Does quality of food matter if you remain within calories?



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    sorry but at that moment someone respectfully asked me a question, instead of just being ignorant like most of you.
    i think someone is bored.

    That's what happens when mom and dad are out for the evening and you get to stay up late.

    haha, nice attempt at a personal attack (once again), I'm 36, and Ive studied the human body prob as long as you have been alive, at least 20 years, I was a Combat Medic in the Army and have had PLENTY of training and experience gained in REAL WORKING CONDITIONS, with great Doctors, not a little "College" frat house. ever wonder, maybe I'm NOT a "heretic" and possibly understand the body a little better than you ?, oh god forbid ANYONE knows the body better than you !! lol. man, never have I met so many close minded people in one place, refusing to even attempt to wonder if what they think they know may be wrong, I'm sorry but if you aren't questioning EVERYTHING you learn from ANYONE then you are never going to know that you didn't know.

    Your posts do not exactly scream maturity. But congrats on mastering the quote function.

    As Sara has been saying, you make an awful lot of assumptions.
    To be completely honest, I can't even begin to consider your posts because they are almost illegible.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    sorry but at that moment someone respectfully asked me a question, instead of just being ignorant like most of you.
    i think someone is bored.

    That's what happens when mom and dad are out for the evening and you get to stay up late.

    haha, nice attempt at a personal attack (once again), I'm 36, and Ive studied the human body prob as long as you have been alive, at least 20 years, I was a Combat Medic in the Army and have had PLENTY of training and experience gained in REAL WORKING CONDITIONS, with great Doctors, not a little "College" frat house. ever wonder, maybe I'm NOT a "heretic" and possibly understand the body a little better than you ?, oh god forbid ANYONE knows the body better than you !! lol. man, never have I met so many close minded people in one place, refusing to even attempt to wonder if what they think they know may be wrong, I'm sorry but if you aren't questioning EVERYTHING you learn from ANYONE then you are never going to know that you didn't know.

    Your posts do not exactly scream maturity. But congrats on mastering the quote function.

    As Sara has been saying, you make an awful lot of assumptions.
    To be completely honest, I can't even begin to consider your posts because they are almost illegible.

    Although, he did peg you at 20 years should say thank you :tongue:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...what's going on in here?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    sorry but at that moment someone respectfully asked me a question, instead of just being ignorant like most of you.
    i think someone is bored.

    That's what happens when mom and dad are out for the evening and you get to stay up late.

    haha, nice attempt at a personal attack (once again), I'm 36, and Ive studied the human body prob as long as you have been alive, at least 20 years, I was a Combat Medic in the Army and have had PLENTY of training and experience gained in REAL WORKING CONDITIONS, with great Doctors, not a little "College" frat house. ever wonder, maybe I'm NOT a "heretic" and possibly understand the body a little better than you ?, oh god forbid ANYONE knows the body better than you !! lol. man, never have I met so many close minded people in one place, refusing to even attempt to wonder if what they think they know may be wrong, I'm sorry but if you aren't questioning EVERYTHING you learn from ANYONE then you are never going to know that you didn't know.

    Your posts do not exactly scream maturity. But congrats on mastering the quote function.

    As Sara has been saying, you make an awful lot of assumptions.
    To be completely honest, I can't even begin to consider your posts because they are almost illegible.

    Although, he did peg you at 20 years should say thank you :tongue:

    You are right! I missed that.

  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    sorry but at that moment someone respectfully asked me a question, instead of just being ignorant like most of you.
    i think someone is bored.

    That's what happens when mom and dad are out for the evening and you get to stay up late.

    haha, nice attempt at a personal attack (once again), I'm 36, and Ive studied the human body prob as long as you have been alive, at least 20 years, I was a Combat Medic in the Army and have had PLENTY of training and experience gained in REAL WORKING CONDITIONS, with great Doctors, not a little "College" frat house. ever wonder, maybe I'm NOT a "heretic" and possibly understand the body a little better than you ?, oh god forbid ANYONE knows the body better than you !! lol. man, never have I met so many close minded people in one place, refusing to even attempt to wonder if what they think they know may be wrong, I'm sorry but if you aren't questioning EVERYTHING you learn from ANYONE then you are never going to know that you didn't know.

    I'm calling B.S.

