
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 493 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I've missed a few days. This has been a busy week. Hubby has scheduled another trip for us, I think he has a goal to drive through all 50 states on his bucket list. We are going to Savannah, Georgia in October. I welcome any comments if you have visited Savannah. We will be staying at a hotel on the river. From everything I've read and looked at online I think it will be a wonderful trip.

    I'm still doing well at maintaining although I have not been as careful as I was when I was losing weight. My knee still feels sore so I stopped doing walking lunges. Today is treadmill and I will do about 45 minutes. Did 25 minutes of yoga already.

    Welcome everyone new. Hugs to all.

    Cindy in OK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Cynthia – good to find some smaller summer clothes – wonder if there are still shorts on clearance racks?

    Alison – I have wondered this for a while but not asked, and maybe you have told us, and I am just forgetful - but you work some non-traditional shifts, what do you do?

    DeeDee – Kitchen looks great, and all the other changes sound wonderful too!

    Becky – welcome !

    Katla – good luck finding a plumber – mine is coming Monday – my main sewer line from the house is impacted – probably ½ or more blocked so I can use the house plumbing if I am careful but no laundry and it has been like that for a week, but Monday was their first appointment.

    Happy Saturday everyone,
    Levi and I walked this morning and now some sewing - it is supposed to be "cooler" today just 100 instead of 104 - sorry but if it is over 90 it is too hot. period - and it is 8:30am and already 80....at 3:30 pm Levi and I have another doggie training class - last week it was only 85 out and it was killer hot at the warehouse the training is in... I don't know how we will make it today - these are reactive dogs and everyone is reactive when they are over heated... just not good!

    Oh well off to work.

    Kim from Hot Hot N. California
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    A lot of people trying to eat healthier cook on the wk ends.You can use zip lock bags to freeze portions.If frozen flat,just stack them. I have to write contents on frozen foods,all looks alike to me::grumble: Try www.skinnytaste.com. She has some great recipes for casseroles,using slo cooker .....all with calories/nutrition info.
    Working a 12 hr shift is a Looong hard day. Hope to see you again. Pat in Oh
    Thank you everyone for the welcome! Kind of new to this but it felt so nice to be acknowledged already. Patty I hope have fun tomorrow and enjoy your DGKids. Cynthia, hope your doggie feels much better. It is so worrisome when they are not feeling good. Hope you have a good weekend. Katla, have fun at the Maritime festival and Tina Happy belated anniversary. Working 12 hours today and took a break to check in. Again thank you everyone and I will look forward to checking in to read your post. As for myself I am still trying to find a good combination of go to meals during the week when I don't have much time to think about food planning. "Between goals and achievement are discipline and consistency"
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Read every thing yesterday and took notes. After that was done to tired to respond to all. Went for a nap. Then forgot to come back. they joys of getting old forget is now my middle name.

    Well wii gave me back the .2 I had lost yesterday playing with .2 one day I see 200 next I see 200.2. One of these days I'll see 199 and keep going down.

    Seems to me I'm doing more and feeling pretty good. Still get winded when I'm washing floors on my knees but at my weight it's to be expected. Just not the same out of breath as before they put the stent in.

    So for all you ladies with weight problem don't let the doctors blame shortness of breath on your weight problem insist that they check your heart. I went to long.

    But so glad they could patch the flat I had.

    See you all lighter.
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    DeeDee ... kitchen is stunning! Thank you for sharing the pics!

    Welcome to Becky and Gina!

    The scale was up 4 pound this am??? Since yesterday ...I don't think so ... lots of water today, that's for sure!

    Logging lunch and then time to get some chores done!
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Caught up on reading all the posts.... Happy weekend to everyone!

    Beth, the .18 cents is likely a transposition of numbers since it is divisible by 9, so look for something like a .35 vs. .53 / .79 vs a .97, etc, to find your checkbook difference. (I look and look for every last discrepancy, too.)

    Gail, metro ATL
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Wow, wow and more wow.:bigsmile:
    The gardens at Great Dixter are INCREDIBLE! No wonder Christopher Lioyd is credited as one of the greatest garden designers in the world. Oh my word, the vivid, clashing colours, the huge, crowded banks of flowers, the bees, the butterflies, the tropical plants, the meadows and the fabulous yew hedges are just stunning.
    I have posted a photo of the main door to the mediaeval part of the house, 1460, where there is a great hall and other rooms. Inside I am afraid I got bowl envy as "Christo" had commissioned many pots by his friend Alan Caiger Smith. Wanted to take them all home with me.
    So it was a very good day with my eyes almost blinded by the riot of colour! :laugh: (Must buy a deep mauve phlox next year. ) Much better than struggling to the beach with all the thousands.:noway:

    So we are out tonight at the restaurant. We might leave a little early so we can have a look at the site of the Battle of Hastings first. I have been many, many years ago, but not recently. I have decided to drive home because that will limit my drinking and I don't need the calories. It's not far and now we know where we are.:laugh: The satnav is essential in these little country lanes.:happy:

    I really am in holiday mood and we have only been here 24 hours. Leaving tomorrow morning. It feels like we have had a real holiday.

