Confessions: The "Fattest Thing" You've Ever Done



  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    Other than just normal days when I eat an obscene amount of food???

    I drove 2.5 hours to see my brother's band concert. I had stopped and got a few things off the dollar menu at Wendy's for dinner. When my brother told me that he DIDN'T want to hang out with me that night, I went back to my hotel room and looked up what food places had take-out AND online ordering. (Mind you it's about 9:30 pm now.) I ordered a big juicy cheeseburger from Applebee's that had bacon, cheese, an onion ring, some special sauce, too. Fries on the side. (Yes, I already ate dinner.) But it gets better... on my way to Applebee's (which I could've walked there)... I saw a McDonald's... went through their drive-thru. Got a LARGE soda and a McFlurry (maybe a dollar sandwich, too, I don't remember now)... So, my SECOND dinner was a big cheeseburger, fries, soda, ice cream... and probably a sandwich from McD's...

    Maybe not the fattest thing, but definitely right up there.

    Edit: Now as I think about it, I know I've had other days that were like this... usually it's under the guise of being hungry, even if I'm not hungry enough to eat it all.
  • beepaz
    beepaz Posts: 42 Member
    "lard *kitten*"--- LMAO!!!:laugh:

    Geez dollar menu madness for sure... And Jack in the Box breakfast sandwich add 2 sausage patties with large curly fries all smothered in buttermilk sauce and a large strawberry fanta. One night i had Panda express, boba tea, tacos and crepes. i wanted to just die.
  • scorpiophoenix
    scorpiophoenix Posts: 222 Member
    Once I ate a whole sheet-cake's worth of cornbread (smothered in butter, of course) AND an entire pecan pie all to myself. My only defense? It was my birthday... :laugh:
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I once ate an entire pumpkin pie in one sitting.....the Costco size =P

    No regrets.
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    Once I went to two different fast food places because I wanted something from both least I was pregnant but still not a good enough excuse!!!
  • bmoncada1
    bmoncada1 Posts: 477 Member
    Not even joking, these are all fascinating. With MFP I am so conscience of what I eat. I wouldn't allow myself to gorge like I did.

    However heres another story.

    My friend and I would get off the school bus go and get a huge soda and hostess snack from the convenience store. Walk to dunkin donuts and get a breakfast sandwich / donut / muffin or a combination of the three. Then right next door was a grocery store where we would get pizza rolls, chips, more cookies for a snack.

    But we would also buy a box of Perdue chicken tenders / nuggets each, and a bag of french fries - after we ate everything else we would deep fry our already deep fried food and eat all of that.

    These repressed memories are making me feel better about my current self.. Thank you everyone!
  • bmoncada1
    bmoncada1 Posts: 477 Member
    Once I went to two different fast food places because I wanted something from both least I was pregnant but still not a good enough excuse!!!

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Others' posts are jogging my memory!

    I have finished off ridiculous amounts of things after parties soooo many times. Nearly half of a large cheese ball layered with nuts & roast beef? I'd just eat it with a spoon. "Healthier" things like pineapple salad or pea salad...rather than pack away leftovers I'd just eat the rest as a meal.

    More recently, my husband and I went to dinner at a kitschy diner style place after a day of hiking, and instead of getting a sensible meal like a burger & salad or fish and veggies (all on the menu), I ordered an app & dessert as my meal...chili cheese fries and rum raisin bread pudding. The large, ultra rich serving of bread pudding came before the meal, instead of after...and we scarfed down EVERY last speck before our food even came -- probably less than 5 minutes. We're both of healthy weights at this point but that was definitely a "fat kid moment" for both of us...for sure.
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    Once I went to two different fast food places because I wanted something from both least I was pregnant but still not a good enough excuse!!!


    Oh there are more than that!
  • The_Aly_Wei
    The_Aly_Wei Posts: 844 Member
    A friend and i smoked pot and ate 26 pies. T W E N T Y S I X P I E S.

    Also all of those other times i have eaten entire pizzas, sat at buffets for hours, consumed entire cakes/ice cream cakes, dozens of cookies at a time, stuffing and pie until i literally vomited...and then kept eating.

    Oh, and also i could drink a case of beer in one sitting...probably correlated. Somehow.
  • vixx1405
    vixx1405 Posts: 129 Member
    Cant believe no one on that web page mentioned raw cookie dough. My last year of uni I had exams dissertation etc and basically no time to sleep so I managed to stay awake with raw cookie dough and energy drinks (this explains so many things about me)
  • bmoncada1
    bmoncada1 Posts: 477 Member
    A few years ago I ended a bad relationship just two days before New Year's. I was too angry and depressed to be around other humans and celebrate, so I decided my NYE would be a junk food and cable TV free-for-all. That day I hit the grocery store and bought all the essential NYE snacking supplies. The cashier even asked if I was having a party. LOL. As best I can recall, I consumed:

    1/2 box each of white cheddar and garlic parmesan Cheezits
    At least a dozen each of chicken wings (liberally smothered in bleu cheese dressing), bagel bites, and pizza rolls
    About 1/2 big bag of Combos (can't remember the flavor)
    1 pint of Ben & Jerry's Dublin Mudslide
    A whole mess (I can't even estimate) of some type of chocolate, possibly cordial cherries

    In addition, I spent the night watching nothing but documentaries about Nazi Germany on the History Channel, because hey, why not make myself even more angry and depressed.

    Rather than being ashamed, I have fond recollections of that night. I actually enjoyed it immensely and it was just what I needed in my emotional state at the time. Within 2 months I'd lost 16 pounds through eating well and exercising, and started dating a great guy (as opposed to my ex - a pathological liar who likes to cheat on his SOs with strippers). In fact, Great Guy and I got married in February. :love:

    Your trip to the store sounds like a dream date!
  • bmoncada1
    bmoncada1 Posts: 477 Member
    A friend and i smoked pot and ate 26 pies. T W E N T Y S I X P I E S.

    Also all of those other times i have eaten entire pizzas, sat at buffets for hours, consumed entire cakes/ice cream cakes, dozens of cookies at a time, stuffing and pie until i literally vomited...and then kept eating.

    Oh, and also i could drink a case of beer in one sitting...probably correlated. Somehow.

    My dream girl! Hahaha I didn't know bingeing while being blazed counted. i now have numerous other stories...much more recent ones haha! Best posts ever.
  • bmoncada1
    bmoncada1 Posts: 477 Member
    Being someone that perhaps once and a while might indulge in the natural herbal supplement marijuana I have a good story.

    I knew I had some pot, so I decided I would go to the grocery store before (can't get a DUI) so I bought all the neccesitites. 2 burritos, a bag of funyons, a 12 pack of bakery cookies, T.G.I.Fridays buffalo wings and a giant candy bar.

    Well after smoking and eating some, a pizza was calling my anem so I ordered a large pizza. Okay it doesnt sound as bad as it was, because I would continue to smoke just to get hungry. keep smoking keep eating.

    By the end of the day it was gone...all of it.

    This has happened on numerous non-consecutive occasions.
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    #17 is the best! HAHAHA
  • joshpass
    joshpass Posts: 82 Member
    ate roughly 50,000 calories and was hungry within an hour. This is why I count calories because i will just eat and eat and eat and eat...
  • mzco14
    mzco14 Posts: 91 Member
    Sat alone in my car with a dozen of Krispy Kreme doughnuts and ate them all so I wouldn't have to share.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Cant believe no one on that web page mentioned raw cookie dough. My last year of uni I had exams dissertation etc and basically no time to sleep so I managed to stay awake with raw cookie dough and energy drinks (this explains so many things about me)

    ooh I love raw cookie dough. Sometimes I will bake cookies for someone else and carefully measure out my own 2 cookies worth of dough, enjoy that and not eat a single baked cookie! I have been overweight since age 8 to some extent or another, but when I was a toddler my parents had trouble getting me to eat and the only thing I was always willing to eat was Pillsbury chocolate chip cookie dough in the tube.
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    In high school (soooo many years ago!) I used to eat powdered sugar by the spoonful. Not sure how I didn't choke on it like when you breathe in just before you eat a lemon bar :)

    Also in high school, I loved to babysit for parents who were potty training their children. There were always reward M&Ms around.

    And sadly on a regular basis not long ago, I would drive thru McDonald's for the Bacon, Egg & Cheese biscuit meal (with extra hashbrowns) then eat that on the way to Starbucks. I'd hide the McDonald's bag and order a grande latte and a scone. Just for grins, I just put that in my diary and it added up to 1356 calories, 67 grams of fat. Good heavens!
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    There was this one particular girl who was just plain bad for me. We were just friends but she was amazingly fit and ate circles around me. We were both out one night and I ordered an eight piece dinner of fried chicken thinking that we were gonna split it. Just as I was about to ask her what she wanted to drink, she stepped up to another cashier and ordered an eight piece dinner for herself. We ate so much fried chicken. The pile of bones between us was huge. One thing that was not between us: Sexual tension.