Food No Longer On Shelves, That You Miss ?



  • theapphaniaa
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member

    I came here to say this.

    Freaking. Oreo O's.

    My sister went to Texas years ago. At the time, they were still on the shelves here in NC. They weren't down in Texas. The people she was staying with thought she was crazy when she asked where she could buy them. Poor thing. Came back to NC, and they weren't available here anymore, either.

    They were. Amazing. Seriously. I wish they'd bring them back.

    Also, Pepsi Blue. It didn't have a long life. I remember being home from school when it was released, sick with cat scratch fever. My mom took me to CVS to pick up the medicine and said I could choose whatever I wanted from the store, because she felt bad because I was sick (I also got to choose lunch that day - bread pizza = awesome).. and I saw Pepsi Blue. I was amazed at the color. Mind you, my mom didn't let us drink soda often... but she gave in that day. And it was amazing. It was short lived, though.

    You can still find Boo Berry and Count Chocula at some dollar stores. My local Family Dollar carries them frequently.

    Everyone is going to love this... I found a site dedicated to foods that no longer are!
    LOL :laugh: I posted the link after you did as I didn't see you already had. It is a fun site!:tongue:
  • xraymdabm
    xraymdabm Posts: 7 Member
    Threadjack to KzooPrincess: Kalamazoo? I miss Kalamazoo, lived there from 1981-1994. Now in HOT HOT HOT Tucson, Arizona but happy here, too.
  • fatnomoremama
    I miss Koogle peanut butter! It came in banana, vanilla, chocolate and cinnamon. I used to eat the chocolate straight from the jar as a kid. :blushing:
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    They don't make dunkaroos anymore?!?

    They still have them up here in Canada! I buy them every so often...because clearly I am 9 and not almost 29..haha.

    I knew I saw them at the grocery store recently... I wonder how many calories one of those is, I could go for some frosting! :laugh:
  • Shantabulous84
    Shantabulous84 Posts: 13 Member
    Clearly Canadian carbonated drink!

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    I forgot about Clearly Canadian!!

    you might try DRY soda - similar to Clearly Canadian. Comes in fun funky flavors.

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    I also miss Jello Pudding Pops. And Cookie Crisp Vanilla Wafer flavor.

    I really miss the way things USED to taste...they did something to Ring Dings, Oatmeal Creme Pies, Twinkies, orange cream cupcakes...they don't taste the same as they used to - they taste really "fake." Or maybe it's me...but I no longer even want to eat them.
  • fryebootgirl
    fryebootgirl Posts: 48 Member
    Jello pudding pops and the gelatin pops...and french toast Pop Tarts!!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Dannon's Bokoo yogurt (was kinda like chocolate, yum)
    Dannon's Prune yogurt

    Burry's Fudgetown cookies
    Drake's Funny Bones (have freezer full from before Hostess gave em up)
    Buitoni Instant Cheese Pizza
    Nabisco Chocolate Snaps & Nabisco Chocolate Chip cookies in those cute kiddie boxes
    Nabisco Melody Cookies
    Bonamo Turkish Taffy (yes it is back but the recipe just isn't the same)

    To name just a few....
  • dsalveson
    dsalveson Posts: 306 Member
    Burger King Chicken fries
  • camy_chick
    camy_chick Posts: 277 Member
    PLANTERS CHEESE BALLS!!!!! - I have actually messaged them twice already telling them to bring them back!!!! No other ones taste the same :frown:
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    Boo berry cereal. There was a strawberry one too, don't remember the name. And Count Chocula I think. Do they still make these? They were awesome. I would seriously eat a whole box right now if I could get my hands on one.

    After so many yrs I finally saw these this past Halloween and then they took them back off the shelves
  • nathan6878
    nathan6878 Posts: 115 Member
    I used to love these onion things called Funyons not exactly sure if that is correct spelling!!! I would also buy these other two things, Weight watcher muffins, and Skinny Cow Ice cream cups!!! But the chips were my major downfall!! I go now for the single serve potato chip packs just easier to eat, no counting out how many chips I can have!!!
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Burger King Chicken fries

    I loved those too!
  • Unforgiven83
    Unforgiven83 Posts: 9 Member

    I miss Pepsi in glass bottles too. Never really liked canned pop. (soda if you are from St. Louis) My mom would allow me to have one a day even when they went to 16 ounces.

    Check with your local Dollar General. We sell both Pepsi and Mountain Dew in glass in the one I work at, though that's in Georgia, so not sure about your state.

    I miss Big John's Beans 'n Fixin's. They were a can of pork and beans with a can of "fixings" on the top. Best camping food on the planet! Unhealthy as hell, I'm sure, but mighty good.

  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 509 Member
    Don't know what happened, but for about two years, there was a lunch meat called "Fried Turkey" slices... sooooo good, and actually, lean and low calorie. It disappeared a little over a year ago... I am still in mourning, sniff sniff!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I miss spruce Crush... don't know if it still is for sale in Quebec, but haven't seen it in absolutely ages. You know, Crush soda, spruce bud flavoured, clear. Last I had it, it was in the old fashioned tall clear glass bottles with the crimped cap you need a bottle opener for.