Any c25k newbies?



  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I am going to be doing week one day three tomorrow. I can't believe that I am nearly to the end of week one.
  • Yesterday I did week 6 day 2. I still can't believe how far I've come!!!!!!!!!! I've NEVER run before. I was a zumba queen (lol) and did workout DVD's. Now I am running and lifting heavy weights and I feel amazing!

    I plan to run an event where I live called Karaoke 5k on November 8th that I am really excited about :)
  • Hello All,

    c25k n00b here.. I am planning on starting my c25k on Monday the 15th(MWF). I'm also going to be getting back on track with Nutrisystem (took a 2 month break). I have already lost about 50lbs since I started this journey in April, although from July-Present I really didn't lose any weight, but I didn't gain any either. Anyways, I'm rambling.. I have been staring at the c25k program on my desk for almost 2 years now. I don't know why, but I often find myself feeling like there's a skinny person inside of me that just wants to jump out of the fat guy and go for a long run. Obviously that hasn't happened yet, but I'm hoping that with Nutrisystems and the c25k program I can get there. I have a personal/private goal that I hope to accomplish about 1 year from now. Only time will tell if I can get there. Is there anything I should know about the c25k besides not trying to run too fast too soon? Also, how to I add weight loss tracker bar to my signature?



    ***EDIT*** Looks like I figured out the ticker ;)
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Hello All,

    c25k n00b here.. I am planning on starting my c25k on Monday the 15th(MWF). I'm also going to be getting back on track with Nutrisystem (took a 2 month break). I have already lost about 50lbs since I started this journey in April, although from July-Present I really didn't lose any weight, but I didn't gain any either. Anyways, I'm rambling.. I have been staring at the c25k program on my desk for almost 2 years now. I don't know why, but I often find myself feeling like there's a skinny person inside of me that just wants to jump out of the fat guy and go for a long run. Obviously that hasn't happened yet, but I'm hoping that with Nutrisystems and the c25k program I can get there. I have a personal/private goal that I hope to accomplish about 1 year from now. Only time will tell if I can get there. Is there anything I should know about the c25k besides not trying to run too fast too soon? Also, how to I add weight loss tracker bar to my signature?


    Not much too add, it's a pretty simple program and YOU CAN DO IT! What I was say is if you struggle with one particular day and can't finish, don't get discouraged. Repeat that day the next time and keep repeating it until you finish, then move on. You are kidding yourself if you think you can move on without completing everything. It doesn't really matter how long the C25K program takes you, in the end, you will be running 3.1 miles. Good luck!
  • mave34
    mave34 Posts: 109 Member
    I am starting my week two tonight in C25K I love this app and has helped me a lot. I have literally gone from struggling to walk, sit bend and lift before my journey here a month ago due to a back injury and I am now running?!! seemed impossible at the time.

    I am thrilled to see all you wonderful people using the same app and now know I am not alone. It seems I am alone most evenings running in a common place in my town around a lake, everyone seems like they can run the whole time and look like pro's and I feel like i struggling but I will get there and you all can too! Keep pushing forward :)
  • Not much too add, it's a pretty simple program and YOU CAN DO IT! What I was say is if you struggle with one particular day and can't finish, don't get discouraged. Repeat that day the next time and keep repeating it until you finish, then move on. You are kidding yourself if you think you can move on without completing everything. It doesn't really matter how long the C25K program takes you, in the end, you will be running 3.1 miles. Good luck!

    Thanks for the motivation! It's greatly appreciated. We will see what Monday brings. :)
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hello All,

    c25k n00b here.. I am planning on starting my c25k on Monday the 15th(MWF). I'm also going to be getting back on track with Nutrisystem (took a 2 month break). I have already lost about 50lbs since I started this journey in April, although from July-Present I really didn't lose any weight, but I didn't gain any either. Anyways, I'm rambling.. I have been staring at the c25k program on my desk for almost 2 years now. I don't know why, but I often find myself feeling like there's a skinny person inside of me that just wants to jump out of the fat guy and go for a long run. Obviously that hasn't happened yet, but I'm hoping that with Nutrisystems and the c25k program I can get there. I have a personal/private goal that I hope to accomplish about 1 year from now. Only time will tell if I can get there. Is there anything I should know about the c25k besides not trying to run too fast too soon? Also, how to I add weight loss tracker bar to my signature?



    ***EDIT*** Looks like I figured out the ticker ;)

    Make sure you get a days rest between each running day. If you can't have a conversation while doing the run elements you ARE going too fast. ENJOY IT.

    As for getting your WLticker to appear

    Community>Settings>tick the tick box

    Have a great time and enjoy YOUR journey
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    I started C25K yesterday morning. Ran 5k in 33:20, so I guess I'm done. Was really just curious if all that powerlifting kept me in good cardio shape. Yup. I haven't run more than 5 minutes in the last 10 years.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Not much too add, it's a pretty simple program and YOU CAN DO IT! What I was say is if you struggle with one particular day and can't finish, don't get discouraged. Repeat that day the next time and keep repeating it until you finish, then move on. You are kidding yourself if you think you can move on without completing everything. It doesn't really matter how long the C25K program takes you, in the end, you will be running 3.1 miles. Good luck!

