Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    I will try to track my calories under my goal. I have been fairly faithful to my diet lately. I am trying to avoid my trigger foods. If I even have any, I just want to gorge myself. Instead I avoid them altogether. It has been easy so far but I used to be a pizza, ice cream and pasta freak. I do miss those things. I substitute anything whole grain, which is not bad. I am anxious for the day I weigh less than 220 lbs. I hope it is not too far away. I am getting prepared to move and am starting to pack all the things I don't need for now. It is such an odious task I wish it were over. I live in a place that is pretty rural and I don't have many friends here. The place I am moving to is a nice little small town, and my best friend is going to be right next door I can't wait. .
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    That would be my downfall, as bacon is another of my trigger foods. Actually anything fattening is one of my trigger foods
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    I have to tell you all that reading your posts is uplifting. You all are so tuned to each other and the whole tone of this topic is so positive. I do feel that it is a definite aid in my goal to get myself back in shape, and I thank you all.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Robin, I guess I was thinking of myself with the quote. I ate poorly (health wise) for 50 years and have diabetes and high blood pressure. I am sure a lot of things are not because of bad choices but genetics, bad luck, etc.

    I have a beef brisket and a Boston Butt for pulled pork in the smoker right now. Later in the weekend there will be a whole turkey and a couple of chickens.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    KateIrv - I can imagine how hard it is right now to conquer your cravings - it actually does get easier over time - thats the truth!
    I am excited for your move - what state are your moving to and when is your moving date? Packing IS dreadful, isn't it? Ugh :grumble: I have moved alot and now I'm happy and will NEVER move again! So glad your friend will be next door - what fun!

    I'm glad you're enjoying this thread so much. We will become your surrogate family I hope. It has become mine! I don't have much family myself and I really have grown to CARE SO MUCH for the people here! You included! :heart:

    Tom - actually you do have a point there in his quote he does mention health and we are the masters of that mostly........ooooh, your foods sound so good!.

    I got back online to share this I saw on Facebook: I JUST DID A WEEKS WORTH OF CARDIO AFTER WALKING INTO A SPIDERS WEB! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Well, that was an adventure! We took off for a walk and realized it was blowing pretty hard. The lightning was over a mile away. By the time we met Cathy it had started to sprinkle a little. We decided to turn around and head home. By the time we got home, the lightning was closer than a half a mile and we were soaked to the skin. The whole walk was .6 of a mile, and I think I set a personal best for speed.
    Yes, Robin, my knee pain is pretty much 24/7, it is pretty low-level most of the time. It rarely wakes me up at night, and walking doesn't make it hurt any worse. The only thing that increases the pain is the leverage of sitting down, standing up, or doing stairs.
    I have a large family, but still really appreciate the friendship and caring that I find here.
    I am looking forward to repeating the August challenge. It didn't go so well this month. I know that I can do better.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--I've had those days when I head out thinking I can beat the rain, only to find it's faster than me. :laugh:

    @robin--that spider web post made me laugh--totally me! :laugh: I'm deathly afraid of spiders. :noway: And yes, I didn't originally have much sleep planned, but I decided against the street dance tonight, so should be able to get to bed early-ish. :smile:

    @tom--my husbad is planning to smoke a pork roast this weekend as well. He wanted to do it today, but the weather forcast insisted it would storm all day. Of course, we haven't had a drop since about 11 am, but by the time we realized the weather report was wrong, it was too late for him to start the process. Maybe tomorrow. :ohwell:

    @kate--good luck with the packing. It will be so mice for you to be near your friend. :flowerforyou:

    @kelley--sorry about your phone. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it lasts until the new release.

    @alison--I love a clean fridge. Fortunately, with just the two of us, ours rarely gets cluttered.

    @susna--Great job logging for 30 days straight! :drinker: And yes, the '80s crawl should be fun. One of my BFFs who's going with is absolutely stuck in the '80s. She' still has a bunch of her clothes and accessories from that time period and has spent the day rummaging through her closet looking for the "perfect" outfit. I think she's called me about a dozen times in the last 24 hours to say "Guess what I found!?!?!?" Fortunately, it's more amusing than it is annoying. :laugh:

    @marsha--you are also doing great with the logging and exercise!! :drinker:

    Saturday Success:
    I don't have any earth-shattering successes to report. After figuring my TDEE and adjusting my calorie goal to 10% below TDEE, I am weighing in at the same weight as at the start of the month. However, I did start lifting again regularly, so I think that may be affecting my weight. My plan going forward is to continue with the same calorie range of 1680-1780, but work to stay closer to the 1680 and focus on my protein goal more diligently. I will also continue with the lifting and cardio that I've been doing, and see how September goes.

