Worst Thing You have been Witness to at the Gym!



  • Giovanni_P
    Back in 1998, I visited a 24hr fitness center in Eugene, OR. And stumbled upon 2 guys in the locker room going at it!
    I did an immediate U turn and canceled that days work out.

    That's the difference between a man..or a weirdo like me! LOL..I just have irrepressible sense of humor haha...I would have been tempted to stand there and ogle them to see whether they would either notice me, think it was cool I was a voyeur or stopped out of self conciousness LOL. (while laughing the entire time)

    I see your point. Probably should have made some humours commentary before leaving. Maybe even told them to put more effort into the project. But I dont think I could have changed into my workout gear and gone for a workout.
  • elfie9863
    There was a huge, muscular guy in my old gym that had some kind of allergies or whatever. He would walk over to the trash can between sets, put one finger over one nostril and blow hard and fast shooting out the contents of his open nostril like a bullet into the trash can. Then, he would repeat with the other side. I just about threw up the first time and can't say that I ever got used to it. The really gross part was that he didn't have very good aim so there was evidence on the wall of his past misses.

    I asked another guy about it and he said it is called a "farmer blow" but I haven't heard that term before or since.


  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I got a new one from just yesterday ...

    I am at the gym running around the track and there were the 2 smallest teenagers I had ever seen (they were wearing the dance team jacket) and had to been serious 80 lbs...

    I had my Ipod on and was switching songs and I heard the one girl say to the other -- "wow I hope I never get fat like that"

    How rude!
  • Vixxta
    Vixxta Posts: 31
    funny you should ask...just last week I saw two teenage BFFs in the pool picking each other"s back zits. They thought no one was watching. I was watching...and I was in the pool. It totally grossed me out, like, I felt exposed to their body fluids. Needless to say, I made a hasty exit. I guess that's what the pool chemicals are there for. Nasty!
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Well, guess I will be putting the spoon down and the cottage cheese away.... *gag*
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    OMG HAHAHAH...well, i walked into the gym and saw a naked lady in her 40s or so pulling her undies down and changing her pad...i stopped dead in my tracks and backed out horrified...dude, the bathroom? it was five steps to her left for christ's sakes!!

    That is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo disgusting. I'm so sorry you had to see that.
  • dendra7
    dendra7 Posts: 113 Member
    As a former lifeguard, I grew up around people changing out of their swimsuits. I guess naked people of any age, shape or size just don't bother me a bit. Heck, countless people don't seem to realize when their swimsuit is clear in the butt or way too stretched out in others (gentleman are the worse offenders!!) I work-out over my lunch hour at this same pool and the senior ladies are always finishing up Aqua-Aerobics to which I say, Hurrah!!.

    They are quite comfortable in the locker room and in all of their glory. They sit on the benches applying their talc powders, creams, and doing their hair. As perfume-laden as this event is, it has never bothered me horribly until I noted one 'regular' filing the calluses off the bottom of her feet on to the locker room floor. :noway: Nasty, nasty, nasty. Who thinks to pack a callus remover/file to the gym??!!?!?!
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Just yesterday I was in the cool down room at my gym doing my crunches on a Swiss ball. A middle aged guy wearing very short shorts walked in and straddled the sit up bench. Lets just say he had neglected to wear any undies!:noway: :sick:

    And then there was the very tall, skinny guy on the treadmill doing what I can only describe as the Ministry of Funny Walks! I was giggling so much I had to leave the room.
  • superninjatam
    superninjatam Posts: 44 Member
    After reading all this...I'm totally put off from going to the gym :D
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    In defense of myself (any many others) - being naked in the change room isn't THAT bad!! It's amazing when you get to the point where you have the self confidence to do that! I used to hate my body for so many years, but now I'm fairly content walking 100% nude to the shower or back to my locker. I don't mind if others do either.

    I guess the disclaimer I have to make is that I don't have any pubes, I'm not 90, and I'm not obese, lol. My gym doesn't have change-stalls, just open areas or bathroom stalls (gross!).

    I dunno, I just don't see the grossness!! Sure, not all bodies are going to be perfect, but the sooner you're comfy in your own skin, the better!! :wink:
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I see your point. Probably should have made some humours commentary before leaving. Maybe even told them to put more effort into the project. But I dont think I could have changed into my workout gear and gone for a workout.
    Dude. Eugene, OR. You would have been asked to join in. And not in a comfortable, inviting way. It would have gotten weirder than you could imagine. I say this as a former U of O student :p

    Believetoachieve—I would have had a comment to that and ... then you threw me off and ... distracted me. You can't claim to feel their plight with the things you don't have and then, y'know, not being obese or, like, even outside of your early twenties. You make me feel old. Shut up :p
  • marymoonpigUK
    I used to belong to a gym located in Boston that was ALWAYS crowded. At any given moment there would be 20-30 women in the locker room. Because of this, getting a changing stall was difficult, so almost everyone just changed in the open. It wasn't a big deal to me, I'm comfortable with this kind of stuff. Until one day, as I was changing into my workout clothes I saw a woman who looked to be in her 30's, scratch her butt hole and then smell her fingers. I kid you not.

