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  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Amazing!! No school for kids tomorrow due to SNOW! Unbelievable in these parts! I'm thinking they may also close our place of business. Since I don't have a scale at home....I won't weigh in until Monday. Not that I'm looking forward to it! I haven't had the best week!

    I really admire all of the warriors on guys are doing great and one day soon I hope to join you all!

    You all have a nice evening!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Ive been working hard all week minus my splurge with pizza last night but Ive been working hard. Not as anal about the measuring but thats ok. Im hoping for atleast a lb loss tomorow since TOM feels like its on its way
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    :laugh: Hello everyone!
    I am also sick :frown: a really bad cough that kept me up pretty much all night! Giving me a great ab workout though :bigsmile: I should have called you Deneen and told you to step away from the cookies! :tongue: I have been A LOT better about having sweets in the house for a while hubby and the kids literally had to go to the store for ANYTHING sweet! I still don't buy too much, mostly cheap cookies for their lunches. And since $ is so tight I buy just enough to put in the lunches for a week I try to bag them all up right away so then if I eat them I am literally eating their lunch stuff and that's just wrong! :tongue: :laugh: I remember I used to buy the 100 cal weight watchers cakes and such but my problem would be STOPPING after 1! So I don't buy those anymore. Yesterday a lady from work brought in what I thought was roasted chicken with some rice I had maybe a 1/2 a cup of rice and 1 piece of chicken no skin of course well later on I found out it was fried! :sick: I was like omg you ruined my diet!! :bigsmile: :tongue: I really thought it was roasted because she didn't put any flour or anything but she said she used canola oil and grapeseed oil. I told my husband, who happen to also cook last night fried chicken, ( I ate baked chicken though left over from the night before) I told him I accidentally ate fried chicken! :smile: He knows I never eat anything fried.
    So my workout today is mostly going to be the Wii and 15 minutes on the elliptical I don't want to get my heartrate too high because I will be coughing like crazy.
    Like you Jessica I am hoping for 1 lb loss which I think I will have. Good Luck with weigh in tomorrow BUT don't put too much stock in that scale it is NOT our friend most of the time! Even when it is being kind it is like that 2 faced witch that can turn on you in a heartbeat! Our FRIEND is exercise, measuring/portion control, water, back 2 basics group AND most important consistency! We will have bad weeks but staying the course IS the way to go! I am a dictionary buff so here is a word of the day

    [con·sist·en·cy ~steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.: There is consistency in his/her pattern of behavior.]

    Now you have 2 choices of which consistant behavior you do Good behavior or Bad. We know what bad gets us, now lets find out (like bobbie, jessica and tamara have) what consistantly good gets us! :flowerforyou:

    I am so sorry for all of you in this deep freeze half the country is going through! I may be poor in cali, taxed to death but it is sunny outside! :bigsmile: I grew up in Michigan though so I am no stranger to the snow. But this is the new milllenium type of snow! :noway:

    Feel better Karen! At least you got some meds so you should be feeling better very soon. :flowerforyou:

    Till tomorrow!
  • brashear_2420
    Good Evening B2B team. I hope everyone had a great day and got a workout in. I wish you all the best of luck on the scale tomorrow. I have been good with calories this week. I have kept it around the 2000 mark everyday. I eat when I am hungry and try to get nutritious meals and snacks. I really want to have a healthy pregnancy and pass on the healthy habits to our baby. I did not get a workout in today, but I cleaned a bit. I also hung pictures tonight. I have been here for well over 2 months and I just hung pictures. I wanted to do it alone too. I love my DH, but my way is so much easier. I also visited with another Navy wife today for 2.5 hours. It felt nice to have some face time and social interaction with another female. I love my husband, but sometimes you just need to be around other women. I am going to try to work on being more social and having more interaction up here. I think we are going to have another dinner for everyone next month. I like playing host. It is fun for me.

