P90X - First timer



  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Yoga hard keep working it.
    Trott27 day3 week 5 mad fun pummped felt great.

    Bring It
  • ckintigh
    ckintigh Posts: 7 Member

    I'm on the 2nd week of my 5th or 6th round (P90X/Insanity hybrid although I've done P90X 3x's) and I have followed P90X's nutrition plan 3x's. It's VERY effective although too many carbs for me. I somewhat follow the (P90X) nutrition but my current nutrition is more paleo (50-100g's carbs, max, per day).

    I am on my second week of P90X, and think the carbs are way too high, also. I, too, do mostly paleo, however I have been adding 1/2 cup of refried beans with my breakfast after the workout along with 1 cup of 1% chocolate milk. I looked at the nutritional value of the recovery drink and energy bar, and the beans and milk are almost identical in carbs and protein. It's a lot cheaper, and makes a great addition to my breakfast of eggs scrambled with spinach and salsa. (That may sound gross to some, but it really is delicious and full of lots and lots of vitamins!)
  • ckintigh
    ckintigh Posts: 7 Member
    I just bought a Polar FT7 for $107 at REI and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! You can get a FT4 for $99 and it does almost the same stuff. I love th fact that it records not only how many calories I burned, but how much of my workout was in the fat burning range and how much was in the fitness range. You will see that on the resistance training days you will burn more fat calories (which is what we want, right?). It motivates you to keep working out with weights and doing the ab ripper X. I used to only do cardio, and am seeing the benefits of weight lifting.
  • cd_kc
    cd_kc Posts: 21
    Plyo again today. Whew! Second go-round. My lower back/buns seem particularly sore today.
    Still having trouble getting up on time to do p90x as consistently as I would like, but on days that I don't have enough time, I usually will either do a shortened version or something else...so at least it's something. I agree with everyone that it does get easier with time (only my 2nd week this time around) and I LOVE having a HR monitor. Mine is very simple Garmin HR monitor I was fortunate to get from my sister in law. Keep up the good work everyone. Love reading everyone's posts.
  • bheimbrock
    bheimbrock Posts: 100 Member
    Today will be day 2 of P90x lean, and it's suppose to be the cardio portion. I'm apprehensive about doing it,and sore from doing the Core Synergistic thing (well, what I could do of it). I guess it doesn't help that I didn't sleep well last night. I'm really tired right now.

    I keep on questioning whethe I am insane and should maybe do something lesser, like P90, but that looked really boring, and Tony didn't seem as enthusiastic in that.

    Tony cracks me up in P90x.

    Hey we are on the exact same schedule!!!! Hubby and I just started P90X lean on Monday as well...
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    yoga today for me. Not the best day but i keep pushing myself and did the whole dvd Yay good for me :)

    have a great day you all:happy:
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Did Legs and Back last night. I had to skip Ab Ripper X as it was getting late. So I guess it's Kenpo and Ab Ripper night tonight. I really enjoy Kenpo so I'm hoping this recent string of being somewhat less fatigued means I will really be rockin' through Kenpo, because I already was doing really good my first week.

    It's starting to look like the "lifting" days, with pushups and/or pullups, are going to be my biggest time consumers, going forward. Just doing the 56 or so minutes of Legs and Back took me an hour and a half, and that was without doing Ab Ripper X. (I'm not trying to do "their" rep numbers -- I just seem to need many more breaks.)

    I am pretty sure I can whip through Kenpo now, since I have apparently improved dramatically on some aspects of endurance, if I can believe my big wins with Yoga (doing almost all of what they do at a good clip with many less breaks than last week), and especially considering Kenpo was immediately one of my stronger points in my first week. What sucks is that I owe myself that darned Ab Ripper X!

    Going to *try* to have time to do X Stretch tomorrow, but not holding myself to it -- at least yet.

    Oh, and sadly now that I have my chinup bar, I found out I can't do a single pullup unassisted. So I have to resort to assisted method using a plastic crate thing I push off against to help my arms (hopefully just enough and not too much). Gonna try to concentrate on decreasing the assistance I take from that but for now I just do 6-8 assisted reps and go as with as little assistance as I can.

    Don't know how long my excuse of being 235lbs and high BMI will hold, haha.
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I noticed that doing assisted pullups helped me improve a lot faster than using bands. Keep at it you will definitely improve!

    Also I noticed that a lot of you have finished at least the first phase so far. Did any of you take before and after photos to see if there was any changes?
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    I noticed that doing assisted pullups helped me improve a lot faster than using bands. Keep at it you will definitely improve!

    Also I noticed that a lot of you have finished at least the first phase so far. Did any of you take before and after photos to see if there was any changes?

    Hey DS13, for the pullups, yea that is what I am banking on. Next time I do them I plan on working real hard on the negative aspect of the pullup (where you let yourself down slowly). I literally did my first sets of assisted pullups on a real bar last night, after relying on my lat pulldown machine to mimic the motions. So, I find myself in "correct your form!" mode, trying to remember to go for max extension and controlled downward movement. I was a bit sloppy last night with all that not yet sunk in.

    Are you doing any unassisted pullups yet? What are you doing for reps, either assisted or unassisted?

    I'm still in phase one, myself. I took before photos as P90X program suggests. I occasionally take a couple of front shots but haven't yet done another set of shots in the P90X fashion. I plan on trying to do that at the 30 day mark. At the 30-day point I am not expecting a fantastical change, but I am hoping there's enough visible change to cause some rededication going through the next 30 days. The next 30 is where the changes are supposedly a bit more dramatic.

    I'm a little less interested in regular photo ops simply because I kind of diverted my goal from strict calorie counting to just eating healthy and not looking at the scale except to record the journey. I'm well into my third week of virtually no weight loss and have been concentrating more on succeeding with P90X.

    (Edit for clarity).
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I'm able to do about 8 or 9 before I start struggling. That's if I'm rested. For the program recently I've been doing about 3 or 4 to start depending on which grip. I seem to have less trouble with close grip underhand vs the others. Anyway after I do them unassisted I continue the rest of the reps using assistance from a chair.

    So just for example on Sunday for wide front pull-ups I did 4 unassisted, then 6 more with a chair. The second round I did 15 total assisted because I couldn't do anymore without.

    I took pics before I started so I'm gonna do it again after the first phase is done. I can't wait to get to the next phase!
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    What is it that I am doing wrong? I have the Polare F6 and never burn more than 350 doing P90X??!?!?
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    What is it that I am doing wrong? I have the Polare F6 and never burn more than 350 doing P90X??!?!?

    Which workouts have you done with the HRM? I only get up to 400-500 calories burned in Plyo or Kenpo...the others are all 150-350. You're building tons of muscle and increasing flexibility though!!
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    What is it that I am doing wrong? I have the Polare F6 and never burn more than 350 doing P90X??!?!?

    Which workouts have you done with the HRM? I only get up to 400-500 calories burned in Plyo or Kenpo...the others are all 150-350. You're building tons of muscle and increasing flexibility though!!

    I started out doing lean and changed my program to classic at week 4 .Week 5 started today... So tomorrow will be my first time doing plyo...Thanks for your reply I am glad to know I am not the only one not burning BIG numbers! I wear my Polar F6 each time I workout. My husband burns so many more calories than I can.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I decided that I LOVE the arm and shoulder workouts. I also decided that I HATE the Yoga workouts. Yoga is not for fat people. My stomach rolled up and got in the way of some of the positions and I found it hard to breathe. On the other hand, eventually I should have some arm strength.

    Oh, and hate Abs. I can never get my feet straight in the air like they want you to. Again, I think I'd do better if I didn't have so much weight on me.

    Hopefully it will come off and I'll improve and not hate it so much. Have yet to do Legs and Back or Kenpo.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    What is it that I am doing wrong? I have the Polare F6 and never burn more than 350 doing P90X??!?!?
    not a thing My polar use to give me those same kind of numbers (stopped working) got a timex it gives me really increase numbers that I know cant be right (lots of reseach). You are fine! I use my number of calorie burned but only eat about half back. I'm very dissappointed that the numbers are so high because I know there not real. If your working on know it, and you are working!!!!!!!!!
  • btotten
    btotten Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, I am new to this site (I have been using the app on my phone to help with counting calories for a while now, but never went to the real site).

