Easter Challenge



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Friday! Still not feeling like myself but managed to struggle through today's workout. I completed the Push Circuit 3 dvd from the Chalean Extreme program.

    I am still busy with a prep work assignment so I hope to respond to posts later in the day. Hope everyone is having a great day.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hey all - I'll post an updated chart tonight. sorry I couldn't get it out sooner... been kind of a roller-coaster of a week and I'm exhausted!

    Decided not to go to the gym last night; my S.O. had a tooth pulled and couldn't work out with me, plus I was really tired - hadn't had an unscheduled day off from the gym in about a month. Today's my scheduled "off" day - trying to decide if I want to do yesterday's workout today.

    Hope everyone's having a good week!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hey all - I'll post an updated chart tonight. sorry I couldn't get it out sooner... been kind of a roller-coaster of a week and I'm exhausted!

    Decided not to go to the gym last night; my S.O. had a tooth pulled

    No worries on the chart, as you are awesome for even starting one! And the whole tooth pulling thing, I know and will know again how your other half feels..I had one done 2weeks before my wedding and sometime next week, I'll have 2 more cut out..not fun at all.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I've been behind all week & haven't had time to get back to the boards to check in! My scale hates me. I hate it. We agree on something at least. I'm just gonna sit out weigh in this week. I'm hoping for better news on Monday!

    Jan 3rd: 203.0 lbs
    10th: 201.1 lbs (1/8/10)
    12th: 198.8 lbs ONEDERLAND!!!!
    17th: 199.2 lbs
    24th: SKIP
    Feb 7th:
    14th: >>>goal 189 lbs<<<
    Mar 7th:
    Apr 4th:
    25th: <<<goal 175 lbs>>>
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I wouldn't mind joining this challenge. My Valentine's Day challenge has been sabotoged by back problems so I could use a longer term goal. I had major knee surgery 3 months ago so it is slow going, but I'm hoping the doc gives me the ok for the treadmill next week. And Easter happens to be the day before my anniversary, which was my overall goal date anyway!

    Jan 3: 155.8
    Jan 10: 154.8
    Jan 17: 155.8
    Jan 24: 155.6
    Feb 28: 150 (goal)
    Mar 28: 145 (goal)
    Apr 25: 140 (goal)
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Hey all - I'll post an updated chart tonight. sorry I couldn't get it out sooner... been kind of a roller-coaster of a week and I'm exhausted!

    Decided not to go to the gym last night; my S.O. had a tooth pulled and couldn't work out with me, plus I was really tired - hadn't had an unscheduled day off from the gym in about a month. Today's my scheduled "off" day - trying to decide if I want to do yesterday's workout today.

    Hope everyone's having a good week!

    It's so awesome that you do this for us anyway...no worries if you don't get it done at a certain time! It's just nice to see it once in a while even if it's not every week! Hope your SO feels better!
  • trendely87
    trendely87 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm starting to get frustrated i started out 135 then jumped to 137 by tuesday then wednesday i was back to 135 thursday 137 today 136.5 ugh. I just want to get back to my pre- christmas weight of 133.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! It is an absolutely beautiful day here in GA but I still don't feel the greatest due to TOM. According to the Turbo Fire schedule it was a Fire 30 or HIIT 15 day but I decided to change it up a little and headed to my local gym. Today I completed a 45 minute kickboxing class and 20 minutes on the elliptical. I tried to do HIIT on the elliptical but my legs could not hang after the kicka$$ kickboxing class.

    I have taken the necessary prescription medication to deal w/these cramps and will chill out for the rest of the day.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    I would like to join late. My 40th birthday is the week before Easter, and there isn't enough time for me to get to my final goal of 135 realistically, but I would really like to feel that I have done all I can! Tracking every day and workouts three times a week in addition to my daily walking is the plan.

    24: 159
    31: goal 157.5
    Feb 6: goal 156
    13: goal 154.5
    20: goal 153
    27: goal 152
    Mar 6: goal 151
    13: goal 150
    20: goal 149
    27: goal 148
    Apr 3: goal 147
    10: goal 146
    17: <<40th birthday goal 145>>
    24: <<Easter goal 144 lbs>>
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Welcome to the new people! Glad to have you!

    I started today by not wanting to get out of bed. I was tired, a bit achy, still experiencing chest tightness and coughing, and I've had a stressful week at work. But I got out of bed. DH and I had put together a whole schedule for the day, and the kids were looking forward to it. Not wanting to disappoint them, I got out of bed, got my workout clothes together, and we went tot he Y. We have officially been members for 1 week, and my kids LOVE it! I went to my 2nd Zumba class this morning. I caught on to the steps faster than on Monday, but this was a different instructor. I was really hating her during the song that was a total leg workout. (lunges, power squats, the whole thing, for an ENTIRE SONG!:sick: ) My legs were KILLING me half way through! I perservered and finished the class. I may not have worked as hard towards the end as I did at the beginning, but I finished. Then DH (who spent the hour in the weight room) and I picked up the kids, and went to the in-laws for lunch. After lunch we took the kids to the zoo. Today we had WONDERFUL weather, and it is Kansas Day (our sesquecentinial!), so they had special stuff going on. After 2 hours walking around there, we went BACK to the Y, and took the kids swimming. I worked with DD and DS on their back floating, as well as played shark, for 45 minutes. I spent about 10 minutes in the hot tub, and then we got showered and dressed to head home.

    This may not seem like such a big deal to some, but to those who've known me for awhile, you'll know that I don't like to "exercise." I like activities (the zoo, swimming, etc.). The fact that I GOT OUT OF BED and DID it is a HUGE accomplishment for me! I am living proof that JUST changing your eating habits can go a LONG way to getting you healthy. Unfortunately, it's not going to get me the rest of the way. That's probably why they say that it is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. I guess I'm now in the 20% portion!

    That is 2 Zumba classes, 2 swimming sessions, and 1 trip to the zoo for me this week! Next week I'll only make 1 Zumba class because I need to go help my little sister with wedding plans next Saturday, and that is a couple hours from where I live, so no Zumba for me!:ohwell: But, I will have pep band at 2 ball games (always a fun time lugging drums, stands, and instruments up and down the stairs!), and I have talked to the cheer coach at school about coming in to help teach the stunts and lifts. So hopefully I'll even get in a little "strength training!":wink: This wasn't actually a NYR for me, but I feel like I've started over. Hopefully I can keep the momentum going, and even pick up a little speed!

    On the down side, the scale hasn't moved yet. No fear though, I know that everytime you reactivate muscles that haven't been used in awhile (and boy are they letting me know about it!) some extra water is stored in the muscles to help them recover. Hopefully as I get into the new routine for a couple weeks some of the excess will drop and I'll see the scale move. Although my husband did point out today that I have maintained my weight near 165 for 8 months now. That is 10 pounds LESS than my original goal! That is nothing to be ashamed of! Yes I still want to drop these last few, but what I've done so far (40+ lbs) is MUCH more than I thought I could do two years ago!

    Keep up the work everyone. I've accomplished something that I once thought was impossible. I lost that weight, and I've kept it off. I couldn't have done it without the help, knowledge, and support of the people here on MFP! I'm not trying to say it was easy, but it was made possible through everyone here. Thank you SOOOO much!!!:smooched:
  • BlueOwlz
    BlueOwlz - I envy your loss. I am stuck and it is so hard. I work out every day and I am getting no where and it makes me want to eat more. Any suggestions on what I can do since we are somewhat same weight? Thank you!

    It sounds like you are plateauing and its not fun to. This last week or so my loss has really slowed down and is plateauing. I regularly remind myself that there is no magic to losing weight - its pure math. Burn more calories than you eat and you WILL lose weight. Sometimes your body just doesn't want to let go of it right away and then all of a sudden it will let it go. So if I've been meeting my net calorie goal then I tell myself I did everything I can and worrying about it won't help and eventually the scale will catch up. It's easy to stay motivated when the scale keeps showing the loss - the hard part is when we plateau and having the faith that you are doing what's required for you to meet your goals.

