

  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Good luck kels tomorrow! plan everything out and you'll be just fine! Dewpearl, good job with being able to control yourself when you went a little over, that can be so difficult sometimes! And alf....THIRTEEN DAYS!!?? I'm so jealous! Hopefully I can get there this time around! Good job!

    Day seven!!!!
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    Dewpearl, good job with being able to control yourself when you went a little over, that can be so difficult sometimes!

    Well, I wasn't binging. I had some sweets, but did not feel guilty over it, since I was on holiday. I was just over my calories, but only by 200 (we did enough walking to melt the rest of the sweets :bigsmile: ) Btw, for me binging is when I eat so much, that I find it useless to keep track of my calories and what I eat. Last weekend was my first gap in my logging on here since mid Aug when I joined.

    Anyway, I'm counting day 7 as a success! Yeay, a whole week :happy: !
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good luck kels tomorrow! plan everything out and you'll be just fine! Dewpearl, good job with being able to control yourself when you went a little over, that can be so difficult sometimes! And alf....THIRTEEN DAYS!!?? I'm so jealous! Hopefully I can get there this time around! Good job!

    Day seven!!!!

    You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It took me three rounds of trying to get to this point. Practice makes perfect!!! :laugh: It is not easy of course :grumble: But I am now realizing that I am the one in control, the will power is in my hands to achieve my goals. It is not my husband's fault, my job's fault, etc etc... It is 100% in my hands!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • msblondy16
    Hey dancer, I actually also found that I lost weight when I got to college instead of gaining like everyone said. High school was a very hard time emotionally and then so was college, but I found that I had such a good support system in college that I didn't turn to binging alone. I am having a very hard time now because I am back to being alone a lot and really, really, really miss my friends and boyfriend and family in the States. Sometimes I wonder why I left when I had such a good life back there. Am I stupid? I just don't know what to do anymore. I miss my friends and everyone so much it is hard to bear.

    I caved with binging on Sat. I did really well during the day and planned for drinks and extra calories and everything but then just kept snacking at the party. Has anyone ever been at a party with a bunch of people but felt extremely lonely? That's how I felt, so I dove into the snacks. Yesterday I did not do my normal binge, but I did find myself eating just because I was lonely.

    Today is my Day 1. I am so sad that I actually don't think food would help...
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hey dancer, I actually also found that I lost weight when I got to college instead of gaining like everyone said. High school was a very hard time emotionally and then so was college, but I found that I had such a good support system in college that I didn't turn to binging alone. I am having a very hard time now because I am back to being alone a lot and really, really, really miss my friends and boyfriend and family in the States. Sometimes I wonder why I left when I had such a good life back there. Am I stupid? I just don't know what to do anymore. I miss my friends and everyone so much it is hard to bear.

    I caved with binging on Sat. I did really well during the day and planned for drinks and extra calories and everything but then just kept snacking at the party. Has anyone ever been at a party with a bunch of people but felt extremely lonely? That's how I felt, so I dove into the snacks. Yesterday I did not do my normal binge, but I did find myself eating just because I was lonely.

    Today is my Day 1. I am so sad that I actually don't think food would help...

    I am so sorry you feel this way (((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))) Did you leave home to follow your dreams?? If so, go for it. Those who love you will always be there for you. Thinking of the good times and warm memories will keep you going. You will feel so much better when you accomplish your goals and the ones who love you will be there celebrating with you. :flowerforyou:
  • kwill23
    kwill23 Posts: 122
    I am back to day one, i had company over this weekend and had a few to many beers. Today is a new day and i will do better today.
  • lesszmore
    Hey everyone..can i join ya'll???

    Weekends are my bigget problem, or just whenever i'm stressed i tend to turn to chocolate...i'm working on this....day at a time.

    Tasha :smile:
  • neha_duvvuri
    neha_duvvuri Posts: 186 Member
    Can I join too? Day 1 for me. :)
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    Hey everyone..can i join ya'll???

    Weekends are my bigget problem, or just whenever i'm stressed i tend to turn to chocolate...i'm working on this....day at a time.

    Tasha :smile:

    Welcome! I also joined in late. But what is late in this thread, where we start anew every now and then? :)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    2 weeks without binging!!!! :drinker: :drinker: Wow!!! I can't even believe it myself!!! I am still trying to figure out what has helped me go this far without going overboard with anything. :flowerforyou:
  • kels0724
    Day 5 complete!!! yay! this is as far as i have ever made it and it feels great!!
    Dancer~ thanks for the comment and the advice to track what i eat first. it really helped and i actually had some calories left over for the day! It has always been so hard for me to stay on track when i don't have time to work out! i guess today, I conquered that!

