Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Kaye- You might wonder what you're doing it for, but the 5K should be fun. And you're doing it as a family which is very cool--the whole family getting out and doing something active! And you'll be able to cheer Nicole across the finish line!

    Robin- Oh the learning experiences I've had along the way! Hope you're feeling better!

    GrammyWhammy- I, too, got the cheeseburger cravings after Tom's post. So, I went out and fulfilled them. It fit into my day. Now the challenge will be to not snack my way over calories for the rest of the evening!

    Susan- Great job staying on plan!

    Kah- Online menus and NI is one of the advantages of weight loss in this day and age. Yay for technology! And I have noticed that the turkey or veggie burgers are not always the best option...some salads, too.

    Tom- Celebrated National Cheeseburger Day today!

    Teresa- Slipping motivation is one of the reasons I try to stay true to this thread. Even if I'm not 100% on track, checking in here keeps me from losing it completely. Keep logging in and keep logging your food. Try some new recipes or a new exercise to spice things up.

    Soosun- You have a profile pic up! Very nice!

    Tammy- Your Vegas vacation sounds like fun. I walked the strip with a friend years ago and yes, you will get some good walking in! Have fun!

    L2T- Hope the work gets done soon. It will all be worth it in the end!

    Laurie- Peanut butter and chocolate...a match made in heaven.

    Skinny- I noticed the shorter days now too....and the darker mornings. Still over a month until we "fall" back...then the nights will come even sooner! My plan is to start up with 30DS again for some indoor activity once the running season winds down.

    Thursday Truth- I have a college friend who started WW this spring and has been posting his progress on fb. He reached his "lifetime" this week. Jealous, but I have to remember that he is a guy and that he only had about 50 lbs to lose, so it's not fair to compare myself to him.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tammy- Enjoy your trip to Vegas. If you can meet up with Susan and Tom it will be worth it. They are both great people to hang out with in Vegas. If you can catch a show go for it, there are great discount ticket places in Vegas for shows that night and they are wonderful. The Circque de Sol shows (O, Tah, and a few others are great), Phantom of the Opera and many other shows are great. Go see the dancing fountains and the pirate shows forget the hotels but so much fun.

    Kah/ Kelley- I can so relate to over analyzing things. I do it often and the stress of sticking to a specific plan or routine also gets to me. There are times when I just need to take a break from the diet and exercising as much. Where are you going on your next cruise?

    Kaye- Your thoughts about the 5K made me laugh, since that is how I feel every time I sign up for a run. It continues until I start the run and gain the confidence to finish it. Every time I run the 5K, I have fun and enjoy the atmosphere. Have fun with the event, cheer on your daughter and consider a new place to walk. Good luck.

    Hansea- Good luck with the half this weekend. I have also noticed the shorter days and so no not looking forward to getting home after dark again.

    Tom- I enjoyed a small cheeseburger yesterday for dinner. I love how you also manage to find the celebration for the day and the quotes are wonderful.

    Robin- Welcome home. Hope you are feeling better.

    Susan- We will help you through NYC and making good choices. We will also be doing a lot of walking during this trip as well so that will help too.

    Thursday Truth- I am avoiding grading papers tonight. I choose to visit with everyone on here tonight but now I need to grade a few papers. Food wise I am making a few better choices but still not where I need to be at this point. I did workout tonight and went for a short run (1 mile) then added in some running drills and weight training. Just not feeling the workout tonight so stopped after 1 hour.

    Sunday- Scuba- done
    MOnday- long run done
    Tuesday- rest day
    WEdnesday- Swim done
    Thursday-short run done
    Friday- climbing
    Saturday- swim
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Thursday truth - Same as my Wednesday wish. That I was getting up rather than going to bed. Another 12 hour day at work.
    I am taking a rest/recovery day tomorrow. I will be spending some time on a ladder installing some very long drapery. But that is still easier than the workouts my trainer has scheduled.

    Love to all,
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lori--enjoy your well-deserved rest day! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--I'm also not where I need to be foodwise, so trying to up my calorie burns to raise my TDEE. Grading is going slow for me as well. I graded 4 tonight--that's twice as many as yesterday, but only 6 combined. My goal was 6 each day, so I'm behind. :ohwell:

    @hansea--I really am NOT looking forward to falling back. Ugh. Good luck with your half!!!:drinker:

    @kaye--I find walking or running a 5k to be very different than just going out on my own. It must be the atmophere, but I really like it depsite the fact that I would run regardless. Enjoy the day with your family and cheering on your daughter. :drinker:

    @robin--welcome home and feel better!! :flowerforyou: I don't know about the others, but I'm really getting excited. A little anxious as I always am before traveling, but mostly just looking forward to it. :smile:

    @marsha--I agree about Reese's. I'm not usually too tempted by milk chocolate, but I can't resist a RPB cup. Now dark chocolate is my ultimate weakness, but fortunately a little goes a long way. :smile:

    @susan--laurie is right, we will make good choices while in NY and all of the walking (plus the 5k) will make up for any transgressions.

    @kelley--glad you are out of your funk and looking forward to your cruise! :flowerforyou:

    @tom--it's weird that I love burgers and I love cheese, but I don't love cheeseburgers. I did celebrate with a turkey burger (sans cheese) yesterday and today.

    @teresa--we all go through periods of low motivation. I've found that a change in my workout routine can help. Another thing I do to motivate myself is try on some of my smaller clothes in my closet. My sister is a size smaller than me and also losing weight, so she gives me all of her clothes that are too big. It's very motivating for me to try them on to see how close I am to fitting into them.

    @soosun--love the pic! :flowerforyou:

    @tammy--have fun in Vegas!! :drinker:

    Thursday Truth:
    I'm not sticking to my grading schedule. :blushing: Today I spent my prep periods grading some posters my juniors made to go with speeches they gave earlier in the week. Got all of those grades entered, but it left me with no time for the AP essays. I did force myself to grade a few essays, but I'm definitey behind. :ohwell:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 6/67 AP essays
    2. x/60 F451 short answer tests

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -471
    100g of protein = 11/30 days
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    So ready for the weekend. Alarm didn't go off this morning...forgot my lunch at home as I rushed out...missed my exit and had to drive 10 mile out of my way. All this before 7 a.m. And the day didn't get much better. At least my husband was able to cut his business trip short and came home a day early. Nice surprise to find him home...and he even cooked dinner.

    Of course, it's been such a fast paced day, that I can't sleep. So I thought I would pop on for a minute and try to catch up with the thread.

    Looking forward to the weekend. I am using a gift certificate to have a massage at my favorite spa. Going to treat myself to a mani-pedi while I'm there. Should be a nice way to spend Saturday Morning. Next week will be a short work week for me. I'm meeting some high school and college friends at the beach for a long weekend. We've been planning it for months, so I can't believe the day is almost here. I fly out at lunch next Friday for four days. I can't wait!

    I'm going to try to get a little bit of sleep before it's time to start all over again.

    Goodnight everyone!

  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Marsha: sorry about your husband's foot. These things can take such a long time to heal. Can you get him a lighter/better chair?
    @Karen: I think honest friends are the *best* to shop with. I don't want to buy anything that makes me look daft.
    @Soosun: You've got a photo now! You look great! I always reckon it's best to log treats. Often I think I've eaten something really outrageous and bingey, and when I point it up it's really not that bad.
    @Susan: Boot camp sounds like it's going really well for you. Remember that the pain is (hopefully) your muscles learning to get stronger.
    @Laurie: I love peanut butter cups; sometimes I get a 3-pack for me and the kids (that's a good way to only have one, right?)
    @Tammy: Hope you have a fantastic time in Vegas!
    @Teresa: I am studying and what has worked for me is treating MFP as another 'course'. So each day I weigh myself, and do my meal plans, and cook good food, and check out the thread, and try to get some exercise in -- and all of that takes as much as one of my serious online courses. But it's just as much a priority in my life. I also use a website called Beeminder -- where you set up goals and it's free, and it gives you loads of data about your progress, but it *fines* you if you go off track. I think having meditations helps as well. You said there "it's the one thing I want most in my life!". Well, if that's true, and if you took a minute to meditate on that thought every morning (and maybe every afternoon at about 3pm or whenever the munchies strike for you) would it help your motivation? I have a list of motivational quotes about health and exercise that I try to look at when I start to waver. Good luck!
    @Kaye: I think 5k's are lots of fun, even if it's just the walking you do anyway. And doing it with your family will be loads of fun, really! We tend to do the free ones on Saturday mornings rather than registering for a proper one.
    @Hansea: But you're quite close to losing 50 pounds, and your friend only had 50 pounds to lose. Just keep on trucking and think about next spring.
    @Jenn: Have a lovely spa day!

    And for Teresa and anyone else who's motivation is flagging: the 10 daily reminders that I got off this thread a long time ago!