    Karen - I hate that you are sick. I hope you feel better soon. I am also glad to hear that there will not be any contractors in the house for a bit. I hope you get a snow day Friday so you can have a long weekend to recover.
    Jena - I don't like you being sick either. Feel better and keep working out those abs with your cough. Good job on not letting the fried rice ruin your day. Drink plenty of water and you will flush it right out. Fingers crossed for a loss for you tomorrow. I know how bad you want to meet your goal.
    Jessica - Great job on the workouts this week. I think you should see a change this week too. If not, then you need to change up your routine or something. Good luck.
    Marcie - If you are weighing in on Monday, then that just gives you a couple extra days to make your week a better week. I hope you get a snow day Friday too. I bet it will be a great day at home with the kiddos if you do. keep hanging in there my friend. You will get that scale on your side again.
    Deneen - I like it when you call me little mama. The DH already brought up Mother's day this year and asked me what I wanted. He is such a sweet man. I am sorry you ate the cookies last night and I hope that you made better choices today. You can do this. Think of how motivated you were and how good you were feeling. You can and you will get it back. You are the only one that can make the change and we are all here for you. You have to step up and own up to everything. own up to your bad eating habits and the excuses that are made for doing the bad things. Hold yourself responsible. If you make one bad choice, do not let it derail your whole day. Just work harder and you will get there. I am always here for you lade.
    Amber - Hang in there my friend. I hope that the scale is good to you in the morning.
    Tamara - I am so happy that you are enjoying the training. Your healthy pizza sounds yummy. You will have to let us know how it turns out and then share the recipe if it is that good. I am glad that you are enjoying training. It sounds like you are going to really enjoy it there. I know you will be excited when you get that first pay check.

    I hope that the scale is good to all of you tomorrow. You have worked so hard and deserve to be rewarded with being losers. Good luck you guys. Have a great night and I will catch up with you tomorrow.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    OH and Bobbie yes that is a wedding photo from The Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas 5 years ago :smile:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning everyone, just wanted to send a quick shout out out.. I am literally running behind, so better get my butt in gear. I had a good weigh in I was down 1.6 I will take it, its better then a gain..Heck maintiance would have been better then a gain..

    Amber and I are making homemade healthy pizza today, I am gonna make the crust around 3'ish so its done rising around 5.. The crust only has 161 calories in it, then I am gonna load it up with veggies and chicken and no calories bbq sauce..

    Have a great weigh in and even better day!! Bye
  • curran80
    Morning everyone,

    I had a good weigh in today, was down 2.5lb this week. What do i do for you to record this?

    Hope you all have a good day and an even better weigh in

  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    GOOD morning everyone SNOW SNOW SNOW everywhere and under it ICEoh what fun brings back memories of living in Buffalo NY well not that much snow I seen worse. Well weigh in day and I lost 3 bls from last Friday. you guys are such great supporters.

    Karen I hope you feel better soon that is alot of things going on at one time. how are you still standing?

    Marcie I would say welcome to my world here in Arlington,TX I have made it to work everyday this week with the exception of Tuesday and the kidos have been off since Monday with all the ICE we had and now today with the snow.

    Tamara let us know how the Pizza goes. My wife has always had Lean Cuisine dinners in the freezer but I would not touch them but I have recently had the Pizza to feed my cravings for pizza and I have to say pretty good.:bigsmile:

    I hope everyone has a great weigh in today:blushing:
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning. Great job to all the losers so far. I was up .5 pounds today. I will gladly take it since I am pregnant and I had Wendy's last night. I am really happy to see that some of you had such great losses. I can't to see the losses that the other weigh ins bring. I hope everyone has a great Friday. I have to get my but in the shower. I have to go pick up paperwork that I will need to take to the OB soon. I also have to go to the grocery store. It is suppose to snow again tomorrow. Plus we are having a couple of the DH's friends over for dinner tomorrow.

    I will try to check in later. Have a good day everyone.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Please forgive my ignorance but what is a DH I know it is not a Don Higgins just curious:embarassed: i see it written alot. just have no clue.
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    ok team sorry I have not been on here everyday but I will try and do better. I gained 1lb this week and am secretly disapointed about it. I have started working out this week and I have been working out hard. I am pretty sure that my muscles are just holding water cause I have stressed them out, but I still wanted to see the scale go down so I could feel like the hard work and tons of swet were paying off. Gotta go to work in just a bit but I wanted to come by and share the news, Sorry I did not pull my weight this weeek for the team, I willl try even harder.

    Tamara- I am looking forward to the pizza and thanks for joining me last night at the gym

    Bobbie- Thanks for the pep talk the other night and be sure to keep me informed of what is going on.

    Jena- I hope you feel better soon,

    Rach- to put your weight in you click on the weigh in button and change the # the hit save at the bottom.

    everyone else- Once again I am sorry and I hope weigh in goes well for everyone.
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    ok team sorry I have not been on here everyday but I will try and do better. I gained 1lb this week and am secretly disapointed about it. I have started working out this week and I have been working out hard. I am pretty sure that my muscles are just holding water cause I have stressed them out, but I still wanted to see the scale go down so I could feel like the hard work and tons of swet were paying off. Gotta go to work in just a bit but I wanted to come by and share the news, Sorry I did not pull my weight this weeek for the team, I willl try even harder.

