Like Minded Lushes - January 2011



  • jschwarz3531
    Happy Monday lushes!

    I was designated driver to/from last nights football party so I kept my drinking pretty in check. I think I had 7 beers all day, from 2:00 till about 11:00. It sounds like a lot, but all of my friends are big guys who drink a lot so I looked like the angel :laugh: ...and made sure to stop altogether 2 hours before driving.

    cw, I have never gotten a comment like that before, but my diary is public. Sometimes if its a particularly bad week I make it private, to be honest, because I've wondered how I would take it if someone made a comment....but Amy is right-try not to take it personally. Only you know what works for you and why.

    Amy-Vegas sounds like a blast. I went last year and LOVED it! It is def not good for the waistline though, haha! :drinker:

    My goal this week is two-three non drinking days, which should be pretty simple considering I'm working A LOT this week :(

    Good luck with all of your goals this week!!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Glass of wine for me tonight, just finishing off the bottle I opened on Saturday, no alcohol for the rest of the week now.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Glass of wine for me tonight, just finishing off the bottle I opened on Saturday, no alcohol for the rest of the week now.
    Impressive control. I used to have some contol I seem to have lost it all.
    New job and I want a glass or three of wine.

    Kim - I don't count them cuz then I would see how much I really drink. You will do great this week I am sure.

    I am heading to the wedding and Vegas for a whole week so I am sure I will be thoroughly lushy while I am there!

    Good luck to all this week.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Saturday, Sunday, Monday=0 drinks
    I think maybe no drinks tonight, I usually get together with a friend and watch Weeds but she is busy so I am home and even though we have a fridge full of beer, I guess I overdid it in Vegas and DH is sick so I am trying to support my immune system and sleep well, so not drinking helps.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Ah, nothing like the post-Vegas detox! :wink:

    0 last night. I also didn't workout and had 4 Oreos. :tongue:
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I need to join this thread. It's true that many people on here don't acknowledge alcohol. I apologize, I didn't read through the 14 pages of posts, but I love that this is a topic on the forum. Thanks!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Kim - I don't count them cuz then I would see how much I really drink. You will do great this week I am sure.

    I am heading to the wedding and Vegas for a whole week so I am sure I will be thoroughly lushy while I am there!

    I am counting, that...shame and humiliation will knock some sense into me

    Monday...0 drinks

    Vegas will be a good lushy least, you will be with other lushes'll blend in
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I would count mine but after 3 I pretty much lose track. :laugh:

    Robin, enjoy the wedding!
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    I am heading to the wedding and Vegas for a whole week so I am sure I will be thoroughly lushy while I am there!

    Good luck to all this week.

    Have fun and I hope you have lots of champagne toasts!!!!
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    McDebbie: I try to limit my sugar and eat some of the suggestions of Jorge Cruise, author of "The Belly Fat Cure" and he suggests drinking champagne, so who am I to argue with him????

    And, no, I am not headed to the wedding in Las Vegas, Robin is, but my "quote" from her posts didn't quite work. Have fun Robin!!
  • jschwarz3531
    so last night I was totally set for a "0" day. Got to my BFs, go all snuggly to watch the bachelor when suddenly a glass of red wine appeared in my hand. How thoughtful of him! ;) So of course I drank it hehe.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    My BFF is trying to coerce me into going for $1 burgers and $7 pitchers of premium beer...I said "NO"...but, the night is young
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I would count mine but after 3 I pretty much lose track. :laugh:

    Robin, enjoy the wedding!

    I hear ya on losing count...but, then, the empties are a vivid reminder of my lushiness

  • tuduis
    tuduis Posts: 67
    Alright, well I think I'm finally sobering up from the Bears defeat =D I did drink, a bit in excess this weekend, but overall it wasn't THAT bad.

    This week, headed to Mount Hood to hit the slopes for three LONG days. Just a little flask of Rumplemintz to stay warm (+ it's vacation) ;D Good Luck Everyone!
  • KatieWunder
    Week 2 with our new trainer. She passes out a lovely piece of paper that among other things says: no alcohol for 4 weeks! Wow...this will be hard. It's such a big part of my social life. I immediately started thinking about all my "events" coming up thinking "good heavens what will I do". I know one thing for sure...all my friends will think I am pregnant LOL.
  • KatieWunder
    Just showed my husband and he starts laughing hysterically...."Your gonna fail!!!!" Thanks! Nice motivation to actually do it. Prove his a-- wrong!
  • aledquire
    Thank goodness I found this group/thread! I am definitely and oenophile and a good gin & tonic got me thru Alabama's miserably hot summer of 2010. Since New Year's, I've managed to have one bottle of barbera, one of sauv blanc, one vodka martini, one margarita. I know the Margarita was the biggest no-no, but I LIKE tequila!!
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    Oh, I feel like I've found my people! Here you were all the time. My weakness is vodka & diet tonic water. I am currently shooting to have a couple on Fri & Sat only, but once in a while a drink on Sunday is called for too!
  • BrittBrat78
    so glad to see people being honest about this topic!! i have just started new goals this week and have already broke the no drinking during the week rule.. (this is what really put on the weight from the beginning) last night worked out with a friend after we did we had to have a congrats beer for working out for the hour... that was pointless as one turned into 4!! it really is going to be a challenge to cut down drinking when its so easily accessible in the fridge calling my name.....
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,522 Member
    Tonight I too fell of the no-hooch-during-the-week wagon and BLERP, not just the winecalories, but the extra crackers,biscotti,caramel,chocolatecalories, not to mention the too-buzzed-to-exercise feeling...