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  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    MNLopez next week you will have he snow and I we got this week.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    this past weekend I was just about tired of all of it I almost lost my mind and told my wife that I was tired of having to count what i ate and tired of measuring but looked here and thought of all the work i put in to loose what I had and remembered reading something some one wrote about that it took just a few days to put on 5 lbs but two weeks to lose it and snapped myself back into the groove. plus we started catching up with Biggest looser and seeing them helped motivate me back into it.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    I need a good recipe for salad dressing.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    You seem to have such a great team going, supporting each other all the way. I would love to be part of your team.

    My name is Rachel and I am a stay at home mum of 1 (18 months old). I am currently 143lb and am looking to get down to about 125-130lb.

    Can you please let me know if it is ok to join in with you and advise me of what I need to do? I will be weighing in on a Friday.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all a bit better x

    Good afternoon Rachel welcome to the team we welcome anyone and everyone.. If you wouldnt mind sending me a message with your starting weight and goal weigh in my mail box I will put you on the chart on sunday..welcome to a great group!! Oh yeah this week we are jumpin rope during commerical during one program you watch!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I need a good recipe for salad dressing.

    I use fit and active balsamic vingerette, or when I get a subway salad I have them load it up with red vinager its just as good.. I am super proud of you for posting here. I finally got you on here. I am glad you decided to turn your mood around!! You have this its well worth it in the end!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good morning everyone. I am up and at it today. The hubby made me breakfast this morning and it was yummy. Now we are hanging out. He has PT today and when he goes I am getting a workout in. I did good on calories yesterday until I decided to bake a cake. I made an angel food cake with home made peanut butter frosting. It is the hubby's favorite. I also wrote WE <3 DADDY on it. He almost cried when he saw it. He is so excited about being a daddy. He is the sweetest husband ever. I am one lucky lady. Anywyas today is going to be a good day.

    I am glad that everyone is still hanging in here with us. Have a great day! I will check in again soon.

    He is just as lucky to have you.. I so miss you and I am glad you are enjoyign baking for him.. and you and little sprout!!! I am looking at recipes to bake my mom a healthy cake for her birthday that we are celebrating on super bowl.

    I plan ono getting up on sunday and running 8 miles beforewe head to moms house for super bowl!!
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    I need a good recipe for salad dressing.

    I use fit and active balsamic vingerette, or when I get a subway salad I have them load it up with red vinager its just as good.. I am super proud of you for posting here. I finally got you on here. I am glad you decided to turn your mood around!! You have this its well worth it in the end!

    Is this a brand name I can find at the store?
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    this past weekend I was just about tired of all of it I almost lost my mind and told my wife that I was tired of having to count what i ate and tired of measuring but looked here and thought of all the work i put in to loose what I had and remembered reading something some one wrote about that it took just a few days to put on 5 lbs but two weeks to lose it and snapped myself back into the groove. plus we started catching up with Biggest looser and seeing them helped motivate me back into it.

    That is great Don! We all get tired of measuring and weighing but like I have said before these are the tools that we use to fight our obesity. No different than a diabetic using a meter to test their blood sugar. My daughter is a diabetic and isulin dependant if she can stick herself all day long I can measure cheerios! :laugh:

    One thing for sure we can never give up the stakes are too high when it comes to obesity!
    Keep putting in work, we'll be here with you every step of the way! :wink:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Hi Rachel waaaaasssuupp? :happy: :wink:
    welcome! We are pretty awesome :tongue:
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    this past weekend I was just about tired of all of it I almost lost my mind and told my wife that I was tired of having to count what i ate and tired of measuring but looked here and thought of all the work i put in to loose what I had and remembered reading something some one wrote about that it took just a few days to put on 5 lbs but two weeks to lose it and snapped myself back into the groove. plus we started catching up with Biggest looser and seeing them helped motivate me back into it.

    That is great Don! We all get tired of measuring and weighing but like I have said before these are the tools that we use to fight our obesity. No different than a diabetic using a meter to test their blood sugar. My daughter is a diabetic and isulin dependant if she can stick herself all day long I can measure cheerios! :laugh:

    One thing for sure we can never give up the stakes are too high when it comes to obesity!
    Keep putting in work, we'll be here with you every step of the way! :wink:

    THanks for your words Like I said I was watching the Biggest Looser and seen one of the sayings on the wall by Trainer Bob and it hit me "STAND UP AND FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED!" it is the support that ya'll give me to keep me going I don't want to let ya'll down.
  • curran80

    I have sent you my info thanks.

