Office Treats - Not cool Rant



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I would so bring in treats to your office and eat them in front of you. Loudly.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    It must really suck to be a helpless victim of everyone and everything.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I found it very difficult to overcome office treat temptation when I was losing my weight. However, now that I am all fit and sexy I just sit at my desk and smile smugly while the pigs feed at the trough... That is all. *Note: I got and still get nasty comments about how I don't eat (like they couldn't see my healthy snacks -OR- that I was eating 5-6x per day) or that I work out too much. Sorry, not sorry that my healthier lifestyle makes you feel insecure ;)


    Off to feed like a pig at a trough.....

    Can I join? I brought home a whole pizza last night from my office we could rejoice in its lovelies. I won't even use my hands.

    I'll bring the ice cream sundaes!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I am beginning to think it's legitimately cruel to bring candy for co-workers to share at the office. I don't know how many times I have to ask people not to bring it in but it's like no one cares. I am trying so hard not to snack and it becomes so much harder when almost everyone has some sort of treat at their desk. I can only walk by it so many times without taking something.

    I am sure I will get a ton of "no one is forcing you to eat it" and you're right. But my "friends" sure don't make it any easier for me. I notoriously have no will power. Why do people want to tempt me?? They think it's nice and I guess once in a while it's a nice treat, but to fill the candy bucket that you've had in your office since Halloween on a weekly basis is just not necessary. And it's always the people that don't eat it themselves! When you stop smoking or drinking or whatever, the professionals all say to stay away from things that trigger you. The amazing cookies that someone brought in today to say thank you for bridal shower gift is certainly a trigger. And it is right next to my cube! This articles helps prove my point.

    Sorry for the rant. I'm just really upset about it. I am working really hard to be good. I am a working mom with an almost 2 hour commute each way and working out once I get home is really hard for me. I am not always able to burn the extra calories to make up for one bite size snickers. It can ruin my whole day. Okay, rant over. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

    The part that shocks me the most about this post is the commute time. Between those 4 hours and your working hours you must have very little time with your children.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Hi again - OP here. I got a lot of "it's not all about you" comments which really bugged me. I just got a very nice note from someone that made me really think about the real reason I posted my rant and made me realize why the comments bugged me. My whole thought process comes from the fact that if i knew that someone in my office was working really hard to stay away from treats, I personally wouldn't bring them in and make it harder for them. They don't want it and I don't need it. It is my personality not to be the person that makes anything harder for another person. So sometimes it boggles my mind that others don't think the same way and I just can't understand. So that's where it came from.

    But like other comments said, I can't change other people's behaviors (which I actually tell my husband all the time about his mother) so I need to change mind. Thank you for the reminder.

    Well here's the thing. How commonplace is it for people to bring treats into the office? Honestly, I don't believe that there is one person in your office that is concerned enough with your weight loss to intentionally sabotage you. That's still that thinking that someone else is to blame for your lack of self-control. You have to quit thinking like that. Your coworkers are living their lives.

    Even if there is someone there that wants you to fail, then they aren't really interested in keeping you fat, but to get a reaction out of you. And you're giving it to them.

    ETA - Odds are that if you already asked them not to do it, then they did intentionally do it just to piss you off. Still... you let it piss you off, and you didn't have to.

    So I never once in a million years thought that anyone did it on purpose to make things harder for me. Maybe I am naive. And it is every day. I think there are at least three people that have huge buckets that they fill weekly. One even has a pumpkin bucket from halloween.

    Nah, I don't think you are naive. I think it would be a rare and crazy person to deliberately sabotage someone else's diet. That's just silly paranoia. I'd put my money on forgetfulness.
  • Nutmegpoop17
    Nutmegpoop17 Posts: 23 Member
    OMG reading this post sounds like I wrote it! lol.
    My office has a candy dish in the lobby. I have to pass it everytime I go to the copy machine/fax and whenever I need to leave or meet a client. Its in my face.
    I asked my boss to buy peppermint patties instead cause I hate those. But he likes them and is trying to lose weight too. So he said he would rather me get fat than him. He is only sort of joking.

    My self control is thin as well. Gum helps ALOT. So maybe try that? Or start taking the candy every time you walk by and immediately putting your 'share' in the trash can. Better to waste than to waist! lol. I know, I know, that's kinda mean knowing someone spent their money on it, but hey, maybe you will feel guilty for taking so many and ditching them that you wont take more to eat.

    Convince yourself someone sneezed on them.

    Pick up the platter of cookies, walk them around to everyone with napkins so everyone can take one, then ask if they want anymore. When they say no, put them in the trash (or the Fridge, they never taste as good when they have been in the fridge)

    I'm ashamed to say I did that. I shared an office with a girl who had a gumball machine of mike and ikes. After she left for the days I would take a handful and throw them away. Then I made her take the machine home. But she agreed with me and was 20lbs overweight so was thankful I was making her see the error of her ways.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I found it very difficult to overcome office treat temptation when I was losing my weight. However, now that I am all fit and sexy I just sit at my desk and smile smugly while the pigs feed at the trough... That is all. *Note: I got and still get nasty comments about how I don't eat (like they couldn't see my healthy snacks -OR- that I was eating 5-6x per day) or that I work out too much. Sorry, not sorry that my healthier lifestyle makes you feel insecure ;)


    Off to feed like a pig at a trough.....

    Can I join? I brought home a whole pizza last night from my office we could rejoice in its lovelies. I won't even use my hands.

    I'll bring the ice cream sundaes!

    Deal! Chocolate syrup too?!?! plz say yes!!
  • Nutmegpoop17
    Nutmegpoop17 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm the OP and have responded about three pages back. Just want to say again that you were all right. Some of you used supportive words and others were quite harsh. I took both types of comments and came to the conclusion that it's in my hands. I can make the decision to eat the snacks or not. Even the ridiculous amounts of "get a grip" comments are helpful. So thanks. I needed that kick in the pants. *whispers* Can it please stop now *huddles in corner with arms protecting head"?

    I was all ready to make a very frank reply until I read this. I like you. Thanks for being a good sport and not getting all defensive and pointing fingers and jumping up and down screaming, "You people are so mean!"

    You'll do fine here on MFP.

    Thank you very much!
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Hi again - OP here. I got a lot of "it's not all about you" comments which really bugged me. I just got a very nice note from someone that made me really think about the real reason I posted my rant and made me realize why the comments bugged me. My whole thought process comes from the fact that if i knew that someone in my office was working really hard to stay away from treats, I personally wouldn't bring them in and make it harder for them. They don't want it and I don't need it. It is my personality not to be the person that makes anything harder for another person. So sometimes it boggles my mind that others don't think the same way and I just can't understand. So that's where it came from.

    But like other comments said, I can't change other people's behaviors (which I actually tell my husband all the time about his mother) so I need to change mind. Thank you for the reminder.

    Well here's the thing. How commonplace is it for people to bring treats into the office? Honestly, I don't believe that there is one person in your office that is concerned enough with your weight loss to intentionally sabotage you. That's still that thinking that someone else is to blame for your lack of self-control. You have to quit thinking like that. Your coworkers are living their lives.

    Even if there is someone there that wants you to fail, then they aren't really interested in keeping you fat, but to get a reaction out of you. And you're giving it to them.

    ETA - Odds are that if you already asked them not to do it, then they did intentionally do it just to piss you off. Still... you let it piss you off, and you didn't have to.

    So I never once in a million years thought that anyone did it on purpose to make things harder for me. Maybe I am naive. And it is every day. I think there are at least three people that have huge buckets that they fill weekly. One even has a pumpkin bucket from halloween.

    Chances are that it was always there, and you are more sensitive to it now that you have started taking accountability for what you put in your mouth. Congratulations. That's a big sign of progress. There will be other things you will notice along the way too.
  • Nutmegpoop17
    Nutmegpoop17 Posts: 23 Member
    I would so bring in treats to your office and eat them in front of you. Loudly.

    And I would join you. That's the problem!! :)
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    How is throwing away someone else's food any less cruel than feeling tempted by office treats? What in the actual... Never, in my life, would I consider touching something that wasn't mine and purging it purely because I lack self control. No offense. But that's just wrooooong!
  • Nutmegpoop17
    Nutmegpoop17 Posts: 23 Member
    I am beginning to think it's legitimately cruel to bring candy for co-workers to share at the office. I don't know how many times I have to ask people not to bring it in but it's like no one cares. I am trying so hard not to snack and it becomes so much harder when almost everyone has some sort of treat at their desk. I can only walk by it so many times without taking something.

    I am sure I will get a ton of "no one is forcing you to eat it" and you're right. But my "friends" sure don't make it any easier for me. I notoriously have no will power. Why do people want to tempt me?? They think it's nice and I guess once in a while it's a nice treat, but to fill the candy bucket that you've had in your office since Halloween on a weekly basis is just not necessary. And it's always the people that don't eat it themselves! When you stop smoking or drinking or whatever, the professionals all say to stay away from things that trigger you. The amazing cookies that someone brought in today to say thank you for bridal shower gift is certainly a trigger. And it is right next to my cube! This articles helps prove my point.

