Hugh Jackman Deadlifts 400 pounds



  • JoJoLtd
    JoJoLtd Posts: 11 Member
    I'm currently working with Hugh on Pan and know his trainer well.
    He's a natty and in person looks way less bulky than on the big screen which is notorious for adding weight to appearance.
    Sorry not buying it. In "Les Miserables" (right before filming Wolverine) he was 25lbs lighter and didn't have long to train for his next Wolverine stint. Putting on that much "lean muscle" with hardly any fat at all isn't going to happen in that short a time without some enhancement. Also Jackman's former trainer before this one (Mike Ryan) used to help run Gold's Gym in Venice which was notorious for steroid use with celebrities and body builders. Jackman also consulted with Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson and if anyone thinks the Rock is a natty............................

    Not hating on Jackman. I love the guy. I could care less if he got bigger with enhancement. IMO, the dude looks phenomenal right now.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I wasn't selling it! I have no comment on his past trainers/use of enhancements, I couldn't care less either...currently he's not.

    Yesterday you didn't really know for sure, but today youre certain? Just how close are you and Mr Jackman getting? :bigsmile:

    Blimey...tough crowd here in MFP forums - had never really posted before. Just thought I'd give my 2 pennies worth seeing as I've spent nearly everyday the past 3 months in his company. Of course I don't know for sure - just guessing he isn't at the moment. And yes his legs (calves) are under developed.

    In other news I pulled a PB deadlift today of 80kg (175lbs) no straps, belts...blah blah blah :)
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member

    Blimey...tough crowd here in MFP forums - had never really posted before. Just thought I'd give my 2 pennies worth seeing as I've spent nearly everyday the past 3 months in his company. Of course I don't know for sure - just guessing he isn't at the moment. And yes his legs (calves) are under developed.

    In other news I pulled a PB deadlift today of 80kg (175lbs) no straps, belts...blah blah blah :)

    Lol, I was just playing witcha (hence the smiley face) - no offence intended!
    Congrats on the PB though!
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Being tall is not a disadvantage for deadlifting. Gary Heisey was one of the best deadlifters in history and he was 6'7". He held the world record for long time.;topic=277576.0;attach=317748;image
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    So using a bench shirt or suit inflates the numbers and isn't cheating, but using straps (that would definitely inflate the numbers on deads) would be cheating. I don't see the logic.

    It isn't cheating because it is allowed in the rules.

    Best way to explain it to someone who doesn't understand is to compare it to running/biking. They kind have the same motion, and kinda do the same thing but you are able to achieve better numbers with equipment (a bike or a shirt) than without.

    Really, raw and geared powerlifting are two different sports within the same heading.

    True, but this line of dialogue came about when HJ was deadlifting in a studio, not on a platform at a comp, and people started talking about inflated numbers and cheating and what constitutes a "true" DL number.
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member

    It isn't cheating because it is allowed in the rules.

    Best way to explain it to someone who doesn't understand is to compare it to running/biking. They kind have the same motion, and kinda do the same thing but you are able to achieve better numbers with equipment (a bike or a shirt) than without.

    Really, raw and geared powerlifting are two different sports within the same heading.

    I don't think anyone was confused by the concept - I think he was taking issue with the principle.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    A deadlift with straps is not a deadlift. It is a deadlift with straps.

    Given that I bodybuild, I couldn't care less. When a 200 lb powerlifter has a better back than me from going strapless, then perhaps I'll try it out. Yet to see one though.

    ALso, unlike what many people in this thread are saying, I don't think a strapped deadlift allows for higher weights on SINGLE rep maxes. I always had the same number with straps and with chalk on 1 rep maxes. Straps only help me with multiple reps.

    I think it's just the pro-powerlifting atmosphere on the forums here more than anything. I know bodybuilders who don't even bother with deadlifts and I know some that do them but use straps. Other than on forums, no one really seems to care. Personally, straps are great when I don't feel like bothering with chalk. If you compete in a sport that requires you to deadlift without straps, then yes your grip strength is very important, but for recreational lifters and bodybuilders... I dunno, I'm sort of left scratching my head asking "who cares?" when people start saying stuff like lifts don't count with straps.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Being tall is not a disadvantage for deadlifting. Gary Heisey was one of the best deadlifters in history and he was 6'7". He held the world record for long time.;topic=277576.0;attach=317748;image

    Brian Shaw comes to mind as well...
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member

    It isn't cheating because it is allowed in the rules.

    Best way to explain it to someone who doesn't understand is to compare it to running/biking. They kind have the same motion, and kinda do the same thing but you are able to achieve better numbers with equipment (a bike or a shirt) than without.

    Really, raw and geared powerlifting are two different sports within the same heading.

    I don't think anyone was confused by the concept - I think he was taking issue with the principle.

    And I was discussing that principle. Never said anyone was confused.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    He looks great and 400-500 DL is not outside the norm for someone lifting as long as he has been.

    His legs do seem smaller when compared to his upper body but they are not exactly tiny either. If he really is over 6' then that is still some meat he has on them.

    I have been trying to grow some legs for 2 years and they are just now starting to look a little bigger. Its a slow process and Im only 5' 10". I think some of us that follow lifting (bodybuilding and power lifting) might have our perceptions skewed.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    I'm pretty sure that very few people in the world are capable of deadlifting 400lbs. First off, you need the training. Secondly, very few people pursue it. Even less ever achieve a 400lbs lift. I would think the number is way less than 1%.

    His legs do look skinny but he trains to play wolverine. Almost every wolverine action shot has him with his shirt off in blue jeans. That's the default wolverine look... so it looks to me like they spent an abnormal amount of effort exaggerating his upper body and kinda doing only the minimum for his legs. He's not training for stage competition or even for the usual aesthetics of a bodybuilder.

    I'm also pretty sure he's not natural. His development was very fast and I think its pretty standard for actors who have 6 months to prepare for a role like this to be on HGH or some other illegal or quasi-legal substance. I'm not dissing the guy, people who do take illegal stuff do also work really hard, and he is unique person being paid millions to play a very specific part. It's impressive what he's achieved, but I don't think he's 100% natural.
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member

    It isn't cheating because it is allowed in the rules.

    Best way to explain it to someone who doesn't understand is to compare it to running/biking. They kind have the same motion, and kinda do the same thing but you are able to achieve better numbers with equipment (a bike or a shirt) than without.

    Really, raw and geared powerlifting are two different sports within the same heading.

    I don't think anyone was confused by the concept - I think he was taking issue with the principle.

    And I was discussing that principle. Never said anyone was confused.

    Not really....what I was trying to say is that you explained the concept, not why one was acceptable in competition and the other wasn't....not that its a big deal either way.....
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,672 Member
    So using a bench shirt or suit inflates the numbers and isn't cheating, but using straps (that would definitely inflate the numbers on deads) would be cheating. I don't see the logic.

    It isn't cheating because it is allowed in the rules.

    Best way to explain it to someone who doesn't understand is to compare it to running/biking. They kind have the same motion, and kinda do the same thing but you are able to achieve better numbers with equipment (a bike or a shirt) than without.

    Really, raw and geared powerlifting are two different sports within the same heading.
    Really? The benching, squatting and deadlifting are that much different as sports? I mean, all the movements look the same and the criteria the same.
    But I digress. I don't care if they use/don't use suits or shirts and put up phenomenal numbers. Again point was I don't understand how it's fine to use a shirt or suit for benches and squats (which inflates their bench numbers), but using straps to inflate a deadlift number would be uncredited.
    Let's say one's grip sucks. To do a deadlift, it's not just about grip but legs, hips, back shoulders, calves, etc. So I guess doing strapped deadlifts means it's a lazy way to train those body parts. Oh well.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    I hope he's using all natural stuff. He gets better looking with age.
  • _errata_
    _errata_ Posts: 1,653 Member
    To those of you calling my comments absurd... try getting huge and maintaining a six pack and see how it works out for you. There is a reason why powerlifters and strongmen aren't cut and bodybuilders are shredded. When you cut, you lose muscle mass. Period. The only way to get HUGE (not natty huge) and be shredded is to use steroids.


    **Edit**: Also, Hugh Jackman isn't that big.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,672 Member
    To those of you calling my comments absurd... try getting huge and maintaining a six pack and see how it works out for you. There is a reason why powerlifters and strongmen aren't cut and bodybuilders are shredded. When you cut, you lose muscle mass. Period. The only way to get HUGE (not natty huge) and be shredded is to use steroids.


    **Edit**: Also, Hugh Jackman isn't that big.
    Lol, one doesn't have to be huge if taking steroids. Stallone and others have taken them for years and aren't HUGE. And if you don't think competitive power lifters or Olympic lifters don't juice just because they don't display 6 pack abs.......
    Competitive bodybuilders don't ONLY use steroids too. There's a myriad of drugs besides them that they take which I won't mention on here, but take a ride over to any bodybuilding site and PED's a regular conversation.
    Shredded abs comes down to one thing..........low body fat and that has more to do with intake/output of calories than anything else.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Benching in a shirt is no less "legit" than benching raw. The numbers are inflated but that doesn't make the lifts garbage, just different. Just because you're in a squat suit doesn't make the 900 lbs on your back feel any lighter! Straps are considered cheating because they aren't even allowed in geared lifting. Besides, the ppl on mfp aren't strong enough that their grip should hold them back at all. Grip shouldn't become an issue until you are nearing a double bodyweight pull or more. To use straps when you have a weak pull already is just lazy. That's what chalk is for.

    There are plenty of people on MFP who are pulling 2x bodyweight. Without straps. One I know of is actually competing today and will probably do exactly that. Also, you are a people and you are on MFP. And I am assuming you can pull 2x bodyweight so...

    I did indeed hit it! 165kg, officially platform proven at 2x body weight. Although apparently it was a big enough deal that they announced that fact.
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    To those of you calling my comments absurd... try getting huge and maintaining a six pack and see how it works out for you. There is a reason why powerlifters and strongmen aren't cut and bodybuilders are shredded. When you cut, you lose muscle mass. Period. The only way to get HUGE (not natty huge) and be shredded is to use steroids.


    **Edit**: Also, Hugh Jackman isn't that big.

  • mrsmammahunter
    mrsmammahunter Posts: 221 Member
    He's absolutely natty. The guy doesn't have a six pack. You know a guy is using roids when he is massive AND he is shredded (i.e. body builders). That's a great accomplishment for any age and it is very attainable for people who don't use steroids.


    ha! lol!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    To those of you calling my comments absurd... try getting huge and maintaining a six pack and see how it works out for you. There is a reason why powerlifters and strongmen aren't cut and bodybuilders are shredded. When you cut, you lose muscle mass. Period. The only way to get HUGE (not natty huge) and be shredded is to use steroids.


    **Edit**: Also, Hugh Jackman isn't that big.

    Big guys lifting big things competitively aren't cut because they don't care.

    They only care about picking up big things.

    Guy at my gym pulled 705 and is pretty cut up- he competes as a strong man- and I"m pretty sure he's got abs.
    Most just don't want to do the work and take the loss on strength- which does happen but really it's not worth it to them- but that doesn't mean they can't/won't.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Questions please....
    What the hell is "natty" and why would lifting straps (I assume for your hands) be a bad thing?
    Help a fella out!

    I was totally getting ready to ask this.

    Any bros want to help us non-bros out?