    Tamara- I am looking forward to the pizza and thanks for joining me last night at the gym

    Bobbie- Thanks for the pep talk the other night and be sure to keep me informed of what is going on.

    Jena- I hope you feel better soon,

    Rach- to put your weight in you click on the weigh in button and change the # the hit save at the bottom.

    everyone else- Once again I am sorry and I hope weigh in goes well for everyone.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Please forgive my ignorance but what is a DH I know it is not a Don Higgins just curious:embarassed: i see it written alot. just have no clue.

    lol DH= Darling your case would be DW=Darling Wife!! Iwilllet ya'll know about the pizza..promise
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    I am home today. Our company closed down. We didn't get any of the snow they predicted, which my kiddos were totally bummed about. We did however have ice on the roads, so I am glad they cancelled school.

    Don...I do not envy you at all. I hope all goes well for Super Bowl in your town!

    Anyway...I am going to go h ave some breakfast and I will try to check in later.

    Congrats to all the losers out there!
  • NicoleL83
    NicoleL83 Posts: 68 Member
    Hey Everyone
    I love reading this messages! You guys are all great cheer leaders! I was pretty excited to step on the scale this morning. I am down 3.8 pounds to 165.2 :happy: I slacked a little in workouts but ate pretty well. I was so excited after my weigh in. I am out of the 170 zone which I have been at for about a year!! It is so nice to see a result. I did bootcamps in teh spring and summer and lost inches but not a lot of weight. I know that inches count but it gets pretty discouraging to not see the scale move more than 1 ot 2 pounds over 4 months. I never really know how important diet is. For the last 4 weeks I have been eating healthy breakfasts and not my morning breakfast sandwich. I also have been eating within an hour and half of waking up, so my body is not going into starvation mode! Anyways I hope everyone else has a great weigh in.

    I am going to go for jog after work and try not to fall and hurt myself. We had freezing rain last night and suppose to have more today. The temperatures up in Alberta are going crazy. Nice during the day and freezing at night, so the 4 feet of snow we have keeps melting and then freezing.

    Jena and Karen I hope you both feel better soon, good job Jena working out with a cough. Your abs will be great in no time:tongue: .

    Tamara that is awesome with the loss!! Anyway you can pass on your pizza crust recipe. I love pizza and always looking for ways to make it healthy!!

    Bobbie-Congrats on trying to keep healthy and active during your pregnancy!!

    Amber- no worries about the gain- muscles weigh more than fat so start measuring inches lost for that extra motivation!

    Marci - Good luck monday on the weigh in and stay safe with the ice

    Welcome Don and Rachel!!!

    To everyone else I wish you an fantastic weekend!!
  • addiograsso
    Good Morning, Losers!!!!! :):laugh:
    Sounds like lots of you are - so big shout out to all of you! Hardwork = Reward! Feeling good is the best reward! :)
    Ok, I am about 2 days behind on a monthly report (due today) that takes me about 15 hours to do and I haven't started, soooooo...gonna just hit the highlights (or lowlights as it were...)
    Well, I weighed in today - first time in literally weeks and well, I got what I had coming. a 3 pound gain... as little Mama says - gotta take ownership and responsibility. Eating cookies and fast food will do just that - MAKE YOU GAIN WEIGHT. The only silver lining I see in all of this - Hello Wake up Call - it is JUST what I needed to show me, that yes in fact if you eat like someone is going to take it away from you and live on carbs and fat that you will in fact gain weight - shocking! :) (Tee hee)
    So, Today - tuna salad, low fat cheese, water, water and more water... I WILL join you all next week atop the loser board... :)
    Lookout y'all - I am Back! And for real this time.!!!!! I have missed you and missed me too - :)

    Bobbie - i just love you, girl. Thanks for sharing with us. Can't wait to share pregnant stories with you... ;) You are doing a great job. Take it easy and just eat nutritiously. I am hardly the poster child for weight loss, but I have to say i did VERY well during my pregancy. I actually LOST weight during my pregnancy - without hurting the baby -. I ate well - drank NO SODA (that's what in fact did it for me I think). The old saying - you're eating for two - is nonsense. The second person never weighs more than 9 -10 pounds so they don't require that much food... ;) Wow - look at me - giving some motivation! You will do GREAT! Girl you got this and in the long run - the only important thing is a happy, HEALTHY baby Deneen... :laugh: tee hee hee...

