30 Day Shred Motivation Thread



  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member

    CeeJay, for stiffness (rather, to combat it) I try to walk briskly on the treadmill after I do shred. On Shred days, I do Shred first, and then usually need to knock out another couple hundred calories to round out my workout. I walk on the treadmill just to loosen up my legs and as a result, I haven't had any stiffness.

    I'll have to try that. I don't have a treadmill at home, but I'll figure something out. Thanks for the advice!
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    I am so glad to have found this thread!! I am doing the shred for the third time in the past few years and have always gotten great results, but I am worried I won't be able to stay motivated this time but I think this will help. I did level 1 day 3 today and am looking forward to when the results kick in. Good luck to everyone!!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Just finished Day 4, Level 1. It was awesome! It was the first time I really got through it without having to take short rests. I missed one push up in the second round, and stopped to take a few sips of water, but that's it. I'm really proud of myself, and it was very encouraging.

    I don't know if all that was because it was my fourth day, and I'm just more used to it, or if it's because I decided to listen to music instead of listening to Jillian. I think it's a combination of both. I felt better from the start - I made sure to eat a small snack about 30 minutes before I started so I had some energy and wasn't hungry during the workout (I generally do it in the late afternoon before dinner). And listening to music helped motivate me. When I'm listening to Jillian, I keep waiting for each circuit to be over, and I'll want to stop when she says "just a few more," but when I can't hear that, I just keep going until I see them stop. It was much easier to finish each exercise. I highly recommend listening to some energetic music while doing this workout if you're comfortable enough with the moves because I find that listening to something I like really helps my mood, and as a result keeps me going.
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Tonight was only L1D4, even though I actually started last Thursday. Still struggling with the modified pushups although I did quite a few more the first set than I have been. Also still having troubles with those pesky jumping jacks. Bonus though....I actually got through the entire second circuit with the butt kicks, punches, lunges with the bicep curls perfectly. I didn't jump too high during the butt kicks, but I did each and every one of them, as well as each and every lunge!

    I also measured myself tonight since it had been a week. I swear I measured in the exact same spots as last week but had a few increases which is strange considering the areas I measured increases are looking smaller to my eye. As well as feeling different in my clothes. Who knows.

    Here are comparison measurements from last week:

    Waist (jelly belly roll) 2/10/11: 44 2/17/11: 45
    Hips: 2/10/11: 51 2/17/11: 50.5
    Right arm: 2/10/11: 14.5 2/17/11: 14
    Left arm: 2/10/11: 14.5 2/17/11: 14
    Chest: 2/10/11: 38 2/17/11: 37.5
    Right thigh: 2/10/11: 25.5 2/17/11: 27
    Left thigh: 2/10/11: 25.5 2/17/11: 26
    FUPA: 2/10/11: 50 2/17/11: 51
  • janaegriffin87
    janaegriffin87 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm late! I started 30DS last Saturday and I am on L1D6 now. D7 tomorrow! I work 8:30-4:30 everyday and usually it is a wrap after I get off work so I have been waking up every morning at 5:30 to do this work out. I am so proud of myself! I get to work earlier now, which is good for me cuz I have a bad habit of being late!

    I read all of you guys responses, it's entertaining for me cuz I can relate! I haven't looked at L2 yet but from what I've heard from u all it sounds tough! I like working out everyday though so I hope to keep up with it. I haven't noticed any results yet, but I kno its too soon so we'll see how it goes :)

    I keeping seeing this stuff ab "C25K" and I was thinking "what the heck is that?" so I looked it up and I think I wanna join because one of my goals is to run in a race!

    My biggest challenge is trying to eat right so that my work out isnt a complete waste!

    Happy Shredding!!
  • janaegriffin87
    janaegriffin87 Posts: 33 Member
    O yea, and my favorite part is when she says "up and squeeze...up and squeeze" LOL it just sounds funny to me! I also do her Yoga Meltdown dvd and it is hilarious to me how on L2 when the girls are doing the Goddess and Maddie doesn't get all the way down and she says "Oh thats so good I'm so proud of you Maddie!" and then Maddie laughs but Jillian looks at the camera like "yea right" LOL

    I've been doing the meltdown since January so I think that has made doing the 30DS a little easier for me. I definitley started muting Jill and playing my own music during the yoga since I know it now. I can't take listening to her coach us thru the exercise sometimes cuz I just be wanting it to be over and she still be talking!!! LOL

    On thhe 30DS the hardest parts for me will always be the lunges with the bicep curls. I just freakin hate that part! And push ups will never get easy for me but today I did one round girl pushups and the second round regular pushups! Yay me!
  • nellyp0oh
    nellyp0oh Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I'm a newbie!! L1D1 and I am out of shape. Couldnt even do a modified pushup. That is very discouraging. I was sore IMMEDIATELY after the workout. Thats not normal right?? I'm gonna feel it in the morning. I have a few questions for yall:

    do you do the dvd everyday? If so, how do you workout when your body is terribly sore? How am I gonna get through the pushup part if I cant even do one? I wanna be able to do this!! I'm determined.
  • Checking in! L1D4 down! I took measurements today but I will wait a couple weeks to post any changes. I wish I had taken measurements when I started this fitness journey in September. I'm looking at this workout as the start of a new chapter. Still excited and I love all the wonderful motivation on this site!

    I think I'm going to research and try to find any free stretching apps for my iPod touch. That should definitely help. Keep it up everyone!
  • D2L1 done today!! Yikes this is hard. I hate jumping jacks!!! I have to do this in my room and as I jump my fish tank is swishing around!! LOL O well. I want to quit when i get to the jumping jacks everytime, but i think oh no Jillian would be mad!! LOL. I hope this thing works. I am trying really hard at MFP and this workout. I just hope it pays off!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I did D1 L2 today!! SO HARD!! :angry: I actually really dislike L2 because it's really hard on my back (previous injury), and wrist (previous injury), and neck (current injury), but apply ice and heat, and I'll be at it again tomorrow as long as my back doesn't feel any worse. :bigsmile: Stick with it Shredders!!!

    HMKan and laura4410... GREAT MEASUREMENTS!!!
    do you do the dvd everyday? If so, how do you workout when your body is terribly sore? How am I gonna get through the pushup part if I cant even do one? I wanna be able to do this!! I'm determined.
    After a few days, you'll be less sore. If you can't do a full push up, don't! I can't, either. :wink:
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    OMG! I did L2 D1. I was getting bored with L1 and it was becoming to easy for me. I decided to move to L2. It kicked my butt!!! i've never even attempted a lot of the moves she did. I tried my absolute best and pretty much kept up with the more advanced girl. I was thinking this isn't so bad at first.. MAN! I was wrong. I will tell you this, I already see a difference in the way my body looks so stick with it. I'm sure that after i'm done with the 30 days I will almost be where I want to be. I only did L1 for 7 days.. I'm pretty sure i'll stick with L2 for at least 10 days lol.
  • emikodp
    emikodp Posts: 1 Member
    Ive been doing the 30day shred off and on for a while, I really wanna do it consistently but its so hard.
    I have to say after doing 2 days of level 2 in a row i noticed my bicep muscle (i have really skinny arms) so it really motivated me to keep going. I find the planks really hard especially the cardio in level 2.

    I was wondering, those who have finished the 30 day shred, what do you do after you finish to maintain the results?
    maybe do it 3 or 4 times a week or another video?
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I so agree with you Steph! I hated level 2 but did stick w/it for 10 days. Am on Day 5 level 3 today and actually like level 3 better than 2. It's those arm Y things at the end of level 2 that I thought were such a killer!!

    Have a good day everyone!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    I did D1L1 yesterday! I've been working out and going to the gym, but there were definitely parts of the video that were tough for me, plus she makes you move so quick from one thing to the next you really don't get a rest.

    After I finished this I did my other new DVD, Billy's Bootcamp - Cardio Inferno, by the end of both of these videos I was pooped.

