40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



    JDHEKS Posts: 8 Member
    I want to be one of the cool kids...

    Back to MFP after a long time away. You know the deal, lose, gain, lose gain. Today's a new day, been back on track for close to a week, want to make connections so this place becomes a daily stop on my internet travels...

    Looking forward to the long weekend...
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Greetings cool kids.....Hope all of you are doing well today.

    I am soooooooooo looking forward to the long weekend. I am overdue for rest and relaxation on top of my 2.5 hour Labor Day challenge at the gym (75 minutes...bootcamp/boxing challenge followed by biking/barre challenge). I am sure I will be in bed the rest of Labor Day...I have a photo shoot pending and I have to really kick it in gear. My last boxing class was good yesterday. I train with my trainer tonight and I have to get mentally prepared for the torture....:drinker:

    Welcome JDHEKS

    Beeps--kick butt at the gym

    KellySue--enjoy your run and your time away

    Emmalu--Yes train em early....I love it

    Larro---The woman who reminded you of me, was she hotter than me? (:blushing: ) lol....Hope you are well.

    Have a great Thursday everyone.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Thursday all,

    did a PiYo workout yesterday - using upper body strength, which is where I am seriously lacking. It was good.
    My cleanse day did not end well, so.........will try again next week.

    Kelly - have fun tomorrow! Good job getting the runs in.

    Carmel - you just continue to kick some serious butt girl!! Awesome!

    Bago - it's really annoys me how one bad night can wipe out an entire week of hard work. Will I ever learn?! :tongue:

    Beeps - enjoy the group workouts and walk. No work gives you all sorts of time to work out. That's a bonus. :happy:

    Emmalusmom - I too have a 3 year old granddaughter and she is simply a delight! As for teaching them young, absolutley! My son is a fisherman and has been taking her out for two years now. One day he asked her "are you my princess? She replied "no, I'm your fishing partner." :laugh:

    Welcome JDH. I know the deal too well.

    Have B&B guests tonight. The gentleman is going to hold a concert on the beach for us tonight. Apparently, he is quite an accomplished musician. :happy:

    Our clinic has been nominated for the Ice Bucket Challenge, so as a team, we are going to do it today after work. We have all made our donations. :happy:

    Make it a good day all. :flowerforyou:
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good Thursday morning!
    The summer weather pattern continues here...foggy, cool, maybe a bit of clearing in the afternoon.
    Tonight is a co-worker social after work, and is at one of our local micro breweries. *sigh*. Good beer is about 240 cal per pint! :drinker: So that means BAS for dinner with zero calorie dressing. What does this say about my priorities? :laugh:
    Caramel, a motorcycle! Yes! So much fun. Go to motorcycle safety school for certain. Then start with a little bike, like 250cc. That's my knee-jerk advice from my own not-so-awesome start to a motorcycling career. Still healing. Big bike (650cc) not quite fixed yet. Have fun with your gym challenge this weekend!
    Larro, you're cracking me up with the tough love. I totally get it. We get to be kids all over again in our platinum years.
    Gene, I feel your rant.
    KS, have fun at the fair! Where is it held? I went to the CA State fair in Sacramento once. It was sooo much fun.
    Bago...about the beer ... yeah. See above :wink:
    Beeps, your training is paying off! Woo hoo!
    JDH, I've been duking it out with the same 5 lbs for almost 2 years. The priorities mentioned above :wink: are my prime suspects. I only have 15 lbs. to lose, but I remain steadfastly robust.
    Sdereski, I love the story about your fishing granddaughter. She's got a sharp mind! What's PiYo? Enjoy that concert! It sounds like a lovely time.
    E's Mom, have a great football season! It's fun when a whole community is excited about something together.
    Be awesome everyone! You know you are.

    At my desk I've been doing mini workouts during my morning / afternoon breaks (gov't employee). Here's my morning one - I sub the floor part with reverse flies and pec squeezes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0bhE67HuDY&list=PLRCgg2aTq5NVPEhnAOVZ4uwupapg-XIJn
    And here's my afternoon one:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Yes, sdereski, i have come to realize how much "work" was interfering in my life, lol!

    What i find next has to offer more "flexibility", for sure. I will say that "looking for work" is a full-time job in itself! Anybody who thinks it is spending twenty minutes a day emailing CV's is off their rocker! I am organizing meetings, cleaning up contacts, determining "next steps", etc. i haven't had two hours to myself (except yesterday afternoon!)

    Kids going back to school next week will also result in fewer "distractions". Can't wait.

    One more week of low, low calorie and then i can slowly taper upward. My twelve week challenge (i am in week two!) should be a RAVING success!

    I like reading all your labour day pursuits, 40+ gang! Keep 'em coming!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member

    KS, have fun at the fair! Where is it held? I went to the CA State fair in Sacramento once. It was sooo much fun.

    Curious- It's in Syracuse which is only about 25 miles from where I live. It's pretty much an annual event for us!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Afternoon. I'm back from taking Mamma to her PT. I fed her a healthy lunch here at my house, got her home and now I get to turn around and go back to work.

    I did my morning workout early. {just squats, Gazelle and lifting this morning. I forgot the stationary bike until after I had showered. Plus I cut my hair, and that can take a half hour.

    Today is Thursday, so here are my numbers.
    22.3% Body Fat
    56.6% Body Water
    24.7 BMI
    176.6 Pounds

    I just had the strangest thing happen. A couple in their 20's walked up to the house and ask for a glass of water. I gave them a glass of water each and another bottle of water. The boy ask how far it was to the highway, which if they were from around here he would have known. When I told him about 2 miles, he kind of stumbled and sat down on the porch. I didn't offer to give them a ride, so they headed toward the road, but sat under my big oak tree in the front yard for about five minutes. {I'm a couple hundred yards off the road} They went on, but stopped twice between here and the graveyard {1/4 mile}. The boy was looking around at all my stuff the whole time he was here, {one of my barns is an open pole barn} so I called Margie and got her to call the Sheriff. They had the look of meth-heads, and I didn't want them to see me leaving for work. She called back and said they are sending a car out to offer them a ride. From the look of them, it might be to the jailhouse. I hope it was nothing, but I can't help but worry.

    Caramel, the girl was nowhere near as hot as you. Plus she might have been a cyborg. She had one of those clip on the ear phones. I did notice she brought a salad for lunch and didn't eat all the good stuff the older ladies had brought.

    Beep, hope you have a good workout this afternoon.

    Em's, have fun with the young'un. And good luck with the football thing. My Noles might see your Tide in Dallas. I know you have a good QB. He gave Jaboo a run for his money in spring ball last year when he was a Nole. I have been trying to remain calm until the season got here, but I watched Nole Football Hype videos on You Tube last night.

    Kelly Sue, have fun at the fair.

    JD, welcome.

    I've got to run,

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello cool kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, lots of posting going on!!!! Enjoyed reading but might not have time to comment to all. My Xrays were taken, I have my follow up tomorrow afternoon. Will see what was found. In a way I hope they show something so I can get to treating it. If it doesn't show anything then it is to more testing or just guessing what it could be, and that is not good!!!! I am still in pain, it still wakes me up at night, cannot really exercise much. I am hanging in there. Lately I have been getting off my diet...it is frustrating.

    Larro, that was scary!!! Were they picked up by the cops? Who were they? Be careful!!! You have a cleaning lady? Nice, I wish I had one. LOL

    KS, have fun at the fair. I have been wanting to go to the TX state fair but it is in Dallas, about a 5 hr drive. I have never been able to make it in the 16 yrs I have lived in TX. My sister lives in Sacramento. She normally attends the CA fair but is technically "working". She is a TV personality, morning show anchor for Univision. :blushing:

    sdereski, how do you like PiYo?? Before my hip issues I was thinking about getting it. I love Chalene!!! I have done ChaLean Extreme and had great results with it.

    Beeps, you are tall!! I am only 5'5" but there is no way I am eating less than 1200 cals. That would be my minimum. I am following Natalie Jill 4 wk diet program and I think it is low in calories. There is no counting but I am definitely eating less than when I gained the weight. It is working for me. It is about 5-6 small meals a day consisting of lean protein, good fats and veggies, some fruit. I am getting tired of egg whites...:noway: Lately I have been derailing but I need to focus on nutrition especially when I am not exercising as much.

    Have a great night!!! :flowerforyou:
    JDHEKS Posts: 8 Member
    Happy Friday!!

    Thank you for the welcome! I can't thank everyone individually but your posts were appreciated!

    8 hours of work and then I'm off on a bike ride to begin the weekend.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday and enjoy the long weekend!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Friday Morning. I'm done with my AM workout and breakfast. I have lots that needs doing, and I'm going to start with side dressing {apply fertilizer, then covering it up with dirt} the young melon plants. We have rain on the way, and if I don't get it done today it will be too late. Some of them are already starting to vine. If the rain comes early enough, I will make a town run. Tuesday's election threw my week's schedule out the window, and I'm running low on everything.

