a long lasting effect...beyond maybe causing you to have a sugar rush, lol.

    For me it will open up old cravings that I have managed to tame. In 2006 when I was about 25lbs from my goal weight, someone brought Krispy Kreme donuts to the office. I do not go out of my way to buy these, Oreos, soda, or Swedish Fish, anymore because they are "triggers" that trigger me to binge.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    sorry to pop your "Calorie bubble" but FAT LOSS (not weight loss) and body COMPOSITION is NOT based on Calories in-calories out. this is a FLAWED system and has NEVER been truly proven in the medical literature, however, they HAVE done studies that show the exact OPPOSITE is true, out of 67,000 + people, split into 5 groups based on their daily calorie intake has shown that the MORE calories they ate, the LESS body fat they carried, and the LESS calories they ate, the MORE body fat they carried. this was done at Harvard BTW. also a recent finding even out on the news, over weight middle school children were shown to eat LESS food than their leaner counterparts. when I was in the Army, we all ate in the dining facility three meals a day, crap food pyramid food, men consumed roughly 4,000 cal/day and women about 3,000 if not more, yet EVERYONE got leaner, except a couple people who tried to "diet" by restricting carbs and calories etc, they kept most of their fat and never performed well like the rest of us. as Long as this Calorie MYTH is perpetuated by so-called "Fitness gurus", who have no actual knowledge of human biology or "negative feedback loops" and how they work in the body, then we will NEVER see an end to Obesity. sure, you can lose weight with calorie reduction, it "Works" short term at best however, 95% of you who "diet" this way, will hit a wall, then fall off this "Diet", and will gain ALL the fat lost plus about an extra 5 pounds of fat more than they started with per "diet cycle". you can ignore my words and what i have given you this day….or you can try something new….EAT LIKE AN ATHLETE TO LOOK LIKE ONE. Not ONE pro athlete or Olympic athlete eats a clean "Diet", they drink Monsters and red bulls and eat cereal and milk and eat like 8000 calories per day, yet they stay LEAN and MUSCULAR like an NFL wide receiver (have you ever seen how they eat?) think about it. there are little to no CrossFit Athletes that "Count Calories" (a practice in futility that is about 25% off anyway on all food labels), they eat maybe 70/30 "Clean" healthy Paleo type foods and some junk food. yet most have 6 packs. hmmmm. why is it that only those looking for fat loss "Diet" and Count Calories and Athletes who look for Performance Eat whatever they want yet get the results that the "fat loss Dieters" seek ? the body is WAY more complicated than "Calories in - Calories Out", sorry, its not something that you can "outsmart" or "fight" or "Force" to do what you want. you must know how the body responds to input so you can work WITH biology not against it.

    Strong first post and a necromancer one at that!.

    But guys he said Harvard! (even though there's no link to what Harvard actually said, but still..HARVARD!)
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    sorry to pop your "Calorie bubble" but FAT LOSS (not weight loss) and body COMPOSITION is NOT based on Calories in-calories out. this is a FLAWED system and has NEVER been truly proven in the medical literature, however, they HAVE done studies that show the exact OPPOSITE is true, out of 67,000 + people, split into 5 groups based on their daily calorie intake has shown that the MORE calories they ate, the LESS body fat they carried, and the LESS calories they ate, the MORE body fat they carried. this was done at Harvard BTW. also a recent finding even out on the news, over weight middle school children were shown to eat LESS food than their leaner counterparts. when I was in the Army, we all ate in the dining facility three meals a day, crap food pyramid food, men consumed roughly 4,000 cal/day and women about 3,000 if not more, yet EVERYONE got leaner, except a couple people who tried to "diet" by restricting carbs and calories etc, they kept most of their fat and never performed well like the rest of us. as Long as this Calorie MYTH is perpetuated by so-called "Fitness gurus", who have no actual knowledge of human biology or "negative feedback loops" and how they work in the body, then we will NEVER see an end to Obesity. sure, you can lose weight with calorie reduction, it "Works" short term at best however, 95% of you who "diet" this way, will hit a wall, then fall off this "Diet", and will gain ALL the fat lost plus about an extra 5 pounds of fat more than they started with per "diet cycle". you can ignore my words and what i have given you this day….or you can try something new….EAT LIKE AN ATHLETE TO LOOK LIKE ONE. Not ONE pro athlete or Olympic athlete eats a clean "Diet", they drink Monsters and red bulls and eat cereal and milk and eat like 8000 calories per day, yet they stay LEAN and MUSCULAR like an NFL wide receiver (have you ever seen how they eat?) think about it. there are little to no CrossFit Athletes that "Count Calories" (a practice in futility that is about 25% off anyway on all food labels), they eat maybe 70/30 "Clean" healthy Paleo type foods and some junk food. yet most have 6 packs. hmmmm. why is it that only those looking for fat loss "Diet" and Count Calories and Athletes who look for Performance Eat whatever they want yet get the results that the "fat loss Dieters" seek ? the body is WAY more complicated than "Calories in - Calories Out", sorry, its not something that you can "outsmart" or "fight" or "Force" to do what you want. you must know how the body responds to input so you can work WITH biology not against it.