    Sorry for the rant. I'm just really upset about it. I am working really hard to be good. I am a working mom with an almost 2 hour commute each way and working out once I get home is really hard for me. I am not always able to burn the extra calories to make up for one bite size snickers. It can ruin my whole day. Okay, rant over. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

    The part that shocks me the most about this post is the commute time. Between those 4 hours and your working hours you must have very little time with your children.

    Very little. I see my 19 month old for maybe an hour in the morning while trying to get ready and a half hour at night while she's freaking out and over tired and then fights me to go to sleep. :(
  • Nutmegpoop17
    Nutmegpoop17 Posts: 23 Member
    How is throwing away someone else's food any less cruel than feeling tempted by office treats? What in the actual... Never, in my life, would I consider touching something that wasn't mine and purging it purely because I lack self control. No offense. But that's just wrooooong!

    I don't disagree with you. Hence the "ashamed" part.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Hi again - OP here. I got a lot of "it's not all about you" comments which really bugged me. I just got a very nice note from someone that made me really think about the real reason I posted my rant and made me realize why the comments bugged me. My whole thought process comes from the fact that if i knew that someone in my office was working really hard to stay away from treats, I personally wouldn't bring them in and make it harder for them. They don't want it and I don't need it. It is my personality not to be the person that makes anything harder for another person. So sometimes it boggles my mind that others don't think the same way and I just can't understand. So that's where it came from.

    But like other comments said, I can't change other people's behaviors (which I actually tell my husband all the time about his mother) so I need to change mind. Thank you for the reminder.

    Which we all understand...but are there only 2 of you in your office?

    ETA: If there are more than 2 of you in the office, I would imagine that the person bringing the treats is thinking about everyone which is actually nice. Not just the 1 person who lacks self control.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I found it very difficult to overcome office treat temptation when I was losing my weight. However, now that I am all fit and sexy I just sit at my desk and smile smugly while the pigs feed at the trough... That is all. *Note: I got and still get nasty comments about how I don't eat (like they couldn't see my healthy snacks -OR- that I was eating 5-6x per day) or that I work out too much. Sorry, not sorry that my healthier lifestyle makes you feel insecure ;)


    Off to feed like a pig at a trough.....

    Can I join? I brought home a whole pizza last night from my office we could rejoice in its lovelies. I won't even use my hands.

    I'll bring the ice cream sundaes!

    Deal! Chocolate syrup too?!?! plz say yes!!

  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I found it very difficult to overcome office treat temptation when I was losing my weight. However, now that I am all fit and sexy I just sit at my desk and smile smugly while the pigs feed at the trough... That is all. *Note: I got and still get nasty comments about how I don't eat (like they couldn't see my healthy snacks -OR- that I was eating 5-6x per day) or that I work out too much. Sorry, not sorry that my healthier lifestyle makes you feel insecure ;)


    Off to feed like a pig at a trough.....

    Can I join? I brought home a whole pizza last night from my office we could rejoice in its lovelies. I won't even use my hands.

    I'll bring the ice cream sundaes!

    Deal! Chocolate syrup too?!?! plz say yes!!



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I found it very difficult to overcome office treat temptation when I was losing my weight. However, now that I am all fit and sexy I just sit at my desk and smile smugly while the pigs feed at the trough... That is all. *Note: I got and still get nasty comments about how I don't eat (like they couldn't see my healthy snacks -OR- that I was eating 5-6x per day) or that I work out too much. Sorry, not sorry that my healthier lifestyle makes you feel insecure ;)
    A**holes are hilarious
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm back in- now that we have ice cream on board.
    I am all fit and sexy I just sit at my desk and smile smugly while the pigs feed at the trough...

    this makes me sad- I'm fit and sexy and I still eat treats at my office. how sad for you!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Another thing to consider - I have a few colleagues who garden, and they routinely bring in cucumbers, muscadine grapes, whatever's in season. It's really easy to walk past the candy and grab a grape. It would be really cool if you could be "the girl with the fruit basket." After bottomless supplies of Hersheys bars, I always would kill for a fruit salad - be somebody's hero!

    If someone brought a bowl of cucumbers to work that's the desk I'd make sure to walk past several times a day.

    I really hope your mind was in the same place when you wrote that as mine was when I read it. Otherwise... :blushing: