August Running Challange



  • KnickersInATwist
    KnickersInATwist Posts: 237 Member
    1/8= 2.91 miles 3:5 intervals
    2/8= 3.78 miles 8x3 intervals
    3/8= -rest- (cross trained)
    4/8= 5.52 miles steady run
    5/8= 5.27 miles steady run
    6/8= -rest- (cross trained- right knee sore)
    7/8= -rest- (cross trained- right knee sore)
    8/8= -rest- (cross trained- right knee sore)
    9/8= 3.77 miles steady run... knee fine :-D
    10/8= 5.09 miles steady run
    11/8= 3.75 miles steady run
    12/8= 3.61 miles steady run

    Ticker isn't working, total so far= 34 miles/ 80
  • RegentParkRunner
    RegentParkRunner Posts: 45 Member
    8K - 67 out of 180K
  • harpere87
    harpere87 Posts: 142 Member
    19.4 now out of 50!! This is the best I've done so far with these challenges! Too bad the cute ticker factory is broken.
  • bkbenda
    bkbenda Posts: 265 Member
    8/5 – 4.55 miles
    8/6 – 3.61 miles
    8/7 – 6.49 miles
    8/8 – 5.09 miles
    8/9 – 4.52 miles (hill training)
    8/10 – 10 miles (long run)
    8/11 – 5.06 miles
    8/12 – 4.59 miles (sprints)
    8/13 – 5.02 miles

    Total – 48.93 miles
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    The ticker is still broken. - 89.83 out of 160 miles

    Date Miles today. Miles for August
    8/1 - 5 miles - 5
    8/2 - 18.55 miles - 23.55
    8/3 - REST DAY
    8/4 - 10 miles - 33.55
    8/5 - 9.39 miles - 44.94
    8/6 - 7.19 - 52.13
    8/7 - 5 miles - 57.13
    8/8 - 9.5 miles - 66.63
    8/9 - REST DAY
    8/10 - REST DAY
    8/11 - 10 miles - 76.63
    8/12 - 7 miles - 83.63
    8/13 - 6.2 miles - 89.83
  • johnmurphymfp
    johnmurphymfp Posts: 2,590 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one... ticker broken.
    08/01/2014 1.39
    08/02/2014 0
    08/03/2014 0
    08/04/2014 0
    08/05/2014 0
    08/06/2014 1.64
    08/07/2014 0
    08/08/2014 2.11
    08/09/2014 0
    08/10/2014 0
    08/11/2014 0
    08/12/2014 2.11

    Total of 7.25 going for 20 miles
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I wished I would have read the "ticker broken" comments before and I thought it was my browser. Bwahahaha!

    Day 08/13/2014 - 8.51 Miles

    Total 68.36 Miles
  • dchillin65
    dchillin65 Posts: 97 Member
    8/1 2.8
    8/3 5.0
    8/5 2.55
    8/6 4.51
    8/7 4.51
    8/9 4.88
    8/12 3.14
    8/13 3.01

    Total: 30.4
  • ktloo
    ktloo Posts: 90 Member
    8/7 - 3.4
    8/11 - 2.64
    8/12- 3.23

    Total - 25.94 / 50 miles Half way there!
  • scubakat67
    scubakat67 Posts: 485 Member
    Feel like an idiot because I kept updating my ticker at least 10 times, but it kept deleting the update. Glad I caught up on reading posts and realized I wasn't the only one having problems. Looks like everyone is doing a great job. I was thrilled with achieving a new distance of 8 miles while on vacation - my husband was probably annoyed with my continued euphoric comments of "I'm thrilled with myself for making 8 miles"! Then topped that off with a 15.3 mile hike the following day - feeling awesome! :happy:

    8/1 - 4.24
    8/3 - 5.22
    8/4 - 3.68
    8/5 - 4.21
    8/6 - 4.16
    8/7 - 4.21
    8/9 - 8.13

    Total - 33.86 ... 66.14 to go
  • tskinner7
    tskinner7 Posts: 24 Member
    Good to hear I'm not the only one with the ticker problem!

    12.6 miles down, 12.4 miles to go!!!
  • mochapygmy
    mochapygmy Posts: 2,123 Member
    I'm late to start logging for August due to some computer issues and I just tried in vain to get a ticker going but see that others are having that problem as well.

    I'm trying to transition from treadmill to outdoors, increase my pace a lot (I'm new and slow so a semi "big" jump isn't unreasonable) and trying out new trail shoes in preparation for an obstacle course race at the end of the month. So, yeah, I'm a hot mess this month. :laugh:

    And my right hip has started to hurt yesterday during my run. :sad: This is still a better month than July when I was on pain pills for a month and banned from physical activity!

    As of yesterday I had 5 runs equaling 12.6 miles out of a goal of 32 miles.
  • caffeinated_frog
    caffeinated_frog Posts: 86 Member
  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    8/1 - 3.2km
    8/2 -
    8/3 -
    8/4 -
    8/5 -
    8/6 - 2.0km
    8/7 - 10.0km
    8/8 -
    8/9 -
    8/10 -
    8/11 - 5.0km
    8/12 -
    8/13 - 5.0km

    25.2km so far
  • grapefruitannie
    grapefruitannie Posts: 122 Member
    13/8/14 3.21 miles done

    Ticker not working as everyone else update later :)
  • HealthyFocused715
    HealthyFocused715 Posts: 340 Member
    8/4, 3 miles
    8/5, 3.1 miles
    8/6, 3.2 miles
    8/10, 5.6 miles
    8/11, 5.6 miles
    8/12, hot yoga
    8/13, 5.79 miles (dreadmill)

    August total = 26.29; Goal = 62

    On track for making my goal this month!! Feels good after not making my June and July goals.

    Ticker not working...
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Decided to change my goal to 50 miles to get me out of my comfort zone and push myself a little harder.

    02AUG14 - 5.28 miles
    03AUG14 - 1.75 mile run with a friend
    05AUG14 - 3.3 miles
    07AUG14 - 2.75 miles
    09AUG14 - 5.19 miles
    11AUG14 - 3.12 miles
    13AUG14 - 1.81 miles with my son for a total of 23.2 miles. Tickerfactory is giving me fits right now, will update ticker when I can.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    8/1: 5 mile run commute to work with stroller
    8/1: 4.2 mile run commute home from work with stroller
    8/2: 1.5 mile run to swim class
    8/3: 14 mile long run
    8/4: rest day
    8/5: 5 mile run commute to work with stroller
    8/5: 4.2 mile run home with daughter in jogger
    8/6: 5 mile run commute to work with stroller
    8/6: 4.2 mile run home with daughter in jogger
    8/7: 9.2 mile round trip run commute with stroller
    8/8: 5.5 miles including 4x hill repeats
    8/9: 1.5 mile run with stroller to swimming class
    8/10: 9:35 mile long run with stroller
    8/11: 9.2 mile round trip run commute to work with stroller
    8/12: 9.2 mile round trip run commute to work with stroller
    8/13: 4.5 miles including 4x800s

    Total is 91.5 miles so far. Ticker isn't working. :-(

  • RegentParkRunner
    RegentParkRunner Posts: 45 Member
    3K - 70/180K
  • whollybologna
    whollybologna Posts: 87 Member
    I'll get in on this.
    I like the ticker, but I really don't want yet another website sending me emails and whatnot, so I'll just post my goal and what I do here :)

    I have a 5k coming up at the end of the month, so yay 3 extra miles tacked on!

    lets try for 25 for the month

    I've done nearly 8 at the moment. I'm pushing myself and I try to get 6 a week, but I know I've messed up more times than I can count. I just can't seem to get out as often as I'd like. Summer schedules make things hard for everyone in my little family.

    so: 7.93/25