    Aragon told me that no such study exists that shows people being overfed and losing weight. What’s more, there is no study in existence that shows people being underfed and not losing weight. Numerous highly controlled metabolic ward studies have shown again and again that macronutrient ratios — carbs, fat and protein — do not matter when it comes to weight loss. Calories are always the common denominator.
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    make sure you log everything and then move on.
    Scroll through some threads here for meal ideas:
    What's for breakfast?
    What's for lunch?
    What's for supper??
    many of them have photos.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    To your health? Yes. To weight? Its all calories
  • Happy_Niss
    Happy_Niss Posts: 95 Member
    Yes it matters.
    Especially if you want to feel good while you're trying to lose.
    You can feel like ****, and then you'll be a skinny person that feels like ****.
    And no one wants to be that.
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    It matters totally if you want to maintain a lean healthy look. You can't build muscles just eating potato chips.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    sorry to pop your "Calorie bubble" but FAT LOSS (not weight loss) and body COMPOSITION is NOT based on Calories in-calories out. this is a FLAWED system and has NEVER been truly proven in the medical literature, however, they HAVE done studies that show the exact OPPOSITE is true, out of 67,000 + people, split into 5 groups based on their daily calorie intake has shown that the MORE calories they ate, the LESS body fat they carried, and the LESS calories they ate, the MORE body fat they carried. this was done at Harvard BTW. also a recent finding even out on the news, over weight middle school children were shown to eat LESS food than their leaner counterparts. when I was in the Army, we all ate in the dining facility three meals a day, crap food pyramid food, men consumed roughly 4,000 cal/day and women about 3,000 if not more, yet EVERYONE got leaner, except a couple people who tried to "diet" by restricting carbs and calories etc, they kept most of their fat and never performed well like the rest of us. as Long as this Calorie MYTH is perpetuated by so-called "Fitness gurus", who have no actual knowledge of human biology or "negative feedback loops" and how they work in the body, then we will NEVER see an end to Obesity. sure, you can lose weight with calorie reduction, it "Works" short term at best however, 95% of you who "diet" this way, will hit a wall, then fall off this "Diet", and will gain ALL the fat lost plus about an extra 5 pounds of fat more than they started with per "diet cycle". you can ignore my words and what i have given you this day….or you can try something new….EAT LIKE AN ATHLETE TO LOOK LIKE ONE. Not ONE pro athlete or Olympic athlete eats a clean "Diet", they drink Monsters and red bulls and eat cereal and milk and eat like 8000 calories per day, yet they stay LEAN and MUSCULAR like an NFL wide receiver (have you ever seen how they eat?) think about it. there are little to no CrossFit Athletes that "Count Calories" (a practice in futility that is about 25% off anyway on all food labels), they eat maybe 70/30 "Clean" healthy Paleo type foods and some junk food. yet most have 6 packs. hmmmm. why is it that only those looking for fat loss "Diet" and Count Calories and Athletes who look for Performance Eat whatever they want yet get the results that the "fat loss Dieters" seek ? the body is WAY more complicated than "Calories in - Calories Out", sorry, its not something that you can "outsmart" or "fight" or "Force" to do what you want. you must know how the body responds to input so you can work WITH biology not against it.


    Holy wall text. Oh and BS.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    "Matter" for the number on the scale? For most folks, no.