    So, I'm going to try really hard to do 30DS everyday, it's a quickworkout, so I should be able to squeeze it in, in the morning or evening, either way. I'm also doing C25K and am just getting to the long runs, so hopefully I can plan a way to do one in the morning and one at night.
  • D4,L1; I am not a happy camper today! So on D2 I noticed that the tendon (or somthing) behind my left knee hurt when I did jumping jacks..D3 same thing, it hurt so I tried to do the jump rope in place of jumping jacks. Now the tendon or whatever is killing me! I do not want to give up on this work out-every other muscle hurts in a good way! I know I'm supposed to listen to my body but this is so frustrating! I'm doing yoga a few times a week as well, and nothing hurts then-only when I do this dvd! I was thinking of wearing a knee brace but am not sure that will help, since the pain is behind the knee. Does anyone have any tips or ideas for stretches or something?
  • 21by21
    21by21 Posts: 12
    I fell off the wagon this week. I had several tests and combined with my sudden lack of motivation, I just couldn't find time or even wanted to find time to do the workout. I have skipped two days (one of them I played badminton for an hour or so and then went running for an hour), but I am planning on getting back to D4L1 tonight.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Hi I'm a newbie!! L1D1 and I am out of shape. Couldnt even do a modified pushup. That is very discouraging. I was sore IMMEDIATELY after the workout. Thats not normal right?? I'm gonna feel it in the morning. I have a few questions for yall:

    do you do the dvd everyday? If so, how do you workout when your body is terribly sore? How am I gonna get through the pushup part if I cant even do one? I wanna be able to do this!! I'm determined.

    Welcome! I was definitely sore DURING and immediately after my first workout. You're pushing muscles you haven't pushed before so I think it is normal. You will be sore for a while. Just a fair warning. But it WILL get better. I'm only on Level 1, Day 5 (completed Day 4, doing day 5 tonight) and I haven't been sore at all since completing day 4. be sure you drink enough water, maybe eat a banana if you're feeling sore, and be sure to get your protein because that's what repairs your muscles after a workout.

    Also, you don't have to do the dvd daily. Listen to your body. There's no pressure to finish in 30 days. Go at your own pace. As for the pushups, get yourself into position for them and either just bend your arms a fraction of an inch, or just stay in that position and keep them straight. Eventually you'll get down into a full push-up (at least I assume, I barely bend my arms, but I bend them a little and I'm bending more and more each day I do this video). Don't get discouraged!

    Hey Meadow, let me know if you find a good Stretching app. I never even thought of that! What a good idea!

    L1D5 tonight. Will keep you posted!
  • D4,L1; I am not a happy camper today! So on D2 I noticed that the tendon (or somthing) behind my left knee hurt when I did jumping jacks..D3 same thing, it hurt so I tried to do the jump rope in place of jumping jacks. Now the tendon or whatever is killing me! I do not want to give up on this work out-every other muscle hurts in a good way! I know I'm supposed to listen to my body but this is so frustrating! I'm doing yoga a few times a week as well, and nothing hurts then-only when I do this dvd! I was thinking of wearing a knee brace but am not sure that will help, since the pain is behind the knee. Does anyone have any tips or ideas for stretches or something?
    IMHO, I would rest it for a day or so and see how it feels. You could have pulled something. Doing the following Hamstring stretch might help if you didn't do any serious damage:

    Standing position: Keep one leg on ground; put one foot on chair with leg straight. Bend forward at the hip. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side. *Do not attempt to touch your toes as this will stretch your back, and the goal of this exercise is to isolate your hamstring muscles in the leg that is being supported by the chair.
  • txjulie
    txjulie Posts: 190 Member
    D1 done & in the books. This was a good workout for the time and I worked up a good sweat. I have done some other challenging DVD's (favorite is Chalean Extreme) so I didn't find this one too difficult. I'm giving it my all for the next 30 days in hopes I lose some inches. I hate the side lunges w/ forward arm extensions - they drag on & on for me. Darn that Jillian!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I so agree with you Steph! I hated level 2 but did stick w/it for 10 days. Am on Day 5 level 3 today and actually like level 3 better than 2. It's those arm Y things at the end of level 2 that I thought were such a killer!!
    Robin... Good for you for pushing through L2! My back is sore today, so I'm going to take the day off, and go back to L1 after this. I just can't do L2 with my injury(ies). Maybe I'll look at L3 and see what I can do from there. Or I might do L1, and then do only the moves I can handle from L2. I agree with the arm Y things as well. Super killer!

    mamafoofer... Take it easy on the jumping jacks. Maybe try something a little more low impact, but that still gets your heart rate up. Also, it might not be related, but you know that quadricep/thigh stretch at the end, standing on one leg? That could potentially over strain your knee, so be careful on that.
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