Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    I visited with some old friends of mine from the hospital I used to work at. It was really good to see them since I don't get out much. I did go out for lunch, which wasn't too bad, but the Mikes Hard Mango punch has sent me over my calorie limit, so I'm skipping dinner. I did lose 4.5 lbs this morning. Can't wait to get below 250, when it happens, I am going to do a dance.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just popping in very quickly tonight. I am getting ready to go swimming and I am looking forward to getting back in the pool. I had a nice hike through some trails in my neighborhood today. I went with a friend and made her work hard. My tough workout will come tonight in the pool. The hike was hilly but I was not truly winded from it so all is good.

    Susan- I can't tell you how many times I thought about picking up the phone and calling you as well. I should just pick up the phone and call. :laugh:

    Welcome to all the new people.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    @mn (Holly).. I agree that bread has a lot of sodium, pasta I think too. When I eat at home I never go over on sodium, (I have it set at MFP recommended amount because I don't really track it). My suggestion is to limit processed foods as much as possible and eat lots of fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains. I eat a lot of cheese, dairy and eggs and I am usually fine. It's the bread, crackers, pasta, deli meats etc... anything from a box, really. Maybe try replacing one item, pasta for example, with brown rice or quinoa instead. Then make small changes like this as you get used to it and as you eat more whole foods, the sodium will go down.

    @skinny... probably too late, but eggs is always my go to for high protein low calorie options. One egg, 1/4c egg whites and throw in some veggies for an omelet for under 200 calories. Actually, I just found a crustless quiche recipe that is less than 60 cals per serving. I think the entire quiche is 6 servings so that's still less than 200 calories for half! I'm making it tomorrow for dinner, and I will probably eat half. :laugh:

    @Grammy... way to go on your logging streak and your weigh in!! Awesome!

    @kah.. I also use Vega One protein. I like the small smoothie packs I can take on the go and just add water. I don't really like plain water with protein powder but this stuff mixes really nicely and tastes decent. (the mango tango flavour) But my main source is whey protein, which I use to cook with and for fruit smoothies.

    I would love to do some power lifting, and I've done some techincal stuff at physio, like learning technique with just the bar and starting with very light weights. I know I'd have to join an actual gym with a trainer to start doing that seriously though. Maybe some day.

    @Helen... good work increasing your steps.

    @Teresa... that's a good plan to get that calorie bank balanced.

    @Kaye... I am grateful for this month's challenge too. I also need to get back on track with logging and this is most certainly helping!

    @L2T... I hear ya on the stress eating caused by work. I've become quite aware of when I eat and why, and a major reason is because of work stress. And because I work outside and drive a lot, it's so easy to pop into the drive thrus. Sometimes I wouldn't even realize I was stopping for food until I was up at the window. Crazy! But judging by how well you've done in past, I think you are much more prepared to handle new stresses.

    AFM... I am going to have to put off running for a while. The balls of my feet are still sore, especially the right one. I am hesitant to decrease my steps, but I think that is probably the best thing to do. I've tried a few different gel insoles and such and am not really getting any relief. The only pair of shoes that really feel comfortable on the ball of my foot are my gym shoes, but I don't want to wear them outside of the gym. The runners are second best but are a bit tight in the toe box with the extra gel insole, however I'm wearing those to work right now (instead of running in them) :grumble:

    August goals:

    CALORIES: (2000-2400) PROTEIN: (over 120g)

    8/1: 2381 in, 3090 out ** 129g
    8/2: 2370 in, 3008 out **127g
    8/3: 2373 in, 3343 out **135g
    8/4: 2399 in, ____ out ** 135g


    Sunday: 17k steps(20,858), 55s plank and arm challenge, 3X circuit ALL DONE
    Monday: 17k steps, 55s plank, DONE 25 min run NOT DONE
    Tuesday: 15k steps, 55s plank and arm challenge, 3X circuit
    Wednesday: 15k steps, 1m 10s plank and arm challenge
    Thursday: 15k steps, 3X circuit, arm challenge
    Friday: 15k steps, 1m 10s plank
    Saturday: 15k steps, 1m 25s plank and arm challenge
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tanya--thanks for the suggestion. I thought of eggs, but my husband already made italian sausage for dinner. Plus, I'm still not feeling great after my doc appt. so don't really feel like cooking anything. I will probably just end up under protein and calories for the day. :ohwell: However, you've given me the idea to look up some egg recipes online to bookmark for another day. Sorry that you're having problems with your feet--that stinks. :grumble:
  • wennim
    wennim Posts: 276 Member
    My goal for August is to make checking in here a regular occurrence.

    I am a stay at home mom to five and I am on the go all the time making sure everyone gets where they need to get to and everything that needs to be done gets done. My husband and I started losing weight earlier this year and we both have really become dependent on the scale to tell us how we are doing and recently there was a sudden weight gain (5lbs) for both of us and feeling a bit discouraged.

    We have recently been riding a mountain bike trail near our house on a daily basis. I really didn't want to ride today. Lots of rain this morning but cleared up around ride time. I went. Wasn't exactly excited about it but I went. It helped when the attendant at the gate commented that we certainly are dedicated. I even made it up two of the hills I have continually had problems with. Ended up finishing the ride in pouring rain but it was worth it!
  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    I feel like I need to clarify the "for me" part and get some opinions...

    I don't follow the MFP calorie count tracking part that gives me the gross caloric intake after exercise, etc.

    Right now, what works for me, is to keep to about 1500 calories or less per day, and light to moderate walking. When I start tricking myself into how many calories I've burned by doing some exercise, then I start tricking myself into eating more than I should be, especially if I notice the sugar contents and I still have some room for a 90 calorie snack before bed, etc.

    I feel once I get back to 220 pounds or less, I'll start to plateau more often, and feel better in all aspects, and get in the groove for more intensive work outs again. I know by body, but I also am 10yrs older than when I did this before, so I'm going to have to recognize I cannot be too hard or too strict or I'll be in trouble in not giving myself a break when I need to, etc.

    Does anyone else feel they have to stay under a certain caloric intake and still work out? I'm not a nutritionist, but I know what works well for me to see some results. Things might be different for me now, so just for today I'm taking this one day at a time and starting off with what works, and keeping an open mind to suggestions!
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    I am changing my goal to being under my calorie goal. Keeping track of the macros is just too difficult this time around.

    I made zucchini bread with a giant zucchini I got from the garden. Unfortunately, I think I mis-measured the flour when tripling the recipe and now the bread is subpar. Oh well, Guess we get to keep these 3 loaves and the next batch will be given away. I was hoping to take some to work but now I am slightly ashamed of how they turned out and I don't want anyone else to think so either haha.

    Monday Check-in: This no dairy/ clean eating thing is harder than I thought. I have allowed myself to eat yogurt, and now I've been sneaking in cheese every once in a while. I have been eating very clean otherwise, though. I had to adjust my fitness goals this week due to a dentist appointment on Wednesday morning, so I will be running tomorrow, Thursday and Saturday.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @erienne--I agree that it's really hard to focus on all of the macros. That's why I tend to just pick one, like protein or fiber, and keep that as a focus. But honestly, I didn't pay any attention to macros for about the first year and a half. It wasn't until I got under 200 lbs and the losses started to really slow down that I began to pay attention to macros.

    @truly--for me, being able to eat back exercise calories is extra motivation to burn calories, which is why I don't include exercise into my activity setting and then log any exercise to add to my daily caloric intake. However, you're right that everyone is different. A big part of this process is figuring out what calorie allowance works for YOU. It's hard to give you specific advice without being able to view your food diary, so I can't tell what your net calories are. If you're eating 1500 calories and burning a couple hundred calories, that's probably fine. If you're eating 1500 calories and burning 1000, that could lead to low energy and a slower metabolism. Ultimately though, you need to do what works for you, and if this is working and you feel good (not hungry or low energy), then stick with it. :smile:

    AFM--I ended up just short of my protein goal--got 97g with the help of some peanut butter.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = (37)
    100g of protein = 3/31 days
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    The vote was 101-3 in favor of issuing the call!

    I'm moving to south-east Indiana at the end of the month! :D
  • tvmama
    tvmama Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm Emily. I have 3 little boys and a full-time job, and I've been really, really struggling with my weight since my first was born 7 years ago. I've now hit my all-time high weight, and I really can't take it anymore. I've been off and on MFP but haven't really stuck with it, and so I'm hoping that joining this thread and getting more involved will help! I swim laps every morning; my bigger challenge is definitely getting my eating under control. This looks like a great thread and I'm excited to join!
  • aprueitt
    aprueitt Posts: 91 Member
    Hello, My name is Angie, I am a food addict. Every Mondy I start a diet only for it do be over the same day. I am really struggling getting back on track. I used MFP and lost 35lbs 2 years ago. I know I can do it again. This time I thought I would join some groups for the motivation and support. I love reading all the post. It really makes me feel I can do it too. I want a life style change not just a diet.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a quick check in. And many thanks for the encouragement about my new work situation. I hope I can handle the stress, but it makes me feel better to know that you all believe I can and have my back. You are all a blessing in my life.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    August Challenge - At or under daily calorie goal

    Good Days -3
    Not so Good Days - 1
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Holly (mnwalkingqueen)~How great you and your friend renewed such a long friendship. I don’t track sodium but its hidden in just about everything, so it’s hard to control. The only thing I can suggest is to try and stay away from processed foods and take-out.

