Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - February Challenge!!



  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    so the guy i'm dating and i have a little "bet" to see who can lose more weight in february. i thought he had some advantages cos he has a lot more to lose than i do, but he thought i had an advantage cos i am not already exercising and eating as well as him, so if i start, i would lose more weight. the loser has to take the winner out somewhere. he has already thought of a place to take me but I REALLY SUCK at such date stuff and have no idea where i would take him. and i have a feeling i'm gonna lose, so if anyone has any good ideas, please tell me! if you live in LA, even better!!!

    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
  • Hey! Count me in! My name is Erin, I am 24 and I live in Alberta, Canada! (It's about -30C (-22f) here right now, yikes!) My February goals are to get out of the 150's and eliminate snacking that isn't in my meal plan! I've been having a real weakness for cereal lately. I'm a total binger and snacking that leads to gorging is my biggest downfall. I've also noticed a lot of chocolate bars somehow finding their way into my possession. I usually keep my calories under my goal but it's garbage and I want to stop it. I'm also participating in a "February Fat loss" Challenge with a group of kettlebellers on FB so I'm going to try keep accountable to both groups! I'm kind of a MFP addict at the moment so shouldn't be too hard, haha. My current weight (well on my "weigh" day) is 155lbs so 5lbs in one month, I think I can do it! Gonna try keeping up my streak of working out 5-6 days a week. I'm excited for this!

    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    look at all the new peeps!! super exciting!
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.

    hi everyone, my name is Jennifer, i'm 24 years old & my goal is to be in the best shape i've been in since high school (possibly my life) before i turn a quarter of a century (april 17th). I have been doing wii zumba & just purchased Jillian Michaels' 6 week six pack & 30 day shred. I'm in nursing school 5 days a week, intensive program & i babysit 40 hours a week. I have an awesome boyfriend who tries to be supportive that i've been with for over 3 years. i'm hoping to be engaged sometime in the near future & of course i don't want to be a fat bride. i am currently 128 lbs & my goal is to lose 4 this month. I need to work on getting in enough water through the day, not being lazy about working out, & bringing my food to school more often instead of eating out. a few months ago i realized that i'd gained so much weight in my nursing program this past year that i was the fattest i've ever been at 142 lbs (i'm 5'3") & i discovered MFP. I didn't start to commit to being healthier until just after Christmas when i saw those pictures & i've been recording my calories & exercise ever since. :o)
  • kristinlbrammer
    kristinlbrammer Posts: 20 Member
    My name is Kristin, and I'm 26 years old. I live in Corpus Christi, TX. I just joined MFP a few weeks ago. I'm on Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, day 10 and my goal is to continue doing it EVERYday throughout the month of February. I would love to lose 5lbs this month, but I'm more concerned with keeping my calories low and keeping up the excersize! I hope leading by example will get my husband motivated as well. One more thing, I really want to overcome my sugar addiction!!!!

    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Welcome new peeps! We will see how many of you stick around hehe. I always post a question of the day here to keep things moving and I check on this site at least 15 times a day(just trying to be realistic hehe)

    My friend convinced me to sign up for an Aquabike race, 1.2 mile swim and 56 mile bike ride, in the end of July.. I am pretty excited about it/nervous but hey I am loving all these races!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    A few people got lost in the shuffle so here's an update:

    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!

    Best of luck to all the newbs! :happy: This thread runs FAST so don't worry if you can't keep up with everyone! Just do your best and post whenever/whatever you like! Most of all, stay on track and stay motivated :bigsmile:

    Seripha - I always pack myself an after-work snack of fruit, cottage cheese and cinnamon when I work at the bar because I KNOW I'm going to want to eat something and if I have something healthy on hand, I have no excuse. Tried the whole "brush your teeth" business and that was just non-sense... Takes me 2 mins to brush again! You don't have to be a rocket scientist to get around that one :wink: ... LOL Sad, eh? Work in progress...

    AFM - Ran 4.0miles today at the gym and burned it up. 589 calories. Thank goodness it's just a run day, though because my body is HURTING.

    QOTD - I plan our my meals and I eat 6 times a day - every day. Today is no different. Feb is going to just be an extension of my healthy living for the past 5 months! :happy: Though I did set new goals so I suppose that's how I'm revving up for February... :huh:

  • Hi My name is Alisha, I live in Rochester NY. I am 25yrs old...I am new to this group and I am super pumped to join in on this challenge :)

    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Just keeping everything together:
    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk

  • Question of the Day (QOTD)

    What are you doing today to get ready for this month?

    Well I'm doing water aerobics tonight and tomorrow and starting my 30 day shred challenge on Thursday am. Meal planning is also key for me so staying ahead of the game and making sure that we don't run out of 'healthy options' is important. Then there really is no excuse for ordering take out or delivery....I've also been collecting low cal recipes that I will try during the month!!
  • marymoni
    marymoni Posts: 17 Member
    Hey guys! I'm Mary and I'm 23yrs old, just joined MFP a week ago! Currently living in Italy but going back home to Canada in a couple months and I need this as motivation to look great! I run about 4-5 times a week but took a couple months off while I was on my vacation! My goal for February is to get to 135lbs and be able to run 10km again by the end of the month.

