New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • leastwood
    Hey, i didn't know there was an app. Awesome, I learn so much from My Fitness Pals! I have made a commitment to do a 5K every month this year. I plan to walk the first one, which is this Saturday, Jan 29. With this app, maybe I will be running by the 2nd one in Feb! That is ahead of my schedule! I am 57 yrs old, and it might seem a little late to starting running, but I say, "never too late"!
  • jensyth
    jensyth Posts: 21 Member
    So I just finished Week 2 Day 1 tonight and I have a question for everyone. How 'hard' do you guys run for your 'run' portion? Are you basically going at a speed that leaves you feeling dead after 30 seconds so that you have to really ''want it' to finish the rest of the run portion, or are you running/walking at a speed that leaves you relatively tired after the ~20 minute set? I feel like I should be running faster during the run portion (currently doing 5.0 on the treadmill) cause I don't feel very taxed, but I'm worried that I might be overextending if I up the speed and that I should stick at this speed and I'll eventually reach a point in the program where the amount of time spent running (regardless of the speed) will become challenging enough. What about everyone else? Do you run as if you are sprinting, or is it a jog, or do you vary your speed to whatever you feel you can maintain for that particular day/week?
  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 440 Member
    Hi I'm new to myfitnesspal. I have just finished week 1 day 3... I haven't run in such a long time feeling positive about c25k :) i'm doing about 6km for walk and 9 km for run sorry I'm not got with the conversion. The run is about a jog but towards the end of intervals I'm waiting for that beep. Will start week 2 day one on Wednesday
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Good morning everyone, please bear with what will likely be a long post.

    First of all, I did beging W2D1 yesterday. It totally kicked my butt, but I did it. I walked at 3.0 (usually try for 3.3 but was worn out between runs) and I ran at 5.0. The extra 30 seconds of running was tough, but only when I'd watch the seconds tick by. I tried turning on the tv and that helped distract me. For some reason I'd phyched myself out thinking it was a 90 sec run and a 60 sec walk but it's a 120 sec walk. Silly me. Completely doable. I'm not altogether sure I'll move on to W3, but I'll worry about that later in the week.

    Jules, great job with your run. I always knew running on the pavement would be more taxing than running on a treadmill but it's got to be better training to propel yourself, rather than have a moving belt below you. I had forgotten about the knees. Thanks for that note. It reminds me I need to stick to the treadmill until I lose some weight before I try to put that shock on my knees on the pavement. Great job!

    Ruby, great job on your run yesterday. WE GOT THIS!

    Reese, I commend you for listening to your body and slowing the pace when you need to. I think it's probably better to get through the run and then work on your pace over time, rather than wear yourself out where you might injure yourself or make yourself not want to run anymore. Way to listen to your body!

    Patricac, Moriah, Richelle, Leastwood and Kai - WELCOME. Let us know how your runs go. We're all in this together and welcome any insight or questions (or even just venting!) you might have.

    Jemmur - thanks for the note. You're completely right that I psyched myself out and overthought it. Typical me :)

    Downtome - welcome. You've totally got this. My program has me run 3 times a week. It doesn't specify whether its every other or back to back. I run my runs every other day (which yes, every other week requires a 4th run in that week so I repeat a day). Better to let your muscles rest for a day before doing another one. At least, better for me since I don't have a runners body yet.

    SkinnyOat - good call on it being the length of a commercial. Thanks for the perspective!

    June - 6mph for 3 of your run intervals?!? That's amazing, great job! Keep it up.

    NewMeat - Good question. I'd love to hear what everyone listens to. My itouch app lets me dump some playlists from my ipod into the C25K program then it will shuffle them for me. I have the Girl Talk album "All Day" combined with a CD my old Zumba instructor gave me that we used to do in class (back when I did Zumba). It makes for a strange combo since a lot of the Zumba is latin and the Girl Talk is rap mashed up with hip hop, rock and pop music. By the way, if you don't know Girl Talk (and don't mind a little language from time to time) I highly recommend checking them out. It's a DJ who takes songs and mashes them up together. They always have a really quick beat and are the perfect tempo to run to. They mash up really old songs you haven't heard since the 70s with rap and its really cool. Because he uses other people's music (which he does legally), he doesn't charge for the albums, so most of his albums are free (legal) downloads if you google them you might find them. I highly recommend them.

    Lady, welcome and let us know how your run went yesterday!

    Seasonal, Great progress on your run. That's gotta feel good. Keep up the good work!