    On the plus side, my clothes are all fitting really well, and I even noticed that a pair of my capri pants seemd a bit looser today, so maybe my body is starting to catch up with all of the changes.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 61/61 Junior universal screeners DONE
    2. 63/68 AP quizzes DONE
    3. 4/68 AP universal screeners

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun--walk gunner

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -166
    100g of protein = 8/31 days
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Saturday Success - Went out for dinner to celebrate my son's 27th birthday. Dinner came in at just over 500 cals. YEA!!!!!!
    Under goal for today.

    Thanks to all who share their woes. Makes me feel like I am in the best of company. Right now I may still be hyper vigilant but I had been on anti-depressants for over 20 years. It takes 5 weeks to get 90% of it out of my system. I have now completed week 3. Every up and down is sending my mind racing. Reading your posts for good or not brings me back to reality.

    August for me:
    Down 6 pounds
    Down 1 size.
    Did my first 4 spin classes.
    Declared my intention to do a triathlon for my 55th birthday next year.
    Discovered this forum. :love:

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Skinnyjeanzbound/ Karen - Pork roasts are one of the easy things to smoke. Mine always come out very good. Chicken and turkey are pretty easy too. The beef is less forgiving with temperature and time in the smoke. Good luck with yours!

    Today the smoker has a whole turkey and a couple of chickens in it. The poultry makes for some great enchiladas. We may even try some pulled pork with bbq sauce enchiladas. The chicken makes really good enchiladas with verde enchilada sauce. We are going to try turkey enchiladas also since the turkey breasts we have done have been great. I think the brine overnight makes them have a great flavor.

    Happy National Trail Mix Day
    When : Always August 31st
    National Trail Mix Day features a high energy, tasty treat for the trail or snacks. You can buy packages of trail mix at a store. Or, you can make up your own, using the ingredients you like best.
    When you head out to a campout, a hike or to go biking, take the Trail Mix along with you. It provides the extra energy boost to keep you from getting tired and running out of energy along the trail. Don't limit trail mix to the trail. It is also good at campouts.
    Here is a fun way that the Boy Scouts make Trail Mix:
    Ask each hiker or camper to bring a box or bag of their favorite cereal, nuts, pretzels, raisins, dried fruit, M&Ms, etc. For younger hikers or new members of the group, it's best to provide them with a list of the types of food that can go into trail mix. That way, the inexperienced hiker won't bring something that cannot be easily carried. At the campout or before the hike, bring the group together and mix all the food in a big, big bowl. Put the mix into sealable baggies and pass them out to each hiker.
    Tips: When making your own trail mix, avoid messy items that leave your hands sticky. Also avoid too many salty items. For example, unsalted nuts is better than salted ones.
    Happy trails to you!

    “Little by little does the trick.” ~Aesop

  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Sunday share -- well, I actually managed to log properly for a whole day yesterday and today! So that's a win. Otherwise, what's to share? Haven't really got into the swing of this. I was very taking with what Dreamagberry said -- it's important to remember that this is a happy, positive journey. I'm not denying myself, I'm choosing health and a good lifestyle and that's fun.

    I've just slightly gone over today because my hubby suggested we should have a beer so that we can tolerate the second half of the Hobbit movie on Netflix (it's a combination of really good bits and really bad bits which is a bit of a pain). But dinner was FANTASTIC soup made out of root vegetables and green vegetables (potatoes, onions, carrots, celery, garlic, chard, kale, turnip tops and carrot tops), eaten with big hunks of rye bread and (oops) butter.

    @Robin -- no PM for me... yes, I'm going to stay connected this time.
    @tom -- it's the streak in your heart that matters.
    @Zaxie -- I do personals in a separate notepad program and then paste them in.
    @KateIrving -- some people find that it's better to avoid their trigger foods completely, others find it's better to have them in small amounts, or on occasional days. I guess I mix them up; I try not to keep biscuits or cake in the house, but I eat small portions of cheese.
    @Karen -- if you've started lifting again then your clothes will appreciate it first!
    @Cblue315 -- it sounds like you had a *great* August!