    Alf, I never heard back from the Sheriff, so I don't know if they sent a car out or not. I didn't see one come by the house, but they could have come in from the other direction. Back when we lived in town we had a lady come in to clean weekly. She was an old family friend and worked cheap, but then she wasn't all that great either. After we had our house built and moved to the farm 11 years ago we couldn't find anyone we trusted. I'm a gun collector, and it is hard to let strangers in the house. Not that the cleaning lady would steal, but she might talk to someone who would. But we have had this lady for about a year and a half now, and like her a lot. And it is good to have help. She just comes every other week, and if she has to skip a day for some reason, it's every 4th week. I still do all the dishes and laundry, but she does a deep cleaning of all the bathrooms, floors in the downstairs, dusts everything and anything else we need.

    I just got a call from Margie. Her Prius key thingie has a dead battery, {and the other one has been dead for a while} so she is coming home at noon so she can go to town with me. We will run by Toyota to have the batteries changed. The car is an '05, and this is the 2nd time we have had to do it. The 1st ones lasted a lot longer than the replacements. Imagine that.

    I had better get out to the garden if I want to finish before it gets hot. Everyone have a good day.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Alf, good luck with x-rays.

    Larro - weird about people asking for water. I think i am glad i live in a city. Mostly because i am allergic tomall things in nature, but also because of some other stuff.....

    Today, i lift!

    I did my tape measurements....first time since end of January! I have 1.5" to shave off my waist and 2" to shave off my hips and 1" to build onto my shoulders. So, yep, i have strength-work to do during my self-challenge!

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Friday cool kids.....

    Larro----You should bottle up that energy of yours and sell it. I love reading your posts. Your new name should be ENERGIZER BUNNY...because you keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppppppp going. I love it. The woman looking like a cyborg, I am at my desk cracking up laughing. Perhaps you and the Ms. can make a date out of getting a batter for the Prius. While you are at the garden I could use some kale as I am overdue for a lemon ginger blast and that juice requires kale. HMMMMM

    Alf---Please keep up posted about. I am concerned that no one is able to help you feel better or identify the issue.

    My trainer took it to me as usual. We focused mostly on legs and when I woke up this morning I realized it when I got out of bed (lol). I will not work out in beast mode this weekend since I have 2.5 hour challenge on Monday. My goal is to hit over 1000 on my Heart Rate Monitor. I will keep you posted of course.

    Have a great day....
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good Friday Morning Cool Kids,
    That was a wierd story about the kids wanting water Larro. Very strange. It was good thinking to call someone and not let them see you leaving. I'm covetting your heat over there. It just hasn't gotten past 60 deg. here in days. Cool & misty.
    Beeps, have a great workout! The challenge is awesome, and you're so dedicated to yourself.
    Alf, I have my fingers crossed for you. I hope you learn something today.
    JD, have a great ride! What kind of riding do you do? Road? Mt.? I typically commute via bicycle, but have to wait until I get my torn labrum-thingy fixed. Surgery in October, then I should be back in the saddle. Love to ride. I've switched to a motorcycle in the meantime.
    Caramel, don't you just love that worked out feeling!?!? There's something so satisfying about sore muscles. :smile:
    I had an epic dandilion in the yard. It was enormous! So I juiced it with kale, apple, cucumber & celery. MMmmmm.
    Keep it up kids! Enjoy the weekend.
  • 808Kine
    808Kine Posts: 60 Member
    Good Morning Kids and Happy Aloha Friday :-)

    Well the worst part of the bug has passed and has left in it's wake and annoying cough, but feeling much better. Went to the gym for the circuit training class and made it through each station-sort of. Will keep on working through my evening habit of overindulging after a successful day of eating well.....just not sure how to tackle that one when I'm the only one participating. As I was on the way home from the gym, my husband says to pick up a pizza for him and the kids since he didn't cook.....so pizza it was and the workout didn't compensate.

    Alf, all the best in finding answers to your medical questions, I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for you.

    Caramel, good luck with your challenge!

    Beeps, sounds like you have very realistic goals in mind and you will achieve them with no problem :-) I really like lifting and just knowing with every set the muscle is building!

    Larro, how much do those batteries cost....small fortune I'm sure.

    Curious, please be careful on that motorcycle.....I see far too many accidents coming through our ER (a lot of moped accidents on the island as well) and too many of them are very serious cases. I love motorcycles and have contemplated buying one, but there are far too many distracted and drunk idiots on the road. Be safe :-)

    Welcome JD, have a great ride!

    Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend all! For me it will be my practicum for school (research for diabetic education in the community), hosting a teenage sleepover, cleaning house and making lunch for a hundred or so people on Monday for our kid's fundraising fishing tourney (they have been in Judo for 6 years or so and are working toward a Japan trip). Oh yes, and a couple of workouts!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey guys, I lived through the garden. Ha.

    It's funny thinking of me having a lot of energy. I have always been lazy. It's just that there is so much to be done, and only me to do it. I have been doing more since I'm on this healthy living kick. But other than right up close to the house, my grass hasn't been cut in a couple of months.

    And the batteries we need are not the power pack batteries, or even the regular car battery {although we have bought one of those a couple of years ago}. It is the battery for the two smart keys. You don't take the key out of your pocket to unlock the door or drive the car. But when the battery in the little fob thing is dead, you are forced to do both.

    I've got to hit the shower. It's Friday, which means I MUST shave. LOL. I didn't want to overload you guys with pictures, so I started a garden thread. If any of you want to look, it's http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1417439-a-good-morning-in-the-garden?page=1

    I will leave you with this one though. This is Orange.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I wanted to add a thought about the Prius batteries. When the car first came out they thought the batteries would wear out pretty fast, so they bought up a lot of replacements. But they lasted quite a bit longer than thought, and with supply and demand being what it is, the cost of replacement batteries went way down. Still a good amount of change, but not the several thousand dollars that was first projected.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I have really got to get in the shower, but....

    Curious, location is everything. When I checked the weather at 0630 and it was ONLY 70, I was so happy at how cool it had got during the night. It's 91 now, with a heat index of 99. An average day for this time of year.

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi cool kids,

    Wow - lots to happened in a day!
    I did not get a workout in as we did our IBC after work and then I had to get home as I was expecting a couple for B&B.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTgVgkrTuas (our Youtube video of the IBC - we are doctors, nurses, Nurse Practitioners, and support staff)

    The "hosue concert" was AWESOME! This guy is good! He sang some of the "old" stuff that we 40+ would know. James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Neil Young, The Beatles, Crosby, Still, Nash & Young, some of his own stuff as well, swing...It was great! The few people that were there thoroughly enjoyed it. I could have listened to him play and sing all night long. As it was, I didn't get to bed until after midnight. Thank goodness I said I would come in a couple of hours late this morning.

    Beeps, I do know that looking for a job is a LOT of work. When the company I used to work for shut down and we were all let go, they brought in a consultant to assist us with job search. He told us to treat job search as our "job" Work on it daily, keep a binder of places you have applied, cover letters, etc. It can get exhausting. Good luck with it all. I am sure you will not be unemployed for long. Everyone needs a lawyer at some time in their life.

    Larro - your garden can be a full time job. Do you sell any of your produce? have I asked you this already? Nothing grew in our gardens this year, so I am making weekly trips to the farmer's market that comes to town. I just know that I would be in line wanting to buy fresh grown fruits and veggies. :happy:
    Also, scary story about your "visitors".

    Alf - I do enjoy PiYo and do like Chalene. I have done a workout where she is leading it, but she is very, very good! I have only just started, but the few I have done, I have really enjoyed.

    Have another guest arriving tonight, so am heading home right after work to get stuff cleaned up. Hope to get a home workout in there.

    Was really hoping to get out blueberry picking this past weekend, but they are calling for major rains. Special weather alerts to boot. :tongue:

    Have a great long weekend all.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member

    Sdereski, I love the story about your fishing granddaughter. She's got a sharp mind! What's PiYo? Enjoy that concert! It sounds like a lovely time.

    It is a combination of Pilates and Yoga moves.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sdereski, that was awesome!!!! Do you work full time? How do you manage a job plus a B&B?? I would love to go blueberry picking!! I have been thinking about getting PiYo but I need to resolve my pain situation.

    Well, and speaking of pain, nothing showed in the XRays. I knew that would be the case. I also cheated and picked up a copy of my xryas at records before my appt. The good thing the doctor ordered an MRI. I just need to get an appt to get it done. So the waiting game. In the meantime she gave me more pain meds from naproxen to tramadol? Anyone tried that? I dont even like to take tylenol so I am a little nervous about taking this. :noway: I am hoping the MRI shows the cause of the pain. My labral tear has been bothering me more lately as well. It might all be connected. :sad:

    Larro, Orange is a cutie!!! I can imagine your garden. Nice!!! A person who gardens, cooks, etc like you do is NOT lazy!!!!

    Good to hear from so many of you!!!! Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou: