

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends~
    It's taken me 3 evenings to catch up on reading all the posts. Unfortunately, now I'm too tired to type replies or craft my Aug goals. Know that I am proud of you, pray for you and treasure your presence in this community.

    From the Colorado foothills
  • strassenkoenigin
    Hello everybody,

    I took it easy today on the biking. sometimes I have to give my legs a rest. At least that is what experienced bikers always tell me. But I like that morning routine I follow.. To get up with the first daylight and bike into the sunrise. I miss it when I don't do it. So I did a short ride this morning but all climbing. Then I went yard sale shopping. I do mosaics with broken ceramics and since a few years it is getting really difficult to find colored tiles. So on the weekends I try to find some in yard sales, but even there the picking is very slim.


    The thing with the getting older is that I for example do not realize that I am old. Only when I take a close look in the mirror:cry:

    Slowly the ill effects of the Atkins diet are disappearing and I am seeing tiny weight losses again. Thanks for the compliments on my yard, hundreds of hours of work went into it.


    When the biggest Loser started I used to watch it and I always thought that I certainly would not want that woman yelling at me all the time. Over the years I had some excellent workout tapes, but some of them I lend to friends and never got them back and they do not seem to exist on DVD. I am thinking of buying DVDs from Miranda Esmond White whose exercise lessons I follow sometimes on PBS. Unfortunately she is on when I go biking at 5.30 in the morning. She was a ballet dancer and her kind of workout and Yoga seems to have the best effect on my figure.

    About the icecream making. I do have a machine, but most of the time do not use it. I just put whatever I want to make icecream with in the freezer until it is half frozen and then put it in the blender until it is soft.

    Everybody else

    I used to work in International tourism, that means we brought tourists from outside the US to the US and organized bus tours all over the States , Canada and Mexico for them. So I know the States and Canada very well and especially those States with tourist attractions. So every time I read through these posts I remember the good times I spent in the States where you are from and miss the individual beauty and characteristics of each place.

    Anne living in the very hot Mojave desert
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marking my spot. Have a great evening.:flowerforyou:
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Just a quick hello...

    I'm feeling pretty weak and wobbly after a month of almost no activity. Time to get going. Exercise is always a challenge. I'm not sure why, as I enjoy it ... once it's done, lol. I did the Smart Women Stay Young exercises day before yesterday and today. It's a good first step. But, yikes, I'm sore.

    Speaking of steps, I lost the Fitbit Zip that my daughter gave me for Christmas. It was so cute and worked well. The problem is, part of being cute was being small, making it way too easy to lose. I put it in my jacket pocket then it disappeared. I'm not sure whether to get another one or get the FitBit wristband. It doesn't get as good reviews on Amazon but I'd be less likely to lose it.

    Any opinions out there? (Now, that's a dangerous question!)

    A couple of you have mentioned tracking food. I rely on my food scale. They are cheap to buy but do such a great job of keeping me on track. Today was a good example. I was measuring out a half cup of dry polenta then thought I'd weigh it. The half cup I'd measured out was actually much more than the number of grams listed on the package for a half cup.

    The scales are so helpful - and they're inexpensive. I like the kind that use easy-to-obtain batteries instead of the batteries that are $13 a pop. I also like one I got at Costco that has a big base so it's easy to see the numbers. When you use a dinner plate on some of the smaller ones, you have to peer under the plate to see the numbers, and then you're often taking your best guess.

    If you haven't used a food scale before, a nice feature is the "tare" function. You can add ingredients to a plate or bowl and hit "tare" after each ingredient. You get the weight for each item separately...no math required. Most of the foods entered into the DB by MFP have the weight in grams, making it easy to calculate calories. E.g., if MFP shows a serving size of 100 grams (typical), and I've eaten 50 grams of the item, I just enter .5 servings. Viola (as they say)!

    Hmm. I can tell I'm wandering. This is not the most lucid post in the world. Hopefully there's something useful for someone.

    Now, for my new mantra, "Don't let the perfect by the enemy of the good." I really like that quote!