    Just heading to start jumping rope now :smile:
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I need a good recipe for salad dressing.

    I use fit and active balsamic vingerette, or when I get a subway salad I have them load it up with red vinager its just as good.. I am super proud of you for posting here. I finally got you on here. I am glad you decided to turn your mood around!! You have this its well worth it in the end!

    Is this a brand name I can find at the store?

    Fit and active brands are from Aldi's they are sooo yummy and cheap
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    this past weekend I was just about tired of all of it I almost lost my mind and told my wife that I was tired of having to count what i ate and tired of measuring but looked here and thought of all the work i put in to loose what I had and remembered reading something some one wrote about that it took just a few days to put on 5 lbs but two weeks to lose it and snapped myself back into the groove. plus we started catching up with Biggest looser and seeing them helped motivate me back into it.

    That is great Don! We all get tired of measuring and weighing but like I have said before these are the tools that we use to fight our obesity. No different than a diabetic using a meter to test their blood sugar. My daughter is a diabetic and isulin dependant if she can stick herself all day long I can measure cheerios! :laugh:

    One thing for sure we can never give up the stakes are too high when it comes to obesity!
    Keep putting in work, we'll be here with you every step of the way! :wink:

    THanks for your words Like I said I was watching the Biggest Looser and seen one of the sayings on the wall by Trainer Bob and it hit me "STAND UP AND FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED!" it is the support that ya'll give me to keep me going I don't want to let ya'll down.
    Love That!! What a great phrase to help us through difficult times!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057

    I have sent you my info thanks.

    Just heading to start jumping rope now :smile:

    :drinker: :drinker: Get it girl! Thanks for posting a pic!
  • brashear_2420
    Good evening everyone! I have had a really good day. I napped for a few hours on and off and it was wonderful. The hubby made breakfast and dinner for us. I kind of skipped lunch because I was napping, but I ate a banana as soon as I woke up and then we had an early dinner. I even got in a bit of exercise today. I was under calories by 73. I do not want to necessarily lose weight, but I do want to keep my calories in check and have a healthy pregnancy.

    Tamara - Thanks for the comments. We are both very lucky to have each other. I sure do miss you too. The exercise did make me feel better. Tomorrow I am going to try to go longer. Next week I might even try to go to the fit for two pregnancy class at the gym.

    Amber - Thanks for calling me today. I am glad that you know you can call me anytime. I loved our talk. Keep up the great work. I am glad to hear that you are eating so well and that you have started working out at the gym. You are going to find what works for you and kick this weight loss in the butt. Miss you girl and we will talk again soon.

    Deneen - You did a drive by and we need more. I know you have a lot going on right now, but we are here for you anytime.

    Marcie - Hang in there with us lady. It will start falling off again. Take control and you can do this.

    Jena - I love your profile pic. Is that a picture from your wedding? I know your anniversary is coming up. I really hope you hit your mini goal by then. I have faith that you can and will.

    Rupi - I hope you are having a great week back at uni. Eat as healthy as you can.

    Jessica - Are you getting on the back everyday like you said? I know that scale will start moving soon.

    Karen - Are you having a better week?

    Nicole - How are you doing?

    Kerry - I really hope you show a loss this week.

    Don - Welcome to the post. You can totally do this. Keep it up.

    Welcome to all the new members and I am sorry for anyone that I missed. Good luck for weigh in on Friday. Have fun.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    bobbie- I actually just hoped on to post that Im way over my goal calorie burn for the week and its only wednesday!!!!!!!!! I hate wednesdays because I get bored with the bike when nothing is on tv but lucky for me it was a rerun of Reba that I had never seen yay! Im totally hoping that scale moves in the right direction on friday even though Ive been super duper bloated lately!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Just stopping by quickly. I went to the doctor today after feeling terrible yesterday. I have strep, bronchitis, and an ear infection. I had a feeling I had strep and/or bronchitis, but was surprised by the ear infection.

    She gave me a steroid shot, so I'm already feeling a bit better. She said I must have a high tolerance to have been functioning somewhat normally with all this going on. I worked a 11.5 hour day on Tuesday for Literacy Night at my school. I felt like a zombie, so I'm not sure how functioning I was. lol It does feel good to be lying around today.

    The workers were here today finishing the replacement of our duct work. I laid on the couch the whole time. They work with my dh (he's the sales manager at the a/c company) so I've met both of them before. That made it a little more comfortable. So no more workers in my house for a while - yay! I'm taking tomorrow off so it's a full day of resting for me.

    I hope everyone is having a great week!

    Bobbie - thanks for asking about me!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Oh - And Marcie - it is too freaking cold! I love cold weather, but this is too cold. My kids are hoping for a day off on Friday. I'm hoping for it too! I wouldn't mind a 5 day weekend. :D
  • addiograsso
    Hello All -
    Everyone is sound asleep and I am up working... :( Why the sad face, you ask? I ate 3 - count em - 3 whole cookies at freaking 1am in the morning!??!?! and right after I did - I thought why???? I am NOT hungry! And it can't even be boredom because I am up working for crying out loud... It's amazing how easily the bad habits come back... :(

    Well - my water intake is improving, the jumping jack thing....well, to be totally honest - I suck at it... :(

    I looked in the mirror this evening - really looked and was truly disgusted by what I saw. I say this not for empathy but just for the pure fact that I have got to WAKE UP and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!! I am the ONLY person who can fix me...
    Anyway - enough... I really, really want to be where I was a month and a half ago. I was making good choices and really was feeling good about me. Has anyone else ever noticed how easy it is to just continue to spiral???? I eat a cookie, get mad cause I ate it, look in the mirror and see how fat i am and say "i've got to lose weight" and then eat something even worse for me. It's like I punish myself. Geez, I think a shrink could have a field day with me!!! :)

    Just a few notes -
    Karen - ick poo - that is NO FUN - hope you feel better soon
    Bobbie - Hello little Mama - You always make me smile = thanks! Ya know, if i would just keep logging in - That would help a TON! You guys keep me so motivated and focused.
    Jena - my little bundle of energy and happy thoughts. Thank you soooooo mch for the beautiful woman post... It made my heart happy - RIGHT BACK ATCHA!!! Looking forward to a walk someday soon... ;) Not real soon as we got about 3/4" of ice and 6 inches of snow in the last 3 days. No, "Snowmeggedon" didn't strike, but it is cold and miserable. It is currently negative 2 degrees here right now and that does NOT include windchill... ;(
    Tamara - Thank you for everything.
    Jessica - :)
    Rachel, Rupi, Don, et al - welcome and keep plugging away - don't EVEN read my posts - Follow the lead of Tamara, Jena, Bobbie - these ladies are the bombdiggity! They got their act together AND they know where they put it!
    Marcie - We need to get together and whine! :)
    Have a good one - see you tomorrow - in a better mood - PROMISE!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning everyone.. I am having so much fun in training learning alot and enjoying every minutes of it.. Today we actually get to go to the warehouse and watch people work.. Then after that t 8 I am suppost to meet amber up for our last minute workout..We shall see if that happens, I may be way to tired..Tomorow we are having healthy pizza that I am making homemade crust for.. I just haev to get my recipe out.

    Don- Like I have said a bazillion times I am glad you started posting here, we are here to support you and if you dont post we dont know if you having a bad day or not.

    Amber-Come out come out where ever you are!!

    Bobbie- Gld you had a nap, I will need one tomorrow!!

    Deneen- Girl you cant beat yoruself up because you hada cookie, I find what helps me and when I am rumming through the house to find something to eat I pop a piece of gum in my mouth.

    Marice- You will get the scale moving again, as I hope to do the same.. Sucks showing a gain 2 weeks in a row, but it wasnt becasue I didnt do something about it, it was my body repsonding to everything that is going on!!

    Rachela- Welcome aboard this isa great team.

    Jena- Your such a great motivator , keep up the hard work, love the way you put about your daughter being diabetic.

    Karen- Sorry you are sick, get better soon

    Rupi- Think healthy when at school pack your lunch it really works, I pack mine everyday for work.

    Kerry-Where have you been you have been quiet!!

    And everyone I forgot I am sorry.. My brain is going 100 MPH, I need to study for this test from training so I am sent all those things through my brain!

    Have an awesome day and remember to send me your weights tomorrow as tonight is or last chance workout, get it in and jump you rope.. Have an awesome day.. Dont let anyone else be your let down..Stand up smile and say I am doing this because I am worth it..

    Bye ya'll