cant poop! tried everything! pretty please help!



  • Lay off the fiber I had the same problem.
  • adopp062715
    adopp062715 Posts: 93 Member
    Pooping 3 times a month is definitely not okay. A healthy pooper goes at least 2 to 3 times a day. I would call your doctor.

    Pooping 2 to 3 times a day may not be healthy for her. Everyone is different. Some people go multiple times a day, some people go 3 times/week. Everyone is different. OP, you need to talk to your doctor. Also, magnesium citrate will probably help as well.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Guys who answered recently, I think she's probably pooped by now--one way or the other. :smile:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Considering OP posted this in November, let's all hope she's pooped by now.

    What would actually happen to your body if you went 4 months without pooping? Would you really explode? What would it feel like even to go that long?

    I don't think you could go that long without pooping. I'm pretty sure it just backs up and causes major issues -- tears the bowel, small intestine, etc. I knew someone who didn't poop for something like 12-15 days. Feces backed up into his stomach and he was vomiting feces. At that point, he went into emergency surgery. Turns out he had colon cancer and a complete obstruction of his bowel at that point.

    yup..I worked on a surgical floor. It will come out one way or another, puking poop is not as uncommon as you might think

    I could have lived my whole life without knowing this particular fact...

  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    Considering OP posted this in November, let's all hope she's pooped by now.

    What would actually happen to your body if you went 4 months without pooping? Would you really explode? What would it feel like even to go that long?

    I don't think you could go that long without pooping. I'm pretty sure it just backs up and causes major issues -- tears the bowel, small intestine, etc. I knew someone who didn't poop for something like 12-15 days. Feces backed up into his stomach and he was vomiting feces. At that point, he went into emergency surgery. Turns out he had colon cancer and a complete obstruction of his bowel at that point.

    yup..I worked on a surgical floor. It will come out one way or another, puking poop is not as uncommon as you might think

    Omg I thought South Park made that up.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    It's probably time to see a doctor about it.
  • ashleycruz754
    ashleycruz754 Posts: 1 Member
    i have the same problem. It can be two things. it could be that you are allergic to a certain food and it is upsetting your stomach, for example i found out that I'm allergic to tomatoes. The second thing could be that you do not have enough positive bacteria. I'll warn you that I'm not a doctor.