

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning ladies.

    Amanda - sorry for your loss.
    mimi - good for you on the paleo thing. I do much better without all the carby stuff too.

    so I had the biopsy done yesterday. i am sure it is nothing but I got myself all worked up about it last night just thinking about the possibilities. I won't hear anything until next week.

    I am still struggling to find a balance with work, exersize and eating. It is coming together a little but I have a ways to go.

    I hope you all have a great day. and welcome to the newbies.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning, everybody.

    Amanda--I am so sorry for the loss of the other baby. I can't even begin to imagine how that must feel!

    Our weather has been--changeable--I think that's the word? Anyway, for the last few days it has been rainy, sunny, snowy, colder, warmer, and--almost always--windy! Today it is cold but so far there isn't much wind. I'll be wearing my silk long johns today, though!

    Welcome to all our new members! This is a great group!

    I don't post as often as I used to but I try to read the posts every day. (If I don't it can take forever to catch up!)

    Linda--Prayers for your safety and that things settle down there.

    Robin--Sending prayers and good thoughts your way, too.

    Safe travel for everyone on the road and peace to all of us!
  • mimi7grands
    We’re finally getting some rain (and a little thunder, lightening, and hail). It only seems fair after all other folks in the country have been through.

    I’m glad Poopy Puppy is MOSTLY house trained. She made me mad the other day though. I took her outside several times. She just didn’t like all the wet. Inside on the carpet was just fine though. Sigh. :noway:

    My daughter says the name (Poopy Puppy :tongue: ) is going to stick! I hope not. The little girls (DGDs) call her by it almost all the time. I still (mostly) call her Isabella.

    The family is divided about her name. (We’re an opinionated bunch, in case you couldn’t tell! :laugh: ) My mom and sister say “Izzy” doesn’t fit. (My mom thinks it sounds like a boy's name - must be a generational thing.) Before I met Isabella, I thought I’d call her Skippy. But when I met her, it just didn’t fit. My sister suggested Lulu (as in skip to the loo) and mentioned her as Skipper Lulu in her last email. Izzy does look up when you say Lulu!

    Maffy, you have a great attitude. Logging, whether we’re on or off-target is huge. It keeps us honest and conscious!

    Agewise, good luck with your goal.

    Linda, I’m glad to hear you’re safe. I’ve been thinking about you, with all the crazy stuff going on over there. :frown:

    Vicki, what a good idea. I’d never thought of carrot chips with salsa. Great alternative!

    Robin, balancing work, exercise, eating, and everything else is not easy. You’re doing a great job. :flowerforyou: Perfection is not expected!

    Have a wonderful day. I'm mostly huddling inside until the rain subsides.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Linda - Glad to hear from you. I have been thinking of you when I watch the news.

    Hope everyone is having a great Thursday! My daughter leaves tomorrow, so I plan to enjoy her this evening!
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Good Evening Ladies! (evening here at least)

    :flowerforyou: RJ - I hope the biopsy results are clean, my prayers are with you.

    Thanks to all for the concerns and prayers. Although it is exciting to experience a part of history making, it is at times a bit disconcerting.

    Currently the capital Manama is under military lock down. The tanks have arrived and my husband was turned around by one today going into work. Still....I am not freaked out by it. Manama is about 10 miles from where we live, but I still feel very safe. I obviously am a person with a positive attitude, but not taking any risk. It the midst of all this I have counted the food and have made light of which animal we should sacrifice first:noway: (I know sick humor in a time of intensity). Since I couldn't choose which dog, I chose my husband. Thank God we have been married 30 years and we are able to laugh.

    I posted earlier the gym in the compound was only 46 paces, but I did not make it there. I have sat by boohiney on the sofa watching the news. I am eating, good things, but eating. :mad:

    All of you are wonderful and love reading about everyone...keep posting :happy:

    Talk soon
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Whew, Linda, please keep us informed. We are so blessed here in our country. I hope things calm down there. Will be thinking of you.
    Sick humor...any kind of humor, always helps me through hard times...humor and music...:flowerforyou:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :smile: Linda, I, also, think it is great that you and your husband are together. It would be alot tougher if one was here and one was there. Postive things in all situations.:flowerforyou:
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Thanks Nyll!!