    Right -- hope you're all looking forward to starting another fantastic week. And I'm ready to start the September challenge!

    -- Alison
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    I am moving to the Chesapeake Bay area of Maryland. To a small town. I can't wait. I know that the weather there is more temperate than it is in Palmyra. I just worry about the summers. Hopefully I will be lighter in weight and less intolerant of heat by that time. I really don't want to think about moving because of the packing. Each time I move towards the end of the packing I start to throw things willy nilly into whatever boxes I have on hand. It makes unpacking a challenge. I do plan to have someone carry things because years of nursing have made my back a constant backache if I don't watch out. Hopefully November weather will be good, I am leaving here Nov 8, can't wait.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Had a very productive day yesterday. I feel so much better when I get things done! DH and I spent the last few hours running errands at Home Depot, Costco, Walmart and the grocery store. It's so darn hot and humid today, I'm glad to be home and in the AC.

    I am officially over Summer. I find Fall is, for me, a season of renewal. Maybe I still think of it as the start of the year like I did when I was in school. Or maybe it's the crisp, cool air that revives me after a long, hot summer. Either way, I'm glad the weather will be getting cooler and I plan to use the energy boost Fall brings to renew my focus on losing the rest of my weight. I have a ton of things already planned for the next few months, so I'm going to need all the help I can get!!

    As I like to think , "It's the most Wonderfall time of the year"!!

    August Challenge - At or under daily calorie goal 25/31

    Good Days: 25/31
    Not so Good Days: 3
    Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days: 2
    Bad calorie day, but totally worth it and planned to do it: 1
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE Note and be ready................................................................

    - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread – it happens that every 20 pages, - we start a new Thread – therefore you will see at the bottom of the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi My on-line name is Robin but in real life I’m Ellen. I’ve been with MFP since August, 2010. I’m 63, single,- twice divorced, no kids, can’t work –on disability, and frustrated with myself for taking so darn long to lose this weight. Medications are fighting against me. And I’m not fighting back right now.

    I live in Omaha, Nebraska and its home to the Henry Doorley Zoo – NOW considered THE BEST ZOO in the WORLD! I dream of buying a year’s pass to the zoo – but its quite expensive! It’s a lovely place to walk and have a picnic with friends.

    I hope to continue to lose weight this year and next year and ultimately get down to 170. I started at 264 and am now at 231. I want to enjoy all sorts of activities, such as kayaking, hang gliding, fun activities I haven’t been able to do yet.

    This community has become a second family to me - I credit it with my being able to keep control of my weight in the sense that I have NOT gained uncontrollably in the past 4 years. I have maintained some loss overall thru many a struggle that had nothing to do with weight loss, so I am quite proud of that. I don't think that would have been possible without the help of this community! :heart:
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    Hi :bigsmile: I'm Betty and I'm from Columbus, Georgia. I am 50yrs old and my starting weight was 369lbs. I've lost 35lbs total as of today and now weigh 334lbs!!! I have a 20yrs old non-adjustable lapband that I am hopefully going to have removed by the end of this year. It has caused me to suffer greatly over these years with daily bouts of vomiting and sever acid reflux. This in turn has most definitely been the reason I have been diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus. This, unfortunately for me, means cancer cells are present in my esophagus and must be lasered (burned) off then re-checked every few months through endoscopy. I have undergone 2 ablation endoscopies already, the most recent one of which was just on Aug 28th. I am recuperating nicely from this procedure although the burning pain in my esophagus and chest does still rear it's ugly head whenever I constrict my chest or move a little too much. I'm sure within a few more days to a week maximum I will be back to 100%!! :bigsmile:
    I have been married to the love of my life for nearly 30 years:heart::heart: :heart: He met me on a blind date when I was 20yrs old and weighed 230lbs. We fell in love immediately and married 7 months later :heart: We were blessed with 2 children: a daughter, now 28 and a son, now almost 23. Our daughter has given us 3 precious grandchildren that we truly adore: ages 9,8, and 5. We all live in the same city and within a few miles of each other. Extended family reaches from Atlanta to Tennessee to Kentucky to Virginia and even to Germany!!!
    I started here on MFP in mid July by simply logging my foods daily. It took me a while to venture out to find friends and to start looking for support and encouraging others. Happy to say that I've found so many kindhearted souls here that can totally relate or sympathize with me in all aspects of my life. I feel comfortable here and definitely LOVED AND ACCEPTED AS I AM TODAY and encouraged to be all that I can be TOMORROW! Life is so much sweeter now and there are so many possibilities for me with each new matter the failures and mistakes of yesterdays. All we ever have for certain is today...right now! Do your best in this moment for yourself and no one else!!!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Hi all... well it's the last day of August and I've enjoyed my month off. I did not track, ate whatever I wanted and the scale went up. But I stayed active with some hiking, kayaking (I bought one last week) and generally not sitting around on my duff all the time.