    To this day I avoid the locker room at my gym. That moment has traumatized me for life!
    I just gagged reading this :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

    :noway: :sick: :sick: :sick:
  • Mrs_McFadden
    In defense of myself (any many others) - being naked in the change room isn't THAT bad!! It's amazing when you get to the point where you have the self confidence to do that! I used to hate my body for so many years, but now I'm fairly content walking 100% nude to the shower or back to my locker. I don't mind if others do either.

    I guess the disclaimer I have to make is that I don't have any pubes, I'm not 90, and I'm not obese, lol. My gym doesn't have change-stalls, just open areas or bathroom stalls (gross!).

    I dunno, I just don't see the grossness!! Sure, not all bodies are going to be perfect, but the sooner you're comfy in your own skin, the better!! :wink:

    I can see where everyone in the universe will feel inspired by your ability to give them confidence...oh..wait..nevermind.
  • Actuality
    A lady decided to use the toilet with the door wide open. Its something that I am trying to erase from my brain.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    This is awful. I used to get membership to a gym in a hotel with work, years ago. That bits not awful! Lol lol. I went into the steam room which was pool-side where there were three elderly men. Well, let's just say that the one was lying down, with an other leaning over!!! The third was just watching. I was soooo embarrassed that I thought it better to pretend I hadn't seen and I sat in there with them in silence! Lol lol. How awful

    omg. I can't believe you sat there too lol. They probably thought you were watching hahahahaha.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I usually ignore people's quirks at the gym. Normally I am concentrating on myself. But last night was the fist time this was put to the test.
    I dub this guy...Booger (From the Nerds movie)

    I don't care when people belch. It is a part of life. But THIS guy...belched WHILE he was lifting. Now I don't know if this is some kind of new breathing technique or if I needed to put him over my shoulder and burp him but dayum...constant belching. Totally took me off my game. I found myself moving when he came near my area in fear I would get carbon monoxide poisoning...or a raunchy whiff of his dinner.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Last time I was at the gym there was a woman running on a treadmill two down from me and she kept saying things out loud to herself like:


    I thought it was adorable but it was so weird and I tried not to laugh and I didn't want to get in the way of her self motivational awkward speeches so I ended up moving across the gym to do something else. She was also my mom's age so it was super weird.

    She should probably get an ipod and record herself saying these things so I don't have to hear her yell it to herself. Then again if she's anything like my mother (who she reminded me of, which is why it was so weird in the first place) then she probably doesn't know how to use anything like an ipod.

    OMG I laughed SOOO HARD at that one! How did you not laugh while on the treadmill??? I am easily amused so I would have had to get off because I would have busted out laughing! Good for her for keeping herself motivated, but I think your ipod idea is a god one.

    Next time you hear her doing that, go over to her and say "I noticed you were giving yourself some great inspirational advice! I recorded myself saying it and my ipod plays it over and over to me. It is a great tool! (Just pretend you do). She would probably like your inventive idea lol.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    In defense of myself (any many others) - being naked in the change room isn't THAT bad!! It's amazing when you get to the point where you have the self confidence to do that! I used to hate my body for so many years, but now I'm fairly content walking 100% nude to the shower or back to my locker. I don't mind if others do either.

    I guess the disclaimer I have to make is that I don't have any pubes, I'm not 90, and I'm not obese, lol. My gym doesn't have change-stalls, just open areas or bathroom stalls (gross!).

    I dunno, I just don't see the grossness!! Sure, not all bodies are going to be perfect, but the sooner you're comfy in your own skin, the better!! :wink:

    I can see where everyone in the universe will feel inspired by your ability to give them confidence...oh..wait..nevermind.

    Lol, what part of "Sure, not all bodies are going to be perfect, but the sooner you're comfy in your own skin, the better!! " didn't you read? :tongue: Though it's not my job to build peoples' confidence, lol.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Believetoachieve—I would have had a comment to that and ... then you threw me off and ... distracted me. You can't claim to feel their plight with the things you don't have and then, y'know, not being obese or, like, even outside of your early twenties. You make me feel old. Shut up :p

    The pubes comment? LOL, my bad! Hahaha :wink:
    Ps, you are old, geezer! lol :tongue:
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    The pubes comment? LOL, my bad! Hahaha :wink:
    Ps, you are old, geezer! lol :tongue:
    Hahahaha, you're funny :p

    Thanks, I know :( Seriously, it's hilarious how much of a difference I feel there to be between myself at 26 and 22. It feels like a couple decades ago. That might be all of the booze.

    PS—I've got a thing for Canadian girls <3;)