    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
  • Hey all,

    Been MIA all weekend, soooo busy!! Work this week is also ridiculous, and I've been spending my commuter trips reading fitness and healthy cooking magazines to refocus after the weekend. I tried to be good over the weekend but I didn't do the greatest job of it, and this morning my weight is 130lbs so didn't make my january goal :(

    Sorry this is just going to be a quick selfish post to state my February goals. I think I really need to buckle down and tell myself the parties over for a little while. These weekends need to stop!!! I know if I could just avoid drinking on weekends I'd have no problems reaching my goals. Sooo goals for feb;

    NO drinking (harsh to just stop cold turkey but needs to be done that way)
    prepare all my meals at home, and pack all my lunches
    up my strength training sessions to two upper body and two lower body workouts per week
    Lose the 2lbs I didn't lose in January plus the 4lbs I had planned to lose in February - goal is to be 124lbs March 1st. Probably being too ambitious but hopefully it will help me focus.

    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    My name is Kristin, and I'm 26 years old. I live in Corpus Christi, TX. I just joined MFP a few weeks ago. I'm on Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, day 10 and my goal is to continue doing it EVERYday throughout the month of February. I would love to lose 5lbs this month, but I'm more concerned with keeping my calories low and keeping up the excersize! I hope leading by example will get my husband motivated as well. One more thing, I really want to overcome my sugar addiction!!!!

    i have a huge sugar addiction too! for me, my greatest weakness was chocolate, so i just had to not eat chocolate at all. so far since i've 'abstained', i only broke my chocolate fast once with a cadbury caramel egg (i love those things). i've also not eaten any cookies for a week (even though i have two bags sitting in my kitchen!)! woo!

    so i did write a little about sugar addiction in this "diet" blog that i am one of the featured writers for -
    it's mostly about my journey to weight loss as well as my journey from vegetarianism to veganism!

    if anyone has great exercise tips to working at home, that would be great too! i have a mat and 5-lb dumbbells. i also have a jump rope but i am afraid the downstairs neighbors might think there's a giant earthquake going on if i jump at home..
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I have totally been MIA since I came back from my cruise!! The cruise was a weekend of indulging in alcohol and a few morsels of food every now and then. Then I came back and got super sick. I am still recovering from the cold but I am back and ready for this month's challenge. I am going to Vegas and have a friend's wedding in 6 weeks and I want to look fabulous for the boy and to show off in front of my friends. So I am ready to bring it. The first day of the month has been a bust but I am back on the wagon starting now!!!

    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
  • mrskoolnu
    mrskoolnu Posts: 18 Member
    Hey guys, my name is Vanessa, 33 years old from Orange County, CA. I joined MFP yesterday and I’m excited for the challenge. My goal for February is to lost 5lbs and run my 3rd 5k in under 40 minutes. I have a wedding in December to get ready for!
    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    posted a new blog entry! Check it out if your interested.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    2nd bump for me!! WI in tomorrow which is when i will post my Feb goals!! welcome to all of the newbies!! and great goals to everyone so far :)
  • kristinlbrammer
    kristinlbrammer Posts: 20 Member
    To LOLAHIPPIE: at home exercise = jillian michaels 30 day shred - all you need are 3-5lbs weights and maybe a mat!!
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello everyone! I am new as well.... 23 years old and 5'6". I'm currently weighing in at 160, and for February it is my goal to hit under 155 - which is the first weight to be in a healthy BMI! 5 pounds away! Ideally, I want to weigh 152 by the end of the month, but I'm just gonna say 155 to be safe. I have a desk job, work out 5x a week doing 90-120 minutes of cardio... I bounce around in calories alot (2 days 1100, 3 days 1400, 2 days 1800-2100!). I'm aiming to be more consistent this month and to only have one over day a week, and the rest on track around 1200-1500 (this would mean eating up to 300 exercise cals a day). Of course drinking my water day after day. You pay the price just slacking one day!

    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
    noltes2 (Sara) - lose 5 pounds, hit under 155 to have a healthy BMI! Eat consistent calories, with only one over day per week.
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Holy jumping!!! Welcome to all the new people! This thread moves REALLY quick with lots of support, motivation, recipes, advice and anything else you can imagine!!!

    Sorry I've been a little MIA lately...I've been reading the posts just not a lot of time to respond. Going to try and make more of an effort this month!

    As far as my January goals: I have maintained between 121-123 pounds for the month which I am quite happy with. I finished the first 4 weeks of my 1/2 marathon training and began week 5 yesterday. I have also been able to continue to cook mostly new (I would say at least 2 new dinner recipes a week) for my family...most have gone over pretty well and a few need to be tweaked to fit the taste buds of my two girls.

    AFM: For February I don't want to change too much: continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day.

    Yesterday I got in my strength (No More Trouble Zones-finished the entire 40 minutes) and my legs are feeling it today especially after my 7 miler on Sunday....:noway: Got in 4 on the treadmill today at a steady 6mph. Found out already that there's no school tomorrow-so yeah for a snow day!!!! I won't have any trouble getting in my speed intervals :happy:

    Have a great night everyone!!!!

    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    wardiemelissa-continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day
This discussion has been closed.