    Ten reminders:
    1. Start now by recommitting today
    2. Drink water like it's your job
    3. Plan each meal
    4. Eat!!! Don't make up for overeating by not eating
    5. Revisit your food journal and repeat a good week
    6. Remind yourself how far you've come
    7. Move!!! Get your sweat on
    8. Don't let a bad day turn into a bad week turn into a bad month
    9. Vegetables and fruits are your friends
    10. Repeat this tomorrow

    Thursday truths and Friday fitness are sort of the same this week in that I haven't been sorting out my fitness properly; I'm ok at the weekends but I'm not squeezing fitness into my week. I did tidy the living room so I could definitely do dance mat if I wanted to -- so that's a plan.

    Friday: fairly sure I'm going to get much of anything done today, but I am going to pull up some weeds in ten minutes.
    Saturday/Sunday: we're staying with friends, mucho food but also long walks.
    Monday-Thursday: no plans. But now I can do dance mat. And I want to start running again. I have new running shoes and everything.

    September logging and thread checking -- I forgot to check the thread yesterday! I don't have any idea why. So that's 13/17 so far.

    Friday's the *best* day, isn't it? My lunch is leftovers of the fantastic veggie lasagne I made the other day -- for the recipe. Have a great weekend everyone!

    -- Alison
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Thanks to everyone for your encouragement on my construction project. After today, I just have tile work and of course getting all the pictures rehung and things put away. It'll be so nice to have the house back to normal. I don't do well with mess. I'm way too OCD.

    I'll get to personals (I hope) over the weekend. Hope everyone has a great day!

    September Challenge - Days at or under daily calorie goal 14/30

    Good Days: 14
    Bad Days: 4
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Hansea~I know it’s hard and we do it anyway but we shouldn’t compare ourselves with others. Everyone loses weight at different paces and men, in general, have a higher metabolism—it isn’t fair! :sad: I remember when I was going to WW, one guy in our class dropped weight like crazy—he consistently pulled high losses every.single.week. Hated that guy! :laugh:

    @Marsha(GW)~I went out with friends last night, we sat outside and after the sun went down it was almost pleasant—there was an actual semi-cool breeze! :noway: Just wish that cold front they keep promising would make an appearance!

    @Kaye~The 5k event will be fun for you and your family and it will provide some moral support for Nicole that’s running a half—think of it as you’re walking about a 1/3 of what she is running. :wink:

    @Laurie~This is a Canada/New England cruise, round trip out of Manhattan. Ports include Newport, RI; Boston, MA; Bar Harbor, ME; Halifax, NS and St. John Bay of Fundy, NS. I’m looking forward to seeing some pretty fall colors—its port intensive but should be a relaxing week (no early excursions for once).

    @Susan~I’m proud of you for giving up Diet Coke. I gave up sodas about 10-years ago, but had a HUGE Diet Pepsi addiction for years—now I’m addicted to coffee. :laugh: I drink it black though.:wink:

    AFM~Dinner out with friends was great last night, while warm it was pleasant outside on the patio. I stuck to my guns, pre-logged everything before I went—had some panko crusted shrimp, about one-third of the fries (maybe less) that came with it and grilled asparagus (which was amazing). I did splurge on a glass of Shiraz, but it worked into my macros for the day. Today I see my trainer, tomorrow lots of shopping to do—so heading to Nordstrom early.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    Celebrated annually on September 19, International Talk Like a Pirate Day was founded by John Baur and Mark Summers (aka Ol’ Chumbucket and Cap’n Slappy) in 1995. Click here for the entire story!
    As you are out and about on September 19th, don’t be surprised if people are saying Ahoy Matie, Avast, Aye, Aye Aye, Arr, Grog, Hornpipe, Lubber and many other pirate like phrases. Feel free to join in anytime with your own version of Pirate-ese. Learn more on how to talk like a pirate here.
    Talk Like a Pirate in a Krispy Kreme on September 19th, 2014 and receive a FREE Glazed Donut with your order. More info here –

    “Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” ~Edward Stanley

  • pam1056
    pam1056 Posts: 13 Member
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Just a quick word of inspiration I read and want to share: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Just remember:

    The thing to remember, to always remember, is that what you do, or don't do, today, is what matters most.
    Forget yesterday, it is over. Don't worry about tomorrow. It hasn't happened yet. Just think about today.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    The weight loss of yours is amazing and inspiring. I have stayed the same for four days so far, which I guess, better than going up. I am anxious to go down but have only staying right on what I need to lose two pounds a week, except I haven't lost two pounds a week. I would like to thing that I have been shifting things around. Anyone find that to be true for them? My pants that were tight a month ago can be pulled down without unzipping now. :happy: :laugh: I only want to keep on. I did good this morning though. I was at the grocery store and talked myself out of buying a jar of Talenti ice cream, which if anyone is familiar with, knows it is to die for. :smile: That was the highlight of my day. I still find that I hate to excercise. I seem to need to do something that has a use, say gardening, cleaning or something like that. Course that is a great rationale for doing nothing. My brother used to say, when I was really into something I was driven, but it takes alot to get me to feel that way. And as I get older it seems harder to get tha t kind of energy. The last time I expended that kind of energy, my friend Karin roped me into doing a job cleaning a remodeled house that had five bathrooms, and mucho space. After that I developed disc problems that left me still with numbness in my left calf. Hell getting old. I feel like a hard case. But, I do feel happy mostly, except for the fact that I can't take my cat with me when I move and I think that I am going to have to take her to the shelter. I can only hope that someone will think she is adorable, which she is. I just can't have another animal when I move. Well another day, Frog friday, as the Boston group on Face book says about Boston's which are my girls Franny and Zoey. Who are going with me. Talk to you all again soon. Kate
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    I ran a 5 k many years ago, and I was in better shape then, and we finished the race behind the ambulance, which we both found really funny, now I don't think I could be behind the ambulance even. Actually I think I can't run yet, although I have been able to walk 4.5 miles already, but that was a month ago when I was more driven. Recently I do 1 or 1.5 miles a day, at least 5 days a week. I think that is not bad for a lazy person, and I was so sedentary before.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Ahoy ya'll!! :bigsmile: I just had a Honey Crisp apple with some peanut butter for dinner!! So VERY tasty!!! :heart: :love: :heart: I have also had a very good day at work and made two nice sales, which is good because tomorrow I have to work 12 hours and there is a at-home football game which means we will be DEAD!! :grumble:

    Friday fitness was good today. That chiro cured my bad feet (a true miracle!!) and my back feels soooo much better. I had a good workout today and have been able to walk all over the store today without pain!! I'm a little scared it will come back but very hopeful that I have finally found someone who can do something for me. :happy:

    @Kah, hansea, skinny, and BohemianCoast, thank you all soooo much for your VERY encouraging words and support. I agree that this group as well as the entire message board has been a God send for me. Kah, complacency is a problem for me and it is important that I recognize it before I give in. Hansea, I know that counting the calories is vital. I admit to not loving the logging but I have been very consistent with it, even on the very, bad, ugly days. Skinny, I have my favorite shirt (worn twice) hanging front and center in my closet. I want to wear it the day I see my mom and sister. BohemianCoast, I will check out that Beeminder site and I will take everything you said to heart. I remember reading those 10 daily reminders when I started on here and I think they will be printed out and post for me to see everyday! Thank you all again. :smooched:

    @Robin, welcome home and thank you for sharing those words of inspiration!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    So far behind again...

    I was just getting back into the swing of things... eating right, going to physio... then I got rear ended this morning on my way to work. :angry: I was less than 5 minutes from work, stopped at a red light for at least 10 seconds when I was hit from behind. Can you say distracted driving???? I was immediately ticked off... and thought of what damage had been done to my car. I rely on it as my work vehicle, and the rear door was damaged to the point that it does not open properly. I cannot use it for delivery.

    I immediately thought of Laurie's situation as the 2 of us were in a live lane and people were honking at us as we were exchanging information. I wanted to ask her to move our cars, but I just wanted to get her insurance info, and I was a bit in shock and forgot to get her plate number or even notice what car she was driving. After that I continued on to work, but had to leave my delivery for a relief worker to cover, then saw a chiropractor for assessment and treatment at physio, called my insurance company, filed a police report and got an estimate for the damage to my car. All this with neck/shoulder pain and intermittent headaches.

    Needless to say I am ordered to stay home this weekend and rest, and expect the symptoms to worsen over the next few days. I then see chiro/physio every day next week for treatment. I am not a happy camper as I am bored already and don't know how I will be able to sit down all weekend, it's just not me.

    @Robin... so sorry to hear about your fall... I missed the initial details but read that you are home now. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery.

    @Teresa... so glad to hear your back and feet feel better, Isn't that such a wonderful feeling!

    I should hopefully catch up on reading here, I sure do have a lot of spare time now.
  • Bubbles4me
    Bubbles4me Posts: 3 Member
    I became serious about my health this year. My dad passed last year and it was very hard for me (it was quite sudden). I decided I didn't want to be a carbon copy of our family health history. Since May I have lost 30# and now my major goal is to lose 100#. My mini goal is 20#.

    I am exercising using:

    The elliptical - an hour a day.
    ArnoCorp push-up challenge app. In November I should be able to do 102 push ups in one set. (I am up to 25).
    Burpee challenge app - its difficult for me but I am up to 5.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Arrr - Today I will do Friday fun - I did not get in a workout as I am just too sore from the last 3 days. I need a rest/recovery day.
    A new sales rep came in my store for an account I have had for several years. She lives in LA but is from Wisconsin.
    We had a great time. My sister (she works for me) and I get along so well and the new rep joined in and we had a great hour of fun.

    @Bubbles - WOW:bigsmile: I am truly impressed with the push-up challenge. I would like more info. Push-ups are the worst for me. The trainer always gives me a hard time about them.

    @Tanya - I hope all will be well with time.

    My quote for the day - We have a hard time finding the time to do it right, but can always find the time to do it over.

    This is true for my weight loss as well. I don't want to put in the time to log, track, check in, cook good food, shop smart. But then to be successful I have to find the time anyway.

    Love to all ye landlubbers, Lori
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Happy Friday and welcome to the start of the weekend.

    Karen- you are doing better with the grading than I am. I left all my papers to grade at school today. I did not realize it until it was too late to go back and get them. Oh well, it will be a busy week of grading next week. At least the quiz today is graded and entered in the grade book. Hope you get the grading caught up.

    Tanya- Glad you are okay. Sorry about the rear-ender, it is such a pain to get a car fix.

    Fitness- This week has ended on a positive note with a great rock climbing session tonight and tomorrow I will swim.

    Tomorrow I am looking forward to watching my trainer compete in her first Full Ironman tomorrow. I hope this will help to motivate me towards my first sprint triathlon. I have no desire to do a full Ironman (140.6 miles) but a sprint triathlon is doable for me.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My cute red food scale arrived today. I weighed and measured my dinner. The portions were pretty much the same as I have been eating, but maybe over time it will make a difference.
    It was another good day under calories, and 6.3 miles walking.
    Not sure how tomorrow will go. There will no doubt be some eating out.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: Well, I’m definitely getting stronger with each boot camp. Unfortunately, this week I made four vs. five sessions, but still very proud of the four I’ve accomplished. Getting ready for our golf tournament and convention has literally taken everything out of me. Plus, the other pressures of my job has been really stretching me thin. I really like what I do, but I’ve come to realize it’s a thankless place with very few kudos. I don’t need much, but one thing I’ve learned over the years is I thrive on those little attaboys or pats on the back. It’s definitely not happening where I’m at now and I’m working my tail off. I think that’s why I’ve been struggling for so long. Is this really the right place for me? Sigh. I do have another opportunity in the early stages and this would send me back to Atlanta. So many things to think about, but I am proud of the first two weeks of this challenge.

    @ GW/Marsha – I’ve been drinking Diet Coke for 25+ years. This was my coffee. I can’t tell you how many times I would stop at 6:30 a.m. on my work at McDonald’s for a $1 drink. It’s the worst thing they could have done for me. I truly am proud of quitting, but the headaches were brutal last week. None this week – thank goodness!

    @ Kaye – Good luck in the 5K tomorrow! Just have fun and enjoy the event. I always find it encouraging to participate with others. Good for you!

    @ Hansea – It’s super tough not to compare ourselves with others. I use to do that a lot, but not anymore. Just like our children who learn differently each of our bodies are different. What works for you may not work the best for me. Congratulate your friend and you keep pushing along. You’re doing great too.

    @ Laurie/Karen – I know you guys will be supportive no matter where we are. Like you said, we’ll be walking a TON so that’s going to help a lot. I’m not worried one bit. As long as I focus on protein, I’ll be good to go. I’m really getting excited!! Also, you two are NOT going to grade any papers. LOL!!

    @ Jenn – Hope you had a better start to Friday than yesterday. I’m sure we’ve all been there at one point. I’m treating myself this weekend too. We have an Aveda Institute. They periodically send coupons so my 90-minute facial that’s normally $60 I’m getting for $30. Woo Hoo!!!

    @ Bohemian/Allison – I think you’re right. I never thought my muscle would quit being so sore, but your right. I think I’m really getting stronger. Very proud of these 2 weeks so far.

    @ Kah68/Kelly – The night out with friends sounded perfect. You planned ahead, which is key and still ate some yummy food with a nice wine too. Thank you again for all your continued support. We will meet one of these days I have no doubt.

    @ RobinsEgg/Ellen – Something to remember every single day. Thanks!

    @ Tanya – I’m just glad you’re OK, but what a morning for you and the downed car is not good. The important thing is to make sure you recover and heal properly. Take your time so when you do come back you’ll come back fierce again.