

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning ladies~
    I feel so tired...I got 9 hrs sleep,but still tired.. think it was just an overly tiring day yesterday.. DH has a car charger downstairs for the electric car,the charger something in the handle is broken ,so they are coming to fix it at 8 am, I havr to be at work at 9:30 and they said it should take about an hour..
    I am not going to do any formal exercise today.. just not up to it, I guess this is what your body feels like when you have sweets that contain sugar.. I dont have a headache but sort of feel hung over:noway:
    back on the wagon.. I am going to look on the internet for an eating plan that is fresh food and no sugar.. wish me luck..:bigsmile:
  • FatFreeIn2015
    FatFreeIn2015 Posts: 8 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    My goals for September are to stay within my calorie limit, exercise more, and buy a fitbit.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    OMG Beth, that's just awful!!! As hurtful and wrong as I think your "friend" was, part of me is glad she got flat out busted all on her own. Not one to get into public religious convos but I will say I find it quite "non Christian" to presume or judge anyone's level of commitment under any circumstances.

    Not going to write much on this iPad mini.

    Proud to report that despite the stress of this week I have not used it as an excuse to eat food that will hurt my body and effort.

    Zumba this morning. Always a high point in my week.

    Happy day to all!
    xo- Gloria in frosty Metro Detroit
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Joyce,just wanted to say ,you will like the Apple store.Children also enjoy it. Ours has child size tables & electronics for them. Have a good time with your GD. Sounds like a nice time for both. Pat
  • tobybears8
    tobybears8 Posts: 87 Member
    Lost 5 pounds in August but it was up and down. Hoping September will be better. Not really liking this weather. Yesterday and today only in the 50's, supposed to be in the 70's. Had to pull out the long sleeves. LOL. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • deannadelaney1
    Hi, I'm new to my fitness and off to a positive start. Live on Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. I need to lose weight and would welcome any motivation you can give, keep me honest! De'Anna
  • tobybears8
    tobybears8 Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome Deanna. I am in the same boat you are. I want to feel better and am going to get my act together and get into my exercises. Good Luck on your journey.
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All,
    Thank goodness it is Friday. It has been a long week after working both jobs all four days. I'm glad I don't have to work anywhere tonight. I plan to get into the water and exercise. Tomorrow morning is cycling and ab class. I have laundry and yard work to catch up on this week-end but it is suppose to be really nice weather. It's time to get some stuff done for winter.
    I also plan to sit down and redo a budget. I really need to start saving for my next vacation.
    Since I now work at LA Fitness I plan to start back with Yoga, I love the Y but they don't offer Yoga at times available to me.
    Oh, my mind is reeling with all the things I want to get done this week-end. Next week-end one of my best friend's daughter is getting married. I am helping with the organization, the wedding is at one o'clock and the reception doesn't start until 5:30, my biggest job is to get to the reception and set up the center pieces on all 30 tables. They are glass and very fragile so my friend doesn't want the facility to do it, I will set up the centerpieces and the florist will be there to arrange the flowers.
    OK, better get to work.

    Love the dance, how awesome. I watched as they sang Happy Birthday and blew out the candles and I swear I could smell the candles after they were blown out.

    Barbiecat, I am hoping to talk to the Y and still do both. LA Fitness just had me sign an agreement that says I won’t advertise for anyone else while on their property.

    CityJaneL; I think that is what was great about the vacation. I didn’t log my food or worry about what I was eating and I lost more than I do at home. But I know it’s because I sit at a desk all day. I just can’t figure out how to find a job that will support me and keep me moving.

    Peace out and no worries to all
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! Its a nice, cool fall morning here, and I love it! I got to wear one of my new $3 clearance sweaters that I bought last year at the end of the season and it fits very nicely. I love sweater weather! The kids enjoyed their walk this morning and we saw a huge flock of canada geese flying very low overhead. They were beautiful.

    One of my pottery friends stopped by the studio yesterday with some bad news. He has recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's and the early stages of Alzheimers and just this week got the news that he has a large tumor on his pancreas. He said the blood test is positive for cancer markers (or something like that) but they will go in on Monday to do a biopsy. The poor guy! And he looks just awful. His skin the the darkest shade of yellow from jaundice. I've never seen anybody with skin that color. It's really sad to see him so sick. He's a really nice guy.

    Last night I went to my friend's house for our regular painting party. I started a painting of her little schnauzer but it wasn't turning out very well, so I gave up. It seemed like all I really wanted to do was sit and talk. She told us that her mom has some cars for sale that were her late father's. He was a car collector and had several "garage" cars. The one I was most interested in was a 1994 Jaguar XJ6. It is in brand new condition and has 45,000 miles. Actual miles! I tried to get hubby interested, as he needs a new car something awful, but he thought they were asking too much for it - $10,000. We looked up blue book and it was about $4,000. It is so pretty though. She sent us lots of photos. Another car they had was a Rolls Royce for $30,000. I can't really see him driving that in our little town.