    But you can check the following things:
    Are you meeting your net calorie goal?
    Are your workouts challenging? (When your workout starts to get easier, then pick up the intensity a little)
    Are you at or below the sodium goal (one day of too much sodium will make you retain fluid)?
    Is your cycle a week or so away?

    The last two questions come back to fluid retention. My weight plateaus or even increases a little if I answer yes to either of those.

    Keep up your hard work and just remember all you have to do is burn more calories than you eat. Have you done a BMR calculator? MFP has one in the tools section and it tells you how many calories you burn throughout the day for your body doing its normal functions.
  • chelsiburnett
    Don't think I will make my mini goal, but I did get back down a little from last week!!!! i really need to watch what I am eating!!! I work out so I guess in my mind I see i that I should reward myself!!! Wrong...well at least not with bad food!!! I am going to try really hard this week!!! Good luck to everyone else!

    Weigh in weeks:

    Jan 3rd: 143.0 lbs
    10th: 139.2 lbs
    17th: 139.4
    24th: 140
    31st: 139.2
    Feb 7th:
    Mar 7th:
    Apr 4th:
    25th: <<<goal 129 lbs>>>
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Your day sounds wonderful!! I'd love to have a day packed with the Zoo and swimmming and dancing, etc. Sounds like you had a great time!!!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Jan 3rd: 177
    10th: 171.2 (5.8 lb loss)
    17th: 171.2 (no loss)
    24th: 170.6 (0.6 lb loss)
    31st: 169.0 (1.6 lb loss)
    Feb 7th:
    14th: ((Mini Goal: 170 lbs))
    Mar 7th:
    14th: ((Mini Goal: 165 lbs))
    Apr 4th:
    25th: ((Goal: 159 lbs... or less of course!))
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all. I'm still not my best due to TOM but each day gets better. I think I'll be back to my regular self by Tuesday. Since today is my designated "rest" day I decided to take it light. I walked for over an hour around a local shopping pavillion. I did not go into any stores, I just started at the first store when you enter the shopping plaza and walked it in it's entirety. I started off really strong but couldn't maintain a 5 mph walk but when it was all said and done I walked for well over an hour and burned over 300 calories in the process.

    Tomorrow is my first day back in the office so once I finished walking I completed all my grocery shopping and came home and prepared meals/snacks for the next few days. Once I'm done posting I will iron my clothes for the week and then chill out and watch tv.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    If it is okay, I think that I would like to join your challenge late. I am trying to stay very focused this year, and have done pretty well for the last few weeks. Maybe this extra push will help me.

    24th: 299.8
    Feb 7th:
    Mar 7th:
    Apr 4th:
    25th: 280
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I stayed the same :(

    Jan 3rd: 159lb
    10th: 158lb
    17th: 157lb
    24th: 156lb
    31st: 156lb
    Feb 7th:
    Mar 7th:
    Apr 4th:
    25th: final goal weight 135lb
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Yay, I can't believe I've lost 10 pounds so far! I usually don't do so well on these challenges. I stayed in the 260's for about 9 months, and finally I am going down!

    Good luck everyone!

    Jan 3rd: 266.8
    10th: 263.1
    17th: 261.1
    24th: 258.0
    31st: 256.6
    Feb 7th:
    Mar 7th:
    Apr 4th:
    25th: GOAL 240
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good for you, KaeChelle!

    Hey, all, found another new website that might be worth checking out for recipes:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Jan 3rd: 81kg (178.6lbs)
    10th: 80 (176.4)
    17th: 78.8 (173.7)
    24th: 78.6 (173.3)
    31st: 78.8 (173.7)
    Feb 7th:
    Mar 7th:
    Apr 4th:
    25th: <<< goal 68kg (150lbs) >>>

    I've put on a tiny bit this week but am not worried about because I ate super clean and exercised loads. I started Chalean Extreme on Monday which probably explains the slight increase, muscles and all! I'm really enjoying the workouts though and can already feel/see a change in my body!

    Wish you all a great week!