    I do not want to do this 365, and I think I will adapt a summer and winter break from logging and deficit eating. And I will not feel guilty about it. And the few months in between each break I will put my energy into focusing on doing things right. My hope is that each year it will get easier to not fall back into such bad habits, that those bad habits will shrink a bit each year.

    I am actually excited to go back to physio and get stronger and leaner, I've missed it. I miss running too, my foot is still sore, but I hope that I can get back to running at least once a week.

    I am weeks behind in my reading here, so just posting an update.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    post #486

    Just in case someone else is counting until the roll over.

    Katie- I am so excited- Where in the Chesapeake Bay Area of Maryland are you moving to? I live in Annapolis Maryland which is on the Chesapeake Bay. There are several counties and towns that line the Chesapeake Bay. The bay is a wonderful place to be and the weather is a mix of conditions, this summer has been fantastic- cool for the season with only a few days in the 90's. We do get snow in the winter but it truly depends on where you are as to how much you get. The dividing line appears to be a major interstate 95 and the areas South of there tend to get less snow. I hope we will be able to meet up. If you are on the Eastern Shore, I head over there often to bike ride or go to the beach. PM me if you have specific questions.

    This past week has been very busy with school and yesterday I was busy all day. Ate two much at a picnic and then went to a baseball game and ate more than I should have. I paid for it yesterday and today on the scale but I know the weight will come off again. Went for a great bike ride today but we did stop at 12 miles because it was getting to hot (a 90 degree day) and trail was in direct sun. Tomorrow, I am riding again provided the rain is gone. I did kayak yesterday during the picnic so that helped some but still I know better than to eat right after exercising- eyes bigger than stomach. :angry:

    I am looking forward to seeing my friend from Texas this week but our plans may be interrupted since her mom is in the hospital. Please send positive thoughts for her mom and that they don't need to head back to Texas quickly. They are suppose to visit on Wednesday but may need to leave earlier. They are closing up her parent's house and moving stuff back to Texas since she lost her Dad last year.

    I am glad the first week of school is over but oh boy was I exhausted. Today, turned into a lazy day except for the bike ride, getting laundry done and finishing the lesson plans for the class I took this summer. Nothing like waiting until the last minute to get something finished. Now, I just need to grade some papers but it should not take to long-Famous last words.:laugh:

    Have a great Labor Day and may you all find the time to relax.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE Note and be ready................................................................

    - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread – it happens that every 20 pages, - we start a new Thread – therefore you will see at the bottom of the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One. robinsegg

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi Laurie - I'll be up quite late and watching to do the roll-over. Why don't you get some sleep? I'll take care of it!
    Thanks for posting the roll-over info.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    post 489

    Laurie - definitely praying for your friends' mom that she remain strong and stable while your friend is up here and there-after. I hope you have a great visit! Don't wear her out! Sounds like you might be helping pack too!
    Gosh I envy you getting to kayak - that was a goal of mine and it hasn't come true yet - :grumble: - but my friend has had a run of bad health, bad luck, and a new puppy so no complaints on my part about when it happens!

    Katie - I'm so excited about where you're moving - Laurie talks about the beauty of her bike rides often - it sounds like a lovely area! Can't wait for you to move. I pack kind of like you describe. I use older clothing to pad around other stuff - like pictures - to protect them, so my boxes look so goofy when you open them. You unwrap underwear to find a fine china piece for the china hutch, :laugh: