

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies. I have been eating well and working out a minimum of an hour a day on the dreadmill. Yesterday I added 15 minutes extra and was actually doing some 1 minute sprints at and 8.5. that is fast. I am doing pullups while staning on a chair trying to use my legs as little as possible. IT will take forever but I knowthat I WILL be able to do one full pull up by next December. My arms and shoulders can feel the work I did yesterday.

    Now that I am finally working again, DH and I booked a trip to St. Thomas for my birthday. That means I have about 3 months to get back into bikini shape. I had bought a bunch of bikinis last summer when I was down to 144 and I want to get there again. I need to keep telling myself that so I will stay focused and not get grumpy about having to watch what I eat and exersize.

    Someone had asked if I were tall since they think I look skinny at 158, I am not tall I am 5' 6" I have very muscular legs, no hips or thighs but I have a thick core and a huge rib cage so I look more like a man with boobs since I am more of a V shape than an hour glass:laugh: I was very small when I was younger. I weighed 115 in highschool and when I ran for "Miss Barstow" I know that I would look ill at that weight now but I would love to be 135 or 140 but I have been almost resigning myself to be 155 ish for the rest of my life.

    Bodi and Kiera are adjusting to the fact the mommy isn't home all day anymore. DH is a bit put out because Bodi wants to cuddle and be my lap dog in the evening. He will sit behind Doug in the chair but he wont give him kisses or anything but he will kiss me to death. He's my baby boy, what can I say. Kiera is crotchity as ever but getting into the routine.

    All my love to all of you wonderful women.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Not much time (as usual) but today it's because I need an early start because of the icy roads. We got 6 inches here in the Olympia, WA area--not much compared to a lot of you but we don't usually get ANY so, for us, it is a big deal.

    I do want to welcome our newcomers. This is a great thread to be a part of.

    Also--Michelle, we LOVE beans! There are a lot of different types and some we like better than others. My favorites are black beans and pinto beans. My DD loves kidney beans and navy beans and the guys eat whatever we put in front of them (though Mat doesn't care for black beans). I usually soak them overnight, cook them until they are just tender and then freeze them in 2 cup containers to add to recipes.
    I think you should try a few different types. The way they are cooked will impact the texture, too.

    Vicki--the same is true of oatmeal, to a point. More liquid=mushier, etc. I do not care for the instant types at all because of the texture but I love the kinds you have to cook.

    Mimi--Here is a link to a thread about posting pictures here on the MFP boards:


    I haven't actually tried it but hopefully it will help you.

    Have a wonderful Friday, everyone!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,523 Member
    Happy Friday dear Ladies!

    The Great Pantry/Refrigerator/Freezer Purge of 2011 continues... this weekend's challenge, frozen leftover ham pieces... so Saturday I'll make a batch of crepes (bless you Alton Brown!), saute some peppers and onions with some frozen corn (also already on hand), grate some cheese (cheddar for Joe, Swiss for me) and we'll dine on ham/veggie/cheese crepes and champagne! And grilled pineapple crepes for dessert... Will adapt some EatingWell mustard sauce recipes to try on Joe since he usually rejects wine or cream sauces... It sure has been a challenge to make healthful, lighter meals with at least one main ingredient from the P/R/F, but has really saved on the weekly grocery bill... ;>

    Wednesday night was hard. Usually can dance where mirror glimpses are impossible, but Wednesday night I could NOT escape the mirror. Every glance brought vituperative self recriminations: "How gross! You're disgusting! How dare you inflict yourself on these innocent people?" I wanted to scurry home, crawl into a hole (with a bag of Cheetos) and pull the sides in over my head. Honestly the mindvoice hasn't been this bad in a long time and it blindsided me.

    Gritted my teeth and stuck it out. Danced til 9:30, went home, ate planned snack of apples and frozen non-fat yogurt. . . and was rewarded appropriately at next morning's at weigh in. So... to anyone else who's struggling with that smarmy voice in the back of your mind, Just tell it to "Shut UP, Darling!" (don't remember which of you lovelies suggested that, but THANK YOU!).
    Keep your head high, keep doing what you know you should, and as BarbieCat teaches "Never, never, NEVER give up!"