    Don - Well, I have to tell you how refreshing it is to have some testosterone in the group... You will keep all of us crazy ladies in check! No more man bashing... (tee hee hee). Welcome! And did I catch that you are from Dallas?!?!?!? I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous! I am a HUGE Cowboys fan - have been my whole life - even when they stink... ;) Good luck with all the media and crazy fans this weekend? ARe you going to the big game???

    Jena - Thanks for continuing to hang in with me! You are such an amazing, smart, well rounded (in a good way - hee hee hee) woman! I LOVE (and plagiarize quite often) your quotes and now the dicitionary - girl we would be fast friends if you lived in Illinois... ;) Love your dedication and support!

    Tamara - Thank you for going on the today show and thanks for being our cheerleader. Thanks for taking care of us. You've done the hard work and lost your weight and are on a totally different level than most of us (maintaining versus losing) so it has to be hard to check in everyday just to keep us "losers" :wink: (in a good way) motivated. Your struggles although somewhat the same, I'm sure are different. I know that it must be hard to change your focus from wanting the scale to drop each week to just seeing it stay the same. I admire your dedication and your help and caring!

    Nicole- Yay for you! Congrats on the loss - Thanks for "friending" me... will catch up soon.

    Marcie - hang in there girl - stay warm and we'll see you back here Monday - Girl, I'm back so you have to be too, k? Miss you my friend - you're a hoot - WE CAN DO THIS!!!!

    Amber - don't be too discouraged! You have some of the best in the business for workout buddies. Besides, you know in your heart if you're doing what it takes to make it happen - just hang in there... Sometimes the body takes a while to respond to all the changes you are making. Your hard work will pay off! This is worth it!

    Rupi - How are you doing this week?

    Karen - How are you feeling?

    Jessica - Love the (not so) new picture! YOu are our little quiet achiever. slow and steady - little by little you lose weight. That's how to get it done! You've come a long way! Let us know how you did this week.

    Anyone else I've forgotten I'm sure I've missed several - My apologies - hang in there and as Tamara always says - only you can change your mood and only you can make today a great day!

    Well, I wish I had something insightful to say, but I have to run... So, raise your glasses (of water) and enjoy the weekend wherever you are! Here's to everyone having a GREAT week and hope to see you all atop the loser board next week!
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Still snowing lunch time
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Good Morning, Losers!!!!! :):laugh:
    Sounds like lots of you are - so big shout out to all of you! Hardwork = Reward! Feeling good is the best reward! :)
    Ok, I am about 2 days behind on a monthly report (due today) that takes me about 15 hours to do and I haven't started, soooooo...gonna just hit the highlights (or lowlights as it were...)
    Well, I weighed in today - first time in literally weeks and well, I got what I had coming. a 3 pound gain... as little Mama says - gotta take ownership and responsibility. Eating cookies and fast food will do just that - MAKE YOU GAIN WEIGHT. The only silver lining I see in all of this - Hello Wake up Call - it is JUST what I needed to show me, that yes in fact if you eat like someone is going to take it away from you and live on carbs and fat that you will in fact gain weight - shocking! :) (Tee hee)
    So, Today - tuna salad, low fat cheese, water, water and more water... I WILL join you all next week atop the loser board... :)
    Lookout y'all - I am Back! And for real this time.!!!!! I have missed you and missed me too - :)

    Bobbie - i just love you, girl. Thanks for sharing with us. Can't wait to share pregnant stories with you... ;) You are doing a great job. Take it easy and just eat nutritiously. I am hardly the poster child for weight loss, but I have to say i did VERY well during my pregancy. I actually LOST weight during my pregnancy - without hurting the baby -. I ate well - drank NO SODA (that's what in fact did it for me I think). The old saying - you're eating for two - is nonsense. The second person never weighs more than 9 -10 pounds so they don't require that much food... ;) Wow - look at me - giving some motivation! You will do GREAT! Girl you got this and in the long run - the only important thing is a happy, HEALTHY baby Deneen... :laugh: tee hee hee...

    Don - Well, I have to tell you how refreshing it is to have some testosterone in the group... You will keep all of us crazy ladies in check! No more man bashing... (tee hee hee). Welcome! And did I catch that you are from Dallas?!?!?!? I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous! I am a HUGE Cowboys fan - have been my whole life - even when they stink... ;) Good luck with all the media and crazy fans this weekend? ARe you going to the big game???