    Thanks for the motivation! It's greatly appreciated. We will see what Monday brings. :)

    Any particular reason for waiting til Monday? No pressure honest, but while you are motivated and enthused why not start now? The app does not care which day you start. Have fun
  • Any particular reason for waiting til Monday? No pressure honest, but while you are motivated and enthused why not start now? The app does not care which day you start. Have fun

    Mainly so that I can get everything on a schedule so to speak. I plan on doing the c25k during my lunch break. With a newborn and an almost 2 year old at home there's not much time for "me" anywhere else. haha So, Monday Wednesday and Friday will be my c25k days.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Well done on the planning, I always admire those that can exercise during the day, I can never find the time or the inclination. For me, mornings are preferable before anyone is up, or evenings if work conspires against me. I think I have 2 lunchtime sessions in 14 weeks, both at weekends. Well done for making that commitment. :blushing:
  • McWooey
    McWooey Posts: 61 Member
    Doing the third session of week three tomorrow morning. Enjoy is such a strong word, persevering is where I am at and waiting for the famous runner buzz to kick in. Will see how it goes

    Couldn't agree more, I'm starting week 3 tomorrow and still struggling, in my mind I hate running so I know the battle is psychological for me but hoping the buzz kicks in soon!!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    YMMV but I found that the endorphins do not kick in for me until about 12-15 mins into a session and only with continuous running. So it only started around the end of week 5, the short intervals did not start the endorphin release, it was the dreaded W5D3 run that first kicked it for ME. The short interval sessions just dragged especially doing them on a dreadmill. Now doing 3x(22 run, 1 min walk) the niggles disappear between 5 and 10 minutes of the first run interval. Hope you continue long enough for the release to kick in for you.
  • meabhaline
    meabhaline Posts: 43 Member
    Had a bad C25K day yesterday. Started W6D2, My first 10 minute run went okay, then my 3 minute walk, started in on my second 10 minute run but could only manage half. I was so disappointed because It was the first time I had to stop. I am putting it down to dehydration after a very dodgy tummy the night before.

    Anyway onward and upward, at least I seem to have broken through a really long weight loss plateau with a decent weight loss this morning (the above mentioned dodgy tummy was possibly a contributor though)

    I'm gonna repeat W6D2 and keep plugging away.
  • Can anyone help me and let me know how to sync to mfp? After a run I clicked on the mfp but nothing shows up on mfp?
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    after clicking on the MFP logo, did you then press send at the top?

    anyway, i completed W1 D3 today, not only did i find it easier than the first 2 days i also sang through the whole work out EVEN WHEN RUNNING
    Im sure the people at the gym loved that HAHAH

    feeling a bit nervous about runs longer than 60 seconds tbh but i need to just get on with it and like i said in a PP if i need to I will re do days untill im able to complete it
  • mave34
    mave34 Posts: 109 Member
    Getting the app on my phone as we speak. Not sure how it is going to work with dragging 2 kids with me, but I will try! Wish I had a jogging stroller right about now! Anyone else doing it with their kids? I bet I could get my 4 year old to run the shorter times with me, otherwise he could ride his bike.

    I tried taking my 12 year old daughter with me in week 1 and she couldn't do it. She is in reasonably good shape, into dance and volleyball but she found it hard. I am not sure how active or the age of your children, but for me, taking the time by myself to push the through the app was best for me. A running stroller would be a great investment because then they go at your pace, not the other way around. Going anywhere with kids generally means you do their pace, not yours. Good luck hope you can find a way to make it work :) You will be glad you did, this app is fantastic!
  • cookiegy
    cookiegy Posts: 120 Member
    Had a bad C25K day yesterday. Started W6D2, My first 10 minute run went okay, then my 3 minute walk, started in on my second 10 minute run but could only manage half. I was so disappointed because It was the first time I had to stop. I am putting it down to dehydration after a very dodgy tummy the night before.

    Anyway onward and upward, at least I seem to have broken through a really long weight loss plateau with a decent weight loss this morning (the above mentioned dodgy tummy was possibly a contributor though)

    I'm gonna repeat W6D2 and keep plugging away.

    I repeated lots of days - but I didn't let it put me off becuase i was doing something. I also stopped quite a few times during runs.
    Realised after signing up on here that I'd been going too fast, so I dropped my pace and found it much easier. But I think the fast pace I'd set before, even when i couldn't finsh also helped me.
    The important thing is don't be down on yourself or too disappointed. You are doing wonderfully just by doing what you're doing.
    And you will get there, you're obviously dedicated!
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Had a bad C25K day yesterday. Started W6D2, My first 10 minute run went okay, then my 3 minute walk, started in on my second 10 minute run but could only manage half. I was so disappointed because It was the first time I had to stop. I am putting it down to dehydration after a very dodgy tummy the night before.

    Anyway onward and upward, at least I seem to have broken through a really long weight loss plateau with a decent weight loss this morning (the above mentioned dodgy tummy was possibly a contributor though)

    I'm gonna repeat W6D2 and keep plugging away.
    No shame in repeating days. That's how the program is designed to work. If you've made it to week 6 without any repeated days, that's pretty good! Great job!
  • theresar719
    theresar719 Posts: 14 Member
    Completed W1D2 last night. My legs were still a little sore/tired from the first days run (Tuesday night) but still pushed through and completed it. Looking forward to Day 3 tomorrow. I made a new running playlist which should definitely help the time go by. I'm curious if I'm running at an average pace. Distance wise, I went 1.84 miles W1D1 (27:11) and 1.76 miles W1D2 (25:35). Can anyone else doing week 1 share their distances so I know if I'm running at a good pace. Thanks!