    Well, I still have work to do that I didn't finish yesterday, so I'd better get busy. Have a great day!

  • lstanisz79
    lstanisz79 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I am new to this board and am very happy to have found it! I am 53, today is my 180th day on MFP. I have lost 43 pounds. Very happy with my progress, but like most people I would like to have it off quicker. Also, I would like to adopt some friends! Going to check back with this board as often as possible. Thanks so much!
  • tobybears8
    tobybears8 Posts: 87 Member
    Happy Birthday and welcome. Great job on your weight loss journey.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    LinC in N ON: I’m always tickled at your desire to compete at TOPS. It is clearly a motivator and you seem to enjoy it. Good luck. I bet you can win.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I love the joke. Have you got a recipe for orange cranberry meatballs that you can share?:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Your vacation in Cornwall sounds lovely. The picture of you at the cliff top makes me want to be there, too. I’m sure you’ll be able to get back on track at home.:flowerforyou:

    Dosinga: BUMP is used to mark your place when you want to come back another time and take up where you left off. Some people say it stands for Bring Up My Post. That isn’t literally true since you do have to look for it. Welcome to a great group.:flowerforyou:

    Carol: I hope you’re feeling better soon. I’m happy that you’re going ahead with making an offer on your new place. I like the idea of you being settled someplace that you like.:flowerforyou:

    Kittytoo: Congratulations on your no longer pinched nerve!:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Your plank challenge approach appeals to me. You are doing what is right for yourself. I am not a competitor by nature. I was/am an only child and never learned to compete.:noway: We take our dog to a groomer every other week for a brush out. It keeps him tidy and I don’t ruin my relationship with him. I’m not a very patient person sometimes.:embarassed:

    Joyce: Congratulations on getting your bills paid. My doctor belongs to a medical group who use “MyHealth” to communicate test results and such with the patient. I like it very much and I can use the system to ask nonemergency questions. DH’s MS doctor works out of a different hospital and is on another system. Either way, it is better than having no access to your own records. Doctors used to take the position that the records are “theirs.” I think these new systems are the result of changing Federal regulations. For once, it think the change is for the better.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: I’ve had a sugar “hangover” more than once in my life, though not since I started here. I think a sugar hangover feels a whole lot like an alcohol hangover, possibly because alcohol turns to sugar in your system. Nurses, I hope you’ll check my medical understanding of the digestion process for alcohol.:flowerforyou:

    Deannadelaney: Welcome. We’re good at encouragement around here, but I think that actual motivation has to come from within. I hope you’ll become a regular participant.:flowerforyou:

    I received an email from my yoga instructor letting me and the others know that she is looking for other work. I can’t blame her, but I’m beginning to think about what I’ll do when she finds a job and stops teaching. Hopefully, I’ll be able to find another yoga teacher in the area. I did download a yoga app, but it really isn’t as good as taking a class.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good Morning ladies.:flowerforyou: I am finally caught up on reading. I am doing better mood wise, but my eating is out of control. Seems I just can't get enough. Have not been like this in along time. But doing alot of praying and know it will get better. So far today I am on track and since this is my short day I will be walking home after work. The weather has sure changed and been rainning the last several days. Today it is only to be in the low 50's. I love Fall weather. This is my weekend to work, but leaving early tomorrow as DSD called last Sunday and told her dad she is getting married tomorrow at 5pm. They were planning on Oct 11 for the wedding, but things came up with insurance so they are having a small wedding tomorrow. They live in Beatrice which is about 2 hours away. I have a lady coming in to cover so I can leave early. I just hope they are happy and her mother does not cause problems like she did the last one. Tonight we have pictures at church. They are making a new directory and we get a free 8x10. We can buy more if we want. It has been 8 years since the last one so is time. Also this will be the first formal picture of DH and I since I have lost weight. So sort of looking forward to it.

    Cindy--love the picture. You are doing such a fine job.:flowerforyou:

    Brenda--Hugs and prayers. Not sure why but I am having some depression issues and not sure the meds they put me on are working. One day at a time and remember we are not alone. Sorry to hear you are in the hospital. Prayers that you recover quick and that DH's test comes out fine.:heart:

    Sylvia--Congrates to DGD. I pray she does have fun. I do think screaming should burn some calories. I hope they can figure out what is going on with the dizzyness. Sorry to hear about your friend. Prayers for peace and comfort for him and his family.

    Mimi & Kim--great picture. So nice when we can meet and share.:flowerforyou:

    Welcome Jane-Youhave found a very suportive group.Come often and get to know us and us you. These women are fantastic!!

    Katla--Welcome home. Glad mom and baby are doing better.

    Welcome Judy--glad to meet you. Come back oftrn, this is a great group.

    Tina--prayers for your friend Sheri. She is lucky to have you as a friend. Thank you for all you do for her.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. We are a very supportive group. Glad to have you join us.

    Kim--Love the new name:love:
    Heather--I do like the new cliff picture. You are sure looking good. Thanks for the good words. I am feeling some better. Just have to work on getting my eating back under control.

    Patty--Welcome back. Sounds like you had a great vacation.

    Liz--I know what you mean about the schools. My DGD is in first grade and the other day she is telling me that acouple kids in her class do not speak much if any english and that the teacher spends alot of time with them. She then tells me the words in spanish she is learning.

    Beth--Hugs. How sadd for her to be so judgmental.

    Carol--Prayers sent on new place and old one.

    Joyce--congrates on getting your wedding rings on. Mine are getting so big I have to watch that I don't lose them.

    Well I have made acouple goals for this month.
    1.Take it one day at a time
    2. Keep up better with all things.
    Have a good day ladies and remember we are not in this alone. Love each of you and all you do.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn this cool,cloudy morn. Storms passed us by,but left an expected wk of cool temps of highs in 60's & 70's.Doesn't that sound wonderful?:wink:

    Eye exam went fine yest.20/20 with glasses for close up print/on line.Go back in a yr.Will get new glasses next wk.BTW,they had a tray of new ( to me ) frames starting at $350. Say what :noway: Just call me cheap!

    Katla,have you always lived away from your DD? Our younger DD has lived in Fl over 20 yrs.I miss them every day.SIL was born :sad: ithere ,after his parents moved from out of state to work at the Space center.Very difficult being a parent/Grparents when they live away. :cry:

    Beth,DH mentioned his bro & SIL.Both are gone now,but she was always arguing with someone,often her own family.Anyway,he asked "why are women always down on other women"? Not sure that is true,but thought of you & Hope you do whatever works for you.How are your sons? Any relief with migraines?

    We are on medical (name ??) on line records we can access,So far we have had a lot of appts,so haven't needed it,but if & when,will look it up.Heart Dr, Family & eye Drs,hospital along with test results are all on line.All except his foot Dr.
    Ever wonder why some Drs chose their specialties? Foot Dr tops my list :grumble:

    Yoplait has lite yogurt with no Aspartame,but does have Sucralose.So hard finding yogurt without artificial sweeteners.:grumble:

    Supper is several sliced peppers & 2 onions along with 3 chicken sausages & big salad.Doing better.....slowly.....very slowly,getting better at not having a starch with dinner.Just trying to make changes I can live with & intend to live with.

    Love reading tips for healthy eating,even if not low calorie.Healthy is the winner.:wink: BTW,love salt,but seldom cook with it. Prefer adding at the table.

    When DD ,her son & hub were coming for pizza & salad,she called to ask if I had diet salad dressing.No,don't buy or use it.All the guys are ok with DHs regular sweet onion salad dressing & I use olive oil & rice vinegar.She brought her own chemical mix :bigsmile:

    Been on here too long.Time to get a few things done.Have a nice day. Pat
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Well, my friends, I'm home! :bigsmile:

    Haven't managed to stop eating yet, but will begin tomorrow. :ohwell: :tongue: :wink:
    The house was in good condition and our friends left us a bottle of wine and a lovely card and a blue mug with a sheep on it. (My kitchen is blue and white) I feel bad because I didn't leave them anything so I will have to post something.:embarassed: Amazon to the rescue!
    The journey went well - four and a half hours plus a stop for coffee and a toasted teacake.
    I think I will upload our photos and send a smilebox card. I know she uses a lot of handcream so that is an idea!

    Feeling lazy now, but we've put some sheets on to wash and dealt with the post. I can see the pots have been watered, but they need deadheading. I've picked zucchini and runner beans and DH is going to stew some plums.
    Tonight I will use the tomatoes I picked from their greenhouse and make a pasta sauce with the zucchini, some mushrooms they left behind and some ham we brought home. Tonight I will have real pasta instead of my usual shiritaki noodles.:embarassed:

    Vicki - I don't know what's got into me either! I've got the eating bug.:noway: Will wake up tomorrow morning and get back on track.:flowerforyou:

    Michele - I'm inclined not to go to the party, but I haven't finally decided. I want to recover from the holiday and get back on track with exercising, eating and my typing. The last thing I need is a long journey and a party with lots of beer and a barbecue! ! ! ! ! :sad: Of course I would have gone if my elder son were there.:ohwell:

    Patty - that low BPS seems to be happening to quite a lot of us women as we lose weight. You, Sylvia, Joyce etc. I wish it would happen to me, mine is stubborn. Good luck sorting out the jobs and lifestyle - you work so, so hard, I would be exhausted.:noway:

    Well friends, I am going to unpack a little, hang up some washing and lie down for a few minutes.

    Love to all, Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :bigsmile: Pat, Nancy's nonfat plain yogurt is made without added sugar or artificial sweeteners..:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I got up earlier than usual so I thought there would be a lot of time for dog walking but they didn't want to walk as much as usual so I walked by myself for awhile when they wanted to come home.....I still had time to spend with Jake to learn some more new things about our Smart Phones......they are so much fun:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I leave in a few minutes to teach the beginner line dance class:flowerforyou: .after class I'm going out to lunch with two of the students......I don't like going out to lunch but I'm trying harder to be social and not me too fanatical about how I eat.

    Welcome to everyone who is new.....i hope you'll sign your posts with your name (or alias) and some info about where you live

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 462 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    It is cool and rainy here today. High in the 50's! Today I did 31 minutes on the treadmill. I don't have to cook much today since I made a big pot of soup yesterday. It is a lentil-quinoa soup. I adapted the recipe from the Barefoot Contessa's lentil sausage soup which is divine! I never add sausage though. I also sautéed some salmon to serve over it. Another idea from Barefoot Contessa. It was yummy!

    Heather, I have an eating bug too! Must be the change in weather, I'm so in the mood to cook!

    Michele, speaking of cinnamon rolls. I saw a recipe for a caramel apple cinnamon roll pie. It uses canned cinnamon rolls, apples and caramel bits. You flatten the cinnamon rolls, then roll them into logs, press them into a pie dish. Put slices of apple between the "logs" top with caramel bits. Bake and then top with caramel and sugar glaze. I read this recipe to Hubby and he put his hands over his ears!

    I've got to get busy, hugs and wishes for a nice day!

    Cindy in OK
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    You do all that work for yourself. Don't need a challenge. Mind you I like a challenge.
    Tops is only as good as you want it to be. You need to work at it if you want it bad enough.

    Losing power is the first time it happens to me.. We had a terrible rain and wind storm.
    I imagine if I could shed a few lbs. I would be able to park that machine also.
    But for now i'll use it.

    I want to stay on that bus until the end.

    Good luck in finding a plan you like and can follow.

    Well I'm having a fair day today. It's hard when you get up before 4 am and have breakfast at 5. I had garden cocktail to hold me up until lunch time. Had a bowl of pea soup. So that should do me until 3 this afternoon. Then I might have a bowl of chicken noodle. Watching what I'm eating. Shepperd pie for supper and I love that. Going to be hard to have just a little bit.

    Went up town parked my car at the end of the street from where I had to go and walked so that's a plus. I'm certainly moving more. Tonight we start our fall darts so that will be a fun outing.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    "The eating bug" - oh man...I've got it too! Help! :noway:

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Of course, I left off all the salt and used garlic powder instead of garlic salt and skipped the poultry seasoning because I didn't have any. Not sure if it has salt or not. And I left off the Worcestershire sauce because it has fish in it. I put in a little extra cayenne pepper, too. I wish I had made double the sauce. It was really good over brown rice.

    Turkey Cocktail Meatballs with Orange Cranberry Sauce
    (From AllRecipes.com)

    1 1/4 pounds ground turkey
    1/4 teaspoon poultry seasoning
    1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
    1 teaspoon onion powder
    1 teaspoon salt
    1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
    1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
    1 pinch cayenne pepper
    1 large egg, beaten
    1/4 cup milk
    1/2 cup plain bread crumbs
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 cup canned jellied cranberry sauce
    1/2 cup orange marmalade
    1/2 cup chicken broth
    1 tablespoon minced jalapeno pepper
    1 tablespoon minced Fresno pepper
    salt and ground black pepper to taste

    1. Mix the turkey, poultry seasoning, garlic salt, onion powder, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, and cayenne pepper together in a bowl. Stir in the egg, milk, and bread crumbs. Cover with plastic and refrigerate for 1 hour.
    2. Heat olive oil in skillet over medium heat. Roll the turkey mixture into balls, about one tablespoon each. Place the meatballs in a single layer in the skillet. Brown meatballs on all sides, flipping occasionally. Place browned meatballs on a clean baking sheet. Set aside.
    3. Combine cranberry sauce, marmalade, and chicken broth over medium heat in the skillet used to cook the meatballs. Stir in the jalapeno and Fresno peppers, then return meatballs to skillet. Reduce heat to medium-low, and continue to cook until the meatballs are no longer pink in the center and glaze is reduced. Season with salt and pepper.