Any c25k newbies?



  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    My first 5K is in Oct. I am on Week 6 and I cant imagine that I will be ready. I can walk/jog 5K in 40 minutes but I want to jog the whole thing in less than 20. I really hope I can make it.

    I think you may be setting yourself up for a goal that is not realistic. I think by the end of your timeline, you will definitely be able to run a 5k though!
    Running a 5k in under 20 minutes would mean running over 9mph, right? I don't think that's possible for normal humans, is it?
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    I finished week 2 day 2 today. This is my third time trying to complete the entire program. Having the run double app helps. In the past I let travel for my job get in the way.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    W1D3. Was supposed to do yesterday, but came dead tired from work and gave up. Today I brought my shoes to work so I had no excuse! It rained but i went anyway...also, I work near a beaaaautiful park, so it was nice.
    Went way better than last time! I felt extremely tired, but not gasping for air after the running parts, just breathing heavily. Did 2 extra running intervals at the end just to complete the lap around the lake.
    Will repeat W1 till I actually manage to feel a bit better after the running part. I felt an improvement, so I'm feeling good. :)

    It is your journey so you need to be comfortable. However you will get better by having progressive overload. So rather than keep repeating W1, I would try W2 and only if that is truly impossible for you would I slip back to W1. Most people, you may be different, find out that the issue is not with their body but with their mind. Your head tells you it is hard not your body. If you are still huffing and puffing at the end of the run intervals you are still running too fast. You need to slow down. You need to get distance ahead of speed, it is hard to get, but when you get it, the whole running thing gets easier. It took me to the end of week 4 to get it and suddenly it all got easier. YMMV
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    @upsaluki. Well done on your perseverance, I broke down on my first attempt at doing this. Remember if you can't hold a conversation with someone during the run intervals you are going too fast. Good luck on your journey and may your perseverance be rewarded.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    My first 5K is in Oct. I am on Week 6 and I cant imagine that I will be ready. I can walk/jog 5K in 40 minutes but I want to jog the whole thing in less than 20. I really hope I can make it.

    I think you may be setting yourself up for a goal that is not realistic. I think by the end of your timeline, you will definitely be able to run a 5k though!
    Running a 5k in under 20 minutes would mean running over 9mph, right? I don't think that's possible for normal humans, is it?

    It must be possible - the winners do it. I don't believe it's realistic to expect it after just finishing C25K, though.

    I've been running for 4 years and still haven't managed a 30 minute 5k outdoors, although I can hold that pace on a treadmill for the required 30 minutes. My fastest 1 mile (timed yesterday) is 8:48 - not even close to a 20 minute 5k, even if I COULD hold it for longer than 1 mile. OTOH, I'm not so young, either, at 38. Might be that some 18 year old could totally prove me wrong.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    My first 5K is in Oct. I am on Week 6 and I cant imagine that I will be ready. I can walk/jog 5K in 40 minutes but I want to jog the whole thing in less than 20. I really hope I can make it.

    I think you may be setting yourself up for a goal that is not realistic. I think by the end of your timeline, you will definitely be able to run a 5k though!
    Running a 5k in under 20 minutes would mean running over 9mph, right? I don't think that's possible for normal humans, is it?

    My PB is 24:25 and that was hard work, after about 15months of running.

    Sub 20 minutes is achievable for most but unlikely at the end of a C25K plan
  • inciteme
    inciteme Posts: 7 Member
    My first 5K is in Oct. I am on Week 6 and I cant imagine that I will be ready. I can walk/jog 5K in 40 minutes but I want to jog the whole thing in less than 20. I really hope I can make it.

    I think you may be setting yourself up for a goal that is not realistic. I think by the end of your timeline, you will definitely be able to run a 5k though!
    Running a 5k in under 20 minutes would mean running over 9mph, right? I don't think that's possible for normal humans, is it?

    I finished c25k in 2011 and got 24:15 on my first 5k... in April of this year and many miles more, I got a 19:50 :)
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    today is W3D3 & i'm lovin it. I already feel like I have more energy.
  • redmeg1972
    redmeg1972 Posts: 2 Member
    Me. Brand new, almost. I started up last fall, liked it okay, but kept getting sidetracked around week 3 or 4. Tried to force myself back out the door again today only to spend all the time for running I'd carved out looking for my armband and then fiddling with my earbuds only to discover they don't work.

    I'm going to pick up fresh earbuds today and SO HELP ME I'm going to get out and do W1D1 tomorrow morning before Mass, while it's still cool.
  • geishastitches
    geishastitches Posts: 8 Member
    Just finished week 3. Improvements that I have noticed (while it definitely hasn't been easy), is that I suffer from jumper's knee (from when I took boxing/training), so my right knee has always been one of the factors of why I didn't want to run. ALWAYS listen to your body, but I can tell you, that my right knee (at least the muscles around it) are becoming so much stronger. The issues that I have had with it has greatly reduced. Now my left knee is trying to hate me. haha I'll still listen to my body and repeat anything if I need to, but all things are getting better! I'm also taking pictures of myself throughout the process when I can, so I can see any changes.
  • W1D3. Was supposed to do yesterday, but came dead tired from work and gave up. Today I brought my shoes to work so I had no excuse! It rained but i went anyway...also, I work near a beaaaautiful park, so it was nice.
    Went way better than last time! I felt extremely tired, but not gasping for air after the running parts, just breathing heavily. Did 2 extra running intervals at the end just to complete the lap around the lake.
    Will repeat W1 till I actually manage to feel a bit better after the running part. I felt an improvement, so I'm feeling good. :)

    It is your journey so you need to be comfortable. However you will get better by having progressive overload. So rather than keep repeating W1, I would try W2 and only if that is truly impossible for you would I slip back to W1. Most people, you may be different, find out that the issue is not with their body but with their mind. Your head tells you it is hard not your body. If you are still huffing and puffing at the end of the run intervals you are still running too fast. You need to slow down. You need to get distance ahead of speed, it is hard to get, but when you get it, the whole running thing gets easier. It took me to the end of week 4 to get it and suddenly it all got easier. YMMV

    You were right! I did W2D1 today instead of repeating W1 and survived! Thanks for the encouragement, I don't think I'd have tried if you didn't say so. :D
    It wasn't easy, but felt better than what i felt doing W1D1, where I thought I'd need an oxigen mask. :) I had a flat tire, so decided to do it on a park near my home (my usual thing is to walk till the other park, but today I didn't have time - takes 1h to go and come back plus the laps). The problem there is that the terrain is very inclined, many many steep slopes up and down. The 1st running interval happened exactly on a not so steep slope up, but i felt aaall of it in my lungs. :p Once I got to find a relatively plain area, I kept on just going around it and managed to finish. Last minute was baaad though...on the cool down time a super rain shower came, it was very welcome. :) I feel more energetic. :)
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    My first 5K is in Oct. I am on Week 6 and I cant imagine that I will be ready. I can walk/jog 5K in 40 minutes but I want to jog the whole thing in less than 20. I really hope I can make it.

    I think you may be setting yourself up for a goal that is not realistic. I think by the end of your timeline, you will definitely be able to run a 5k though!
    Running a 5k in under 20 minutes would mean running over 9mph, right? I don't think that's possible for normal humans, is it?

    I finished c25k in 2011 and got 24:15 on my first 5k... in April of this year and many miles more, I got a 19:50 :)
    Wow, that's great. All I know about speed is from my treadmill console and I'm pretty sure I would be shot off the back at more than 8 seconds at that speed! Like a rodeo bull rider. :tongue:
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member

    I am glad it worked out for you, test yourself and find out what other amazing things you can do. However it is your journey and you know your body, just try and work out whether it is your mind or your body that wants to give in. In most cases on this programme it will be the grey (gray) matter that gives in first. You do need to rest though, alternate days only. If you need some help just PM me. Have fun.
  • Yup, I am doing alternate days only. My hips hurt so much after every session that even if i wanted to do every day, I wouldn't be able to. :p
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    I finished w2d3 today. I'm on the road all week for work this week, so this will be a good test of whether I can keep it up or not.
  • __hannah_
    __hannah_ Posts: 787 Member
    Finished week 1 this past week. Exercising on mom, wed, fri. Hopefully I can keep up motivation to continue and maybe eventually actually like cardio too.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    I would always recommend outside (because I hate treadmill) but it can be done indoors. It will just require you changeling the apples as you go. I believe if you set the incline to 1% it mimics outdoor conditions.

    I set mine at 2% and running outside is still harder physically but not mentally
  • farcry66
    farcry66 Posts: 47 Member
    I have just started - well, Wk1 day 2 tonight anyway. I like to run in the dark, makes me feel better than no one can see the colour of my face. I live in the middle of the British country side and have lots of lovely footpaths around fields. Turns out trying to run in them is a bad idea! I put my foot down a rabbit hole this eveing in the first run interval. I thought I was going to just have to limp home. I got back to the road and gingerly jogged a little on it and it was okay. I covered exactly 2m tonight according to the GpS tracker. I am finding wk1 okay - I don't feel like I am going to die but I am sweating nicely by the end of it. Remains to be seen how I progress on to Wk 2 in a few days!!

    Edit to add: I don't have many active friends on MPF and the ones that I do have are not really into chat. If anyone doing C25K wants to friend me and we can support each other, that would be great :-)
  • Hey! So I am currently on Week 3 Day 1.The first week I was really out of breath , the second I felt better but I was still getting out of breath , but today i didn't get out of breath - i was ok , just feeling my legs a bit sore. So my question is: Is it ok if i'm not getting out of breath or I'm doing something wrong?
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    You are just fine, probably doing a better job than most of us who started the programme. You should be able to hold a conversation on the run intervals, if you are huffing and puffing you are probably going too fast. You may have hit the Goldilocks zone, just right. Well done. At this stage you want to be able to go longer, not necessarily faster. Speed will come later. You sound as though you are doing a good job, keep at it.