Office Treats - Not cool Rant



  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    How is throwing away someone else's food any less cruel than feeling tempted by office treats? What in the actual... Never, in my life, would I consider touching something that wasn't mine and purging it purely because I lack self control. No offense. But that's just wrooooong!

    I don't disagree with you. Hence the "ashamed" part.

    :flowerforyou: I'm sure this has been said to nauseum but we've all had to come to terms with demons. I used to practice zero self control to treats. I still have frivolous days where I overindulge but the biggest part of my change was the acceptance that if I didn't own up to my own decisions, I would never change. Moderation, especially to those who have become accustomed to over indulging, is tough. But, in my opinion, is a skill well worth mastering because I never intended on giving up those things forever. So, learning how to make them work into my day was necessary. Or, to say no to things when I know there's something tastier waiting for me at home :P
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    Bring your own healthy snacks and turn a blind eye! It sucks for sure! I was just discussing this with a friend a little bit ago. One of my clients bringing me a treat that I don't want and can't have.
  • pixelatedsun
    pixelatedsun Posts: 165 Member
    Another thing to consider - I have a few colleagues who garden, and they routinely bring in cucumbers, muscadine grapes, whatever's in season. It's really easy to walk past the candy and grab a grape. It would be really cool if you could be "the girl with the fruit basket." After bottomless supplies of Hersheys bars, I always would kill for a fruit salad - be somebody's hero!

    If someone brought a bowl of cucumbers to work that's the desk I'd make sure to walk past several times a day.

    I really hope your mind was in the same place when you wrote that as mine was when I read it. Otherwise... :blushing:

    Maybe I shouldn't have picked cucumbers! :laugh:
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I would so bring in treats to your office and eat them in front of you. Loudly.

    And I would join you. That's the problem!! :)

    I'm not seeing the problem :wink:
  • jazzie_red
    jazzie_red Posts: 180 Member
    Okay, Okay !!! I surrender!!

    I know I need to take responsibility. I just wish I could get everyone to cooperate for like 2 weeks so I get the sugar out of my system to make this a little easier on me. I know realistically that isn't going to happen but neither is being accepted into Hogwarts and becoming a wizard. Doesn't mean I can't dream about it. :) I mean 35 is just to old, I need to face the facts. I will never be a wizard.

    So cruel was to harsh of a word. I'm just frustrated. Thank you all for putting me in my place and getting me back on the straight and narrow. I got a kick out of many of the responses and down right laughed out loud at others. And others.., well you know what those were like. And I deserved it so... yeah. I've got my big girl pants on right here, I'm gonna put them on and NOT walk over to the cookies.

    Somebody told me if I was lazy, maybe this wasn't the place to be. I disagree... This is not a place for the thin skinned.... Metaphorically speaking.

    I am a firm believer in saying what you want.... It's the delivery method that matters. But if your delivery method is mean, well that means pretty much you're a douche. :)

    I am sure a lot of responses on here would not be said like that to a person directly to their face. It's amazing what a website brings out..... :)
  • SarahRuthRuns
    SarahRuthRuns Posts: 118 Member
    I got no further than this.

    Someone did this to me once. When I opted to avoid the office pot luck, she insisted I come try the food. When I told her again that I didn't wish to participate, she brought the food to my desk.


    I'd have words for someone who did that- i hope you learned her her lesson quickly.

    Unfortunately, I'm just not sure how to respond to that. She is an older woman I used to work with, almost ready for retirement, and really big on food. She was legitimately just trying to be nice... I ended up eating some of it. What else would I do after I had already said no twice and she's standing there waiting for my reaction?!?
  • meemo88
    meemo88 Posts: 436 Member
    I am beginning to think it's legitimately cruel to bring candy for co-workers to share at the office. I don't know how many times I have to ask people not to bring it in but it's like no one cares. I am trying so hard not to snack and it becomes so much harder when almost everyone has some sort of treat at their desk. I can only walk by it so many times without taking something.

    I am sure I will get a ton of "no one is forcing you to eat it" and you're right. But my "friends" sure don't make it any easier for me. I notoriously have no will power. Why do people want to tempt me?? They think it's nice and I guess once in a while it's a nice treat, but to fill the candy bucket that you've had in your office since Halloween on a weekly basis is just not necessary. And it's always the people that don't eat it themselves! When you stop smoking or drinking or whatever, the professionals all say to stay away from things that trigger you. The amazing cookies that someone brought in today to say thank you for bridal shower gift is certainly a trigger. And it is right next to my cube! This articles helps prove my point.