    I wouldn't be anywhere without my husband, we are a team (dogs included). He is doing MFP also, as are our kids and son in law.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Wow, life is hard sometimes! Eveyone is so devestated the loss of my son-in-law's sister's babies. The second one lived for just a few minutes - which some how made it even harder.

    Spending time with my own darling grandtwins makes me feel extremely guilty - but they are so precious.

    I'm not getting much exercise at present (but still making sure I do at least an hour of walking daily). My physiotherapist advised me not to do any of my aqua fit for a couple of weeks until my knee is a little better, but she is arranging hydrotherapy sessions for me.

    Anyway ladies, I'm such a misery pants right now so I'm not posting much, but I'm thinking of you all - each and everyone of you.

    Hugs and love.

    Amanda x
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258

    I am so sorry about the loss of sweet lives that has touched your family. :cry:

    Never feel guilty about being able to hold and love on your grandtwins, just give the extra love and hugs that they need.

    God Bless.

  • marlouise
    Hello Ladies, Spring has sprung a leak, we have had rain today, either that or March just can't wait to arrive. Good morning for me, took a walk down town and back, 20 minutes. Really nice too, I miss walking, even though I remember the hardships of it too.

    Lynn, You are going for therapy or just exercises in general? I have started the Pilates basic for breathing and it is not as easy as anyone would think. I have to train myself how to breath again to maximize my bodies capabilities. My core is sloppy and I mean that it acts like it was holding a child, it just wants to point me forward. :smile: It is going to be a while until I get things going again.

    Amanda, Been there, my niece lost her twins at birth, my sister had one in her arms when he passed away. No words could have expressed the feelings. I just have to think God needed them in his Heaven, and looking at our world now, maybe it is a better place. Who knows what is going to happen tomorrow anymore,. Keep you and your family in my prayers to receive peace.:heart:

    Keep strong ladies! We can be the hottest 50's our neighbours have seen!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: early to bed and early to rise makes us all healthy, wealthy, and wise :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: off to bed now, the poodles are already there waiting.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Linda, your life sounds a little too exciting for me....glad you are safe and weathering the storm with a sense of humor.

    :flowerforyou: we had nice enough weather for me to work in the yard for an hour this afternoon.....now it is about 33 degrees to remind me that it is still winter.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mimi7grands
    :heart: :heart: Amanda, I am sorry for the pain the whole family feels. Losing a child is one of the greatest sorrows. Hugs. :heart: :heart:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Just a quick post this morning. Up early, could not sleep after hubby left for work. Allergies are in full force this morning so took my Alavert. Will probably make me drowsy in a while. Still doing great. Have a good day ladies. Will check in later.
    Vicki M
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I'm joining the ranks of the lurking. lol. Somehow, I've managed to keep up on posting my food and even exercise a few days in the last week, but not up to reading posts or posting right now.

    Thoughts to all,

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Hang in there Jeannie. :flowerforyou: You seem like a very strong person. You have a bunch internet buddies rooting for you! :happy:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    We're here in FL. YEA! Someone at the condo has an unsecured Internet connection so I can get in. Trying to be good, but tomorrow and Sunday will be hard. I know that Vince will want to eat at Picadilly after the race, and I will too.

    Trying to keep up with the posts. You all are in my thoughts.

  • marlouise
    Hello Ladies, it is Spring outside today. Opened all the windows and one screened door to blow the house out. The cats all ran for a window and enjoyed the sun bath, hearing sounds and watching some of the neighbours who also took advantage of the nice morning air. Buttons ran from window to window letting all those outside noised know she was protecting the house!

