P90X - First timer



  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I started p90x at 234 and have been eating 1800 - 2000 calories on days where I do p90x. More on days where I do extra cardio because I eat those calories back. I'm seeing improvements in my pullups, but not much in the pushups area so I'm interested to see if your calorie change helps you out over the next couple weeks. Glad to see someone my weight join in on the topic!
  • shylice
    Hi. I just started the P90X Lean today and myfitnesspal.com. Everything new. How do you log it in to the exercise section?
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I'm seeing improvements in my pullups, but not much in the pushups area

    I take that back! Started week 3 today doing Chest & Back and I smashed the numbers from my first two weeks!!
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    Hi. I just started the P90X Lean today and myfitnesspal.com. Everything new. How do you log it in to the exercise section?

    It's not on the MFP database most people enter it manually with the calories they burned on their heart rate monitors. I just assume that I burn 200-300 calories depending on what workout day it is. I know, not very accurate, but I can't afford a quality HRM right now.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Plyo the 2nd time around wasn't terribly easy today. I really had to push myself on some things to get close to the reps they did (I know this isn't an immediate goal but I wanted to push a little today) and again had to pause often. Slightly unhappy about that but I do think my little pauses were shorter than last week. Latching onto any positive I can conjure up. With set-up time, and 1 or 2 short interruptions from outside sources, I was able to finish plyo in about 1 hour 30 minutes, and I clearly did most of the reps.

    I'll have to keep working on squat depth and also form on some moves. Endurance on squats is a little weak, too.

    Doing OK on motivation otherwise. I'm going to an early-morning routine tomorrow in order to stop destroying my evenings -- that will be a real test for me. I figure I will do the workouts in the morning, and on Ab ripper X days, do that part at night.

    Anyway, plyo take 2 is now done, and the rest of today will be football and getting my food intake in, plus 1, maybe 2, good beers (bad, I know!)
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Great Job today Dave it will get better things dont happen over night but they do happen if you keep pushing play..... Keep up the good work.
  • hpygirl64ColleenLinder
    would love to keep you all motivated and inspired on your journey with p90x/insanity/turbofire or the liking. I've done 3 rounds of p90x myself and currently doing Insanity. Feel free to add me as a buddy and if you have absolutely any questions at all feel free
    to ask. My passion is helping others get fit and feeling great! Cheers, Colleen in Seattle
  • dmkaiser83
    I just finished day 3 on the lean program. i've started it numerous times but by week 2 i had already found an excuse to quit. no more excuses though. i have gotten too big for most all of my pants, my shirts fit funny, and I need to get my body back! my husband is on round 3 and it worked great for him! we have insanity too, but neither one of us really like it that well. my husband got bored with it and i'm not that extreme! i also use the Kinect for workouts too, using biggest loser ultimate workout and dance central! so much fun!
  • Kelleinna
    Okay, so I've about convinced myself that I should try P90X Lean... if anyone can think of a really good reason a 250 lb. 28 year old female should not attempt this, speak now before I go out and start working myself to death! lol

    I was thinking to start on the 14th after I've finished the 3-week program I'm currently in the middle of.

    Background - I've been working out daily (with very few skipped days, usually Sundays off) since Jan. 1st and I know my cardio and strength have both improved in that time (as well as dropping 13 lbs. and a few inches).

    Anyone going to try to dissuade me from this madness? :-)
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Okay, so I've about convinced myself that I should try P90X Lean... if anyone can think of a really good reason a 250 lb. 28 year old female should not attempt this, speak now before I go out and start working myself to death! lol

    I was thinking to start on the 14th after I've finished the 3-week program I'm currently in the middle of.

    Background - I've been working out daily (with very few skipped days, usually Sundays off) since Jan. 1st and I know my cardio and strength have both improved in that time (as well as dropping 13 lbs. and a few inches).

