Sorry I'm Not Sorry - I gotta rant!



  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    If a person has eaten processed and/or prepared foods his/her entire life, it is easier to take baby steps. Replace 1 "to-go" snack, then 1 meal, etc. When a person slowly replaces empty calories with nutrients, the body will crave the nutrients. It's okay to disagree, but I choose healthy (now, to only give up the nachos :laugh: )
  • scasey1656
    scasey1656 Posts: 89 Member
    I agree 100%. That's not saying that I'm not guilty of eating processed crap, because I am. But, one of my big goals in addition to losing weight is to eat more clean and pure foods/beverages. I have put in a lot of effort to make these changes one at a time. I have quit smoking cigarettes after about 7 years. I have also (for the most part) quit drinking soda. I had the idea that as long as I was drinking diet it was ok. After eliminating the artificial sugars I feel lots better. I actually drink water now!! I am also a coffee addict but was dumping loads of cream and Sweet and Low into it. I recently have started drinking my coffee black and I love it! It's amazing how our taste buds adapt and change. But, this is all my opinion of course. :)
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    I think that people just need to find what works for them. I prefer a balanced diet that includes treats. I do not need to eat 100% clean in order to lose weight. I think people are mixing up goals...

    If your goal is to lose weight, eat at a deficit.
    If your goal is to retain as much muscle as possible while losing weight, eat enough protein and find a progressive resistance training program (e. g. Starting strength or StrongLifts).
    If your goal is to be overall healthy (feeling good most of the time and having good blood work, etc), maintain a healthy weight, get enough rest (sleep and non-exercise days), drink enough water, eat enough fat, get your micronutrients, and maybe do some form of cardio.
    If your goal is to stay sane, don't give up foods you love. Try to work them in or take a temporary break from them until you can show some self control.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    breathe...let it go.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    In to see where this goes.

    We'll share the chair.

    Also, in for food racism.
    Define "healthy."

    Well, if you actually need me to define "healthy" for you, then here it is:

    adjective, healthier, healthiest.
    1. possessing or enjoying good health or a sound and vigorous mentality:
    "a healthy body; a healthy mind."

    That's how the dictionary defines. If that doesn't satisfy you, then my definition of healthy is being able to sleep restfully through the night, having the energy to make it through the day without needing to consume caffeine/sugar, pooping regularly, feeling positive, and happy, and knowing that, barring any chronic/unexpected diseases, you are going to look forward to long life.

    If neither of those help you in your search for healthy, I'm not sure what will.

    Aside from living with depression, I'm in great health according to OP's definition.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member

    That flies off the adorable charts! :smile:
  • For weight loss, it's always going to come down to calories in verse calories out.
    eating healthy is a different topic.
    You said that you replied to a thread where the OP was complaining of not losing weight, so the answer To that usually comes back to calories in verse calories out. did that OP ask about opinions on eating healthy?

    This is what I was going to say. Losing weight and being healthy are two totally different things. Overlapping, yes, but different.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    What if I told could still be healthy AND lose weight eating all foods in a deficit? /mind blown
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    Define "healthy."

    Well, if you actually need me to define "healthy" for you, then here it is:

    adjective, healthier, healthiest.
    1. possessing or enjoying good health or a sound and vigorous mentality:
    "a healthy body; a healthy mind."

    That's how the dictionary defines. If that doesn't satisfy you, then my definition of healthy is being able to sleep restfully through the night, having the energy to make it through the day without needing to consume caffeine/sugar, pooping regularly, feeling positive, and happy, and knowing that, barring any chronic/unexpected diseases, you are going to look forward to long life.

    If neither of those help you in your search for healthy, I'm not sure what will.

    If that's the definition of healthy then I'm perfect and I eat processed foods all the damn day. I mean, skin cancer will probably get me one day but.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Define "healthy."

    Well, if you actually need me to define "healthy" for you, then here it is:

    adjective, healthier, healthiest.
    1. possessing or enjoying good health or a sound and vigorous mentality:
    "a healthy body; a healthy mind."

    That's how the dictionary defines. If that doesn't satisfy you, then my definition of healthy is being able to sleep restfully through the night, having the energy to make it through the day without needing to consume caffeine/sugar, pooping regularly, feeling positive, and happy, and knowing that, barring any chronic/unexpected diseases, you are going to look forward to long life.

    If neither of those help you in your search for healthy, I'm not sure what will.

    You are the one making the claim that people need to do certain things in order to be "healthy," however your definition of "healthy" is entirely subjective and based on your personal views. It is not measurable and cannot be applied to the population at large, therefore you telling people that they won't be "healthy" doesn't really mean much of anything.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    The ONLY neccesity to lose weight is to eat less calories than your body burns in a day (TDEE). While eating more whole foods is healthier (and IMHO keeps you satisfied longer), it's not necessary in order to lose weight and it's not necessary to do 100% of the time. Also, to repeat what's been pointed out, everyone's definition of "healthy" is slightly different. Just because someone is vegan doesn't mean they're healthy. And just because I eat pizza on a nearly weekly basis doesn't mean I'm not healthy - or that I can't lose weight, obviously, see the ticker. All foods are part of a balanced diet.

    I think of it the same way as exercise. You don't need to do it to lose weight BUT there are health benefits and you'll probably end up with a physique that you're happier with (not skinny fat).
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Define "healthy."

    adjective \ˈhel-thē also ˈhelt-\

    1: enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, or spirit : well
    2: evincing health <a healthy complexion>
    3: conducive to health <walk three miles every day … a beastly bore, but healthy— G. S. Patton>
    4 a: prosperous, flourishing
    b: not small or feeble : considerable
    health food
    : a food that is believed to be good for your health : a food that has no artificial ingredients
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    Oooh... is this today's mean people thread?

    But seriously... No need to push your clean eating lifestyle on other people to lose weight. Just like you wouldn't push detoxes, low carbs, or vegan diets for anyone to lose weight. Anyone can lose weight eating what they want at a calorie deficit in moderation, including pizza, ice cream and hot dogs.
  • drazani
    drazani Posts: 98 Member

    ^^ this is an interesting read,.......... as for me i try to get in my 5 fruit/veg per day and also try to eat a varied and balanced diet whilst hitting my macros and if processed/fast foods help me to achieve that im happy, i have no other health issues apart from being overweight and i am now trying to address this.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    "Seriously, stop it. This is not helpful. It's not what the food is, it's overall calories and macros. As long as a person eats in a calorie deficit, the pounds will come off, it doesn't matter what the food being consumed is."
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238

    That flies off the adorable charts! :smile:

    Took the words right out of my mouth! LOL
  • emilyGPK
    emilyGPK Posts: 83 Member
    So OP is complaining that when someone asked for weight loss advice, and she gave them irrelevant cleaning eating advice, this advice was pointed out as being irrelevant.

    And this was wrong because...?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I think this thread is the reason the word "pear-shaped" was created.
  • WandaWoman41
    WandaWoman41 Posts: 153 Member
    These TREADS make me chuckle. I'm still peeking in on topics until the scale moves.:laugh:
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I think you're forgetting one very big thing... Some people really don't care about being healthy. I know it's kind of sad but some people (especially those just starting) really only want one thing: that number to go down.

    So before you jump on your soap box about how the whole world should do what you're doing because it's the only way, remember not everyone has the same goals and thoughts as you do. :flowerforyou:

    And I'm not saying people can't be healthy if they eat "non-clean" food. It's all about balance. I love me my Taco Bell, but I make it fit into a balanced diet.