    Love to all. I have read, but I'm feeling too lazy and laid back to reply.:embarassed:
    I will enjoy wearing a skirt tonight and leaving off my arm sleeve.:happy: I will take trainers with me for the drive home, but wear wedges to the restaurant. Go me!

    Love to all - congrats to the losers! Linda, I am waiting for that 199!

    Heather in the middle of a field in deepest Sussex, UK
  • Wow! Everyone here is losing weight!

    I am the opposite - I am trying to gain 21lbs as I have become too thin on a raw vegan diet. I now eat raw eggs, raw milk, raw cream chicken and fresh salmon, sardines. Also like avocado smoothies and green juices.

    On average, I consume 2,500 calories daily. I do not eat out, but today bought 2 large all butter croissants. Total calls for 2 = 520!

    OopS! normally don't eat processed food or red meat, but occasionally will eat raw lambs liver for iron.

    Have a history of bad eczema flare ups and am just recovering from 8 weeks of sunburn peel...Trying to load up on healthy protein like kefir to tone my skin and reverse ageing. have done it 3 times in last 12 years. I feel like I know a lot of things about my body now and very rarely see a GP.

    Here's to a curvalicious body in 2014!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    hidee ho ladies,
    Kim- I work as a dental assistant/receptionist/floater/do all the cr-p work.
    a year and a half ago they decided (and Obamacare)to cut my hrs to 30 so they wouldn't have to offer me health insurance..
    I am on my DH anyway.. so the weeks that I don't work Saterday I have longer hours during the week, and when I do work Saterday's then I go in later a few of those days, we are off on Thursdays.
    Well the big Maple is down in our backyard.. and holy cow does it open it up, you never appreciate a shade tree until its gone..
    had to do it though as the top was hanging on by a thread...
    I have made my father's day, I am taking him down to his brother's house for a family picnic,I am hoping my DB and DSIL and her mom will go too.
    I have guilt feelings though,because I am going to a breakfast tomorrow and then going to a picnic in the afternoon ,leaving the Ol boy to hang out on his own.. he is more than welcome to come but,hanging around with an in laws family really isn't his bag
    well. now I am going to try and figure out how to go out to eat and still eat clean:huh:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Cindy,Savannah is a great place to visit. Rich in history,beautiful wide streets & the downtown area is wonderful.Pretty homes on the squares.
    .Read up about it on line.
    DD loves going to Charleston,SC. There is much to be seen,lots of history & you can see plantations,gardens etc.Weather should be perfect in Oct. A lovely trip to look forward to.

    Hello ladies,

    I've missed a few days. This has been a busy week. Hubby has scheduled another trip for us, I think he has a goal to drive through all 50 states on his bucket list. We are going to Savannah, Georgia in October. I welcome any comments if you have visited Savannah. We will be staying at a hotel on the river. From everything I've read and looked at online I think it will be a wonderful trip.

    I'm still doing well at maintaining although I have not been as careful as I was when I was losing weight. My knee still feels sore so I stopped doing walking lunges. Today is treadmill and I will do about 45 minutes. Did 25 minutes of yoga already.

    Welcome everyone new. Hugs to all.

    Cindy in OK
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. THis will be just a short post; we are having company later and I have tons to do! I skimmed the posts and see some new faces...welcome! It's really humid here today with storms in the forecast. DH developed 11 rolls of films and years of digital prints yesterday; the people laughed at him when the bill came to $325! OMG now to the scrapbooking! OK I must run; have a great day today and we'll see you tomorrow. Meg from steamy Omaha
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    This house hunt has me physically and mentally drained.Today,I`m doing laundry and making some cards for special birthday kids.This helps me destress.
    Welcome new ladies.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I just watered all my geraniums (2 balconies), repotted 2 orchids, did 4 loads of laundry and put banana bread in the oven. I feel like Alison or Michele. :bigsmile:

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, agian.

    Bored..........trying not to do much; head and ears ache, temp going up; when it goes over 101 I'll take some tylenol, not happy---no,no,no,... in fact..... grumpy! DD and DH don't want me cooking so they went out to McDonalds.....I said bring me a quarter pounder with cheese.......not hungry but had not had any food all day........they even screwed that up, difficult as it is to believe.. Cranky and mad at everyone here. They have cleared out, gone to the library. I hate being sick, just hate it. Last time was Christmas, in fact, I was sick the last two Christmases in a row. Stomping my feet........

    Cindy...........Savannah in Oct...........perfect!!! They still do the "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" tour, I think..........was a very popular book a while back (80"s???). When we lived in Charleston I was always going to stop off there on the way to Jacksonville but never did. Gorgeous historic district!!!!!!!

    Linda...................Fingers crossed for 199 for you.

    Heather.........Looked up your Great Dixter and found their site and spent ages there.........OMG, those grounds, also did the house tour on video and looked at the site maps. I see a lot of plants I recognize............love Queen Anne's lace--it was all over the roadways when I was young, poppies just like my aunt had in our yard (of course they remind me of the Flanders Fields poem, then I get misty), that blue wave hydrangea--gorgeous.....words really can't do it justice. Also found a BBC show to go back to sometime. Thank you.

    My neighbor's DD has called me to blantantly solicit money to send her parents on a vacation (from the east coast US to both Hawaii and Alaska with a stop to see friends in Ca.) for their 40th wedding anniversary...........is this really how it's done these days? Her reasons, as far as I can tell, are that they deserve this trip because they went where the military sent them (didn't we all?), they raised two kids, helped others out (cough, cough--mainly aforementioned kids), miss friends in Ca., and a couple relatives have died recently. No, I don't think so............that's just called life; she didn't seem at all pleased. Told her I would be sending a nice card and message. Is that mean of me? These two (the parents) are currently away for the weekend as I write this, having a weekend in the country alone to celebrate their 40th anniversary, financed by themselves..........which I also pointed out to the DD. This is the one I just attended a baby shower tea for...........maybe it's the pregnancy hormones....... I think she was running out of time and family wasn't coughing up enough so she widened the circle.............honestly, I got the feeling this girl thinks that if she talks long enough she can sell ice to Eskimos.

    Off to make another mug of tea.....
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Feel better yanniejannie:flowerforyou:
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Oh, YannieJannie ... you are having a no-good, rotten day ... feel better soon!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    YanniJannie- I hope it all goes away soon soon soon..
    Well the guys just left an hour ago from cutting the tree's ,they did an awesome job and clean up, coming back monday to pick up a small truck load of the junk they couldnt fit today...
    well I had a nice early dinner, lemon pepper pasta with roasted asparagus and a sprinkle of parmesan.. and I walked it off did my usual race walk this afternoon, now I know when I do it ,I do it in early morning.. I am sweating like a pig:huh:
    well at least I got 12,000+ steps in ,and now we will go out to see DFIL he is having dinner now so we will wait,I have to stop at the store and pick up some fresh fruit which I will be taking over to the breakfast tomorrow morning..
    I am debating on weather to eat something here before I go.. or see what is offered.. Jacqui's DH owns a restaurant so lord knows what we will have,but it is all people from the gym so I know it wont be pastries and heavy stuff
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Alison - have a nice meal and celebration!

    Yanniejannie - that neighbour has no shame ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Wow! So glad you enjoyed the garden and house. I think it was the best I've ever seen. Everything was twice the normal size ..........and the insect life! ! ! ! Never seen so many huge butterflies!

    Our meal tonight was fine. I had crab risotto and a nut crusted cod with green veg in a herb and cream sauce. I also had one of their mini desserts.:embarassed: :embarassed: Put me over target by 900 cals with wine. (I didn't drive in the end) So altogether I'm over by 700 on my TDEE for the weekend, so a couple of days of strict logging should see me straight again.:happy: It was definitely worth it.
    My Monday guest has cancelled as he feels he has to stay with his aged mother so wont be tempted to over eat again.:tongue: The advantage of being at target is that you can have the occasional over day as long as you make up for it afterwards.:bigsmile: I am determined not to let it run away with me.:noway:
    I enjoyed my new body tonight in a skirt :noway: with dyed brown legs,:laugh: and a sleeveless tight top with my lymphodema arm dyed to match the other one.:laugh: I so rarely go bare armed as I hate my saggy skin, but it looked OK. Wedge shoes, which I rarely wear. Two years ago any of this would have been impossible. I was hiding in my clothes and hated my body. I just hope I have the strength to keep it up.:drinker:

    Night night, I am so tired now.:yawn:

    Heather in darkest Sussex, in the middle of nowhere. Gorgeous.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    That's what is called having a lot of nerve! Where is it written that you take a trip anytime for anything if you can't afford it!
    Wonder if it was the parent's idea? Dad called such ppl nervy nellies :bigsmile:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Yanniejannie proud of you for saying no.:bigsmile: Love that sell ice to Eskimos:laugh: . I feel the same way about Flander's field. When my friend lived in Belgium we did a day trip to to that area. The museum there would turn the hardest heart against war. Hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Speaking of trips Heather that garden sounds to live for. As you can tell by my posts gardens and gardening are at the top of my favorite things to do. :love:

    :heart: MNMargaret