    Anyone going to try to dissuade me from this madness? :-)

    I would not try to talk you out of its great but are you truly ready for this extreme work out. Dont know what program you are doing now. I started with P90 is way cheaper than I also did Jaried Loved Ripped DVDs. I still cant do as many reps as the Kids can on P90X. I would suggest that you start with P90. Here a few reasons, it cheaper, get to see if you like this kind of work out (its nothing fancy or fast no real upbeat music ect) you can also see it you like Tonys style, and if you arent lifting weight now P90 is a better set of dvds to get use to lifting. But having said that if you think your ready go for it. I Love this work outs I'm just not sure I would have loved them if I wasnt ready for the extremeness of them. Good Luck
  • dmkaiser83
    just modify and don't give up!!! good luck!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    holy **** week 5 now that is really bringing it one hand push ups ..... i look like a fish out of water hoping to do two with great form by the end of week 8 .. I loved every part of this workout cant wait to do it again to better understand what Tony wants and to get better form... Bring It But again Holy ****
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Week 2 Shoulders and Arms this morning. This was my first attempt to get up early and workout first thing. I did about 3/4 of the workout, and basically got started on the "bonus" round, before it started getting a little late in the morning. Still trying to find the correct weights/bands I can work up from. I moved some weight up, others down or switched to bands. Trying to be "honest" with the bands, too. Had a lot of moments where I had a severe burn/muscle exhaustion and had to pause. I'm planning to rewind to the warmup tonight, then go forward to the bonus round, finish that, and then do the abs. About a half-hour or so of video time left.

    By the way, are there any issues with splitting the day's workout into 2 parts? For example I am going to be hard-pressed to make enough time in the morning to do the entire yoga workout. It took me an extra half-hour to get through the first 45 or so minutes of today's workout. At this slow pace I am going to need to be flexible with my time and I hope it isn't a bad thing to do as much of the workout in the morning as I can, and finish at night (with appropriate warmups when I resume).

    Jane: I am now afraid, since I can't do very many pushups, and almost all on my knees, halfway into week 2. My very first day I did like 10-12 pushups normally on like the first set of reps, but since then I have been so torn up I can't do but maybe a few at the beginning of the workout without dropping to my knees. And now being constantly beat up I virtually just start on the knees for the whole workout, after maybe doing 1-2 regular pushups right at the start. Diamonds are still pretty much completely out, wide stance are really difficult to the point of getting a couple out at best and not with good form, and standard are still no picnic either.

    And now I know that 3 weeks from now he's going to be throwing 1-arm pushups? Greeeaat!
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    Started the classic version as planned today :) Did Chest and back and then a short 20 minute job and finally Ab Ripper X
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Wheee! Finally my chin-up bar arrives! Delayed for almost a week due to weather. Just in time for the second half of week 2! Going to transition off the lat-pulldown machine for the next pullup exercises. At least I will feel better knowing I can follow along with the guy using the bands now!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Dave have no fear you will get stronger and any way do your best and forget the rest . Are you really loving the challange of this work out? I am! Bring it. Also with spilting it up I think you need to do what you need to do I'm sure its better than not doing it and way better than sitting on the sofa. Good for you!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Hi, everyone. I'm late to the party, but I just joined this site this month.

    I was doing Jillian's 30 Day, and it was tough, but after 2 days I was already bored because it was the same thing over and over again.

    I was hearing about p90x first from hubby, then from stuff on here. I like that each day is a little different, so not as boring, but it's tough.

    I did my first day of P90x Lean today, and plan on doing everyday, if I can.

    I will be honest...I sucked and couldn't even do some of the exercises, and did what I could of the other ones. I imagine it's still beneficial, so I'll keep on doing it and try my best. I imagine I'll improve over time.

    Do you think it's okay to start out on this? I looked at Power 90, but that looked rather boring, too, but it did look a little easier.

    What do you guys put this under on the exercise for MFP?
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    I dont know why p90x is so intimidating to me!!! I'm going to give it another shot though..:laugh:
  • transparentjelly
    you can do it!!! you will feel great afterwards!!
  • transparentjelly
    P90X is great my brother does it all the time and it works great for him im sure it will work amazing for you too!!!!!!!