    Good luck to everyone and have a great tuesday : D
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Way to go kels!! It's tough to make it through a day without exercising and staying under your calories, but you've proved its possible to do it with flying colors!!

    I've just completed day 8!! This is the farthest I've gotten so I'm feeling pretty happy about it, especially considering my TOM should be arriving in the next couple of days. I could tell I had a little more hunger today because of it, and I did end up going over on calories by about 200 but it could have been a lot worse!! (I was really craving chinese today, but I didn't do it!) Halloween is my motivation at this point, and it's definitely pulled my hand out of the fridge a time or two already:laugh:

    What's everyone else's motivation right now??? Any short term goals??
  • mamakitty
    Day 2 done. Yesterday I passed up cake and cookies and other temptations at a bridal shower and today I passed up cake at work! I wanted to taste just a little so bad, but I knew it would not stop at a taste.

    My motivation is MEXICO in 4 weeks! I am so excited. I put on my suit, that is real motivation.

    Good luck everyone.
  • msblondy16
    Ok caved to emotional eating once more last night :grumble: . I actually did not go over my cals by that much really, but the feeling was still the same.

    This is the beginning of Day 1 for me...again. The goal is one week! This will be tough because my birthday is coming up... What does everyone define as binging for them? For me it is when I eat stuff from the bag/carton/jar without using plates and while standing up. That's when I binge! Should I be defining it a different way?
  • walnut
    walnut Posts: 216 Member
    Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well!:flowerforyou: I had to check out of this thread for awhile as it was making me feel worse that I couldn't get past day one.

    Several days ago I realized I've gained 7 lbs over the past month or two, and I hit my threshold of tolerance for this behavior. I cannot believe that I have now gone three days :happy: It seemed so impossible for awhile there. I'm kind of hesitant to post this, because I'm afraid of setting myself up for failure again. But I don't want to forget how long it's been, and I should be celebrating my successes, not fearing my failures, darnit!! So here's to day 4! :drinker:
  • msblondy16
    You will not fail, walnut! That is so great that you have gone 3 days already on your own - good for you! Keep up the great work!
  • cvanvick
    It looks like this thread has been going on for a while, but can I still join? Binging is absolutely my biggest problem. I always do it in secret, so I don't have anyone holding me accountable. I think that I really need to force myself to tell someone any time that I do binge because if I know that I'll have to fess up I may think twice.
  • mamakitty
    you can still join. a lot of us have to start over and over until we get it right.

    Day 3 close to being over and I do not anticipate a binge.

    Good luck all.
  • kels0724
    argh!!!! why do i do this to myself??? i would have been done with 6 days of no binging but i just had to continue to eat! i did so well this whole day. i wasn't even the least bit hungry! i need suggestions on what to do when i just want to continue to eat and eat and eat. i tell myself one more but it never is, until i am stuffed full!! help! i was feeling so great about everything and i thought i had the will power to just have a few wheat thins- so i could finish off my calories for the day!

    any tips to help?? this site helps sometimes but sometimes i just get into that mood and i don't know what to do....i will take any advice! thanks :)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    argh!!!! why do i do this to myself??? i would have been done with 6 days of no binging but i just had to continue to eat! i did so well this whole day. i wasn't even the least bit hungry! i need suggestions on what to do when i just want to continue to eat and eat and eat. i tell myself one more but it never is, until i am stuffed full!! help! i was feeling so great about everything and i thought i had the will power to just have a few wheat thins- so i could finish off my calories for the day!

    any tips to help?? this site helps sometimes but sometimes i just get into that mood and i don't know what to do....i will take any advice! thanks :)

    Were you eating wheat thins out of the box? What helps me is to take out the serving portion of whatever I want to eat and put the rest away. If I want to go back and I know I will go over my calories I drink water, tea, coffee and do something else. Cravings do go away if you give yourself some time and don't succumb to the craving as soon as it comes on. Also, I try not to buy foods that I tend to binge on. Out of sight out of mind...

    By the way, this is 15 days for me!!!! :drinker: :drinker: I think I will stop posting here unless I binge and go back to day 1. I don't want anyone to think I am showing off :laugh: :laugh: This challenge has shown me that I AM IN CONTROL AND THERE IS NO ONE ELSE OR NOTHING TO BLAME BUT ME IF I BINGE. It can be done!!!! :flowerforyou: