Got called Fatty :(



  • VibrantAnnette
    VibrantAnnette Posts: 43 Member
    never give them any of your energy... visible or hidden. it only feeds that thought form.

    let it be a reminder that you are on the right track and are well on your way to accomplishing your goals!

    also, those souls have 3 fingers pointing back at them when they point a finger at you in judgement... big karma on their way!
  • TheNewPriceIsLoading
    TheNewPriceIsLoading Posts: 2,135 Member
    So, Just came back from a 4.26 Mile walk, fairly brisk pace, think I'm doing pretty well, I've lost over 40 lbs, and while walking a car drove past & someone yelled out the window "WALK FASTER FATTY" Made me feel a little like all my hard work is nothing. Not sure if this makes me feel unmotivated, or more motivated to 'show them' Still trying to sort out my feelings right now and needed to vent!

    F**k 'em! They're hating on you because you are out being active, and they are being lazy driving their car. Ignore them and don't let them get to you! :D
  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    The only reason they yelled at you is because they were in a car and could get away easily. Which, you know, is a little laughable when they're suggesting you're the less fit between the two of you really. 40lbs is a wonderful achievement and that's quite the walk right there and you shouldn't be ashamed. At the end of the day, you're doing this to better yourself. They don't know your starting point, nor do they know who you are as a person. Don't let their superficial judgement have any sway in how you feel about yourself. Keep going. :)
  • shoneybabes
    shoneybabes Posts: 199 Member
    The best advice I ever got was this:

    "Someone elses opionion of you is none of your business."

    At the end of the day you are the better person. you are changing your life. Your opinion of yourself is what counts because if you don't have the confidence to be proud of your accomplishments and ignore the actions of negative people then it will eventually lead to failure. Stay strong, you clearly have that in you because of your success so far.

    Don't let pettiness win
  • Rhea_L
    Rhea_L Posts: 25 Member
    I remember getting whistled at when I was nine years old. It was really terrifying, and that plus many future catcalls were part of the reason I have always been ambivalent about losing weight. I like my armor you know. I think though your post makes me realize, they are not objective, selective, or even rational these haters. They are just trying to find someone they see as weak: maybe old, maybe fat, maybe young, and they pick on them to make themselves feel better. Some people just aren't worth their air you know. I am so jealous of your forty pounds. You're doing a fabulous job. You better keep striding or I might catch up. ; )


    Keep on walking and forget the haters. *HUG*
  • Journey0912
    Journey0912 Posts: 46 Member
    You are ALREADY a success!! The rest is just.......the icing on the cake (that we don't eat!) HA! HA! :wink:
  • I would have ignored them. They don't walk in your shoes. Keep doing what you are doing, for you. I would never let idiots affect me like that.
  • LizRosmon
    LizRosmon Posts: 1 Member
    I'm sorry that happened to you! Keep doing what you are doing! Losing 40 pounds is a great accomplishment!!!
  • moostarlite
    moostarlite Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Paulawatkins1974,
    I feel your pain. I took my dad for a test at the hospital. When the discharge nurse was checking us out, she keep asking me how far along I was. I was so mad as I keep telling her, no I am not pregnant at all. She even went so far, as to rub and touch my tummy to make sure I was telling the truth. So I know first hand what it feels like and its no fun at all. I believe in karma and their time will come for being so mean.
  • kurotoshiro
    kurotoshiro Posts: 7 Member
    People who feel the need to put down others are usually struggling with their own insecurities, and they want to bring others down to make themselves feel better. I'm sorry you had to be subjected to such cruelty! You keep focused on your goals and be proud that you've already lost 40lbs. Keep up the great work and I hope you haven't been knocked too badly by this.

  • alska
    alska Posts: 299 Member
    awww :( i would of threw a rock at the car ... what a jerk!!!
  • I have been there as well. Unfortunately, it goes both ways. I was running one morning and two overweight women yelled out to me, "Go eat a cheeseburger!" Really! I wanted to say how about get out of your car and walk, but I didn't I just smiled and kept on trucking. You will see people are mean regardless of what size you are. Just let that motivate you to keep pushing harder! Some are just mad that they cannot do what you are doing or they lack the motivation, should I say. Great job on the weight loss too! :D