    Matter for overall health? yes.
  • peachmagic
    peachmagic Posts: 57 Member
    For weight loss, no it won't hinder your progress. For actual health, yes it will. I'm taking it one step at a time though. Still eating junk food just trying to reduce it and stop myself from binging on it is the first step. And it's always better if you can do home made.
  • nicholasawestendorf
    haha, so cuz "Aragon" told you that MUST be true !, funny how most of you completely ignored the things I said, its ok, Im challenging your belief system, its natural for you to get defensive and attack me, but maybe you should calm down and maybe research or heres an idea, TRY IT. I have been a trainer for a long time and Calories in-calories out DOES NOT WORK LONG TERM. what works long term is eating as much fairly heathy food in a day as u possibly can while training HIIT and strength training. EVERY SINGLE obese person I had used myfitnesspal and tracked their calories and most of them ate between 800-1200 calories per day yet couldn't lose a pound, when they hired me, I taught them what "Healthy" meant and how to be flexible and not try to eat 100% "clean" yet I told them that they need to try to eat NO LESS THAN 2300 cal per day, if not more. EVERY one of them who listened to me and ate much more food, lost massive amounts of body fat and KEPT IT OFF. they also blew away even PR they ever had and were more fit than they had ever been, full of energy. like I said, NO athlete counts calories NOR do they "Eat less than they burn" to get their 6 pack. so instead of attacking people with counter intuitive views, maybe you should wonder if I know something you don't, since I do this for a living and Im not just a "gym Rat", I actually use my knowledge to Change OTHER people's lives and bodies. my latest success was a buddy who did a physique contest and ate 4,500 cal/day , high fat moderate protein all the way up to the stage and he walked on at 5-6% BF, he also did two food challenges each week prior like a 10 pound burrito or 5 pound cheeseburger, yet the MORE he ate the more LEAN he got. look up "the women's health initiative" study, or the "Nurses Health Study". in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. George L. Thorpe, MD wrote that "eating less calories does not selectively reduce adipose tissue (fat) but ALL body Tissues at once"…..i.e. MUSCLE as well. reference this study…. McCullough, ML, D Feskanich, MJ Stampfer, BA Rosner, FB Hu,DJ Hunter,JN Variyam, GA Colditz, and WC Willet. "Adherence to the dietary guidelines for Americans and risk of Major Chronic Disease in Women." Am J Clin Nutr 72(5) (2000); 1214-22;PubMed PMID : 11063452. or this is the result of the Harvard study. so Aragon is mistaken, he is human after all. and really if you refuse to believe this and "Think" you have it all figured out because its SO easy, its a "simple math equation", then thats your problem as well as fighting fat will be your problem until u figure this out, minds are like parachutes, they have to be open to work, sounds to me like NO ONE is open to someone telling them that the "world is not flat"…..because it was flat….until SOMEONE ( a heretic I'm sure) proved it was not.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    haha, so cuz "Aragon" told you that MUST be true !, funny how most of you completely ignored the things I said, its ok, Im challenging your belief system, its natural for you to get defensive and attack me, but maybe you should calm down and maybe research or heres an idea, TRY IT. I have been a trainer for a long time and Calories in-calories out DOES NOT WORK LONG TERM. what works long term is eating as much fairly heathy food in a day as u possibly can while training HIIT and strength training. EVERY SINGLE obese person I had used myfitnesspal and tracked their calories and most of them ate between 800-1200 calories per day yet couldn't lose a pound, when they hired me, I taught them what "Healthy" meant and how to be flexible and not try to eat 100% "clean" yet I told them that they need to try to eat NO LESS THAN 2300 cal per day, if not more. EVERY one of them who listened to me and ate much more food, lost massive amounts of body fat and KEPT IT OFF. they also blew away even PR they ever had and were more fit than they had ever been, full of energy. like I said, NO athlete counts calories NOR do they "Eat less than they burn" to get their 6 pack. so instead of attacking people with counter intuitive views, maybe you should wonder if I know something you don't, since I do this for a living and Im not just a "gym Rat", I actually use my knowledge to Change OTHER people's lives and bodies. my latest success was a buddy who did a physique contest and ate 4,500 cal/day , high fat moderate protein all the way up to the stage and he walked on at 5-6% BF, he also did two food challenges each week prior like a 10 pound burrito or 5 pound cheeseburger, yet the MORE he ate the more LEAN he got. look up "the women's health initiative" study, or the "Nurses Health Study". in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. George L. Thorpe, MD wrote that "eating less calories does not selectively reduce adipose tissue (fat) but ALL body Tissues at once"…..i.e. MUSCLE as well. reference this study…. McCullough, ML, D Feskanich, MJ Stampfer, BA Rosner, FB Hu,DJ Hunter,JN Variyam, GA Colditz, and WC Willet. "Adherence to the dietary guidelines for Americans and risk of Major Chronic Disease in Women." Am J Clin Nutr 72(5) (2000); 1214-22;PubMed PMID : 11063452. or this is the result of the Harvard study. so Aragon is mistaken, he is human after all. and really if you refuse to believe this and "Think" you have it all figured out because its SO easy, its a "simple math equation", then thats your problem as well as fighting fat will be your problem until u figure this out, minds are like parachutes, they have to be open to work, sounds to me like NO ONE is open to someone telling them that the "world is not flat"…..because it was flat….until SOMEONE ( a heretic I'm sure) proved it was not.
    Please learn how to post on a forum. This wall of text is unreadable!
  • nicholasawestendorf
    Oh and if you are gonna call "BS" on REAL biology… should at least try to provide reason why Im wrong…..i doubt u can give me anything close to this but u can try. biology is not negotiable….animals don't count calories yet maintain healthy weight. The human body is an Auto-regulating system and for you to "think" you can control it manually shows your lack of knowledge on the subject and your human arrogance in believing you can control the uncontrollable.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Yes it matters.
    Especially if you want to feel good while you're trying to lose.
    You can feel like ****, and then you'll be a skinny person that feels like ****.
    And no one wants to be that.

