August Running Challange



  • astralweeks82
    astralweeks82 Posts: 230 Member
    8/2 - 6.04 miles
    8/4 - 3.96 miles
    8/7 - 3.11 miles
    8/9 - 5.19 miles (recovery)
    8/11 - 3.89 miles
    8/13 - 3.08 miles (group run)
    8/16 - 7.00 miles
    8/18 - 3.64 miles

    Total - 35.91 miles
    Goal - 50 miles

  • fashi0nkilla
    fashi0nkilla Posts: 82 Member
    8/2: 3.17 miles
    8/3: 4.04 miles
    8/4: 2.64 miles
    8/5: 3.61 miles
    8/6: 2.79 miles
    8/7: 2.10 miles
    8/9: 3.74 miles
    8/11: 2.64 miles
    8/13: 2.70 miles
    8/14: 2.65 miles
    8/15: 2.70 miles
    8/16: 4.01 miles
    8/17: 1.05 miles

    37.84/65 miles
  • corinne0805
    corinne0805 Posts: 158 Member
    Forgot to add my running from the weekend:

  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    8/1: 5 mile run commute to work with stroller
    8/1: 4.2 mile run commute home from work with stroller
    8/2: 1.5 mile run to swim class
    8/3: 14 mile long run
    8/4: rest day
    8/5: 5 mile run commute to work with stroller
    8/5: 4.2 mile run home with daughter in jogger
    8/6: 5 mile run commute to work with stroller
    8/6: 4.2 mile run home with daughter in jogger
    8/7: 9.2 mile round trip run commute with stroller
    8/8: 5.5 miles including 4x hill repeats
    8/9: 1.5 mile run with stroller to swimming class
    8/10: 9:35 mile long run with stroller
    8/11: 9.2 mile round trip run commute to work with stroller
    8/12: 9.2 mile round trip run commute to work with stroller
    8/13: 4.5 miles including 4x800s
    8/14: 9.2 mile round trip run commute with stroller
    8/15: 9.2 mile round trip run commute with stroller
    8/16: 15.4 mile long run
    8/17: rest day
    8/18: 9.73 mile round trip run commute with stroller

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
  • BWrecky
    BWrecky Posts: 10 Member
    8/02 2.11 mi
    8/03 2.53 mi
    8/05 2.57 mi
    8/08 2.78 mi
    8/10 2.54 mi
    8/12 3.00 mi
    8/14 2.00 mi
    8/15 1.32 mi
    8/19 1.69 mi

    August to date: 20.54
    August Goal: 35
    Miles to Go: 14.46
  • lmr0528
    lmr0528 Posts: 427 Member
    8/1: 4.15 miles
    8/11: 3.62 miles
    8/13: 4.15 miles
    8/14: 1.11
    8/17: .88 miles
    8/18: 4.19 miles

  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    10 miles this morning...

  • corinne0805
    corinne0805 Posts: 158 Member
    I took my dogs for a run this morning - was hoping to get 4.5 miles in; had to stop at 3 as our big black, flat-coated retriever (think golden, but just jet black) was getting overheated. In this Texas heat I have to take that seriously.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    8/19 - 4.27 miles
    Total: 57.27 miles

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I took my dogs for a run this morning - was hoping to get 4.5 miles in; had to stop at 3 as our big black, flat-coated retriever (think golden, but just jet black) was getting overheated. In this Texas heat I have to take that seriously.


    I usually just take Macy on my cool down walk because of the heat. You are so right to watch the doggies, they will just run themselves sick if we let them. Great job on the 3!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for August
    8/1 - 5 miles - 5
    8/2 - 18.55 miles - 23.55
    8/3 - REST DAY
    8/4 - 10 miles - 33.55
    8/5 - 9.39 miles - 42.94
    8/6 - 7.19 - 50.13
    8/7 - 5 miles - 55.13
    8/8 - 9.5 miles - 64.63
    8/9 - REST DAY
    8/10 - REST DAY
    8/11 - 10 miles - 74.63
    8/12 - 7 miles - 81.63
    8/13 - 6.2 miles - 87.83
    8/14 - 8.32 miles - 96.15
    8/15 - 6 miles - 102.15
    8/16 - 20 miles - 122.15
    8/17 - REST DAY
    8/18 - 10 miles - 132.15
    8/19 - 7.33 miles - 139.48

  • corinne0805
    corinne0805 Posts: 158 Member
    I took my dogs for a run this morning - was hoping to get 4.5 miles in; had to stop at 3 as our big black, flat-coated retriever (think golden, but just jet black) was getting overheated. In this Texas heat I have to take that seriously.


    I usually just take Macy on my cool down walk because of the heat. You are so right to watch the doggies, they will just run themselves sick if we let them. Great job on the 3!

    A local family lost their dog a couple of weeks back because of heat stroke. They loved their dog, he went on all their runs with them; he was young and healthy. They posted to one of the local sites I belong to, and talked about it, and how quickly he succumbed. I had always been aware of it, but knowing it happened on the trails where I run my dogs, brought it home to me. Skater, our retriever is all heart, and he would just keep going and going. As it was, in the 80 degree, high humidity morning, he was panting heavily after the second mile. I put the air on in the van to full blast, and when he got home he lay on the cool tile, and then I let him in jump in the pool. He is fine now.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member

    A local family lost their dog a couple of weeks back because of heat stroke. They loved their dog, he went on all their runs with them; he was young and healthy. They posted to one of the local sites I belong to, and talked about it, and how quickly he succumbed. I had always been aware of it, but knowing it happened on the trails where I run my dogs, brought it home to me. Skater, our retriever is all heart, and he would just keep going and going. As it was, in the 80 degree, high humidity morning, he was panting heavily after the second mile. I put the air on in the van to full blast, and when he got home he lay on the cool tile, and then I let him in jump in the pool. He is fine now.

    How awful for them! I'm glad Skater had a good cool down swim :glasses:
  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    8/01 - 2mi
    8/04 - 2 mi
    8/05 - 2 mi
    8/12 - 2.5 mi
    8/15 - 2 mi
    8/16 - 3 mi
    8/19 - 2.5 mi

  • alyssareyans
    alyssareyans Posts: 88 Member
    Goal=50 Completed=36.74 Remaining=13.26

    8/1 -- 3.35 miles
    8/2--0 (calf muscle issue)
    8/3--0 (calf muscle issue)
    8/4-- 3.71 miles
    8/5--crosstraining day
    8/6--3.22 miles
    8/7--rest day
    8/8--3.20 miles
    8/9--3.72 miles
    8/10--3.53 miles
    8/12--3.32 miles
    8/13--2.36 miles
    8/14--rest day
    8/15--3.08 miles
    8/16--crosstraining day + 3.33 miles walked
    8/18--3.4 miles
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    8/1 - Rest Day
    8/2 - 3.33Miles
    8/3 - 2.70 Miles
    8/4-Rest Day
    8/5 - 3.37miles
    8/6-Cross Train Day
    8/7 - 2.22 Miles
    8/8 - Rest Day
    8/9 - Shin Pain
    8/10 - 5.41 Miles
    8/11-Rest Day
    8/12-3.52 miles
    8/13-Cross Train Day
    8/15-Rest Day
    8/16-3.1 Miles (blacklight)
    8/18-Rest Day

  • tskinner7
    tskinner7 Posts: 24 Member

  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Day 08/19/2014 - 8.30 Miles

  • HealthyFocused715
    HealthyFocused715 Posts: 340 Member
    8/4, 3 miles
    8/5, 3.1 miles
    8/6, 3.2 miles
    8/10, 5.6 miles
    8/11, 5.6 miles
    8/12, hot yoga
    8/13, 5.79 miles (dreadmill)
    8/18, 3.2 miles
    8/19, 4.0 miles

    August total = 34.49; Goal = 62
