New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Thanks Newmeat, you little mind-reader, you.

    What can I say....I'm psychic :tongue:
  • aloa318
    aloa318 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in! I just started C25K a little over a week ago & am starting Day 1 Week 2 today. I'm a little nervous because the run time is longer, but I know if I push myself I can do it.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I'm in! I just started C25K a little over a week ago & am starting Day 1 Week 2 today. I'm a little nervous because the run time is longer, but I know if I push myself I can do it.

    Welcome Aloa,

    I totally psyched myself out about week 2 but it isn't as bad as you'd think. Plus you get to walk 2 minutes instead of 1.5. Someone told me it was an extra 30 seconds - the length of a commercial on TV. You can do it!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I love this idea and thread, Thanx HM for creating it.

    I totally jacked this idea from one of the several other C25K threads out there. But I'm grateful to everyone who is participating and making this such a great thread.

    I apologize in advance that I'm apparently making a career out of posting things on the forum, so bear with me. I just want everyone to feel welcome and encouraged. Plus, I'm in a slow phase at work right now :)
  • Jaharris67
    Jaharris67 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello fellow C25K'ers. I just completed W4D2 today. All I can say is keep up with it. Each day was a little easier than the previous one. The system works. My best advice is don't look too far into the future, it may discourage you depending on your personality. That said, this is my favorite chart for seeing the whole program,

    I'm acutally doing each week twice. I'm 50 lbs over my goal weight so I figured the doubling up would be easier on my body and better for me in the long run. Plus, it is winter and I'm running indoors. I don't want to be doing the longer runs indoors so by doubling up each week, the outside weather will be better when I get to the longer runs.

    Another thing that I totally think made the difference for me is that I have an app for my phone. There is something about having that little voice in my head telling me when to run and when to walk that makes the difference. Knowing me as I do, if I had to time myself or watch a clock, I can see myself shaving a little time off here and there. Now I just go until "she" tells me when to stop.

    Good luck everyone.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hi everyone, aren't we doing well?
    Jeff, I'm like you, planning to do each week twice. I've just done week 1 day 2 (2nd time around) and though it's still challenging me, is much easier to do this week.

    I'm feeling good today - I'm lucky enough to be starting in summer when it is sunny and fresh outside, so the snshine gives me a good wakeup. I'm not sure how I'm going to go as I get to longer runs in cooler weather. Lucky it never gets really cold here, so as long as it's not raining every day I'll be OK.

    I've looked at the weeks ahead and decided to ignore them for now - I'm running the 60 seconds OK so I don't think 90 seconds will be too bad but 8 minutes just looks plain scary!

    OK, off to work, have a good day everyone. :happy:

  • Just did w2d2!!

    Im actually beginning to enjoy this... :D
  • Got through w1d1 last night, i always find it hard to get started. I cooled down for a good 15 mins after my runs as it makes me feel better. I have an app on my phone which tells me when im half way through, which is perfect because i can then turn around.

    Keep up the good work everyone
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I have the app too, which I really like. I don't have to watch the time, just keep on going and wait for instructions!
    And I like the journal feature too so I can see what I've done when and how it went.
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    Today on my run, I had a cheering section. Homeless guy shouting out "You go girl!" Made me chuckle. I almost ran by twice but instead jogged by a pizzera twice. Didn't go in [patting myself on the shoulder].

  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Today on my run, I had a cheering section. Homeless guy shouting out "You go girl!" Made me chuckle. I almost ran by twice but instead jogged by a pizzera twice. Didn't go in [patting myself on the shoulder].


    ha! that homeless guy was quite the motivation!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I love it. Gotta love any motivation you can get!

    Jeff and Ruby, that's a good idea. I think I might start doing each week twice because I found W2D1 a little taxing and don't quite feel ready to move on to week 3 (even though I would've had 2 more days to try). Do you think it's better to do Days 1-2-3 each week twice or Day 1, Day 1, Day 2, Day 2, Day 3, Day 3? Maybe I'm overthinking it again. Jeff, you make a good point about the weather, I don't particularly want to do long runs in my basement either. Ruby, what part of the world do you live?

    Everyone else, you continue to amaze me. Great job and keep it up. I'm getting up early tomorrow to do my run, hopefully I'll have something encouraging to post in the morning.
  • go for it everyone! I completed it last year and found it fantastic. Yes there are hard days, that's so you learn to push through your physical and mental barriers. Believe me - you can do it! Currently, we are taking a group of young kids (8yrs to 12yrs) through the program and have just finished week 6. The look on their faces when they realize what they have achieved on each day is priceless:happy: It isn't a competition, just do it for yourself. Find a friend to join you if you can, to push you through those 'don't wanna!' days...and choose some beautiful spots to run if possible.

    Regards running out doors - I was very self conscious with all my 'wobbly' bits (lol) but realised that most people were to busy with their own stuff to watch me running and that those who did comment didn't matter - I was doing it for me! By the way, I run in all weather (except electrical storms!) as I find the challenge takes the boring out of some runs and what 'kid' doesn't love to play in the rain? :happy: Plus the look on some people's face is priceless when they wonder who on earth would choose to run in the rainLOL!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Jeff and Ruby, that's a good idea. I think I might start doing each week twice because I found W2D1 a little taxing and don't quite feel ready to move on to week 3 (even though I would've had 2 more days to try). Do you think it's better to do Days 1-2-3 each week twice or Day 1, Day 1, Day 2, Day 2, Day 3, Day 3? Maybe I'm overthinking it again. Jeff, you make a good point about the weather, I don't particularly want to do long runs in my basement either. Ruby, what part of the world do you live?

    In the first few weeks it doesn't matter because each day is the same anyway. I use the iPhone app so went through Week 1 - 1,2,3 then unmarked them and am working my way through again. I don't really want to look too far ahead as the running minutes scare me too much :smile: so I'll work that one out later.

    HM, I'm in Australia - luckily enough on the dry and sunny Western side, not the waterlogged and largely flooded East Coast.
    It's mid summer here (40C/105F on Friday) so early morning is the only time cool enough to exercise outside.
  • Going to do w2w2 again today, im begining to find it a tad easy...might increase my pace, and distance today...
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Hello C25k friends... Mind if I join you for the ride (or should I say, run)?

    Let's see... First, I will say that the program works. I'm living proof - not a runner, and I completed the program about 7 years ago, and continued on to run two 5 mile races that summer (8k). I ran 12 min miles (5.0 mph), so not overly speedy, but I did it. Then a major time warp happened (got married, had two babies), and last summer I dusted off the running shoes and got to the end of Week 6 before losing motivation (not sure what happened really, just stopped running...). Minor time warp later, and here I am!

    I started looking for a goal to work towards, and am thinking of running a 5k (or maybe a 10k!) in May. On Sunday, I started with a Week 2, Day 1 workout. I felt really great for the run, and although I started my run intervals at 5mph, I increased my speed to 5.5mph for the second half of the intervals.

    1. Week # 2
    2. Day # 1
    3. Walking 3.0 - 3.3 mph
    4. Running 5.0 - 5.5 mph

    Today is a run day for me, so I thought I'd better find a place to be accountable. So glad to have found this thread! Thanks HM!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Last night was W2D1 for me and wow I thought it was a challenge, I had to walk the last 2 sets of the running portion but still managed to keep my heart rate up where I wanted it. When I started W1D1 I had to do the same thing so I am not overly concerned at all and we will see how D2 goes on Wednesday. :happy:
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Jeff and Ruby, that's a good idea. I think I might start doing each week twice because I found W2D1 a little taxing and don't quite feel ready to move on to week 3 (even though I would've had 2 more days to try). Do you think it's better to do Days 1-2-3 each week twice or Day 1, Day 1, Day 2, Day 2, Day 3, Day 3? Maybe I'm overthinking it again. Jeff, you make a good point about the weather, I don't particularly want to do long runs in my basement either. Ruby, what part of the world do you live?

    In the first few weeks it doesn't matter because each day is the same anyway. I use the iPhone app so went through Week 1 - 1,2,3 then unmarked them and am working my way through again. I don't really want to look too far ahead as the running minutes scare me too much :smile: so I'll work that one out later.

    HM, I'm in Australia - luckily enough on the dry and sunny Western side, not the waterlogged and largely flooded East Coast.
    It's mid summer here (40C/105F on Friday) so early morning is the only time cool enough to exercise outside.

    Haha, Ruby, I realized the stupidity of this questions hours later when I was doing my run and was sufficiently embarrassed. Duh. They're all the same until the end. I was overthinking things again...

    Wow, Australia sounds nice right about now. We have a heatwave here today and it is 32 F (or was this morning).

    dmgaloha, welcome. Thanks for joining us. We welcome your insight having done this before. Kudos to you for upping your pace. That's great work!

    Kendra, W2D1 kicked my butt Sunday too. I thought it was pretty tough. But I did W2D2 this morning and it was MUCH easier. Maybe I had more energy or had some better songs playing, but the whole thing went pretty quickly. I was done before I really had a chance to lament the fact that I was working out.

    It amazes me how much easier this gets every day. it's like magic. I can't believe I didn't stumble upon this program earlier.

    So my diary entry for the day is this:

    I couldn't fall asleep last night to save my life. So when I was still awake at 2am, I decided I could get my workout done and over with so I could sleep in a little later before going to work, as opposed to getting up extra early to make sure I left enough time for the workout. So yes, I was in the basement of my house at 2am blaring music and doing my C25K. It was much easier than I expected. I'm almost excited about the Day 3 run on Thursday.

    1. Week 2
    2. Day 2
    3. Walking: 3.0-3.3mph
    4. Jogging: 5.0 - 5.3 (I intervalled 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.2)
    5. Pace: 16-somthing minute mile
    6. Burned: 323 calories

    My NSV with this run: Once I finished the run, I was still able to knock out 15 minutes on the elliptical (to meet my daily goal of losing 500 calories). Sunday, I could barely walk up the stairs out of my basement after my run. This morning, I ellipticalled (I know that's not a verb) AND walked up 2 flights of stairs to go to sleep.

    Other NSV: Today was my 10th day in a row working out, which I'm not sure I've ever done before. I've always burned out or given up by Day 10 of a diet/workout regimen. Not this time!

    Keep up the good work everyone. Let us know how you're doing and don't be afraid to ask questions or seek support. We're all here for each other!
  • aloa318
    aloa318 Posts: 19 Member
    I made it through W2D1 last night & boy was it hard, but I pushed myself and I know if I can do it once then I can do it again! I'm actually starting to like doing it. :smile:
  • andrea2011ka
    andrea2011ka Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone! Did W2D2 last night. It was a little easier than last time. Although I had to talk myself into getting on the treadmill. I was able to do the running at 5.8 (tried upping it to 6.0 if a had a little energy for the last 15 seconds of the running portion) and walked at 4.0.
    I'm planning to walk tonight on the treadmill while catching up on a couple of shows!
    Have a great day!
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