    A Wendy's triple and Frosty make me feel pretty damn good, particularly on legs days. So yea, I agree, "junk" food is pretty awesome
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    Eating within your calories will cause you to lose weight. End of conversation on that note.

    Regularly eating refined sugar, often accompanied by refined flour and fat, but not necessarily, will give you deficiencies in many nutrients. You'll get sick. There is truly no fiber, no potassium to speak of, all sorts of important nutrients missing in the foods you listed in the original post.

    I treat myself here and there by eating sweet things (containing white flour, refined sugar). But overall, I eat quite healthily.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    It matters totally if you want to maintain a lean healthy look. You can't build muscles just eating potato chips.
    Really? Is that so? My diet is far from "healthy". I eat lots of ice cream, cookies, pizza, candy etc...
    <---- Do I have a lean healthy look? What do you think?

    Also, who said anything about eating nothing but potato chips?
    fwiw your profile highlights how much healthier you're eating....but, yes, you look pretty healthy.

    ETA: yes, Mr Wall O Text is a good name for our new community member lol.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    haha, so cuz "Aragon" told you that MUST be true !, funny how most of you completely ignored the things I said, its ok, Im challenging your belief system, its natural for you to get defensive and attack me, but maybe you should calm down and maybe research or heres an idea, TRY IT. I have been a trainer for a long time and Calories in-calories out DOES NOT WORK LONG TERM. what works long term is eating as much fairly heathy food in a day as u possibly can while training HIIT and strength training. EVERY SINGLE obese person I had used myfitnesspal and tracked their calories and most of them ate between 800-1200 calories per day yet couldn't lose a pound, when they hired me, I taught them what "Healthy" meant and how to be flexible and not try to eat 100% "clean" yet I told them that they need to try to eat NO LESS THAN 2300 cal per day, if not more. EVERY one of them who listened to me and ate much more food, lost massive amounts of body fat and KEPT IT OFF. they also blew away even PR they ever had and were more fit than they had ever been, full of energy. like I said, NO athlete counts calories NOR do they "Eat less than they burn" to get their 6 pack. so instead of attacking people with counter intuitive views, maybe you should wonder if I know something you don't, since I do this for a living and Im not just a "gym Rat", I actually use my knowledge to Change OTHER people's lives and bodies. my latest success was a buddy who did a physique contest and ate 4,500 cal/day , high fat moderate protein all the way up to the stage and he walked on at 5-6% BF, he also did two food challenges each week prior like a 10 pound burrito or 5 pound cheeseburger, yet the MORE he ate the more LEAN he got. look up "the women's health initiative" study, or the "Nurses Health Study". in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. George L. Thorpe, MD wrote that "eating less calories does not selectively reduce adipose tissue (fat) but ALL body Tissues at once"…..i.e. MUSCLE as well. reference this study…. McCullough, ML, D Feskanich, MJ Stampfer, BA Rosner, FB Hu,DJ Hunter,JN Variyam, GA Colditz, and WC Willet. "Adherence to the dietary guidelines for Americans and risk of Major Chronic Disease in Women." Am J Clin Nutr 72(5) (2000); 1214-22;PubMed PMID : 11063452. or this is the result of the Harvard study. so Aragon is mistaken, he is human after all. and really if you refuse to believe this and "Think" you have it all figured out because its SO easy, its a "simple math equation", then thats your problem as well as fighting fat will be your problem until u figure this out, minds are like parachutes, they have to be open to work, sounds to me like NO ONE is open to someone telling them that the "world is not flat"…..because it was flat….until SOMEONE ( a heretic I'm sure) proved it was not.

    Try some grammar, an education, and some science. Your attempts at argumentation and debate are juvenile at best.
  • nicholasawestendorf
    exactly, they show WEIGHT LOSS, including MUSCLE WEIGHT, and its SHORT TERM, calorie deprivation is PROVEN to have a 95+% Long term failure rate. its NOT the long term way of changing body composition for the better permanently and being sustainable as well as keeping the metabolism high. however, eating a high calorie balanced diet with decent exercise, IS the long term way, I use this DAILY to change body composition, I'm not like most people here talking from PERSONAL experience only, I'm talking about this working for ALL people, me, my clients, everyone who I have ever convinced to give up counting calories in favor of eating tons of real food without limit have received great, long term results and NEVER "yo-yo". Fact remains, "Diets" don't work long term.