    Sorry for the rant. I'm just really upset about it. I am working really hard to be good. I am a working mom with an almost 2 hour commute each way and working out once I get home is really hard for me. I am not always able to burn the extra calories to make up for one bite size snickers. It can ruin my whole day. Okay, rant over. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

    Okay, so let's say no one brings in treats anymore. Then what? Temptation is everywhere. You have to learn how to manage it.

    Also, it's difficult for most people, not just you.

    oh your here again, annoying another person. why dont u get off the message boards because you bring nothing valuable to the table.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I got no further than this.

    Someone did this to me once. When I opted to avoid the office pot luck, she insisted I come try the food. When I told her again that I didn't wish to participate, she brought the food to my desk.


    I'd have words for someone who did that- i hope you learned her her lesson quickly.

    Unfortunately, I'm just not sure how to respond to that. She is an older woman I used to work with, almost ready for retirement, and really big on food. She was legitimately just trying to be nice... I ended up eating some of it. What else would I do after I had already said no twice and she's standing there waiting for my reaction?!?

    "I appreciate the gesture- but no thank you."

    it gets significantly nasty and decidedly cruel and unkind after that. I'm only going to say "no thank you" so many times before I start being nasty to make someone go away.

    I frequently tell my co-worker- no and if he taunts me (like actually taunts me) I'll yell NO I DON"T WANT TO GROW UP TO BE A FAT A%% LIKE YOU!!!>

    To be fair- we have a completely inappropriate gutter style working relationship and talking about poop is really common- so I can be a little more free.

    Often it's
    No thank you- while I appreciate it, I've accounted for my daily food for the day- I can't fit it in- I've pre-weighed and pre-logged everything for the day.

    And then it's
    "if I want to look like you- I'll eat like you"

    seriously- no is no- and if someone doesn't get that after 2-3 efforts- it gets mean.

    oh your here again, annoying another person. why dont u get off the message boards because you bring nothing valuable to the table

    I'm confused- what he said was true and accurate. it was a relevant comment.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm back in- now that we have ice cream on board.
    I am all fit and sexy I just sit at my desk and smile smugly while the pigs feed at the trough...

    this makes me sad- I'm fit and sexy and I still eat treats at my office. how sad for you!

    Hooray for ice cream parties!

    I'm fit, sexy, I eat candy AND I'm not a hateful person with a superiority complex. Winning all around.
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    I am beginning to think it's legitimately cruel to bring candy for co-workers to share at the office. I don't know how many times I have to ask people not to bring it in but it's like no one cares. I am trying so hard not to snack and it becomes so much harder when almost everyone has some sort of treat at their desk. I can only walk by it so many times without taking something.

    I am sure I will get a ton of "no one is forcing you to eat it" and you're right. But my "friends" sure don't make it any easier for me. I notoriously have no will power. Why do people want to tempt me?? They think it's nice and I guess once in a while it's a nice treat, but to fill the candy bucket that you've had in your office since Halloween on a weekly basis is just not necessary. And it's always the people that don't eat it themselves! When you stop smoking or drinking or whatever, the professionals all say to stay away from things that trigger you. The amazing cookies that someone brought in today to say thank you for bridal shower gift is certainly a trigger. And it is right next to my cube! This articles helps prove my point.

    Sorry for the rant. I'm just really upset about it. I am working really hard to be good. I am a working mom with an almost 2 hour commute each way and working out once I get home is really hard for me. I am not always able to burn the extra calories to make up for one bite size snickers. It can ruin my whole day. Okay, rant over. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

    Okay, so let's say no one brings in treats anymore. Then what? Temptation is everywhere. You have to learn how to manage it.

    Also, it's difficult for most people, not just you.

    oh your here again, annoying another person. why dont u get off the message boards because you bring nothing valuable to the table.

    Wow. Pretty sure she's not annoying anyone and she's actually quite knowledgeable and informative in the forums, surely with a hint of sarcasm. More informative and helpful to the OP and the community than your reply. Or all your hot/not/ugly/would bang posts on the forums.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    In...for sabotage.


  • Kaelakcr
    Kaelakcr Posts: 505 Member
    Unfortunately, as long as no one is forcing food on you or bullying you to eat it, they are entirely in the right. As others have said, TAKE SOME DARN RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELF!

    However, I know it can be difficult. Stock your desk with some special healthier snacks for the days where you are tempted, and when you really, really want a cupcake or it! Do you think you'll never eat another sweet again? Moderation is key here; save it for when you really want it, or budget a monthly "snack allowance" for work and save up any extra "points" for a new eye shadow or blouse or something.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm back in- now that we have ice cream on board.
    I am all fit and sexy I just sit at my desk and smile smugly while the pigs feed at the trough...

    this makes me sad- I'm fit and sexy and I still eat treats at my office. how sad for you!

    Hooray for ice cream parties!

    I'm fit, sexy, I eat candy AND I'm not a hateful person with a superiority complex. Winning all around.

    oh-well this is, sexy, eat candy not a hater but... well. gosh.

    well I think I have an awesome complex- but can I still come to the party??????
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    In...for sabotage.



  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm back in- now that we have ice cream on board.
    I am all fit and sexy I just sit at my desk and smile smugly while the pigs feed at the trough...

    this makes me sad- I'm fit and sexy and I still eat treats at my office. how sad for you!

    Hooray for ice cream parties!

    I'm fit, sexy, I eat candy AND I'm not a hateful person with a superiority complex. Winning all around.

    oh-well this is, sexy, eat candy not a hater but... well. gosh.

    well I think I have an awesome complex- but can I still come to the party??????

    I hope you didn't think I was referring to you! I was referring to the "pigs to the trough" chick.

    Obviously, you are coming to the ice cream party. Bring the whipped cream!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm back in- now that we have ice cream on board.
    I am all fit and sexy I just sit at my desk and smile smugly while the pigs feed at the trough...

    this makes me sad- I'm fit and sexy and I still eat treats at my office. how sad for you!

    Hooray for ice cream parties!

    I'm fit, sexy, I eat candy AND I'm not a hateful person with a superiority complex. Winning all around.

    oh-well this is, sexy, eat candy not a hater but... well. gosh.

    well I think I have an awesome complex- but can I still come to the party??????

    I hope you didn't think I was referring to you! I was referring to the "pigs to the trough" chick.

    Obviously, you are coming to the ice cream party. Bring the whipped cream!

    well- yes- I knew it was here- but but thing is I do have a complex- so I just wanted to be clear. :laugh:

    Cool- whip cream - got it- and cherries ;) wink wink. I love ice cream. seriously- best thing ever.

    I'm trying to decide now if it's my week off this week (it is) and I want to actually go home and do nothing- or go do cardio so I can eat more ice cream later.

    decisions decisions!
  • SarahRuthRuns
    SarahRuthRuns Posts: 118 Member
    I got no further than this.

    Someone did this to me once. When I opted to avoid the office pot luck, she insisted I come try the food. When I told her again that I didn't wish to participate, she brought the food to my desk.


    I'd have words for someone who did that- i hope you learned her her lesson quickly.

    Unfortunately, I'm just not sure how to respond to that. She is an older woman I used to work with, almost ready for retirement, and really big on food. She was legitimately just trying to be nice... I ended up eating some of it. What else would I do after I had already said no twice and she's standing there waiting for my reaction?!?

    "I appreciate the gesture- but no thank you."

    it gets significantly nasty and decidedly cruel and unkind after that. I'm only going to say "no thank you" so many times before I start being nasty to make someone go away.

    I frequently tell my co-worker- no and if he taunts me (like actually taunts me) I'll yell NO I DON"T WANT TO GROW UP TO BE A FAT A%% LIKE YOU!!!>

    To be fair- we have a completely inappropriate gutter style working relationship and talking about poop is really common- so I can be a little more free.

    Often it's
    No thank you- while I appreciate it, I've accounted for my daily food for the day- I can't fit it in- I've pre-weighed and pre-logged everything for the day.

    And then it's
    "if I want to look like you- I'll eat like you"

    seriously- no is no- and if someone doesn't get that after 2-3 efforts- it gets mean.

    Glad you can get away with that where you work. I could probably get away with that at my current job. However... That would NOT have gone over well in the office I used to work in! LOL
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    In...for sabotage.




    Great.. now i'll be singing this all day...
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I found it very difficult to overcome office treat temptation when I was losing my weight. However, now that I am all fit and sexy I just sit at my desk and smile smugly while the pigs feed at the trough... That is all. *Note: I got and still get nasty comments about how I don't eat (like they couldn't see my healthy snacks -OR- that I was eating 5-6x per day) or that I work out too much. Sorry, not sorry that my healthier lifestyle makes you feel insecure ;)

    What's the point of being fit and sexy if you can't have a freakin Snickers sometimes?
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    People bring in treats to my work all the time. Halloween and Christmas time is the worst.

    I appreciate the people that go out of their way and pay out of their own pocket to bring in treats to share with everyone. Sometimes I have something, sometimes I don't.