    I am excited to see so many people doing the P90x especally ladies). I am on week four and am really loving it.

    I saw on here that some people were doing a p90x & insanity combo thing, Is there a program that is designed as a combo or are you each doing your own thing? (I don't have insanity yet, I was just kind of thinking about doing it after finishing up with the p90x). Also is anyone trying the one-on-one tony horton thing? Are you just adding those to your p90x workouts or p90x/insanity workouts.

    Just trying to get some ideas. I am doing the lean 90x now, so I figure I will probably just start the regular one when this is over, but my husband is already doing the regular version and doesn't have time for doubles, but I am sure would like to change it up sometimes.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    For now I do without the calorie count on Timex. I got readings like 1400 calories burned per workout in the first week, so I've been using it only as a HRM and am ignoring the values. I guesstimate at an average of 600 cal burned/workout. As an out of shape 235lb-er I think it is a fair guesstimate given that I easily can peg my HR at near max and have had to let it come down a lot through small breaks. (Once I see it over 170 I pause and walk it off.)

    I haven't yet felt like really reading the little instruction book as my electronic microscope is on loan to a friend. Once I get that back I will see if there are some configurations for age, weight, height, etc., that I need to be entering in, in order to make the stupid 1400 calories reading into something a lot more reasonable.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    While on the subject of heart rate I think I am finally beginning to see a trend where it is actually getting more difficult to reach the point where I am over 170 bpm. Last week I reached mid-174 repeatedly and easily -- now when I think I am beating hard and fast I check my HRM and I'm actually almost always below 170. Yay! Even when I got pretty tired and needed to pause on Kenpo, I found within 15 seconds I was already recovered enough to hit play. Less pauses, shorter pauses, as observed in Yoga and Kenpo, and even ab ripper of late, yes indeed. Bring. It. On. (Except those darned pullups and pushups haha)

    By the way, the 2 guys in the back of the Kenpo class can eat it -- often my form, pace, technique, and control is better than yours! Not bad for a pudgy guy =) I won't dwell on the girl who does her first jab and then leaves the arm straight out in front of her, or Tony's own messups, of course in his case he's trying to instruct and do the workout, so O.K.

    (Sorry for that last snubby paragraph, I need to take some solace and build some confidence in my performance *somewhere* because I still have that huge, huge upper-body-strength issue!)
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I did Legs, Back, and Abs today and the legs killed. Had to do a lot of pausing. I'm already better with the Abs, but VERY far from being what they are on the video. I'm still lucky to do one of anything that involves legs up in the air.

    My HRM said I burned 875 calories doing that exercise. I definitely got my heart rate up into the target zone (probably because I'm VERY out of shape). I don't trust the calorie count, so I put it as 500 cals.

    Tomorrow is Kenpo X and then rest day. I'm thinking seriously about doing Stretch X because I can't straighten my legs well on some of the moves.
  • bheimbrock
    bheimbrock Posts: 100 Member
    Did Kenpo today and LOVED IT! I think it's for sure going to be my favorite workout. Said I burned 755 calories (I have a cheaper Sportsline HRM) so not sure about that number). However, I am overweight and my HR gets up into the 170s sometimes so maybe that is close to the real amount burned. Usually, though I don't eat those calories back. Like last night I could have had 350 more but didn't since it was already 10 by time I finished working out.

    So, couple questions for those in Phase 2: Have you actually seen any differences in your body yet? Just wondering around what week I should expect to actually "See" my body look different instead of just "FEEL" it.

    Do you still get REALLY sore? Some mornings, it hurts just to get out of bed! HAHA since my ab muscles are like jelly (Damn Ab Ripper X!)

    Only on Day 6 so I hope by Day 30 I will start to see some change. Trying to stay away from the scale but so far, no weight loss :(
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