    Jensyth - Good question about whether we're running (sprinting) or jogging. My feeling is that I need to survive the workout and still want to do it again when I finish. There's a fine line between pushing yourself in a good way and a bad way. If you're not being taxed on the runs, but you're worried pushing yourself will make you too worn out, you just have to find that balance. Personally, I do day 1 at 5.0 for the runs (which is still a little taxing for me, but I can finish the 30 minutes intact). Then Day 2, I'll experiment with going up to 5.1 or 5.3. Day 3, I alternate between 5.1, 5.3 and 5.5 every run so that I can try to up my pace without pushing too hard. Plus the changes in speed makes it go by a little quicker for me (i.e. when I've got a 5.1 run vs. a 5.5 run I always feel like I'm going nice and slow - even though it's still higher than my usual 5.0). I think everything has to find their balance of what works for them. You should definitely progress but without pushing yourself too, too hard that it could have a negative effect on your running experiences (i.e. injury or burnout).

    Sorry for the super long email, I hadn't checked into here over the weekend.

    Good luck this week with your runs. Let us know how it goes. WE CAN DO THIS. This is such a great program. I never would have thought I'd be able to run as much as I already have been able to and I'm only in week 2. We're gonna be rockstars by the end of this!
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    i'm about to do w1 d2 today worried how much its goung to hurt though as my calves still feel sore from saturday (first day) can anyone help with this?
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    I'm on week 3, day 1. i was going to start week 3 yesterday, but was really into cleaning the house and didn't want to loose the motivation for that! Hope everyone's doing good with this, i can't wait to run a 5K in the spring with my sister!!!!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    i'm about to do w1 d2 today worried how much its goung to hurt though as my calves still feel sore from saturday (first day) can anyone help with this?

    Are you running on pavement or on a treadmill? Maybe change the incline if on a treadmill, or find a different terrain if running on pavement?
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    i'm about to do w1 d2 today worried how much its goung to hurt though as my calves still feel sore from saturday (first day) can anyone help with this?

    Are you running on pavement or on a treadmill? Maybe change the incline if on a treadmill, or find a different terrain if running on pavement?

    Also have you been stretching?
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    Hi, thought I'd join this group too. I'm on week 02, Day 03 for today. I have no idea how fast I'm going b/c I'm running outside. I've never figured out the distance, but I know I'm doing well b/c I get closer to the airport each time I run ;-) I love this program. I, not shockingly, hate exercising. Can't seem to find a sport that blows my dress up, but this is blowing my dress up. Who woulda thunk it? I'm running during my lunch hour and adding a lot more walking after the cool-down. My hubby used to be an avid runner (5 min miler) until he got injured, so I asked him to critique my style of running and he recommended that I stop shuffling the feet and lengthen my stride. That has really helped. There was a comment about breathing -- which I've gleaned can be a controversial subject. But he told me what worked for him was inhaling for two strides and exhaling for two strides. I kinda like that one. It works for me. I love hearing all the music everyone listens to. I've discovered that anything I know all the words to and can sing along to distracts me from the fact that my body is begging me to stop moving so quickly. Happy running, everyone!

  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Can't seem to find a sport that blows my dress up, but this is blowing my dress up.


    Melanie, welcome. And can I just say. This is my favorite comment yet. I'm totally stealing this and making it mine!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I love this idea and thread, Thanx HM for creating it. Being a first time runner and tips or tricks that I can pick up are always helpful. I am starting W2D1 this evening after having a week off from running so we will see how this goes and how I feel tomorrow. I am really looking forward to it so that really helps me to not psych myself out.

    Melanie - I love your comment "Can't seem to find a sport that blows my dress up, but this is blowing my dress up." I also feel exactly the same way :bigsmile:

    I have been walking at 3.0 and running at 4.8 and hope to slowly increase that as I work through each week.
  • nessaanne86
    About 6 months ago I tried to do C25K, but just stopped having motivations to keep going. I am ready to start and complete it this time. I am going to the gym tonight to start. :-)
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    About 6 months ago I tried to do C25K, but just stopped having motivations to keep going. I am ready to start and complete it this time. I am going to the gym tonight to start. :-)

    Way to go you! Let us know how it goes.
  • txjulie
    txjulie Posts: 190 Member
    I completed a C25K program last October & it was the best! You really need to find a goal 5k in your area to keep you motivated. I ran the entire 5k in 35 min and never thought I could do that. I have kept up the running and recently signed up for a crazy 3.18 mile race with obstacles that I am training for now. ( You can do this. Just take one day at a time and you will amaze yourself with your progress. Be sure you are really watching your food also - don't expect running 3x/wk to bring a huge weight loss for the beginner c25k program as food is a big factor in weight loss. I know you guys know that since you are on MFP though. :wink: I have the iphone app c25k which works really well but i have moved on now to the app LogYourRun which can be used with your treadmill, running, biking, etc. It doesn't tell you when to run/walk but I would just write the intervals on my hand & keep an eye on my watch. Good luck & stick with it!! Sign up for a 5k to keep you going.
  • mommyof5kids
    finished Week 2 Day 1 this morning....I walked @ 3.6 and ran @ 5.0...looking forward to week 2, day 2
  • HealthyEscape
    I finished Week 1 Day 1 yesterday (Sunday). It was tough, but I pushed through. I did 1.92 miles in 30 minutes and burned 375 calories. Day 2 is on Tuesday (so long as this stupid cold I woke up with is gone by then).