    And, honestly, if you are 36 and a former combat medic then your parents, your teachers, the military, society, your next door neighbor Phillis, and God himself have failed you.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    ...what's going on in here?

    I am not quite sure, but apparently we should all eat lots and lots so we can lose weight. But we should only eat as many carbs to top up our glycogen stores.

    Or something like that.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member

    ...what's going on in here?

    Well, basically this guy (aka the next Einstein, as he supposedly knows everything) thinks calories in vs. calories out is total BS and believes everyone can eat more than 2500 calories a day and not gain weight…
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    ...what's going on in here?

    I am not quite sure, but apparently we should all eat lots and lots so we can lose weight. But we should only eat as many carbs to top up our glycogen stores.

    Or something like that.

    top our glycogen stores? Why do I feel like this is heading towards a car analogy?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    ...what's going on in here?
    My question too.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    sorry but at that moment someone respectfully asked me a question, instead of just being ignorant like most of you.
    i think someone is bored.

    That's what happens when mom and dad are out for the evening and you get to stay up late.

    haha, nice attempt at a personal attack (once again), I'm 36, and Ive studied the human body prob as long as you have been alive, at least 20 years, I was a Combat Medic in the Army and have had PLENTY of training and experience gained in REAL WORKING CONDITIONS, with great Doctors, not a little "College" frat house. ever wonder, maybe I'm NOT a "heretic" and possibly understand the body a little better than you ?, oh god forbid ANYONE knows the body better than you !! lol. man, never have I met so many close minded people in one place, refusing to even attempt to wonder if what they think they know may be wrong, I'm sorry but if you aren't questioning EVERYTHING you learn from ANYONE then you are never going to know that you didn't know.

    I'm calling B.S.

    And, honestly, if you are 36 and a former combat medic then your parents, your teachers, the military, society, your next door neighbor Phillis, and God himself have failed you.
    I like this reply. A LOT. :smile:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    ...what's going on in here?

    I am not quite sure, but apparently we should all eat lots and lots so we can lose weight. But we should only eat as many carbs to top up our glycogen stores.

    Or something like that.

    top our glycogen stores? Why do I feel like this is heading towards a car analogy?

    We had the fire analogy already so there is that.
  • stellaafxentiou
    I am sticking to a 1200 calorie diet and exercising everyday for at least an hour (Bob Harper bootcamp, weightloss yoga and Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and Ripped in 30). I am concerned when I don't reach my 1200 calorie intake as some days I am as low as 700. I do not have a biology degree and do not know much about how the human body works but I have read numerous articles on how metabolism works and it all makes sense.

    Too few calories will slow our metabolism and fat will be stored instead of burned.

    When we don't consume our daily allowance, there is a warning when completing our entries, that our bodies will go into starvation and weight loss will be more difficult.

    Having said that, I am also..NOT an athelete who trains for 8 hours a day or more, so i do not need to eat mounds of food. I have to eat the right amount of food for MY daily activity. Having said that, I truly believe that calories in and calories out makes a world of difference according to your personal daily level of activity.

    As for JUNK FOOD, I still eat it in moderation. One day of being "naughty" is not going to do any harm. I believe it just makes us stronger and more motivated :-)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    ...what's going on in here?

    I am not quite sure, but apparently we should all eat lots and lots so we can lose weight. But we should only eat as many carbs to top up our glycogen stores.

    Or something like that.

    top our glycogen stores? Why do I feel like this is heading towards a car analogy?

    We had the fire analogy already so there is that.

    Oh great. now I've got the Billy Joel song stuck in my head.

  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    sorry but at that moment someone respectfully asked me a question, instead of just being ignorant like most of you.
    i think someone is bored.

    That's what happens when mom and dad are out for the evening and you get to stay up late.

    haha, nice attempt at a personal attack (once again), I'm 36, and Ive studied the human body prob as long as you have been alive, at least 20 years, I was a Combat Medic in the Army and have had PLENTY of training and experience gained in REAL WORKING CONDITIONS, with great Doctors, not a little "College" frat house. ever wonder, maybe I'm NOT a "heretic" and possibly understand the body a little better than you ?, oh god forbid ANYONE knows the body better than you !! lol. man, never have I met so many close minded people in one place, refusing to even attempt to wonder if what they think they know may be wrong, I'm sorry but if you aren't questioning EVERYTHING you learn from ANYONE then you are never going to know that you didn't know.

    I'm calling B.S.

    And, honestly, if you are 36 and a former combat medic then your parents, your teachers, the military, society, your next door neighbor Phillis, and God himself have failed you.

  • nicholasawestendorf
    ok, I dare you to experiment, if you eat "real food", and balanced meals, eat only enough grams of carbs a day to replenish glycogen lost, INCREASE everything else besides carbs, eat as much as u can, do HIIT cardio and lift and I promise the more food you eat the leaner you will get. will you take this challenge ? prob not, fear will likely stop you from trusting me.

    I have a BMR of 1707 (determined through an oxygen consumption test) so no, of course I'm not going to take on your "challenge" and eat 2500+ calories because I know damn well I will gain weight- whether I eat whole foods or junk food.

    By the way, I already eat strictly whole foods (Mediterranean diet, low carb, moderate protein, moderate fat) due to insulin resistance and hypoglycemia.

    In other words, your theory has been debunked.
    Ok, so your BMR is 1707, do you think it STAYS at that ? and eating less will cause a permanent deficit ?, it will create a deficit for about two weeks, then you will hit a plateau because your 1707 BMR WILL drop to just under what you are eating per day. If you DO take my challenge however, eating MORE than you need will A: RAISE your metabolic rate and thermogenisis (only 1 of the 5 ways we burn calories btw) B: your body will utilize more of the excess calories to build and repair muscle and the body in general, C: it costs 10% roughly of what you eat just to digest the food so you end up with only 90% at most. D: your body ramps UP fat burning enzymes and hormones. result is you WILL lose more fat than before and perform better. calories are no different that water, you drink more you piss more out, drink less, you retain more. like I said, its called a "Negative Feedback Loop". think of it as a fire, you are feeding your fire less fuel than it needs to keep burning hot, it gets smaller and less hot, the metabolism does the same thing. see, you all think that your BMR remains the same no matter your calorie intake, this is not true, the body will try to match by lowing or raising it. so you will lose fat AND muscle tissue until your BMR is say 1200, then you stop losing and can actually gain/retain body fat and lose more muscle. its sad that no one really understand this.

    You will hit a plateau in 2 weeks? Really?

    You do realize that your BMR is not your TDEE?

    Also, please could you show where eating at a deficit causes a permanent drop in your BMR outside what it would due to weight lose. Also, please show me how you will lose weight if not at a deficit?

    And again, please stop making assumptions.

    im not talking about "Losing Weight" here, Im talking about a positive shift in body comp. you know, more muscle and less fat AT THE SAME TIME, yes its possible. tell me if calories count, how could I have a 190 pound athlete eating 4,500 calories ( 20 whole egg omelets and piles of bacon at one meal sometimes) right up to a physique show, steadily losing body fat percentage and gaining LBM ? his BMR was prob only 2000-2200 plus his daily TDEE may have been 3500-4000 at most in expenditure. the REASON that you lose FAT while over consuming calories from real food, no sugar, and controlled carbs only, is that our body has a "Calorie conservation" mode and it also has a "calorie wasting" mode. we also burn calories in 5 diff pathways. Mechanical is but 1 path. Thermoregulation is 2, Hormonal (production and utilization of them) is 3, Chemically ( digestion etc) is 4 and Neurological is 5, the more calories we consume the higher our nervous energy usage is, creating more energy for exercise. you are SO fixated on fat loss being your TDEE - intake= fat loss. in reality what has to happen in our body during a deficit is not necessarily fat utilization, you assume that is what happens, what really happens is lower calories lowers TOTAL weight, meaning you lose MUSCLE, other tissues, some fat, and you don't recover as well and also lose bone tissue if done long enough. I'm not talking "Weight loss" once again, Im talking Body Composition change. the excess calories, if healthy, will be utilized for healthy tissue building, not fat storage, thats a very simplistic idea of the body, its not cause and effect. you eat MORE of anything and the body tries to maintain a physiological "Normal" level, like sodium/potassium balance and water, or Oxygen to Carbon Dioxide ratio in the blood controls breathing rate. hell, did you know you will die if you breath PURE oxygen ? it will make you stop breathing due to the "hypoxic drive", until you get a breath with carbon dioxide in it to stimulate the hypoxic drive, O2 in blood gets low, breathing goes up, it gets too high, breathing goes down. you get too hot, you sweat to return to homeostasis, what makes you think calories are any different ? it is ALL controlled by Negative Feedback Mechanisms. true biological actions/reactions are medically known. look into the book "the calorie myth" and he give more than enough medical reference proving my words. as well as "the fat switch" by a doctor or Dr. Jack Kruse's works/website. its all out there.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    ok, I dare you to experiment, if you eat "real food", and balanced meals, eat only enough grams of carbs a day to replenish glycogen lost, INCREASE everything else besides carbs, eat as much as u can, do HIIT cardio and lift and I promise the more food you eat the leaner you will get. will you take this challenge ? prob not, fear will likely stop you from trusting me.

    I have a BMR of 1707 (determined through an oxygen consumption test) so no, of course I'm not going to take on your "challenge" and eat 2500+ calories because I know damn well I will gain weight- whether I eat whole foods or junk food.

    By the way, I already eat strictly whole foods (Mediterranean diet, low carb, moderate protein, moderate fat) due to insulin resistance and hypoglycemia.

    In other words, your theory has been debunked.
    Ok, so your BMR is 1707, do you think it STAYS at that ? and eating less will cause a permanent deficit ?, it will create a deficit for about two weeks, then you will hit a plateau because your 1707 BMR WILL drop to just under what you are eating per day. If you DO take my challenge however, eating MORE than you need will A: RAISE your metabolic rate and thermogenisis (only 1 of the 5 ways we burn calories btw) B: your body will utilize more of the excess calories to build and repair muscle and the body in general, C: it costs 10% roughly of what you eat just to digest the food so you end up with only 90% at most. D: your body ramps UP fat burning enzymes and hormones. result is you WILL lose more fat than before and perform better. calories are no different that water, you drink more you piss more out, drink less, you retain more. like I said, its called a "Negative Feedback Loop". think of it as a fire, you are feeding your fire less fuel than it needs to keep burning hot, it gets smaller and less hot, the metabolism does the same thing. see, you all think that your BMR remains the same no matter your calorie intake, this is not true, the body will try to match by lowing or raising it. so you will lose fat AND muscle tissue until your BMR is say 1200, then you stop losing and can actually gain/retain body fat and lose more muscle. its sad that no one really understand this.

    You will hit a plateau in 2 weeks? Really?

    You do realize that your BMR is not your TDEE?

    Also, please could you show where eating at a deficit causes a permanent drop in your BMR outside what it would due to weight lose. Also, please show me how you will lose weight if not at a deficit?

    And again, please stop making assumptions.

    im not talking about "Losing Weight" here, Im talking about a positive shift in body comp. you know, more muscle and less fat AT THE SAME TIME, yes its possible. tell me if calories count, how could I have a 190 pound athlete eating 4,500 calories ( 20 whole egg omelets and piles of bacon at one meal sometimes) right up to a physique show, steadily losing body fat percentage and gaining LBM ? his BMR was prob only 2000-2200 plus his daily TDEE may have been 3500-4000 at most in expenditure. the REASON that you lose FAT while over consuming calories from real food, no sugar, and controlled carbs only, is that our body has a "Calorie conservation" mode and it also has a "calorie wasting" mode. we also burn calories in 5 diff pathways. Mechanical is but 1 path. Thermoregulation is 2, Hormonal (production and utilization of them) is 3, Chemically ( digestion etc) is 4 and Neurological is 5, the more calories we consume the higher our nervous energy usage is, creating more energy for exercise. you are SO fixated on fat loss being your TDEE - intake= fat loss. in reality what has to happen in our body during a deficit is not necessarily fat utilization, you assume that is what happens, what really happens is lower calories lowers TOTAL weight, meaning you lose MUSCLE, other tissues, some fat, and you don't recover as well and also lose bone tissue if done long enough. I'm not talking "Weight loss" once again, Im talking Body Composition change. the excess calories, if healthy, will be utilized for healthy tissue building, not fat storage, thats a very simplistic idea of the body, its not cause and effect. you eat MORE of anything and the body tries to maintain a physiological "Normal" level, like sodium/potassium balance and water, or Oxygen to Carbon Dioxide ratio in the blood controls breathing rate. hell, did you know you will die if you breath PURE oxygen ? it will make you stop breathing due to the "hypoxic drive", until you get a breath with carbon dioxide in it to stimulate the hypoxic drive, O2 in blood gets low, breathing goes up, it gets too high, breathing goes down. you get too hot, you sweat to return to homeostasis, what makes you think calories are any different ? it is ALL controlled by Negative Feedback Mechanisms. true biological actions/reactions are medically known. look into the book "the calorie myth" and he give more than enough medical reference proving my words. as well as "the fat switch" by a doctor or Dr. Jack Kruse's works/website. its all out there.