    Exercising will be the challenge today and this weekend. Got more snow last night, won't get above freezing tomorrow... and then there's the wind... Zumba class canceleed as teacher is out of town... time to try those Zumba youtubes...
    Wish me luck!

    Michelle your exercise regime continues to amaze me.

    Robin what great goal and motivation.

    Mimi, Would love to see your orchard one day!

    Barbie, just thank you. You are my gratitude today.

    Lynn are you traveling? Havent see you post lately, or did I just miss?

    To all the others, present and absent, thinking of you and wishing you well.

    Gotta dash, late for work.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hello All Greeting from England!

    Sorry not to be in touch a death of a close family friend and then my mum having a fall and ending up in the emergency room (following my daughter ending up there the week before) has really been exhausting.

    I am a little run down but have told myself I need to take this week to recharge and get back to things proper next week.

    Haven't lost any weight for a couple of weeks but there will be plenty of time for that from next week!

    Haven't read all the above posts but hope everyone is okay.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Our days here are getting milder, even though we are still having frigid nights. Hubby and I have been working on the flowerbeds on his days off ripping out overgrown, beyond help shrubs and pruning what's left. The goal is to have the beds ready for planting by last frost date in mid-April.

    Today is my last day of detox. Tomorrow I begin to ease back into a healthy diet by adding lean meats and whole grains I am already thinking about how I want to prepare that chicken breast :tongue: Honestly, I only ever really miss salt after the first day and feel so much better after purging my system of all the junk. So far the other two times I've done a detox I've planned not to add back in simple carbs at all, and then the holidays or vacation comes along, and I slip back into old ways of eating one compromise at at time. THIS TIME I am going to apply what Joyce Meyer says:

    'I tell you what when I see chocolate chip cookies I can’t just eat one. I’ve got to eat a dozen. I don’t have any self control. Well, come on! You’re just talking yourself right into the pit! You do have self control, and you need to start looking at those cookies and saying, “If I want you I’ll eat you, and if I don’t I won’t!” Come on! Talk to that plateful of food! ... I mean how do you expect to defeat the devil if you can’t even defeat a chocolate chip cookie!?!?' Joyce Meyer

    Yesterday I had sewing at my house and planned a salad/potato bar so I wouldn't be tempted with sweets or meats. But my niece brought homemade cookies and cinnamon sticks so I got to use my self control anyway! :drinker:

    :wink: Off to eat my avocado and green salad. Happy Friday y'all :flowerforyou:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :wink: Hi Ladies,
    I survived the first of our tornado weather last night. It was 51-53 degrees and shot up to 63 last night and then the weather began. We had rain all day yesterday and then torrential rains last night. This morning gray skies and 39...the battle of hot and cold...the changing of the seasons.
    I was awake until 1 am for that is when the watch was over. :yawn:

    Barbara :flowerforyou: Thanks for missing me. :smile: I did go away for about 4 days, last weekend. Had a wonderful outing with DH. He offered to take me to Florida. I decided to wait until later in the Spring. That swarmy voice attacks :grumble: most of at one time or another. It sounds like you are conquering the beast. :flowerforyou: I am so glad for you.

    Kathy-:flowerforyou: I would have thought all of Washington state was prone to heavy snow. Thanks for the lesson. I actually looked up Olympia just to "jog" my memory of the location. You have lost 45 lbs..wow!:flowerforyou:

    Robin--I was the one who thought you look skinny..:smile: .and I would think you are tall...my family was a short family. My dad is 5'7". My mom is 5'2". I am the tallest one at 5'2". My sisters are 4'11" and 5'.
    I married a man who is 6'3". My daugters-in-law are 5'6" and 5'8"...to me that is tall and I always have wished I was. :wink: It's inconvenient to be short. My granddaughter is already in a size 6 (4 years old)and according to the "twice the height at 2 years" theory, she will be 5'11". I would not be surprised. Her mother has a sister who is 5'11". All those long legs..besides I needed height bred back into my family.:bigsmile:
    I hope you have a wonderful trip to St. Thomas.:flowerforyou: It is certainly something you have to look forward to.:wink:

    Ikp:flowerforyou: --you have a soul sister in me. Your story is similar to mine. Welcome!:flowerforyou:

    Michelle- have a safe trip home!:flowerforyou:

    Viv - Good to hear from you.:flowerforyou: I suppose you are more honest than I am. I have been going up and down 2 lbs. I am just going to ignore it until things go the way I want.:bigsmile: I would be changing it every 2 - 3 days. :noway: I decided the ticker wasn't going to get me down.:noway:
    Happy Shopping!:flowerforyou:

    Barbie :flowerforyou: I have taken a cue from you and added dancing to some of my daily routines. It is great fun!:heart:

    AnnMarie- Welcome to the forum..and good luck!:flowerforyou: I read about your thyroid :noway: and adrenaline problems...I believe I have gained 2 soul sisters today.:flowerforyou:

    Faye- of the Ferrets :bigsmile: you have done well, already, with your weight loss. :flowerforyou: I am looking forward to the day that I can say I have lost 10-20-30 lbs. It will be a great accomplishment.:tongue:

    Mary- I have heard of peanut butter on lots of things...pizza,:noway: with cake etc...but oatmeal is a new one..If the oatmeal was hot...it would melt it, wouldn't it? The crunchy on it sounds good...:drinker:

    Hopeful-:flowerforyou: So sorry about your mom and daughter...and the death of a friend.:brokenheart: If you are maintaining through that kind of stress, you are doing wonderful! :flowerforyou: Will be thinking of you.

    Doobiedoo- :flowerforyou: Just keep hanging in there!

    Sally :flowerforyou: Thanks for answering my question. The Hiltons are all nice hotels. A new hotel is always the best. It sounds like the food choices are good. :drinker: Is that a request by the attendees at this convention or is this standard fare for them?

    Amanda:flowerforyou: The washing machine incident reminds me of the one I had when I had the shingles. I walked into the utility and there was water everywhere. :flowerforyou: My husband went and bought a new set and I had to look at the choices on-line. I lost count of the phone calls. I hope yours can be repaired.:flowerforyou:

    Izzy :flowerforyou: let us know how it is going?:drinker:

    Debra:flowerforyou: - Hope your moving is still working out. Enjoy your walks on the beach.:heart:

    Joy :flowerforyou: -Barbie had some good advice...she has the voice of success...Good luck!

    Mimi-Veggie Queen :flowerforyou: I am anxious to see how your garden will produce. We had an experience with tomatoes one year. We had put them close to our house. They would get these huge green ones on there and then they would disappear.It was driving my DH crazy trying to "catch" whatever was stealing his tomatos. We didn't know what animal was getting them. :noway: One day we saw two squirrels :noway: with one each, going across our drive. We have lived around squirrels all our lives and we had never known they would eat tomatos.:noway: :laugh:

    Has anyone heard from Laura?:flowerforyou: I hope she is doing okay. I think of her and hope she is dealing well after the loss of her mother last fall.

    I have to get off here and get moving...per Barbie...that is what will work.

    Have a good day...
    Ps I lurk on here and read everyday and sometimes twice a day. I think I added a winking eye face somewhere...hope it is not somewhere inappropriate..:noway:
  • anniebnannie
    anniebnannie Posts: 85 Member
    Thank you for your welcome & the addition of a few new friends :-). I joined MFP in January after dropping a few pounds. I just did a search on my apps for a calorie counter and found it!! I am so happy to have discovered all of you and the ability to track my calorie intake and out. It's working! Not as quickly as I would like - but my endrocinologist (thyroid dr.) says this is great - "a few pounds off a month will stay off!" So each day I am plugging in everything I eat and watching how it goes. I have a lower calorie intake amount than some because of my age, the hormone stuff and my exercise program is NOT what the younger folks can do - lol - but I am determined to drop the extra weight by the summer. I have 2 horses... love to ride and travel - i want to be healthy and fit enough to do both as well as continue playing with my grandson (who's 2). Nice to meet you all <3 My main form of exercise is the treadmill and walks - some dancing with my grandson - which is the most fun!
  • ALartgal
    ALartgal Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all!

    I am a first time poster and want to join the group. I have been using MFP since January 21st, so I am still fairly new, but I am a life long yo-yo dieter. And I have done them ALL!

    Just wanted to check in and make it official. :-)
  • mrsanderson404
    I'm back!!! Went on a midweek camping trip with DH and just missed the rain! We teachers are off this week so we took advantage of the warmer winter weather in San Diego County and tried out a new spot. Had a beautiful view of the lake and wasn't too cold either. Walked all over Sea World on Wed and spent yesterday hiking and watching the quail, bunnies and ground squirrels. I planned the food so I didn't do too bad except for b'fast.....I can't resist bacon when I'm out camping but I have to admit, after eating 3 pieces with my eggs, it just sat in my stomach! Had some potato chips and jelly beans around the campfire too but all in all...it was a great trip.

    Back home and back on track! I'm hoping that all the extra moving around, packing, pitching tents, etc offset those jelly beans!

    Lovely to see some new faces here.....this is a GREAT board!...Welcome!
  • catmandoodle
    Hi, I started on Jan. 23. I kept thinking that maybe I was the oldest person on here. I just keep seeing young people. Would love to get to know you all. Please friend me.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello Again,:flowerforyou:
    Told you all I was on here more than once..sometimes, I resist posting again.:bigsmile: ..
    However, today Susan must have been posting when I was. I couldn't leave you out Susan.:flowerforyou: .and you deserve to be told you are doing well. I was new on here when you posted last. I remembered you and Barbie refreshed my memory of your "hobby" of fixing up houses and re-selling them. A Detox is good to do periodically. I am doing a 6 month one. I have to get my eating back under subjection to the detox. No refined sugas, no white flour, no dairy etc..:noway: It's tough to do. :tongue:
    Good Luck with yours!:wink:

    Cat:flowerforyou: -welcome to our little world. Though it spans over several continents..we give new meaning to the euphemism of "it's a small world":happy:

    Mrs Anderson:flowerforyou: - I am just like the dog on Beggin Bacon...it's like Bacon?! bacon..bacon...beggin' bacon..in case you can't tell...I love bacon!:laugh:
    Glad your trip went so well! ps..I love your pic!:flowerforyou:

    txartgal-Welcome! I wish you luck in your journey here! I was a yo-yo dieter:drinker: for years and am paying a "dear" price for it now. It's nice meeting you:flowerforyou:

    'til next time...:glasses:
  • marlouise
    Hello ladies, and new ladies!

    Exercises is checked off the to do list, and I am feeling good. Had a co worker visit me today, sure was nice of her. We enjoyed trading stories of our cats, she has four also all with different personalities.

    LYNN, Hot and cold mixing for the next season, tornato weather? Oh man, I would not be able to sleep for a week anticipating it's arrival. I am frightened of wind. We have a few major thunderstorms here but nothing of what you might have there, I am up until it is just about over, and if there is wind, seeing how the trees are bending, I'll be up all night.

    Anyhoo I must get on with my chores it is past my bed time. I'll catch you all again tomorrow.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    welcome lkpsorono! So sorry you were sick, but glad you're better now.

    Don't remember if I welcomed annemarie or not, but if I didn't, welcome! If I did, just chalk it up to CRS! Are you in maintenance?

    Welcome txartgal! And catmandoodle. Tell us some more about yourselves.

    Kathy - any advice about cooking beans so that they won't taste grainy?

    Well, we're back in NC now. I was pretty good while I was away but went over a bit (about 80 calories) today because I had to finish up the chocolate in the refrigerator at the condo. If I could have waited until nighttime to eat it, that would have been fine. But I was afraid the chocolate might melt in the car. Tomorrow...yoga.

    mrsanderson - glad you had a great trip. I know what you mean about something sitting in your stomach. Lately, I find that if I have something very greasy, I feel so "yuk", that I just avoid anything deep fried.

    Need to do a little food shopping tomorrow. At least for milk and a few other things. Still haven't decided what we're going to have for dinner this week so when I do, then I'll make up my shopping list.

    Guess I'd best be getting to bed. Nite all!

  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello everyone

    Just wanted to say thanks to Lynn and Barbiecat for checking in on me. I am okay, but I am feeling very low.. Things are very tense between my mother and I, and I don't see it getting better. I feel like she is zapping the life out of me. Physically I am aching everywhere, even my wrists. I think it's due to constantly having to lift her feet up onto the bed when she is getting into it. The back of my legs and lower back are in constant pain and I have had to double up on the ibuprophen. (I take 800mg and then an hour later another 800mg) It's the only way I can sleep halfway decently. I am tired all of the time. I feel like I am going to a job I hate everyday except this one is 24 hours a day. One day runs into another and I feel trapped here and know I have no life. I have given up on trying to teach my mom how to have a more positive outlook on life. Nothing works, she stopped writing in her gratitude journal weeks ago and all she does is complain, call me names, and cry all the time. She is wearing me down. I haven't felt this low since my husband left me. (That was a hellacious year.) I used to be so much more positive and was feeling better physically with the steady weight loss, but now I just feel like mush. It hurts for me to even take Boo out for a walk. I look like an orangutan when I walk now. I just hurt all over inside and out.

    I did get counseling for mom, but I really don't see it helping her. You know it only helps if you want it and she just likes being miserable and wants people to feel sorry for her. The counselor is suggesting a psych evaluation because she suspects she may be bipolar and has been all her life. It would kind of explain a lot about what my childhood was like with her and how she has treated me and even my husband and child throughout the years. I know it sounds mean but I am hoping that that is what it is because it is treatable with the right meds and the up and down moods will even out....like normal. Something needs to be done because my body is paying the price for her treatment of me. My arms are covered in a rash from my nerves.

    I can't afford help because mom makes too much with her pension and social security, yet we are struggling to make ends meet with what she has. I have to rely on volunteers to help, but it doesn't last very long, just a few weeks, once a week, and then the program ends. So it is just me.

    One good thing to report however is that I have not gained any weight, I lost 5 lbs last month but I went to a doctor the other day and weighed in beffore my normal weigh in and I just maintained. Not bad but not good either. I am buying giant chocolate bars and devouring them. They make me feel good when I am eating them. They are the only things that make me feel good. I know I can't keep that up without reprecussions but as I said they are the only thing I look forward to now.

    So this is why I haven't checked in or written or responded, because I have nothing good to say and I don't want to bring you all down. Life is depressing enough without me adding to all your troubles. I read about the weather that is affecting you all and illnesses and deaths you are going through right now.... what right do I have to bring up this crap to you and make things worse or depressing? So if you don't hear from me, don't worry, I am still here trudging along. But honestly I don't have anything good to say so I would rather just not respond. But thank you for your concern and you don't have to write me as you know the situation I am in and it doesn't look like it is going to change. Please take care and I am so happy for you all losing weight and exercising and making good choices. I am very proud of you all. You are a great group of ladies!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :flowerforyou: it was 17 degrees when I walked the dogs this morning but as the day went on the sun came out and although the temperature barely went above freezing the sun helped some of the snow melt and after some serious snow shoveling in the driveway, front walk, and back porch there are some dry areas......however, it is now 18 degrees so whatever didn't dry will be a sheet of ice when I walk the dogs in the morning.....I drove to the dog park and the grocery store today.....the dogs had a great time in the snow until Brandy started digging, then we leashed up and took a walk around the frozen lake......in the back yard when I took the dogs out together, they play a game we call "dog sled" :bigsmile: they are the dogs and I am the sled and I have to use all my balance skills to stay on my feet.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet, thanks for responding and telling us what's going on with you.....are there any caregiver support groups where you live or on line? It would be great to communicate with other people who are experiencing what you're going through......we have broad shoulders so if you want to dump some of your feelings and frustrations, we are here for you.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Lynn, I don't eat any simple carbs and very little dairy.....what helped me was to focus less on what I don't eat and more on what I do......I don't feel deprived when I plan meals based on all the foods that I do eat.......my friend who belongs to FA and has maintained a huge weight loss for years has a list of her foods and when someone mentions something like cake, she says,"that's not my food"

    :flowerforyou: A group of local real estate agents will be here early Wednesday morning to look at our house so they'll know about it to try to sell to one of their clients......the house is clean, but we'll do an extra good job before they come:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the new members....you have come to the right place.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :heart: Chiclet

    Please don't stop posting. Even if what you have to say is negative as Barbiecat says, we have broad shoulders and it would be good for you to unload instead of keeping it all inside. If you wanted you could always rate your post in the greeting :bigsmile: then if someone was feeling a bit down and didn't want to read it they could scroll down to the next post. Plus it would give you something to look forward to and who knows it might help you a little to know you have so many friends wishing you well and trying to suggest things to help you through it.

