Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    gotta bump!

    August Goal Stay Under Calories:

    Days Under: 4/5
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Popping in for a quick up-date: 8 days in a row under my daily goal!

    Wednesday wish: That working out didn't involve so much sweat! :laugh: If I could get in and out of our pool, I'd do water jogging, AND I wouldn't sweat. Must find a solution.

    Just let me say, "I LOVE sweet, juicy, cool watermelon!" Going to be 100 degrees today. :smokin:

    Have a C-O-O-L day!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tracy(tlh)~Awesome job with the running and new PB on planks! My trainer placed a 5# dumbbell on my lower back when I did planks yesterday—it was brutal! Congrats to your sister on her engagement, exciting times! I feel like I’m one of those that will never settle, but you never know…:wink:

    @Truly~You may find a Fitbit charger on Amazon for a decent price, Fitbit sells them on their website as well.

    @Susan~Its amazing how quickly our endurance can falter when we haven’t been active in a while—no worries, you’ll build it back up in no time!

    @Teresa~Hooray for losing another pound!

    @Karen (Skinny)~My caloric goal is set below my TDEE results (I use the Harris Benedict method on—because of my activity my goal really should be 2,350 but it seems so high to me so the 2,000 calories you see is my BMR (since I shouldn’t eat below that). Of course, I can’t seem to eat at BMR either :blushing: —in reality I SHOULD be eating back at least some (if not all) of my exercise calories but my macros are usually where they should be and I can’t justify eating if I’m not hungry. :indifferent: I know this probably keeps me from seeing consistent losses on the scale—I do well for a few weeks and then I hit a wall. I had a huge calorie burn on Monday and did have to eat back some of those calories since I was starving (I was still below 2,000 calories though). I need to talk to my trainer more about this, since it’s consistent—maybe my August goal needs to be to eat ABOVE my goal. I have the same questions about calories—I feel like after all this time I have it figured out too, clearly I don’t. :cry:

    AFM~Saw trainer yesterday, worked mostly arms and did some more running—going to try and take today off from running, maybe the incline trainer at his studio or the elliptical at the gym. My Wednesday wish is that those of us that are struggling to meet our goals each day and are frustrated with an uncooperative scale figure things out soon!

    August Goals:

    Calories (at or below): 5/30
    Macros (within 2%): 3/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Run DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Walk or Run
    Saturday~Rest Day
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Wednesday Wish: That I don't have any more days like yesterday eating wise. I had to create another category of days just to count it for our August Challenge. I will do better today.

    August Challenge - At or under daily calorie goal

    Good Days: 3
    Not so Good Days: 1
    Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days: 1
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Okay, so I just figured my TDEE for 100 days of logging, and it came to 1978. Since I've been maintaining at that average gross intake, I should (in theory) lose weight if I eat below that allowance. If I eat 10-15% below that number, it means I need between 1680-1780 calories. I'm going to set my allowance to 1780 and shoot for the 1680. This should also make it easier to get my protein up to 100g on a daily basis.

    As far as exercise, I'm still going to log it, but I won't eat back the calories since they're already figured into my TDEE calculations. I feel if I log it, it will help keep me accountable;plus, if I'm still not losing in a few weeks, I will have an accurate log to reassess the numbers. Did I mention how much I hate math! :tongue:

    Please, please, please--if you guys see me slacking on exercise, call me on it. My biggest fear is that b/c I won't "see" the results of exercise in the increased calorie allowance, I will "forget" the importance. My rational brain knows that I am getting more calories already in my TDEE b/c of that exercise, but--well, I'm not always rational. :blushing:

    I will keep my running tally, but now my goal is to be at -3000 at the end of the month (-100 calories x 30 days) which would mean I met the -15% goal of 1680 daily,
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    As far as exercise, I'm still going to log it, but I won't eat back the calories since they're already figured into my TDEE calculations. I feel if I log it, it will help keep me accountable;plus, if I'm still not losing in a few weeks, I will have an accurate log to reassess the numbers. Did I mention how much I hate math! :tongue:

    Please, please, please--if you guys see me slacking on exercise, call me on it. My biggest fear is that b/c I won't "see" the results of exercise in the increased calorie allowance, I will "forget" the importance. My rational brain knows that I am getting more calories already in my TDEE b/c of that exercise, but--well, I'm not always rational. :blushing:

    I forgot to mention in my post earlier, exercise is configured into my calculations as well--something I can't slack on either! I definitely need the accountability.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley (kah)--thanks for all of the info! I'm more worried about going over than under--especially on the days I go to the gym, but I think with the increased protein I'll be okay.

    @marsha (grammywhammy)--I used to hate sweating too. I thought of it as a byproduct of being fat and unheathy--which was partially true since I couldn't do any physical activity without sweating up a storm. As I started purposefully exercising, I've learned to LOVE the sweat b/c now it lets me know I've really worked hard. One of my favorite quotes is "sweat is you fat crying." :laugh:

    @tracy (tlh)--thanks--sounds like I will be doing the same thing as you with logging exercise just to see it. Congrats on clearing out some boxes. When we moved my sister last month, we had similar issues with "inconvenient" storage. I had to keep asking her what she didn't use much, and we put those items in the hard to reach cabinets.

    @susan--LOL about my peanut butter. To be clear I do usually eat it on an apple, though I've been known to eat it straight from the jar on accassion. :tongue:

    @robin--great job so far with staying under calories!! :drinker:

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = (83)
    100g of protein = 3/31 days
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    New members - warm welcomes to each and every one of you - send me a message if you need any answers quickly. :flowerforyou:

    GrandmaKaye - I do crossword puzzles (easy and Large Print - daily - carry them in purse too) !

    Skinny - the sleep paralysis episodes are very interesting - never experienced that - but once, at age 12 was crawling under a wooden slat fence and a stallion ran and reared up charging at me from the far side and scared the **** out of me. I was on my belly and my legs went dead. My family helped me into a car and my legs were numb for 12 or so hours. My mom, a nurse wrote it off to hysteria and she was right! It went away after I fell asleep - as soon as i awoke, it was gone and I could walk again. I thought it was a miracle back then -it took a few years before I understood the words "hysterical paralysis"

    Lives2Travel - yes you do have what it takes to overcome stress eating! But your bank MIGHT be abusing you in the end, so document, document, document everything you do! I've been there and done that and it paid off well for me. I learned never to just complain but negotiate gently. Wait 3 months or so. Document those calls where people yell too loud at you with time date name and any abusive words. Use a normal tablet that also documents other duties your doing so its very natural and then later you can highlite the phone calls and then go to your supervisor and show them the frequency - and propose gently they do something to rectify it - and state that you want to have a deadline - one week say - that in one week YOU WILL STOP answering those specific calls if it is not handled. BECAUSE OF YOUR HEALTH - stress- ONLY. Ask if this is a solution to the problem and if they can solve it in a week please so you don't have to resort to that. Or you will have to start taking days off for mental health treatment as a result and will have to do what you need to do. It worked well for me and i got my desired result and no repercussions. It was a doctor that was wearing me down and his behavior was corrected federal regulations etc. running the bank they are very sensitive to these things.....
    Then when it comes down to the conflict between the 2 bosses handle it the same way and you will probably be assigned to only one of the 2 of luck. :drinker: might take 6-9 months for that.

    Morgori - I loved the single womens post - I put it on Facebook!

    Teresa - don't go often but love Jason's Deli.

    Kellly - yay! :flowerforyou: glad to see you!

    Kah - thanks for the Protein powder recommendatoins

    Brenda - GOOD for you for fighting off the office negativity!

    WalkingQueen - I am so proud of you for both changing your phone number and making an old ex-friendship grow again! :flowerforyou: : wow amazing !!!! I know how hard it is to do these things! About food I don't know how to keep sodium down - cuz I eat a lot of frozen foods....hope others can quide you.

    Susan - I know your getting slammed at work! see my advice to Lives2Travel it MIGHT apply to you at this time - you're ready to negotiate things more in your favor - like cutting your hours or whatever benefits your personal life! You should make a move to request what you want PRIOR to your job evaluation coming up so they have time to consider what YOU ARE REQUESTING -not what they see they need to reward you with - its not just about a raise or title.

    shellcollins - welcome! Your goals are ambitious - so if find yourself swamped and unable to accomplish them, you have to let one of your goals go so you can put more of your energy into the others - Sigh - I've found that true myself. NOT SAYING it will happen to you but just don't want you to get discouraged if you can't accomplish all of them all the time! :drinker:

    kateIrving - WOOT -4.5 lbs! HAPPY DANCE! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Tanya - there is a great thread on here on Lifting with Barbells at Home. I used the info to start lifting -very helpful. Here it is:

    Also could you post your crustless quiche recipe? Thanks!

    wennim - I am so impressed by your riding right after a rain AND making your way up those 2 oppressive hills!

    AFM - I made it up to top of page 16 with my personals - remember I consider myself the unappointed leader of this group and am unemployed so I have plenty of time to give my "FREE ADVICE" - and I am NOT an expert - just a blabbermouth!
    Today I have free and am expecting drop - by company which I always enjoy! Friends are the delight of my life.

    I so WISH I was joining the people going to the TOWERS TO TUNNEL Race and could visit with y'all in person. But I have so many fears - flying and navigating thru the NY airport, finding my way around, using a taxi by myself and being cheated, walking further than a big city block, stuff like that. When I was a young medical salesperson, I travelled alone but was always met by a limo driver bearing a card with my last name on it! Such luxury back then! Now I have anxiety - it hold me back from these adventures. -wish there was a way around it....anyone want my email or phone #?
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Skinny... You gave me a headache with all that TDEE math!! I also use TDEE and was losing really well at 20-25% cut the last 6 months. I have to get back to that... I'm using TDEE from my fitbit but I think my numbers are off. In July ( when I was walking like a mad woman AND work out hard 3x per week At physio AND running) my TDEE was 3264. Now my running has stopped, walking has slowed, and I'm off physio til next month. I'm doing 15 min circuits 2 or 3 times a week so that TDEE is way too high now. You've given me a good reminder that another adjustment is in order, though I'm still hungry at 2400 calories a day. :huh:

    Just a comment on your jump in calories from 1390 to 1680... I have read that it is suggested to increase your calories slowly and not jump up to a new goal like that all at once. If you've been eating low calories for a while and it is too low for your body's needs, it will suppress your BMR (despite exercise). It's suggested to bump up by 100 calories per day for a few weeks until your body adjusts, then bump up again. The result if you just jump up may be weight gain. This makes you freak, drop your calories to lose again. You try to increase again, you gain again. So you are stuck at your low calorie goal. The fix is a metabolic reset, slowly increasing in steps until you gain, then plateau several times. I dont want to scare you, your deficit doesn't look that bad, but it may be something you would want to read up on. It's in the "eat more 2weigh less" group on this site. You don't have to subscribe to that particular lifestyle, but there is some very interesting reading there. I didn't have that particular problem in the beginning but found it very helpful working with the TDEE method.

    Those who asked for my recipes... I will share them later, I'm starving and have to make my dinner now. I just got home and thought I'd catch up on the 2 or 3 posts I missed but you guys are chatty today!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tanya--it won't actually be a big jump for me to go to 1680 b/c 1390 was my NET calories which means I was eating more than that most days due to exercise. Even on my rest days I would still walk gunner and earn 100-200 calories more. So my actual caloric intake was anywhere from 1500-2400 depending upong how much exercise I got each day.

    @robin--that story about hysterical paralysis is scary! Glad your mom knew not to freak out about it. I also get anxiety when I fly, but I do it anyways b/c my desire to see new places outweighs my fear of flying. If will be worse going to NYC b/c I'll be flying alone, but at least it's not a long flight. If you want to PM me your contact info, I can send you pictures of us from NY--email or phone depending upon whether you prefer the pics emailed or texted to you. :smile:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Karen/skinny... Ah OK, that makes sense now. I adjusted my calories down to 2200 per day, from 2400. I generally burn 2800 on an active day(work with some workout or walking- like today) and 2000 on a lazy day, so I will try that out and see what happens.

    Here are the 2 recipes I promised:

    Strawberry Chia Seed Jam

    1 cup strawberries ( thawed if frozen)
    Stevia or sugar etc. to taste ( I used 2 tsp but could have used more)
    1 tbsp chia seeds (whole or ground)

    Mash or blend ( I think mash is better, less watery and a bit chunky) strawberries and add seeds and sweetener. Stir, cover and refrigerate for 30-60 min.

    I think it's a bit of a stretch from traditional jam, but it's very fresh tasting. It would go great mixed in yogurt. I tried it on toast but think I will mix in my smoothies instead. I think i just didn't make it sweet enough.

    Crustless Asparagus Quiche:

    2 cups sliced asparagus ( or red pepper, or broccoli... Whatever you like)
    1/2 cup tomato
    1/3 cup onion
    2 eggs
    4 egg whites
    1/2 cup feta cheese ( or parmesan)
    1/4 tsp pepper
    Salt to taste

    You can use more whole eggs or all whole eggs, just reduce the egg whites accordingly

    Mix everything together in a bowl, pour into quiche pan or 9" pie plate and bake at 350 degrees for 45 min.
    Will make 4 decent servings, about 60 cals each if using the eggs/whites in this recipe.