    Mimi SVQ
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Hello ladies,
    We're in the middle of triple digit temps here. Well, it is the middle of August, which is when we usually have them. Just another fine Texas summer day. Whew! It has hit 100 by noon, and I am not going outside. God bless Mr. Lennox and Mr. Carrier. I'm grateful to them for inventing A/C.
    I've had minor allergy issues for the last two days. I got into something and well, I'm changing my name to Sneezy. Man, I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep. Had a nap this afternoon. Not what I planned , but hey, sleep happens.
    I, too am a night owl. Don't crash until 1 a.m.
    Had a funny thing happen yesterday. My DH thought he left his glasses in the car. So he did a thorough search. He didn't find his glasses, but he found someone's driver's license. Our car had a former life as a rental vehicle. The license was expired. I tried to look the person up online and couldn't find them. I tried Google, FB, and several other locator sites. zip. zilch nada. Guess it goes into the shredder. Oh, and my DH's glasses...had fallen into sis's purse when he drove her to work. so he wore his sunglasses all day, like Roy Orbison.

    Geri - I'm glad your DH is doing better. It is good for him to walk about town

    Jane - Hope you find a lovely new home.

    Meg - take it easy, keep your electrolytes up. Hope you feel better soon.

    Anne - I love your username. I lived in Germany for 8 yrs. Loved it! Had so much fun in Europe. Thanks for the movie notes.

    Tere - sorry to hear about your injury. Do you use arnica? It works wonder on bruises and sprains.

    Michele - your river rock work is gorgeous! I had some rock in the front of my house and I moved it to the side yard. Many dishpans of stones later, (and a few fingernails) it is now relocated.

    Sylvia - just want to say congrats on your weight loss so far, you look great! Oh, about those shoulder pads...I have an angel pattern that uses old shoulder pads. You fold it in half and sew one along the straight edge to make a cone. Then you attach the other one to the back for wings, gathering it in the middle. I think it used a styrofoam ball for the head. Very cute Also very 1980's.. Funny that your DH thought they were "chicken cutlets."
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Happy Sunday from Tassie everyone.
    Sorry but I do preach about eating enough, been there, done that got shouted at by Tom Venuto, got the T-shirt too.
    Sunday is my scheduled REST and re-feed day. NO training at all except walking the dog, Sunday Brunch cooked by husband and roast dinner. Sunday diary is not my usual way of eating.
    Have finally sorted out the mess caused by DGD's visit and budget should be right by end of August. SHE is never to visit again. Took $90 and 2 hours on phone with Microsoft to get rid of the Trojans and Malware she caused. It is hard when we are both on a pension, but lessons learned the hard way.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Yeah! Raining, raining, raining! :bigsmile: We have a few apples on the floor from the remains of Hurricane Bertha, but our ripening plums seem to be clinging on.:happy:

    I will have to get out and pick beans and zucchini before they grow giant sized.:tongue:

    DH is going to iron his huge pile of shirts this afternoon. It's that kind of weather. I will bake some scones.:bigsmile:
    Tonight we will have pesto crusted hake with crushed fresh pea and creme fraiche on the side and some of those beans.:smile:
    Funny, I do lots of things willingly and lovingly for my men, but I have never ironed. I rarely iron for myself! I think it's because, when I was 15 and again when I was 20, I was in a play called "Look Back in Anger" and played a put upon wife who spends the whole of the first act behind the ironing board. :laugh: I drew the line at ironing for men ever since!:tongue: Luckily neither of us wear clothes that need ironing very often. I never iron bed linen etc.

    I managed 595 calories of exercise this morning! ! ! ! I was awake at 5.45 so got up, went downstairs and got started on my strength training. Finished off the weights after my machines. I did 500 on the machines as I was listening to an interesting radio programme. :happy:

    Love to all. Never surrender!

    Heather in rainy:happy: Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    morning ladies~
    im up ,but boy do i feel tired.. this insomnia is driving me crazy.. I guess the next step is to try some meletonin,will look for some of that.. I just dont want to mix a bunch of stuff is all.. maybe I will just keep taking what I am taking for the meopause..
    I am sitting having my warm lemon water and icing my foot, I see another shot of cortisone in my future..
    I will not have my foot operated on,until I retire.. I just dont have the money or time to be able to take off..
    going to the gym then over to walmart to look for more capri's and maybe another pair of jeans..I really should get another pair of sneakers, I were them most all the time and with being on my feet all day at work and going to the gm and racewalking they wear out.. I have ike 6 pair and the last pair I got fit ok, but they are to heavy.. for the gym and walking o.k. for work
    this afternoon I will try and make some of my food and DH food for the week because I will be working full time this week as the other girl is off on vacation. I have to be to work at 7:30 and work until 5-6 at night .. so if I get some stuff done now then I will have time for the gym before work.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Christina:smile: Hi! Jamestown is a lovely area!!! I'm in Winston Salem, not far from you at all!!!!

    Michele:smile: Yes, there is a Whole Foods in Winston, it's about 10 minutes from me, I love going there and to The Fresh Market too! Have you guys had a lot of rain up your way? We haven't had a lot, but it's been drizzly, gray, cool and dreary:frown: , I'm ready to see the sun shine again!!!

    Meg:smile: Hope you're feeling better soon:flowerforyou: !

    Carol:smile: The townhouse sounds wonderful! I'll echo the others, hope it's still available when you're ready for it!

    Mimi:smile: Great advice about the food scale!!! I have one that's hard to see when you put a plate on it:grumble: . Now I need to remember where I put it when I was boxing up my kitchen stuff, it's ready to come back out and be used again.

    Rori:smile: It's always wonderful to see you:flowerforyou: !!!

    Dinaesia:smile: Hope your sneezes let up soon:flowerforyou: ! I think I caught my oldest granddaughters cold....yuck, summer colds are the worst! It's a gray drizzly day here, I'm thinking a nap may be in my future too:yawn: !

    Heather:smile: I know you've been wanting rain, this is the second weekend in a row we've had this icky weather, I'm ready for sunshine and a little warmer weather, it's pretty cool here too, unheard of for August in the south:frown: . I love to iron, when I have time, something therapeutic about for me, but then again I love to mop too:laugh: . Dinner sounds delish, I'll bring smelly cheese and wine:flowerforyou: !!!

    Alison:smile: Hope your foot starts feeling better! I need to get a new pair of sneakers too, the running store I get mine at said if you're wearing them a lot you should get a new pair every 6 months, mine are over a year old! I just heard on the news about a driver in Watkins Glen getting killed by another driver, isn't your hubby there for the race?

    I haven't decided yet if I'm going to go boss the boys today or not, I'm feeling pretty icky with this cold and it is dreary outside. I'll get a shower and then decide.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: !!!

    DeeDee in soggy NC:frown:
  • dottie_f
    dottie_f Posts: 525 Member
    i am back after a few years gone and many pounds gained, but my first week was a great success, so onto week 2. I am very bad at message boards but I will try to figure out how to keep up, because support and other's experiences help support the journey.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning!

    Yesterday I went on a little road trip to Lawrence, Kansas with three of my potter friends. We went for the pottery supply store, but also went to the farmers market, had a nice salad for lunch and then shopped in their cute downtown for a while. I bought a beautiful bracelet from India at the 10,000 Villages store. I almost never buy jewelry, so this was a treat. The whole trip was such fun, gabbing and gossiping with friends. When we got home hubby and I went to our local steak house and I had a pork chop (unseasoned and very lean) and a small baked potato. It was very good. Then went to Home Depot and bought some plywood. I did not think it would fit in the van, but it did.

    I did not get much exercise yesterday, and today won't be much better. I have two drafting jobs to do this morning, and then am taking the kids to get new shoes for school and then to the pool (it's the last day the pool is open this summer, except for dog day- where they let people bring their dogs to the pool.). Then coming back home so they can ride bikes and have supper here. During the week we are going clothes shopping. I'll be so glad when school starts. The kids and hubby will all be occupied all day and I can get back to some kind of routine again.

    Well, I suppose I'd better get started doing something constructive. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    well I didnt get to the gym:grumble:
    my heel is just throbbing,, it is ticking me off.. I am trying to get an hour or 2 of exercise a day and I will have to find something that doesnt involve walking:huh:
    Dee-Dee- he is up at Watkins Glen, but this was at a smaller track not far from there last night..
    I feel so bad for both Tony Stewart and the driver's family.. im sure it was an accident,but the poor guy has to race today knowing he unitentially killed someone...
    I just finished skyping with my dgd,but my video wasnt working... have to figure that out.. and I am sitting icing my heel.
    and who is in my lap but the 2 boys snoozing away.. I hate to disturb them..
    maybe I will just sit and read the paper for a bit and let them rest.. then I have to do some cooking so that there will be stuff for dinners this week...
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yanniejannie: Have a good trip!:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I’m glad to hear that Vince is doing well after the colonoscopy. DH & I found the prep to be the worst part.:flowerforyou:

    Anne in the Mohave Desert: Like Michele, I don’t think about my age very often. I’m still the same me I was at 5, but with a LOT more life experience. My energy has changed though. I can’t just push through the day. I have high energy levels for a while and then need to rest a bit and the energy returns. In my middle years I forced myself to work through the energy sags and often tried to gain energy from snacks. I gained pounds instead of more energy.:tongue::flowerforyou:

    Heather: I didn’t know that the British Isles and Europe have hurricanes but I did know there are severe storms. My hurricane mindset starts in Africa and heads west across the Atlantic. They called the Pacific storms typhoons until recently. I need to adjust my thinking. I’m happy your garden got needed water. :flowerforyou: I don’t iron for my guy, either. When we first married he had lots of shirts, changed them a couple of times a day, and expected me to wash & iron them. I did this exactly once, THEN he had the gall to criticize my work. :mad: He’s been ironing his own ever since. I taught DS to do his own from an early age.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: I have occasional insomnia and when I do, I simply get up. If I get sleepy I go back to bed. It was much worse during menopause but that is long behind me. PTL!:flowerforyou:

    Mimi: My food scale is small, but it works well. I’ve learned ways to scoot plates around so that I can see the numbers. Since I was at goal, I weighed my food less often, and now I have a few pounds to lose. I'm back to basics now and I’ve lost one of them so far. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Closing the pool and back to school seems so early to me! Our kids go back after Labor Day, but they’re still in school in the first part of June. The number of days works out very much alike. Our difference is caused by long, wet springs. Since I was a teacher for many years, that cycle is still ingrained in me.:flowerforyou:

    I am restless and anxious because of the need to schedule things that can’t be done yet because critical details are pending. DH needs surgery that won’t be scheduled until Tuesday, and DD needs me to be in CO in plenty of time for her to have my support while she has the baby. I've talked about this before, but I still need to figure out how to cope. The plan was to drop DH off with his sister for support post surgery, and he would rather stay home. I have no idea how that can happen. We’ll be finding out quite a few details Tuesday. He’s justified in wanting to stay at home. Last time we visited DSIL she put things into the food I can’t eat, thinking a little won’t hurt. I had nasty symptoms that might have been a heart attack and ended up spending a day in the hospital in Boise being monitored for what was eventually diagnosed as acid reflux. Several thousand dollars and a lost day later, I appreciate his concern. I just don’t know what to do about it. Waiting is one of life’s toughest challenges.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 478 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Today I've done some yoga and upper body strength training. I'm still doing the 6 second reps. I will get on the treadmill next. Later I plan to work on my current drawing. I will post it when I'm done.

    Jan, have a wonderful trip!

    Michele, I'm glad Vince is doing well. I agree that the prep for a colonoscopy is the worse part.

    Sylvia, some schools have started back already here in OK. Glad you enjoyed you trip with friends. I loved your joke!

    On aging, I agree that age is a state of mind. I still have a young mindset. I am always surprised when I find "another sign of aging".

    Katia, I'm sorry for the stress of DH surgery and wanting to be in 2 places at one time. Hugs, I'm sure everything will work out.

    Alison, love your new pic! I hope your foot feels better.

    Welcome all new ladies!

    Cindy in OK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Katla and Deedee - we didn't actually get a hurricane, just the remains of one which headed back across the Atlantic. It was enough to provide strong winds and flood a few places. We just had twenty or so plums on the ground. We can cook those. They are very delicious Victoria plums. We are expecting a glut soon.:bigsmile:
    This afternoon, after I made 16 wonderful scones, we headed outside in a break between showers and put a netting over my purple sprouting broccoli seedlings. Because I missed the window to buy plants, and couldn't be bothered to sprout them on my windowsill, I thought I'd try growing them in situ. I put one seed each in tiny pots that rot away and put nine of them out there. Eight of them have got a tiny seedling in them! I have no idea if this method will work, but as an experiment it is ok so far.:laugh: I saw a pigeon walking around on them and the white butterflies are hovering so we have put nets up and filled the slug traps with new beer. We shall see!:tongue:

    Then we came in and we both had a scone with jam and whipped cream. :embarassed: I picked out the smallest one, but I had to dock myself 350 cals. I made triangular scones in memory of my father, who was the fancy cook in our household. Also it avoids having to rehandle the scraps left over from cutting out round ones. The rest are safely in the freezer.
    My dad used to make lemon meringue pie, treacle tart and chocolate eclairs. This was in the 50s! ! ! I remember making croissants with him when he came to visit us when my kids were young. They turned out like lead, but I didn't know that they can take up to three days to make!:laugh: When my mother phoned me to tell me he had died of a heart attack the first thing I did was to make bread. I had no idea why, but I just needed to do it. I understand that better now. My father's and my relationship was complicated and not healthy, but I did love him. Cooking was one gift he gave me. My grandfather on that side, who I never knew, was a chef at the Strand Palace Hotel in London. I ate there many years ago when I was about 12 with my godfather. I just remember having a bit of everything from the huge hors d'oeuvre trolley.:laugh: :laugh:

    Love to all. Too much babbling and reminiscing, :blushing:

    Heather in still windy Hampshire UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here is today's joke of the day:


    An elderly man, 82, didn't have long to live. So he summoned the three most important people in his life to tell them of his fate:

    1. His Doctor

    2. His Priest

    3. His Lawyer.

    He said, "I don't have long to live. So, I have summoned you three here to ask a favor. Today, I am going to give each of you an envelope with $50,000 dollars inside. When I die, I ask that all three of you throw the money into my grave." After the man passed on, the three people happened to run into each other. The doctor said, "I have to admit I kept $10,000 dollars of his money. He owed me from lots of medical bills. But, I threw the other $40,000 in like he requested. "The Priest said, "I have to admit also, I kept $25,000 dollars for the church. It’s all going to a good cause. I did, however, throw the other $25,000 in the grave." Well the Lawyer just couldn't believe what he was hearing! "I am surprised at you two for taking advantage of him like that. I wrote a check for the full amount and threw it all in!!!"

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia I LOVE today's joke! Thank you for a good laugh.

    I saw this lovely image on Facebook and wanted to share it with you, so I moved it to my status for a day. I have passed through this situation and am now in a happy land without these worries.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun!!
    Went to church.They had a parade after.Our church was handing out hotdgs,soda,water and chips the the people in the parade.Was so awesome to see.:drinker: :drinker:
    Had a great time with the family yesterday,peaceful and relaxing.Beautiful weather.:smile:
    Should hear tomorrow about apt.The townhouse landlord doesn`t want pets.:explode: :angry: :mad:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good Morning Friends,

    Sylvia :laugh:

    Katla :laugh:

    Went to church and stopped at Kohl's on the way home. I stopped at the grocery too and bought a clothespin bag. My clothes pins were in a makeshift plastic container that was awkward. The container was so old it didn't have any recycle markings on it. The plastic was also quite a bit thicker than what you see today.

    Today I will continue to log my food and exercise so tomorrow I a closer to taking off the three pounds over my goal weight.

    2014 word: contentment
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    afternoon chica's~
    well there is a red flag stop at watkins glen, so he might end up staying overnight,but he took tomorrow off anyway..
    made his dinner and lunch for tomorrow if he does get home tonight, also grilled a chicken breast,and asparagus and a small sweet potato for me..
    I did break down and had a 1/2 cup of peppermint bark gelato and I logged everything.. I even grilled myself a turkey burger for tomorrow, organized my dresser drawers.
    did go to Walmart this morning.. I bought myself 3 sets of capri's they are the sport ones, bought size 12-14 , also bought myself a pair of skinny jeans, they have some lycra in them but they were a size 12,, found a few shirts, a real cute t-shirt with a palm tree on it for 5 bucks. and bought myself a kitchen scale... figure it wont hurt:embarassed:
    foot still bothering me, no formal exercise, will walk the dogs around the block in a little bit, get my lunch together for tomorrow and ,I also got a load of laundry in.. im trying to keep busy