    Up this morning, sore from doing too much sitting yesterday, so I did my Pilates to give me some flex. Did a good job of it. Physio is booked for next month, I'm hoping I will be able to recover to at least 95% of my stable self. I'm getting very weary of the way my body is looking and behaving. Time to make a change!

    Jeannie:smile: Hello, from a frequent lurker. Sometimes we shomehow just shut off, for no apparent reason. That's okay if something else is taking our thoughts away. Sometimes too, having just a screen to type on feels empty--nothing to grasp on. Take a breath; grab a tablet or a few papers and pencil. Take a walk through previous months - look at the pictures, be curious. Write something down on your paper. Once you return to the present month, look at your paper. Read the thoughts you wrote down,-- how the pictures looked,-- where was that at,--- wow someone..... Reading them over, you are a connection to us and we need you to feel we are connected to you. Share some of your thoughts. The previous months are still alive and well within our lives! I find this helps me pick up the motivation, so I hope it helps you too.:heart:

    My biggest problem that causes me to lurk sometimes is that time has me prisoner. Two jobs and responsiblities at home... I feel like I should not be doing anything but resting or getting ready for the next day, don't be unprepared:noway: It becomes such a vise I cannot see out of it. I lock out of life. This event has given me a lesson, to put work at a certain time, and make the rest of the day my world! Even the three or four hours I have left or the one hour I have left after a day of work before I must be in bed. Keep my mind from feeling the vise of time.

    For anyone who feels like the days are not moving you faster to your goals just remember one day down is never to be repeated, so make the best of each day, keep on track, talk to yourself, ask how and why you may feel this way or that, and put some logic to the front. I'm sure our dedicated ladies have said that often and they are right, it works!

    I treasure having such a resource to help and share in, not so many years ago, we were verymuch on our own, and had to sometimes battle everyones mythical thinking we were doing wrong to ourselves. Now we are knowlegeable and united. Live - Love - Work - together to make life the best thing. :drinker: Cheers to all the ladies that write in every day to share and help someone. :drinker:

    Now I must write a dear friend who I don't see often who heard I was in the hospital, her husband comes into Tim's everyday for himself and his co-workers. Have a good day ladies, I may take a walk later, maybe pull my sister along too. Catch you all again sometime.:flowerforyou:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Just got back from going out to dinner with a friend from NC. I think I was pretty good. Had a lobster tail (broiled), there were a few shrimp, scallops and mussels. I asked for nothing to be fried. I did get a sweet potato, didn't have anything on it. Just had water to drink. I asked for the green beans on the side since I'd asked and they came with butter on them. Only had a few. For the lobster tail and the shrimp, scallops, and mussels, I was VERY surprised at how much butter came in the dish. Actually, I didn't eat any of the butter that came with the lobster and poured out the butter that came with the other fishes. I didn't get the hushpuppies or slaw but got the green beans on the side instead. Wonder why they serve so much fried, especially here in FL where people should be concerned about their arteries, etc

    Oh, have a question, I logged my food into MFP yesterday mostly from my phone; but I couldn't find the "complete this entry" button. I have a droid. Where is that button?

    We'll be off to the Nationwide race tomorrow.

    Did 45 min of yoga today, then 45 min of cardiostep, then 15min of abs, then 45min of strength training. I just wanted to try these classes. I thought the strength training class was the one that used the barbell, but we mainly used weights and worked on upper body. Not that that's a bad thing. I won't be able to exercise for the next two days but Mon. I'm thinking that I'll probably do about the same as today.

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    February is flying by for me! I have been trying to be more consistent with my workouts/ gym time. I have to travel for work next week and I know that keeping up my workouts is really vital. I am planning to bring my gym stuff and my heart rate monitor (that is new for me and it is making my gym time more interesting).

    Michele--- the "menopause" t shirt sounds right up my alley right now! I hope you enjoy your time in Florida.

    Linda.....Stay safe!

    Vicki...the carrot chips are a great idea with salsa. I am going to try that soon

    Have a good night!