    August goals:

    CALORIES: (2200) PROTEIN: (over 120g)

    8/1: 2381 in, 3090 out ** 129g
    8/2: 2370 in, 3008 out **127g
    8/3: 2373 in, 3343 out **135g
    8/4: 2399 in, 2219 out ** 135g
    8/5: 2389 in, 2940 out ** 121g
    8/6: 2409 in_________**122g


    Sunday: 17k steps(20,858), 55s plank and arm challenge, 3X circuit ALL DONE
    Monday: 17k steps(14,177) 55s plank, DONE 25 min run NOT DONE
    Tuesday: 12k steps,((12,788) 1min 10s plank and arm challenge DONE, 3X circuit (NOT DONE but did 1 min wall sit)
    Wednesday: 12k steps, 1m 10s plank and arm challenge DONE
    Thursday: 12k steps, 3X circuit, arm challenge
    Friday: 12k steps, 1m 10s plank
    Saturday: 15k steps, 1m 25s plank and arm challenge
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tanya--thanks for the recipes! I will definitely try the quiche one soon b/c I happen to have all of the ingredients in my fridge. I tried to make my own version of an spinach/egg casserole this morning and it didn't turn out great. Edible, but kind of bland. :ohwell: I hope your calorie adjustments work for you. Do you use a fitbit or bodybug of some sort to track your calories out? Just wondering b/c I'm trying to decide if I want a new HRM or something else that tracks all calories burned (rather than just those burned from cardio).
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey everyone! I have an "etiquette" question for you. Any opinions/thoughts are welcome.

    I received a facebook request from one of the department chairs at the HS where I work. He is the science department chair who I've really only ever said "hello" to in the several years hes been at our school. I don't really know him at all which is reason #1 to not accept his request. Reason #2 is that he's an administrator, and I'm not even FB friends with the administrators who I DO know well and like. I post a lot of pro-union and pro-teacher articles on my page to share with my teacher friends. Although they aren't all necessarily anti-administration, they are sometimes at odds with what I know our administrators are being forced to push on us by the BOE and politics in general. Ultimately, I feel it's not appropriate to be friends with my bosses on FB. He's not my direct boss, but it would still be awkward.

    I've already decided I won't accept his friend request, but my dilemma is, do I just ignore the request, or do I send him some sort of message? Since I don't even really know him, I'm not sure how he would take a message saying I'm not friends with administrators on FB.

    This leads to a 2nd part of my dilemma. One of my friends, who was a science teacher (and is FB friends with the above guy), has just taken an opening at our school as a Dean. It's not a true administrator position in that she doesn't evaluate teachers, but she's also no longer a teacher and is kind of lumped in with admin. Do I delete her? I feel like if I tell her department chair I'm not friends with admin, but he can see I'm friends with her, he'll think I'm just making excuses and take it personally. I also actually have an actual relationship with her, and I'm still FB friends with her husband (another teacher at the school), so it's not like deleting her would keep her from seeing anything I post through her husband's page. I would feel silly deleting her on that account.

    Ugh--talk about your 21st Century problems. :grumble: I'm honestly tempted to just ignore his request and hope he forgets he sent it. If he pushes the issue, I can explain why I'm not accepting the request.

    Just wondering what others thik.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Karen, I had a similar problem when I was a supervisor of the call center at my work. All the phone reps would want to add me as a FB friend. What I did was send them a note that indicated as long as I was a supervisor, I would not become friends with anyone that reported to me directly or indirectly (technically we were split into 6 teams as far as reviews went, but we all supervised the area throughout the day regardless of which team they were on).

    I did have one person that left the department, I became FB friends with her and she ended up back in the department. I never really thought about it (she wasn't a big poster and I only talked about my family activities really). I think I would delete her if I had it to do over again and just go back to the same reasoning.

    There are my two cents. :tongue:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Karen, I think I would ignore the request unless he brings it up again. I'm not sure what I would do about the other one. I probably would just leave it unless it becomes an issue.
    Nicole got her teaching assignment. She will be at the high school library in the mornings, the middle school in the afternoon, and will continue to teach the middle school honors English class. She is very excited. It is the plan that she had suggested to the administration. She just couldn't bear to just leave her middle school library without a chance to train the Para.
    I had another good day of staying in my goal and avoiding the mindless eating that is my downfall. It was much cooler this evening for our walk. I enjoy it so much more when it isn't too hot.
    Someone finally came and got that big tree trunk out of my driveway, I got the stove cleaned, and the washer should be fixed tomorrow morning. Things are looking up. I still have lots to do, but it will get done.
    Tlh, I think that scheduling a house warming party sounds like a great strategy.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Cruisevacation
    Time to get back into the swing and try this once again. The good news is that I have not gained any weight back since I was so good at documenting last year, but I truly need to lose more weight and exercise more. My eating habits are not near as bad as they used to be, but they could still use an improvement.

    I have not yet read this entire thread, but what I did read sounded promising of a great bunch of folks so if you'll have me, I'll jump in and look for your support and attempt to support others...:)

  • kandialex
    kandialex Posts: 2 Member
    hi new here not sure how to post??
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I feel like I need to clarify the "for me" part and get some opinions...

    I don't follow the MFP calorie count tracking part that gives me the gross caloric intake after exercise, etc.

    Right now, what works for me, is to keep to about 1500 calories or less per day, and light to moderate walking. When I start tricking myself into how many calories I've burned by doing some exercise, then I start tricking myself into eating more than I should be, especially if I notice the sugar contents and I still have some room for a 90 calorie snack before bed, etc.

    I feel once I get back to 220 pounds or less, I'll start to plateau more often, and feel better in all aspects, and get in the groove for more intensive work outs again. I know by body, but I also am 10yrs older than when I did this before, so I'm going to have to recognize I cannot be too hard or too strict or I'll be in trouble in not giving myself a break when I need to, etc.

    Does anyone else feel they have to stay under a certain caloric intake and still work out? I'm not a nutritionist, but I know what works well for me to see some results. Things might be different for me now, so just for today I'm taking this one day at a time and starting off with what works, and keeping an open mind to suggestions!

    Truly - you know your body and yourself well. I do think this works for many of us, especially for maintaining our weight.

    Skinny - I can't do math either ! :laugh:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    FeraFila - so happy your officially MOVING - and you have a date! :flowerforyou:

    tvmana - welcome - you did the greatest thing by joining - the next greatest thing you can do is by not quitting when you have future failures - cuz its happened to all of us here - ok? so just keep coming and admitting you had this or that and move on and celebrate the victories as great moments on your journey!

    aprueitt - helllo - yes, we're all about the life time journey and supporting each other - we're here for you, Food seems to be the second greatest pleasure in life, after love, so it is hard to control. I'm working on eating very slowly. Its something to consider if you want to - it seems to help me enjoy each and every taste in the food and so on. You make more observations...Hope to see you back.

    W-Queen - nope can't help I have no idea how to put the graph into a post -but do you mean post it in the thread? i might have an idea. Have you tried to print it out? then you could scan it as a j-peg. Save it, up-load it to a website that would be suggested on the following MFP site and then follow the site's directions on how to post a photo. Here is the link to that info:

    To All - in fact that is such an important site you should copy it into a file of websites you want to save for use later. I of course am assuming you all have a separate MFP file somewhere off of this site! :bigsmile:

    GraWha Lamby - :wink: a new knee in 50 - ah that will be quite a transformation for you ! Don't rush but you'll lose that 50 - we're all behind you and watching you get moving ! Go Marsha Go! :drinker:

    tih - ha - I was surprised you weren't dead by the end of your story - ohh wow, I'd be with all that work at the trainers and an engagement and 7 ktchen boxes - which I'm sure were none too light - too unpack - hope you got some sleep :yawn:

    Skinny - when you told me about your sleep paralysis I went off on my tangent and didn't really respond to your situation but I did keep thinking about it - to continue to have it must be a weight on your shoulders - thank god its infrequent. But so scary when you were younger - my goodness how scary - !
    Thanks for the NY info -:bigsmile:

    Tanya - thanks for the quiche recipe! Yumm...

    Skinny - 21st Century Etiquette does interest me! quite a dilemma you have - as you have decided, I agree with you, just ignore the male administrator's request - you don't own him any explanation. Re: the female friend who is now a "technicaly" dean and her teacher husband friend both on FB - err on the side of caution - block both of them from your feed if that is possible on FB, if not friendship trumps over job position. You need to send a personal message to her, congratulating her on her promotion to that position, even if its not truly administrative, she needs some recognition. Tell her you want to keep your professional relationship separate from your friendship and you know she'll understand. Then a week after you are sure she has read the note, de-friend her and her hubby on FB. no need to bring it up. She'lll understand . The next time you see her and thereafter, greet her with a warm smile and your normal greeting. All should be well. .

    Kaye - I'm glad the stumps gone and the washer part is on its way. Looks like some positive winds comeing for you!

    eastcoastvac - welcome - stick around for a good time and make some friend along the way

    kandialex - yep you did all right in your post! congratulation. just in case you get lost I'll send you a message,OK?