Men on a Mission - Over 250, Looking to Drop 50



  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    My primary form of exercise is playing racquetball 3 - 5 times a week. I also use the treadmill & elliptical during which I'll listen to a playlist on my ipod. I also just started with a new program called Lolo beatburn which is an intervals form of training on the treadmill or outdoors. It has an included playlist or it can also use your playlist. The app will automatically speed up or slow down any song to the rhythm or pace at which you are walking or running. There is also a voice that instructs you as you go. So far am loving this loving this app. 45 minutes goes by so quick compared to a single pace on the treadmill. Also read an article about a research in which people doing high intensity interval training lost on average 3 times the weight during a shorter exercise session over the course if 6 months.
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    I have been using the elliptical for my excercise (Schwinn 420). I have made a game of it. If my previous best session was 20 minutes, 6mph, level 2 on course 2 I will try and do 21 minutes and 6.1 mph. Trying to top by best previous has kept me motivated thus far. Today, I didn't have much time so I only excercised for 12 minutes but I average 6.2 mph and increased the level to 4 out of 8 so I was more out of breath and get my heart rate up.

    I have found for me I get bored if I am not pushing as hard as I can. When my mind loses focus, I start thinking I can't go anymore. Unfortunately, that means I can't go as long since I am going so fast at such a high level.
  • Swilson87
    I have to be distracted. My gym has TV's on all of the carido machines, so I channel surf most of the time. While I'm doing resistance training, I'll plug into the IPOD.
  • Swilson87

    LWW: 264
    CW: 258

    That's right I've gotten rid of 6lbs this week. I'm kinda pumped......
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254
    I forgot the topic of the week! What do you men do to motivate you during exercise? Do you listen to a certain type of music? Watch a certain TV show?

    The motivation I use is basically music that's up beat and sounds like that a boxer may train with. I also start my warm-up and stretching with the audio from the opening scene of Ali (with Will Smith). So the music would be classified as fight music.

    And I am trying to post a little bit better. I weighed today and here are the results.........

    SW: 327 (12/1/10)
    GW: 215
    LWW: 292
    CW: 287
    WD: 5
    TWL: 40
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member

    LWW: 264
    CW: 258

    That's right I've gotten rid of 6lbs this week. I'm kinda pumped......

    That is fricken fantastic
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Today - Feb 26th I am - - - 241.4
    On Feb 19th, 2011 - - - 238.4
    On Feb 12th, 2011 - - -238.6
    On Feb 5th, 2011 - - - 242.6
    On Jan 29, 2011 - - -245.4
    On Jan 22, 2011 - - - 246.8
    On Jan 15, 2011 - - - 247.8
    On Jan 9, 2011 - - - 248.4.
    On Jan 2, 2011 - - - 253.4

    Didn't see this one coming. But I will just have to work harder next week and get the train moving again. Definitely not embarrassed to have gained weight its just another bump in the road in my fitness journey. I am on Day 40 something of P90X and loving it. I go and walk trails every weekend with the family and love it. Going to the Zoo today to go wrestle with my favorite animal the Lion.

    Have a Blessed Weekend guys!
  • Swilson87

    LWW: 264
    CW: 258

    That's right I've gotten rid of 6lbs this week. I'm kinda pumped......

    That is fricken fantastic

    Thanks man. I've finally gotten what works best for me. To add to the success, I purchased a HR monitor to better track my calories burned. So I'm hoping for continued successful larger numbers for as long as it lasts. Congrats on your 40+ ponds. I'll have to chase you to stay
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    Today - Feb 26th I am - - - 241.4
    On Feb 19th, 2011 - - - 238.4
    On Feb 12th, 2011 - - -238.6
    On Feb 5th, 2011 - - - 242.6
    On Jan 29, 2011 - - -245.4
    On Jan 22, 2011 - - - 246.8
    On Jan 15, 2011 - - - 247.8
    On Jan 9, 2011 - - - 248.4.
    On Jan 2, 2011 - - - 253.4

    Didn't see this one coming. But I will just have to work harder next week and get the train moving again. Definitely not embarrassed to have gained weight its just another bump in the road in my fitness journey. I am on Day 40 something of P90X and loving it. I go and walk trails every weekend with the family and love it. Going to the Zoo today to go wrestle with my favorite animal the Lion.

    Have a Blessed Weekend guys!

    Just setting up for a massive loss next week, that's all.
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    Today's weigh-in: 234.2. Up 0.2 from last week.
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member

    LWW: 264
    CW: 258

    That's right I've gotten rid of 6lbs this week. I'm kinda pumped......

    That is fricken fantastic

    Wow, that's what you call making progress. Great job. Over here the results are less impressive, but still satisfying. LWW was 118.5 and this rainy sundaymorning in Holland 117.8 kg. Now off to some birthday parties (2 on one day) and then, this sunday afternoon watching the 'classic', football (soccer) match PSV Eindhoven - AJAX Amsterdam in front of my bigscreeen. What more can a man wish for:wink:
  • spinndrift
    239 for me this week after a couple of weeks of being rubbish I'm back on the case and feel much happier.
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    Must be the week for movement...
    I've shifted a little too after weeks being static. This week 139kg.
    Keep it up guys
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Lost another pound. CW: 268
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    Today's weigh-in: 234.2. Up 0.2 from last week.

    Same with me man.

  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Good job to those of you who lost weight and keep up the good effort to those of us who may have gained. Nothing can stop us from reach our goal!
  • pgp_protector
    Today's weight 272.6
  • mackoy809
    This weeks weight 257.8 lbs
    Last weeks weight 259.8 lbs
  • chris_andress
    chris_andress Posts: 13 Member
    SW 285
    CW 255
  • tonkatc
    SW 262
    CW 256.5
    GW 200

    Trying to get serious, lot's of coaching and biking to do.