Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 3



  • bellydancerj9
    bellydancerj9 Posts: 34 Member
    Ugh we're moving AGAIN at the end of February and it's stressing me out! Thank goodness we're signing a 12month lease. I'm trying to budget and figure out what needs to come out of which check so that everything gets paid on time. It doesn't help that I'm getting hired on in the middle of February which is going mess with my checks. Hopefully I get hired on a date to where I won't have to go 3 weeks before getting my first company check! And fingers crossed I get a big fat raise! And all this fast food I'm eating isn't helping the budget OR my waist line.

    Hope it gets better for you that is a lot of stress you have going on. You dont need that fast food...
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well my bf has now gained 20lbs since we started dating and he hates it. (He's a whole 165 at 5'7" btw) He has a little bit of a belly but thats it. I appreciate the fact that he wants to eat better, not only to lose weight but because he feels like crap. He works out of town a lot and constantly eats fast food. I made him a username on here, and starting today he's texting me what he eats and I'm keeping track. It's not exact but it's giving us somewhat of an idea. Plus it's really showing us how horrible those fast food meals are!! He over DOUBLED his sodium yesterday and he definitely felt it!

    Anyway, tracking his calories have me excited about tracking mine again. I had been slacking and getting bored with the whole calorie thing, but now that we're doing it 'together', my motivation is back! It helps that it makes it somewhat of a challenge too, like when we go running together. Anyway, I'm excited! :happy:
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Rach that is an awesome way to help your boyfriend. Look at all the lives you have effected in such a positive way. You should be very proud of yourself that on your journey you have helped so many others.

    My boyfriend is totally health and fitness minded. It makes it so much easier to workout with him and do the meal plans together.

    You are awesome!

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm just glad he's going to try it this way and not go back to his 'corn dog diet' as he calls it. :huh:
  • bronzegemini
    bronzegemini Posts: 49 Member
    I just completed a 3-day cleanse and I feel great. I also cleaned out my fridge and cabinets of all foolishness. Fruites, Veggies, Fish and Chicken and brown rice and yams for my carbs. I'm so ready for this. Now if I can just get back into my workout schedule together.

    Way to go everyone on the weight loss. Can't wait to weigh in on Monday!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I have started tracking my cals again consistently this week.
    I noticed I have been letting myself indulge a little too much lately and maybe that explains my month long plateau.

    Congrats to everyone that lost last week. Somehow I missed the thread when it was posted so I am a little late! :laugh:

    Dani :flowerforyou:
  • feetypajamas
    feetypajamas Posts: 104 Member
    Hey gang!

    Rach was kind enough to let me wiggle my way into the group. :P Better late than never, right?

    I'm currently a SAHM of two monsters, aged 5 and 7. They're driving me nuts right now, because of the snow day. BOYS! >.<
    I'm hoping to start cosmetology school in the fall, provided the financial aid gods smile upon me. :) I seem to get a late start on a lot of things. LOL

    I also have an 18yr old stepson (19 soon). His GF *cough* sorry, fiancee *cough* is pregnant, and will make me a step-grandmother in May. I'll be 34!!!! *faint*

    I'm tired of being fat! I've battled it my whole life. Lost a lot in my early 20s, in a very unhealthy way, and put it all back and then some after getting married, kids, etc. I want to be able to keep up with my kids! Actually participate instead of watch from the couch. And with that baby on the way... I'll need to be fast on my feet when he starts crawlin' around! Even with going to school... and working in the future. So many long hours on my feet. Need to lighten the load on the poor things. ;)
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Got some mini-muffin recipes offline and plan on making the cappuccino ones this weekend. :tongue:
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Sorry I've been behind on my posts, ah!

    Monday my weight was 198.0. Just a half pound lost, jumping back on the wagon NOW!
  • feetypajamas
    feetypajamas Posts: 104 Member
    Ooooh cappucino muffins sound so good!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Feeling so much better today. It may be the fact I slept for like 16 hours yesterday. I found my kickboxing dvd!! Woo! It was stuck in between some stack of DVDs out of the case. But now i can't find the remote to the blu-ray player and it won't work without it. So I'm going to wait until baby naps and do it in the other room with the old DVD player that doesn't need a remote to work. I tried it on the ps3, but I'm not smart enough to work that contraption.