    You are talking about recomping. Then why did you just not say that?.

    However, nothing you have said indicates that calories do not count.

    Are you suggesting that for everyone?
  • nicholasawestendorf
    sorry but at that moment someone respectfully asked me a question, instead of just being ignorant like most of you.
    i think someone is bored.

    That's what happens when mom and dad are out for the evening and you get to stay up late.

    haha, nice attempt at a personal attack (once again), I'm 36, and Ive studied the human body prob as long as you have been alive, at least 20 years, I was a Combat Medic in the Army and have had PLENTY of training and experience gained in REAL WORKING CONDITIONS, with great Doctors, not a little "College" frat house. ever wonder, maybe I'm NOT a "heretic" and possibly understand the body a little better than you ?, oh god forbid ANYONE knows the body better than you !! lol. man, never have I met so many close minded people in one place, refusing to even attempt to wonder if what they think they know may be wrong, I'm sorry but if you aren't questioning EVERYTHING you learn from ANYONE then you are never going to know that you didn't know.

    I'm calling B.S.

    And, honestly, if you are 36 and a former combat medic then your parents, your teachers, the military, society, your next door neighbor Phillis, and God himself have failed you.


    yeah I don't think so, maybe its you who are too full of yourself to learn anything new, this is rampant in this field. I also do my own research and reading, I don't just take what everyone "teaches me" as being the gospel truth like you obviously have, if you think its all calories in -calories out, you are behind the curve, just wait and see, a couple years or so this knowledge will become more mainstream, just like when I first found Intermittent Fasting or Paleo back in 2005, people said the same thing to me, now, 9 years later, its mainstream, I have this knack of being ahead of the curve. say what u will, call me crazy, I'm sure they called the man crazy when he said the world is round, he was crazy, until he was proven right. myths are like that, and this is no different.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    sorry but at that moment someone respectfully asked me a question, instead of just being ignorant like most of you.
    i think someone is bored.

    That's what happens when mom and dad are out for the evening and you get to stay up late.

    haha, nice attempt at a personal attack (once again), I'm 36, and Ive studied the human body prob as long as you have been alive, at least 20 years, I was a Combat Medic in the Army and have had PLENTY of training and experience gained in REAL WORKING CONDITIONS, with great Doctors, not a little "College" frat house. ever wonder, maybe I'm NOT a "heretic" and possibly understand the body a little better than you ?, oh god forbid ANYONE knows the body better than you !! lol. man, never have I met so many close minded people in one place, refusing to even attempt to wonder if what they think they know may be wrong, I'm sorry but if you aren't questioning EVERYTHING you learn from ANYONE then you are never going to know that you didn't know.

    I'm calling B.S.

    And, honestly, if you are 36 and a former combat medic then your parents, your teachers, the military, society, your next door neighbor Phillis, and God himself have failed you.


    yeah I don't think so, maybe its you who are too full of yourself to learn anything new, this is rampant in this field. I also do my own research and reading, I don't just take what everyone "teaches me" as being the gospel truth like you obviously have, if you think its all calories in -calories out, you are behind the curve, just wait and see, a couple years or so this knowledge will become more mainstream, just like when I first found Intermittent Fasting or Paleo back in 2005, people said the same thing to me, now, 9 years later, its mainstream, I have this knack of being ahead of the curve. say what u will, call me crazy, I'm sure they called the man crazy when he said the world is round, he was crazy, until he was proven right. myths are like that, and this is no different.

    What exactly is your field?
  • peachmagic
    peachmagic Posts: 57 Member
    enjoy your "ignorance forum", obviously no one here is open minded.

    Sweetie I hate to break it to you but being open minded and believing blatantly untrue things are not one in the same.