    Please don't think that you have to be bright and breezy with us, it doesn't matter - tell us it straight, we can take it !! I know from your posts you are a glass half full person most of the time, but at the moment your glass is empty. Let us help you start filling your glass again.

    I'm sure others will post with more suggestions to help you through. We'll keep nagging you to keep in touch, so you'd better check in often - you can't get away from us :heart: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning my friends.

    Welcome to all our new ladies - you will find wonderful support here. I could not have done nearly so well without this group.

    I'm down another pound today - hurray for that! I was worried that I am not doing much formal exercise at present with my knee problem and I also have a dreadful head cold (constantly running nose!) However, I've been making up for it by being in major 'spring cleaning mode'. Moving equates to losing.

    Suzyq - it's good to see you back. I was wondering where you were. Good luck getting back on track.

    Chiclet - never, ever be afraid to come on here and vent. We are here for you. It must be soul destroying to have to put up with you mum's behaviour, but you are a strong and good person and we will offer you support where we can.

    Barbiecat - I found a photo of me when I was a tiny girl (about 18 months old) with my beloved black poodle. I will have to scan it and post it as it is so adorable. Poodles are such amazing dogs.

    I'm looking out of the window at a grey day with torrential rain, but I intend to take myself out for a walk (wellies and all). Tomorrow I get to babysit my grandtwins whilst my DD and her DH go off to the live final of 'Got to Dance'. I can't wait to get my hands on my lovely bambinos. They are such a pleasure and a blessing. I totally adore them.

    Well ladies, I could sit here and type away to you all or I could get my 'rear into gear' and do some moving - much as I would love to chat to each and everyone of you, I really do have to move.

    Have a good day please.


    Amanda x
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Thanks for the welcome back. :flowerforyou:

    :heart: My heart goes out to Chiclet, I remember all too well the stresses of caring for Moma and the toll it took on me physically and emotionally. At that time in my life my something to look forward to was a 30 minute workout, usually walking around the neighborhood . When I felt completely overwhelmed I would go outside and sit with the kitties in my lap for a bit. Those were tough times that would have been much easier if I had you ladies to chat with.

    I just made a berry smoothie for breakfast. I am determined this time NOT to let simple carbs creep back into my diet. I've been reading a lot lately about foods that are healthy for your liver. Believe it or not they are the same ones that help us maintain a healthy weight. Imagine that! :tongue:

    :happy: TOP LIVER HEALTHY FOODS :happy:
    Garlic and Onions
    Cruciferous Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage)
    Whole Grains
    Red Grapes
    Legumes (beans)
    Nuts and Seeds
    Green Tea

    :noway: FOODS THAT ARE HARD ON THE LIVER: :noway:
    Most Dairy products, including milk, cheese, sour cream, butter and yogurt.
    Sugar, including all products containing sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup or dextrose.
    Artificial sweeteners.
    All preservatives--mostly found in boxed or frozen dinners.
    Caffeinated beverages
    Gluten-containing foods such as products made from wheat, barley or rye. MSG is included as a gluten-containing food.
    High-fat foods including but not limited to red meat, mayonnaise or dressings including those with fat substitutes.
    Products containing yeast.

    Today's exercise will be at the end of a grubbing hoe digging up roots that didn't come up when hubby ripped the shrubs out of the foundation beds. Hope to get the rest of my Spring blooming plants up out of the cellar and into the ground in the coming week. :flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    My son got discharged yesterday and is home from the hospital. Hubby did not leave (we shall see what happens). I have missed so many posts I have no idea who is doing well and who is not. Just know when I say my little blessing everyday, it includes a line for all my MFP friends in this forum.

    Hopefully, things will settle down and get back on a schedule around here.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member

    Me at about eighteen months old with my first poodle - Mitzi Moo. x