New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Woohoo! Finished W5D1 today and it wasn't awful! The last 5 minute run I got to about 3 minutes and was getting tired, but I kept pushing and thought of all of you and knew I could finish.

    I had a person on the treadmill next to me tonight that was driving me insane! He turned the treadmill up really fast and on an incline and was walking, but he wasn't walking normal, he was stomping and every step sounded like he was scuffing his feet. I had my headphones on and he was still so loud, I was having so much trouble concentrating. I kid you not, people were walking over to that side of the gym to see what the loud noise was.
  • jepantle
    I'm in! About to start week 2 today!
  • RatBoyGL
    RatBoyGL Posts: 100
    For logging it, I take this approach:

    Calories Machine Says + Calories MFP Says + Calories the Below Web Site Says

    Then I divide by 3.

    The web site if you know your average heart rate during a workout is
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Just posting because I missed my run today. My original goal was Tues +/- 1 day, so tomorrow is + 1 day... I MUST RUN! Someone kick me in the butt if I don't, please? I'm worried that because I "failed" W4D1 on Sat, that I am avoiding running.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Hello everyone! I've ready through all the posts and everyone is doing so great! Welcome to all the newcomers! Keep us posted on your progress!

    As for me, after my Valentines Dinner full of meat and protein, I resumed my running tonight. I took the advice of friends (and many of you) and lowered my speed down to 4.3-4.5. As a result, I was able to complete Week 5 Day 2. I was able to do 8 minute runs! I felt really, really good after I finished the whole day that I blended my cooldown walk into a warm up walk and ran another 8 minutes then walked another 10 before I stopped to make dinner.

    Tomorrow's an off day and I'll take a look on Thursday what I'm supposed to run for Day 3.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Finished my week 4 day 3, Tuesday going to move on to week 5 and do the three 5 minute runs :)

    Everyone is doing so awesome, I love coming here and reading all the progress that everyone is making. On more than one occasion I have gotten inspiration not to give up and to complete which ever day I am on, just want to thank you all!!

    Have a great day!!!
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    @jilld76 The podcasts that Carli has made can be found at

    There are also a few others I've come across. I'll try to post them later today.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    try searching for C25K in the iTunes app store. I got a ton of podcast ideas from there. Most are free. I even found a christian podcast during c25k. I haven't listened to it yet, but still...
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    Just finished W3D2 and I'm feeling great! Never thought I could do this or want to do this before, but I'm so glad I am!

    Happy Running
  • DPruneda17
    DPruneda17 Posts: 124 Member
    OMG I did it too!! W5d3 was HARD but I managed to think of it in little chunks and I made it though! Hubby said "If you can push out 3 babies with no drugs, you can run 20 minutes!" HE was right!! My ankles hurt after the halfway point, but I started thinking, 10 minutes, 7 minutes, that's like NOTHING in everyday life. What else can I think of besides my pain. So I concentrated on my breathing, visualized my goal weight, thought about the finish line at the 5k, looked my hubby's cute butt :) Pretty soon it was two minutes! YEAH! Then, like last time, I walked to 1.9 miles for cool down and ran the last .10 just to give a big "f-you" to my doubts!!

    I do the same thing! Try and break it up, get my mind off of it! Good job!!!
  • DPruneda17
    DPruneda17 Posts: 124 Member
    So, I've been running on the treadmill since I've started. But it was 60 degrees here on Saturday, and I had to run my first 25 min., so I drug my husband outside and we ran along the bike path by the river. I kind of think I ran slower than I would on the treadmill, since I couldn't tell how fast I was running. And it was a bit easier than my 20 min. run! But it was SOOO nice to be outside! And the run went by pretty quick! The only bad thing was I didn't have any pockets, so I put my iphone in my sports bra. And my boob must have pushed a button, cause I'd only been running maybe 10 min. and it said "Cool Down". Crap! :grumble: And there is no rewind on that thing! You can only start the run over again. So I started it over, and just ran 2 miles and figured that was about right...!

    I ran outside again on Monday, but today I'll have to go back on the treadmill cause it's rainy. At least I won't have to stick my phone in my bra again! I felt like my mother-in-law, who keeps her money in her bra... :ohwell:

    I'm signing myself up for my first 5K, on St. Pat's weekend! Excited and Nervous!!
  • MermaidMamma
    MermaidMamma Posts: 30 Member
    I upped my incline for w6d2 and it was rough.
    I still got through it. Last 5 minutes of the second run I thought I might lose it, but then the podcast said, " Week 2, you just finished your run, time for your 5 minute cool down", HEY! YEAH! Then, as I have been trying to do, I walked 3 minutes cool down, then ran one more tenth of a mile just to prove I could.
    I did a lot of visualization and encouraging myself...worried about my next run, 25 minutes!

    Anybody got any tips on keeping cool indoors? I really don't sweat and I'm reeeally overheating.

    Walked at 3-3.5 mph
    Ran at 4.7-5 mph
  • DPruneda17
    DPruneda17 Posts: 124 Member
    Oh! And I also read on a running website this week, that you burn just as many calories running slow as you do running fast. Basically because you run the same distance (running slow, you can run longer; Running fast you tire out quicker and end up running the same distance as if you were running slower) Does that make sense? :tongue:

    Anyways, good to know that even though I don't run very fast, I'm still burning the calories!
  • andrea2011ka
    andrea2011ka Posts: 47 Member
    So, I've been running on the treadmill since I've started. But it was 60 degrees here on Saturday, and I had to run my first 25 min., so I drug my husband outside and we ran along the bike path by the river. I kind of think I ran slower than I would on the treadmill, since I couldn't tell how fast I was running. And it was a bit easier than my 20 min. run! But it was SOOO nice to be outside! And the run went by pretty quick! The only bad thing was I didn't have any pockets, so I put my iphone in my sports bra. And my boob must have pushed a button, cause I'd only been running maybe 10 min. and it said "Cool Down". Crap! :grumble: And there is no rewind on that thing! You can only start the run over again. So I started it over, and just ran 2 miles and figured that was about right...!

    I ran outside again on Monday, but today I'll have to go back on the treadmill cause it's rainy. At least I won't have to stick my phone in my bra again! I felt like my mother-in-law, who keeps her money in her bra... :ohwell:

    I'm signing myself up for my first 5K, on St. Pat's weekend! Excited and Nervous!!

    That's too funny - you crack me up! I would never have thought to put my ipod in my bra!! Good luck with the 5K run on St. Pat's weekend...I've got to find one near me to do in the spring. We've got a winter freezing rain/high winds weather today and too much snow for me to go running outside. I'll stick to my treadmill for now!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Hi! I started week 4 this week and am really struggling! I think it may be a repeated week for me. Anyone else run into issues with Week 4?