Drunk rant about women



  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    Anyway, I wish women didn't feel the need to do these things, but you know... if women embraced more natural beauty, society would call them "gross."

    That simply isn't true.

    The minimum I can get away with at work is blush, foundation, eyeliner, mascara, brow pencil and lip gloss. I start getting social pressure if I leave off the eyeliner.

    This is definitely job dependent. I've met the majority of our clients in jeans/t-shirt and possibly dirt on my face. But I do believe that if the majority of women stopped wearing makeup, it wouldn't be demanded anymore because everyone would just get used to it.
  • MsBetteDavis
    MsBetteDavis Posts: 118 Member
    This is a complete side note - but in a lot of the topics that can cause some controversy, things get out of control so fast and someone ends up being attacked, or someone takes something completely the wrong way or is a total *kitten*, and I just wanted to comment that it's actually really nice to see people being calm about this and giving their opposing viewpoints yet still being nice about it.
  • SarahRuthRuns
    SarahRuthRuns Posts: 118 Member
    Anyway, I wish women didn't feel the need to do these things, but you know... if women embraced more natural beauty, society would call them "gross."

    That simply isn't true.

    The minimum I can get away with at work is blush, foundation, eyeliner, mascara, brow pencil and lip gloss. I start getting social pressure if I leave off the eyeliner.

    That's insane.

    I'm at work right now in jeans, a sweatshirt, and sneakers. No makeup at all. And I let my hair air dry on my way to work this morning and then just pulled the sides up into a barrette when I got here. This is how I look every day.

    I shave, but that's about it. I don't even own makeup, pushup bras or heels. I rarely dye my hair, and when I do it's only to cover grays (I'm starting to get a few...), and it's always the same color or really close to the same.

    I don't care what anyone thinks, and I get no pressure from anyone to be any different. My husband likes me the way I am, I am comfortable the way I am, and that's all that matters to me.
  • ekztawas
    ekztawas Posts: 114 Member
    I guess I can kind of get where he is coming from. But on the same token, it is relatively obvious when a girl has a bunch of makeup on, 8 inch F-me pumps, and a push up bra. Guys can't honestly think they wake up looking like a $5 hooker, right?

    LOL. Yes, it's quite obvious then.

    I think as women we're damned if we do and damned if we don't. While I can understand where this man is coming from and how hurt he is, I think he would also complain about dating women who didn't put any effort into their appearance.
    Meh, I'm still going to continue wearing makeup, wearing push up bras, and wearing tight jeans. Because I LIKE IT and I've heard no complaints from the men folk.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member

    Make up and spanx and push up bras and excessive hair styling can be misleading, but can it also be unethical when taken to the extreme?

    As a 44 year old, maybe my perspective is different than your coworkers, but my bottom line is: I like when people try. If a woman is taking the time to go through all of these "deceptive" measures to look better, I applaud that. I've seen countless men and women who get married, get extremely comfortable, and quit trying. They quit taking care of themselves, gain weight, the women cut their hair off and quit wearing make-up, and both of them lapse into some sort of creepy androgynous middle-ground of existence that doesn't resemble anything close to the way they were when they first met. So I totally disagree with your drunken coworker - be appreciative that people are trying.
  • The question remains - for both sexes - why are you making up your face/body ??

    because everyone is entitled to wear whatever they want in order to feel like they look nice and feel comfortable - no matter what that definition of "nice and comfortable" is.

    i think the biggest misunderstanding from people who prefer to look more casual (or in some cases extremely casual) when they leave the house about those of who don't is that "OMG it must take so much more time!!" No, it doesnt. it takes me 3 minutes to put my makeup on in the morning (i know because i've even done it at the train station when i had 3 minutes until the next station :laugh: ) and it probably takes me less time getting dressed because i primarily wear dresses which means i dont have to deal with top AND a bottom when getting dressed.

    i cant speak for anyone else but i know that I personally dont own any frumpy/schlubby/dumpy clothing. so it's not like i need to run around trying to find something i look good in because everything i have in my closet i look good in. i can just quickly grab something that i happen to look fabulous in (and hello that would be why i bought it in the first place)

    of course there are my workout clothes are warm ups, but those are for working out so why would i be wearing those when i'm not on my way to/from a workout anyway?

    Yeah, but then you will deceit all the poor men and trick them into wasting an hour of their super important lives by taking you out on a date before realizing your eyelids aren't naturally sparkly dark blue and black! You evil lying woman!
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    The question remains - for both sexes - why are you making up your face/body ??

    Because I like to look nice. The only time anyone will ever catch me wearing yoga pants is when I am in my house. If I have to go out -- even if I am going to the gym -- I will put on pants and a nice shirt. I feel like a sloppy dirt bag if I go out in yoga pants or even cotton pull-on shorts. My husband and I were going to the gym and I had on a pair of shorts that said CANUN on the back and I was going to change before we left the house because I felt sloppy in them. He convinced me to just wear them (and later I found out it was because they apparently make my butt look good :laugh: ) but I felt sloppy.

    I am also not a fan of wearing sneakers with jeans or any pants for that matter again, because I feel sloppy. Even if I am going to the grocery store I will put on a shoe that has some sort of a heel because I think it looks nice.

    In all honesty I think too many people out there are comfortable in their yoga pants, sweat pants, sneakers what have you and don't dress up enough. My husband and I always dress up (or look really nice) when we go out. Even when we go to our outdoor summer concerts I will wear a dress and he wears a nice pair of shorts and a nice shirt. Too often when we go out some place nice we see people dressed sloppily. If you're going out to a nice restaurant you should at least make an effort and not just roll out of bed and go out in your pj's.

    I also don't wear make up all the time. Usually when I go out but there are plenty of times that even when I'm dressed up I just don't feel like putting on a "full face" and will just do mascara and lip stick. 99.9% of the time during the week I don't wear a bit of make up.

    The bottom line is I dress up and wear make up because I like it. I don't like looking like someone who just rolled out of bed and decided to go out for the night.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I rarely use camouflage of any kind, but I don't think that makes me more legit than other women. I'm just cool with me the way I am. My man thinks I look good and there's really no one else I need to impress. I might get a little dressed up for a special occasion, but that doesn't happen often.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    The question remains - for both sexes - why are you making up your face/body ??

    because everyone is entitled to wear whatever they want in order to feel like they look nice and feel comfortable - no matter what that definition of "nice and comfortable" is.

    i think the biggest misunderstanding from people who prefer to look more casual (or in some cases extremely casual) when they leave the house about those of who don't is that "OMG it must take so much more time!!" No, it doesnt. it takes me 3 minutes to put my makeup on in the morning (i know because i've even done it at the train station when i had 3 minutes until the next station :laugh: ) and it probably takes me less time getting dressed because i primarily wear dresses which means i dont have to deal with top AND a bottom when getting dressed.

    i cant speak for anyone else but i know that I personally dont own any frumpy/schlubby/dumpy clothing. so it's not like i need to run around trying to find something i look good in because everything i have in my closet i look good in. i can just quickly grab something that i happen to look fabulous in (and hello that would be why i bought it in the first place)

    of course there are my workout clothes are warm ups, but those are for working out so why would i be wearing those when i'm not on my way to/from a workout anyway?

    Yeah, but then you will deceit all the poor men and trick them into wasting an hour of their super important lives by taking you out on a date before realizing your eyelids aren't naturally sparkly dark blue and black! You evil lying woman!

    Or you could just spend a moment to cuddle with a kitty and take a picture... that is attractive too. ;)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    in terms of push ups bra's being dishonest- I feel like if men didn't put so much stock in how fabulous boobs were- we might not be so obsessed with making them bigger and higher- but that's kind of a chicken or the egg question- we'll never have a good answer.

    I totally agree with you here. It's both men and women who place such emphasis on breast size.

    I have small breasts, but I've learned to be confident in myself with the help of my boyfriend (who happens to be most attracted to women with slightly bigger butts and smaller breasts, so hooray for me being his perfect woman!), so I don't feel the need to wear a push-up bra, but I feel like most girls aren't so lucky.

    He is not the only one who likes that. I DO
  • jmt08c
    jmt08c Posts: 343 Member
    in terms of push ups bra's being dishonest- I feel like if men didn't put so much stock in how fabulous boobs were- we might not be so obsessed with making them bigger and higher- but that's kind of a chicken or the egg question- we'll never have a good answer.

    So you DO admit that boobs are fabulous.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    in terms of push ups bra's being dishonest- I feel like if men didn't put so much stock in how fabulous boobs were- we might not be so obsessed with making them bigger and higher- but that's kind of a chicken or the egg question- we'll never have a good answer.

    So you DO admit that boobs are fabulous.
    And see, this is another one.

    I have had large breasts since I was 9 years old and they have NEVER been perky. I mean, obviously in a bra they are, but loose and carefree? Nope. (My nipples do point up, though.)

    Yet in all my years of undressing in front of men -- and there has been more than one -- I haven't had a single complaint and none of them have refused to look at them a second time. Are they the prettiest in the world? Of course not. But saggy or perky doesn't seem to be an issue.

    I think women believe they're being judged far more harshly than they actually are. And I find men far less concerned with little details of women's appearance than other women. There are always exceptions, but overall, it just hasn't been an issue.
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    I never understand this argument. "You wear makeup! You change you're hair! You're lying! Liar!!"

    Like, I'm sorry, do you actually believe I roll out of bed with a perfect line of black accentuating the shape of my eye, blood-red lips and flawless skin? Is it alarming for you when people change clothing? How do you function?

    Babies have no concept of object permanence. Neither do horny men.
  • SarahRuthRuns
    SarahRuthRuns Posts: 118 Member
    The minimum I can get away with at work is blush, foundation, eyeliner, mascara, brow pencil and lip gloss. I start getting social pressure if I leave off the eyeliner.

    That's insane.

    I'm at work right now in jeans, a sweatshirt, and sneakers. No makeup at all. And I let my hair air dry on my way to work this morning and then just pulled the sides up into a barrette when I got here. This is how I look every day.

    I shave, but that's about it. I don't even own makeup, pushup bras or heels. I rarely dye my hair, and when I do it's only to cover grays (I'm starting to get a few...), and it's always the same color or really close to the same.

    I don't care what anyone thinks, and I get no pressure from anyone to be any different. My husband likes me the way I am, I am comfortable the way I am, and that's all that matters to me.

    In her defense it's really job dependent. You'd be sent home without pay if you wore that in my office.

    But also that's a professionalism thing, separate from the dating world.

    I get why there are dress codes and such for some offices, but when you reach the point where there is a minimum amount of makeup you are expected to wear, that's when I think it's insane.

    I haven't been in the dating world in over 20 years, so can't really comment there. :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    The question remains - for both sexes - why are you making up your face/body ??

    because everyone is entitled to wear whatever they want in order to feel like they look nice and feel comfortable - no matter what that definition of "nice and comfortable" is.

    i think the biggest misunderstanding from people who prefer to look more casual (or in some cases extremely casual) when they leave the house about those of who don't is that "OMG it must take so much more time!!" No, it doesnt. it takes me 3 minutes to put my makeup on in the morning (i know because i've even done it at the train station when i had 3 minutes until the next station :laugh: ) and it probably takes me less time getting dressed because i primarily wear dresses which means i dont have to deal with top AND a bottom when getting dressed.

    i cant speak for anyone else but i know that I personally dont own any frumpy/schlubby/dumpy clothing. so it's not like i need to run around trying to find something i look good in because everything i have in my closet i look good in. i can just quickly grab something that i happen to look fabulous in (and hello that would be why i bought it in the first place)

    of course there are my workout clothes are warm ups, but those are for working out so why would i be wearing those when i'm not on my way to/from a workout anyway?

    Yeah, but then you will deceit all the poor men and trick them into wasting an hour of their super important lives by taking you out on a date before realizing your eyelids aren't naturally sparkly dark blue and black! You evil lying woman!

    that's OK because women like me eat unsuspecting men's souls. that sparkle on the eyelid is just part of the post soul-eating after glow
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    So my laziness is a virtue? Yay! I always thought men liked that whole gussied up thing.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I wear what I want, and I don't care who likes it or not.

    If someone thinks I look fake then he can NOT ask me out.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    no no no no no heres how it went down

    1. create unrealistic, unattainable standards of beauty for women
    2. build a multi-billion dollar beauty industry to sell women makeup and other products, tell them they are worthless without it
    3. Mock women who wear makeup as vain and fake, mock women who don't as ugly
    4. Code makeup as feminine, make the feminine shameful and embarrassing
    5. complain that women look fake and you get what you see with men because they cant wear makeup

    stay woke please
    beaten to the punch, good show. :laugh:

    No one MAKES you wear it. I do what I want. If I wear makeup it's because I want to. If you STILL give a carp what other people think by 25 it's time for some serious soul searching. Your worth isn't determined by 'society', unfortunately too many people still bow to the whims of others. Regardless of how someone looks or what they wear or how they shave/don't shave there is someone out there for whom they will be perfect. It's not up to us to try to define an individual but up to the individual to define themselves and if you don't like it , don't look.

    I think your friend needs to grow up because his rant reminds me of something a teenager would say.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    the only place and industry i've heard of there being a need for makeup is if you work at sephora, MAC or a makeup counter.

    as far as dating, i like to look my best but i also expect the same for the guy who i'm going out with.

    i do find that a lot of this is also vastly dependent on where you live. when i lived in france i would dress the same and would be seen as normal.. same with NYC ( but then again anything is normal in NYC). when i lived in ohio i was seen as overly formal and called a snob. now i live in the bay area and work in silicon valley and i'm considered dressed up.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I don't like spanx. I think it's stupid and it misrepresents your body. I say wear the size dress you are supposed to wear, suck in your gut and make the best of what you got.

    For isntance, if you have a FUPA, or a pooch under your belly button, DON'T wear a dress with a belt or over-the-belly-button pants that will acentuate it . Wear something that will sit right at your pudge so it looks less or wear the right top to cover it.

    About dyeing hair, well, I'm not ready to go all grey and I don't look old enough so I will continue to dye my hair the natural dark brown it's always been and I leave it curly, cuz that's how it looks best. And it makes my olive green eyes stand out.

    But people have a right to dress up if they want or wear chicken cutlets in thier bras if they feel like. I don't, but then I'm a little more secure about my smallish breasts and my big *kitten*.