    @Marsha (grammywhammy)~Happy Anniversary (my parents celebrate their 49th next week). Seafood sounds fab—enjoy, it’s just one meal. Right? :wink: The link to add me as a friend on Fitbit is

    @Susan~I’m so glad to see you posting again, I missed you! Glad that Cyrus has joined the gym with you, good bonding time! :wink:

    @Tanya~I’m sorry your foot is bothering you, but wise to stop running for a bit so it has time to heal. I hate it when orthopedic issues bench me! :grumble:

    @Truly~I think your mentality of the added calories is true for a lot of people—I try really hard not to eat back any of my exercise calories, also. Sometimes I need sustenance though (especially if I’ve had an intense workout or been in the sauna for very long)--when I do, I try to eat them back in protein, something my body needs for muscle recovery. The important thing is to not become complacent with those extra calories and replace those hard earned calories with trigger foods--its trial and error but eventually we figure out what works best of us..

    @Erienne (ebailey)~I try to be dairy free also, it is hard! I quit drinking milk years ago and just recently quit eating yogurt; however, I cannot imagine life without feta cheese! :blushing:

    @Fera~Congratulations to your husband on his call to a new Church!

    AFM~I needed to rethink my goals for August as well, I think within a hundred calories of my caloric goal is unrealistic—mostly because I don’t think I’ve ever done that! :ohwell: So, my goal is to be at or below my goal—I’m still tracking macros though, I know they are crucial to my success on the scale. Protein was right on the money yesterday; however, carbs and fat were slightly skewed. Ran 3 miles yesterday, see my trainer this afternoon—my upper back is slightly sore from the power squats on Sunday, so wonder what he has in store for today.

    August Goals:

    Calories (at or below): 4/30
    Macros (within 2%): 3/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Run DONE!
    Wednesday~Walk or Run
    Saturday~Rest Day
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.

    Did you know there are over 100 different species of oysters? They’re typically named after the body of water in which they’re grown because they take on the characteristics of the water they live in.
    Here are some other interesting oyster facts:
    • The largest oyster-producing body of water in the world is located in Chesapeake Bay on the east coast of the U.S.
    • Almost two billion pounds of oysters are eaten each year.
    • In the U.S., east coast oysters tend to be smaller, milder and saltier. West coast oysters are creamy and sweet.
    • Only one out of every 10,000 oysters will produce a pearl.
    NATIONAL OYSTER DAY is an “unofficial” national holiday.

    “Success is a staircase, not a doorway.” ~Dottie Walters

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Hi all, I check in here when I can. My goals right now are to stick with eating right and getting exercise. I haven't weighed myself in a while as it's been hard to stick to eating right. I've been swimming every day, but not always eating right. I enjoy reading all of the postings on this thread and am inspired by many of you.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Tuesday- Goal is to get caught up on posts. Also anyone know how to put the report graphs in a post? I tried using the help but couldn't find anything.

    My monthly goal was to stay within the sodium macro- I started tracking last month because had an issue where BP was reading high but learned it was from stress not food.

    1/5 so far but 2 more days I was only over by less than 100mg.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Tuesday-Goal: To lose at least 50 pounds so I can get at least one knee fixed. So tired of limping!

    I am now 8 days in a row under my daily calorie goal! Yeehaw! I take advantage of exercise calories a little. Yesterday I earned a 700+ calorie deficit through exercise and ate back 8 calories. Cutting myself some slack though as I tend to estimate on the high side of calorie counts as a buffer.

    Tom: Happy National Oyster Day back at ya! I'm from the Chesapeake Bay area and love oysters...but only from that area. Sadly I'm in TX now and can only find those HUGE Gulf oysters. Bleh. I've had oysters every way you can imagine, even raw, and miss them and Chesapeake blue crabs soooooo much I have to go back every couple years to get my fix. I'll be there to celebrate Columbus Day this year.

    To all the Newbies: I've been as desperate and frustrated as you are now and can assure you that MFP and this thread can help you. Grab hold of the lifeline and hang on. You can do this!

    To all of you 3-digit losers (and I mean that in the nicest way possible), all I can say is WOW! You inspire me. Thanks for still posting your challenges and successes. It helps a lot.

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Skipped two days and boy...

    @Robin...I have visions of the backyard chase in my head...thanks for the smile. That is the fun type of exercise to get. Robin, I used to live in Sioux Falls, so Omaha was a quick getaway for us. Loved the Henry Doorley Zoo -- my daughter was 2 the last time we went. Now it's about 10 hours away, but I do want to get her back there. Have some great memories that were made in Omaha!

    @Cindy...sorry to hear about the medication. Hopefully it's something your body will get used to and then the weight loss can occur. Just keep at it.

    @Karen...sleep paralysis seems terribly frightening! I don't have it, but once I could have sworn someone was standing at the foot of my bed. I screamed and it was gone. I know nobody was there, but the dream was so realistic. To have it more than once would be terrible.

    @Lelser...the thought of peeling 20 pounds of peaches makes my hand cramp up. Good for you!

    @Laurie...great results from your 5K! Whoop whoop!!! :glasses:

    @Kaye...Going through your father's things will be stressful and painful and joyful all at the same time. My heart goes out to you. :flowerforyou:

    @L2T...I don't envy your schedule. I'm sure after a bit it'll become the new normal for you and then things will progress. Hang in there and keep doing what you've done. You've had such great success.

    @Teresa...I think that sounds like a good plan. You'll be able to make up those 500 caloires in no time.

    @Kelly...welcome. I too have been a flybaby on and off for the past several years. I am jumping in with both feet once I get my new home settled. My goal is to have every box unpacked and either stored properly or sold at a rummage or donated by September 1st. Once that is done, I'm going to FLY...

    @Nagyca...all you can do after a tough spell is get right back at it. Good job! power lifting. I remember when I was doing that back in October - December. I was impressed with how quickly you can increase the weight. You'll be at the 225# beore you know it.

    @dacra...are you wanting to lose 22 pounds in the month of August? Wow, that is a lofty goal and makes me curious as to how you plan on doing that. glad you were able to sit down and talk with your friend. I remember how heavily it affected you so I'm glad you were able to talk it out and renew your friendship. As far as the eating goes, I don't really watch my macros (although I try to hit 40/30/30) so I won't be much help. I'm sure others will have great information for you.'s so nice to see you again. I agree with steps. If you try to do too much all at once, it usually backfires. Eating is the right thing to focus on now.

    @Grammy...yay!!! 7 days. That's awesome. And a 46 year anniversary is worth a nice meal out. I say just enjoy's one day. But if you want to be "good," maybe ask for half of what you order to be put in a to-go box and that will help keep calories down. I'm usually one that will eat half thinking I'll get the second half to go and then pick at it while sitting there.

    @bizybee...great job on the 4 hours!!

    @Tom..I celebrated National Sister's Day, but I'm going to pass on Oyster day. Tried it once and hated it. I will probably try them again sometime in my life, but not now. :laugh: can do it. But you need to get out of the "I'll start Monday" routine (we've all been there). I'm not a big "loser" here but I have learned that one day doesn't ruin it...pick it right back up as soon as you recognize it. That can be on a Wednesday at 3PM if you want it to be.

    AFM. I've been doing good with the calories. I started this month thinking I was going to do number of days, but I think I'm going to switch to a running tally. Right now I'm at a 179 calorie deficit hopefully to be current by the end of today or tomorrow. I also hit the gym yesterday with my sister and the trainer. She took us upstairs which has never been good for us as it usually includes running and doing stairs. It did include both but I was proud of myself. I was able to run an entire lap without stopping. That's a first for me. Now, I couldn't have done more than that, but I'm celebrating my little NSV. While we were to run a lap, the other was suppose to plank for the entire time it took the other person to run the lap. The first time I was able to plank 27 seconds (on my fore arms) and the second time 33 seconds. Also personal bests!!

    She usually gives us two sets to do twice. We were running a little late so the last set she only had us do once and then had to leave. Kristen and I were to do it one more time through on our own. We did, but lots of breaks in between. She became engaged over the weekend so we had a lot of catching up to do!! I'm so happy for her. She's 35 years old and has always said she wouldn't settle. Then she met this man in October. He's a great guy and we're excited to have him join our family next year sometime.

    My plan for today is to just unpack some more. I have 7 boxes in my kitchen/dining area that need to be emptied. If I can get through those today, I will call it a success. That's it for me for now. Hope you all have a great Tuesday!
  • lelser60
    lelser60 Posts: 21 Member
    Monday check in, Stayed at or under the calorie goal so far this month. I have a chicken in the crock pot for dinner, a cat laying next to me helping me with the computer, and all is going well:)