    So that's my agenda, kickboxing for 20 and walking for 20 then cooking dinner tonight. I have an interview with IMAlive ( today for starting my online suicide prevention stuff. I'm stoked. They'll be calling in about 45 minutes and I totally have no idea what they're going to ask but I'm cool with it.

    What should I cook for dinner? (I'm a vegetarian, keep that in mind. lol)
  • FrankyOsage
    I have created a little goal for myself. I've decided that I will take one superfood a week, find a recipe and make it. Small step on my way to healthier eating, but it helps to break the cycle of eating the same stuff all of the time. Plus, wouldn't you know it, a ton of fruits and veggies are superfoods. This is totally gonna help bring variety to my diet AND help me consume more veggies than just bell peppers, green beans and salad. Not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited to start knocking these foods off my list.

    Thats an awesome idea!!
  • FrankyOsage

    After a week of eating right, watching the cals, etc the scale finally budged. I mean, i was the same exact number down to the ounce for 10days and that has nevery happened before in my life. Maybe from being sick? Who knows. And all it took was feeling healthy enough to workout and it jump started. yay!

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Oh my goodness I had the BEST potato the other day and I forgot to share. I had a veggie spud at McAllister's here in town. I've lived in Texas for over a year now and had never gone. I got half a chicken panini with half a spud, and it was yum. Potato covered in green peppers, tomato, olives, onions, mozzerella cheese, etc. Ahhh!!! I think i'm going to start loading my taters at home. :tongue:
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Finally reached the big 6-0 lost since starting MFP in September. Woo!

    Had my interview and the lady was kind of.. I don't know but not very friendly. She was straight to the point and just not a very warm person but whatever, it's done so I'm okay with that.

    I also had a NSV today!
    I bought my first pair of shorts (ever) over Christmas and pulled them on today and they fit like a glove! I was so stoked. I can't wait to wear them with some leggings and combat boots.. Yeah, that's my style. Lol.
    Also tried on the pair of 14's I've been eyeballing and I can get them on just not quit closed but close!

    Chopping it up to a good day.
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good week. We keep getting hit with storm after storm here in lovely NH, at this rate the kids will be in school until August!

    Goals for the week: Not beat myself up. I had an epiphany during my run last night (btw it was almost 10pm) I overslept in the morning so I decided to run at night. Didn't go so well after a full day at work then home and kids! The run wasn't pretty and it wasn't long, probably my worst time yet. So I've decided that I'm going to cut myself a break and make up for it today.

    Victory for this week: Since I didn't run much last night I successfully turned down the ice cream cake at work today and kept on driving past the Burger King. (That was a pat on the back!)

    So nothing but water all week, and I will kick butt running tonight! Can't wait for the weigh in on Monday. :bigsmile:

    Happy Thursday!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Welcome feetypajamas!

    jaspersmommy - Congrats on the big 60! Woot Woot - Shaking pom poms for you! Very impressive!

    I wish I was at home we are trying a new veggie recipe tonight - chickpea hamburgers without the bun. I'm sure you could find a recipe on line. I'll let you know tomorrow how they are.

  • AmandaR910
    Had an awesome workout today!! 720 calories burned on the stair climber/strider thing.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    That's awesome!!!

    I'm dying for use of a treadmill, back down in the 20's this evening with LOTS of wind. Yeaaaaaaa, no thanks. :laugh:
  • punkrockmama
    punkrockmama Posts: 142 Member
    Wait!!!!!!! I want to be a modern pinup girl!!!! Okay, I know it's late to join, but I LOOOOOVE this thread and was wondering how long until you start another "session"?
    And maybe even if I can't be "official", you all wouldn't mind if I was like an unofficial member?!?

    Monday 1/3: 157.6 (ack! I've been reluctant to reveal my real weight!!)
    Monday 1/10: 156-ish (I actually don't have the exact weight!)
    Monday 1/17: 155.8

    I'm a sloooooowwwwww loser. :D