    I run on the tredmil so I can control my speed. I jog at 5.0 and walk at 3.5. Worked for me :-) Only thing that hurt was my darn shin splits! After I get my tax refund, I am going to the running shoe store to have my feet tested and get a nice pair of running shoes to help.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • iarookie
    iarookie Posts: 140

    Hi My name is Janice! I want in your group!! Please! My sister is turning 50 this year and I will be 45. We have signed up to do a 1/2 Marathon on June. Walking and running - we need to average a 14 minute mile.

    Do we just keep adding to this thread?

    I am debating if I should do week 2 a second week as I never did all the runs in week 2 completely without walking early.

    1. Im in Week #3
    2. Day # 1
    3. Walking Pace (if you know from the treadmill) I go 3.3
    4. Running Pace (if you know from the treadmill) 5.2
    5. 30 minutes gets me around 1.90 miles
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member

    Hi My name is Janice! I want in your group!! Please! My sister is turning 50 this year and I will be 45. We have signed up to do a 1/2 Marathon on June. Walking and running - we need to average a 14 minute mile.

    Do we just keep adding to this thread?

    I am debating if I should do week 2 a second week as I never did all the runs in week 2 completely without walking early.

    1. Im in Week #3
    2. Day # 1
    3. Walking Pace (if you know from the treadmill) I go 3.3
    4. Running Pace (if you know from the treadmill) 5.2
    5. 30 minutes gets me around 1.90 miles

    Hey Janice, welcome. Yea, keep posting on this thread as you complete your workouts. Its really encouraging to know so many people are out there suffering with me every day.

    What is on the agenda for week 3? I haven't looked ahead to see what awaits me next week.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I thought that this info would be helpful to anyone who doesn't have the C25K app or would like to do it on the eliptical. You do 3 runs each week. Keep in mind that ALL of these runs begin with a 5 minute warm-up and a 5 minute cool-down (even if it doesn't state it below).

    Week 1 (Runs 1, 2, & 3):
    >>> 28 1/2 minutes total with 5 minute warm-up and 5 minutes cool-down. 8 minutes of running.
    **** Run 1 minute. Between runs, walk for 1 1/2 minutes. (Repeat 7 more times for 8 total runs)

    Week 2 (Runs 1,2, & 3):
    >>> 29 minutes total with 5 minute warm-up and 5 minutes cool-down. 9 minutes of running.
    **** Run 1 1/2 minutes. Between runs, walk 2 minutes (Repeat 5 more times for 6 total runs)

    Week 3 (Runs 1, 2, &3);
    >>> 25 minutes total. 9 minutes of running
    **** Run 1 1/2 minutes, then walk 1 1/2 minutes AND Run 3 minutes, then walk 3 minutes (Repeat once for a total of 2 runs)

    Week 4 (Runs 1, 2, & 3):
    >>> 31 1/2 minutes total. 16 minutes of running
    **** Run 3 minutes, then walk 1 1/2 minutes AND Run 5 minutes, then walk 2 1/2 minutes (Repeat once for a total of 2 runs)

    Week 5 (Run 1):
    >>> 31 minutestotal . 15 minutes of running.
    **** Run 5 minutes, then walk 3 minutes (Repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 runs)

    Week 5 (Run 2):
    >>> 31 minutes total. 16 minutes of running.
    **** Run 8 minutes, walk 5 minutes, then run 8 minutes

    Week 5 (Run 3):
    >>> 30 minutes total. 20 minutes of running.
    **** 5 minute warm-up, 20 mintues of running, 5 minute cool-down

    Week 6 (Run 1):
    >>> 34 minutes total. 18 minutes running.
    **** Run 5 minutes then walk 3 minutes
    **** Run 8 minutes then walk 3 minutes
    **** Run 5 minutes

    Week 6 (Run 2):
    >>> 33 minutes total. 20 minutes of running.
    **** Run 10 minutes, then walk 3 mintues
    **** Run 10 minutes

    Week 6 (Run 3):
    >>> 35 minutes total. 25 minutes of running.
    **** Run 25 minutes (no walking breaks)

    Week 7 (Runs 1, 2, & 3):
    >>> 35 minutes total. 25 minutes of running.
    **** Run 25 minutes (no walking breaks)

    Week 8 (Runs 1, 2, & 3):
    >>> 38 minutes total. 28 minutes of running.
    **** Run 28 minutes (no walking breaks)

    Week 9 (Runs 1, 2, & 3):
    >>> 40 minutes total. 30 minutes of running.
    **** Run 30 minutes (no walking breaks)

    I hope that this is helpful for everyone, especially those that do not have the actual C25K app.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Thanks Newmeat, you little mind-reader, you.