SWaT Walking Group - February Walk

sandara Posts: 830 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
The SWaT Walking Group February Walk is starting! Yay! Congratulations to everyone that walked with us last month and I hope your looking forward to the new month. I think we all started off the New Year strong and I know we can keep those tickers moving. :bigsmile:

New members are always welcome. This is a great group if your looking for friends and support (they keep me going) so if you would like to walk with us just jump (or walk) right in. There is nothing special required to join, just post your goals for the month and your set. You decide your own goal as we are all at different levels and all have our own schedules. Just check in whenever you would like, daily, weekly, whatever works for you. This walk will end on February 28th, but we’ll keep going as long as everyone wants.

The SwaT Walking Team originally stood for Sansone Walking Team (after the Walk Away the Pounds founder) and we just liked the name so it stuck. Last month we became the SWA walking team due to a typing error but I’m trying for the SwaT team this month. :laugh:

For those of you that aren't familiar with Walk Away the Pounds they are walking workouts by Leslie Sansone. They are easy to do for someone who is uncoordinated (like me) or older (also like me) or that just can't handle the more strenuous workouts for whatever reason. They can be done in your living room right in front of your TV or computer. They are easy to find at Wal-mart, Target, Best Buy, online and lots of other sources. They can be rented from Netflix and downloaded from the Internet. One of our members has a list of her workouts that are available online too.

The group is open to anyone that wants to do any form of walking. Inside, outside, it's up to you and if you want to mix in some other stuff that’s okay too. We’re a very informal group and love having new walkers join us.



  • StaciGirten
    StaciGirten Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for doing this. I didn't see it last month, but I will join this month. I love Leslie Sansone videos, they work for me.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    :flowerforyou: WELCOME StaciGirten and All New Comer's

    MY New Goal for this month is 100 miles, I seem to always be upping my miles. So I'll start higher this time.
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Count me in again Sandy!

    You spelled SWaT right this month, yay!...lol.
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    Count me in too... I will go for 45 miles....
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Thank you Sandy!

    I'm in this month. I'm going to go for 70 miles in February to allow me to also add in strength workouts too. Happy walking everyone!
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    OK Let's try this again! I'll try 25 miles this months.

    Thanks for doin g this again Sandy.
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    I'm back for February:smile: Going to go and get my ticker right now! Im going to try for 40 miles this month. I know that the month is going to start out slow, but I'll make my goal. Happy trails everyone.
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    This sounds like such a good challenge and group!! I'm going to try for 40 miles this month. Can't wait for the results!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    I'm back in to walk with all of you this month too. I'm shortening up my goal to 45 miles instead of 50 for the month of February. I want to start doing some weights in my workouts but I have about an hour I can spare in a day. Sandy, thanks for setting up the group again.:smile:
  • StaciGirten
    StaciGirten Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you! I really like this site.
  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join! This looks like a great spot and while I don't have a Leslie Swanson video (I'll have to work on finding one and a exercise ticker too!) I do want to increase my walking to be something more than my daily toddle with the dog. I'll try for 15 miles (aka 24 km) over and above my dog walking time.
  • I'm so happy that the videos are available on netflix, I have it streamed to the Wii and am excited to find them!! I'm not sure the technical bits for the group (although I do know that you are informal) I'm trying the Jillian Michaels Shred this month so I'll say that I'd like to walk *25 miles* during the month of February...now if only some of this snow would go away...then I could get outside with my little guy and walk away some of this cabin fever :flowerforyou:

    So happy to have found you all......
  • crisdB
    crisdB Posts: 49
    I just received 2 of Leslie's videos this afternoon; the boot camp kit and the 5 day fit (which is $5.49 on Amazon). I'd love to join the group, I'm a newbie to the workouts, so not exactly sure what to set my goal at. Thinking maybe I'll do the videos 3 times a week @ 2 miles per video(?) so i'm setting my goal for my first month at 24 miles.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Welcome to all the new folks! We're glad your with us and I'm happy to see "everyone" sticking with us this month. I started to say "old foks" but that just didn't sound right! :laugh:
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello And Good Morning!!!! WELCOME ALL NEWBIES :flowerforyou:

    Sandy --- Thanks for leaving the OLD FOLKS out. ( Im not ready to hear that quite YET!! :bigsmile:

    I walked 3.8 miles this morning, YEAH I"M BACK ON TRACK!!!!!!!
    I will do the Leslie Sansone DVD's when I can't make it outside, due to RAIN, Or extreme Heat :wink:

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Thanks for starting this thread again, Sandy!:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:

    Welcome to our newbies--just walk!:flowerforyou:

    Here's my list of Leslie's videos online:

    Leslie Sansone Videos Online

    Here are some videos from youtube:




    These 3 equal her 2 mile Walk Away the Pounds for Abs. (You can use light hand weights in place of the walk belt.)




    These 2 are 1 mile each. You can create a playlist if you have an account and then you can play them all consecutively. (I have also recently discovered that I can put them on my RealPlayer (free download) and not download the commercials! This is a much smoother transition even than as a youtube playlist.)

    This is a 15 minute 1 mile walk with the California raisin!:


    Scroll down the page and click on the Web video link to the right of the picture.

    And finally, here's a link to her 1, 2, and 3 mile Start Walking workouts:


    All these links can be watched and done on line.

    (I think I have another one but it is saved on a different computer. If I do, I will add it later. In the meantime--those without videos can start off with these!)

    I made my goal 65 miles this month. I didn't make my goal last month but I am going to really try this time! I do wish we could get to out Ticker Factory tickers on different computers. We will be getting a new living room computer sometime this week so I will have to make a new ticker then. It's time for a new style anyway, right?

    Time to get moving. I will try to check in later.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Wow look at all the new walkers! Welcome to the thread!:flowerforyou:
    My goal for February will remain at 80 miles, I did go over in January but I am adding more weight workouts and think that will hold the total walked miles down.

    Feb1/ 4 miles and weights Slim Walk Power Walk

    Walk, walk, walk!
  • Yea time for a new month, I am going to shoot for 80 miles this month, I will update ticker when I get home (don't tell the boss but I am at work ) LOL
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Welcome Everyone!! :flowerforyou: This group gets bigger and bigger every month!! Its awsome!

    I put alot of though into my goal this month. I am bring it down to 50 miles. Plan on incorporating some new things into my exercising. If that doesn't work I will just walk more. Seems like its the easiest thing for me to stick with. I never seem to get tired of my Leslie Sansone tapes.

    Yea Sandy, thanks for not saying "Old Folks"

    Looking forward to the new month and getting to know the newbees alittle.

    Lets start walkin'!!!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Yay! So good to see everyone! I couldn't let the first day go by without doing anything so I at least got in the 2 mile big burn. I wish I got of work a little earlier but it is what it is. I've decided to lower my goal to 40 miles this month because I have to start some kind of regular weight routine. I"m thinking Mon-Wed-Fri weights and walk Tue-Thur-Sat and either take a break on Sunday or do whatever I'm in the mood for? But of course I may change my mind tomorrow! :laugh:

    Thanks for posting the list again Kathy! I love the raisin walk, I need to figure out how to download & burn it to a dvd. I don't have a laptop & my computer is not located where I can exercise.

    And yes, I decided to go a little corny with my ticker this month! :tongue:
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