    Jena - Thanks for continuing to hang in with me! You are such an amazing, smart, well rounded (in a good way - hee hee hee) woman! I LOVE (and plagiarize quite often) your quotes and now the dicitionary - girl we would be fast friends if you lived in Illinois... ;) Love your dedication and support!

    Tamara - Thank you for going on the today show and thanks for being our cheerleader. Thanks for taking care of us. You've done the hard work and lost your weight and are on a totally different level than most of us (maintaining versus losing) so it has to be hard to check in everyday just to keep us "losers" :wink: (in a good way) motivated. Your struggles although somewhat the same, I'm sure are different. I know that it must be hard to change your focus from wanting the scale to drop each week to just seeing it stay the same. I admire your dedication and your help and caring!

    Nicole- Yay for you! Congrats on the loss - Thanks for "friending" me... will catch up soon.

    Marcie - hang in there girl - stay warm and we'll see you back here Monday - Girl, I'm back so you have to be too, k? Miss you my friend - you're a hoot - WE CAN DO THIS!!!!

    Amber - don't be too discouraged! You have some of the best in the business for workout buddies. Besides, you know in your heart if you're doing what it takes to make it happen - just hang in there... Sometimes the body takes a while to respond to all the changes you are making. Your hard work will pay off! This is worth it!

    Rupi - How are you doing this week?

    Karen - How are you feeling?

    Jessica - Love the (not so) new picture! YOu are our little quiet achiever. slow and steady - little by little you lose weight. That's how to get it done! You've come a long way! Let us know how you did this week.

    Anyone else I've forgotten I'm sure I've missed several - My apologies - hang in there and as Tamara always says - only you can change your mood and only you can make today a great day!

    Well, I wish I had something insightful to say, but I have to run... So, raise your glasses (of water) and enjoy the weekend wherever you are! Here's to everyone having a GREAT week and hope to see you all atop the loser board next week!

    I will not be going to the super bowl I don’t even want to be close to it. I live on the other side of Arlington I use to live just down the street from where the new stadium is now and loved it because I could walk to the ballpark and watch the Rangers. No Parking cost and exercise all together.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Good Day everyone. Well I am not sure about my loss this week. The reason is I have an old school scale (not digital) so I am never 100% sure I am getting the correct weight. I borrowed my moms digital scale for todays weigh in and it put me at the same weight as the old one did last week. BUT mine was down a little maybe 1/2 pound so hard to tell with it. So I am going to say no loss this weeek which is ok seeing as I have been sick most of the week and have not been exercising to my full capacity besides it didn't go back up which is great! :drinker: Weird thing is for the last day or so I have felt smaller than usual so I think I will take some measurments and see whats up.

    Question for our biggest losers :tongue: I feel like my skin is idk looser, for lack of a better word, did you go through those kinds of stages?

    I KNOW I need to start adding way more strength training, I guess I just thought lose weight first but it's never so cut and dry! I want so many things like a new scale, new shoes, kettlebells, weight set. Maybe I should start a biggest loser contest at work so I can take all their money! :laugh: :tongue:
    So mark me down as a non loser :frown: boooo:grumble: but maybe thats just my body;s pattern 2 lbs every 2 weeks? OK I'll take that!

    Sounds like the old Deneen is back if you leave us again we will be sending the hounds after you! Don't make us come looking for you at Mickey D's! :tongue: I am glad you had that salad! Sometimes it is the smallest thing that makes a huge difference! Like giving up SODA!! Soda Bad Water Good! :glasses:

    I have a little challenge for B2B this weekend!! Make one meal this weekend a fish meal!

    I LOVE fish but do not eat it nearly often enough! It boils down to I suck at cooking it! BUT I got a new grill pan so I will give it a shot! The benefits of fish are awesome, anyone have some pointers on cooking it?? I know its not hard but it just never tastes the same as the restaurants!
    Bobbie FISH IS GOOD FOR YOU WHEN YOUR PREGNANT!! People will tell you differently but do your research! It is NOT all fish that is bad just the ones high in mercury. I would always just google what fish to eat while pregnant. Your bay needs those omega 3's!

    Nicole great weigh in!!! Your on a roll now! :drinker:

    Amber your our biggest loser so far this year you can definately have a slow week it is OK! I serioulsy doubt you gained a pound just.. Stay the course!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
    :heart: Jena:heart: