30 day shred for march anyone??



  • nixxy74
    nixxy74 Posts: 106
    L1 d1&2 plus swimmming for a break this week and I hit the minus five pound mark this week! seeing as ive only just started the whole thing and then the dhred too not too bad at all! keep going everyone .....remember shes a ***** at the time but a genius that micheals woman lol!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    How has everyone been doing eating wise? Any tempations? I swear when im done, im going on a calorie splurge (may do pizza)..if i have to burn most/all the calories to do it, then so be it :laugh:
  • Day 3 today. I put the tv on mute this time and turned some tunes on :)
    I'm getting a little frustrated because my 5 lb weights are too heavy for the presses in the first circuit (w/ the squats) and too heavy for the lateral raises at the end (w/ the side lunges) but not really heavy enough for the rowing ones or the curls...oh well, I guess i'll just keep going til I can do all of it.
    How has everyone been doing eating wise? Any tempations? I swear when im done, im going on a calorie splurge (may do pizza)..if i have to burn most/all the calories to do it, then so be it :laugh:
    I was having some major cravings tonight. Could not stop eating! Luckily pretty much all I have in my house is fairly healthy food, so I didn't eat anything too bad, just enough of it to add up to like 700 calories. It just gets hard after a while to constantly be worried about portions and cals. BUT it'll be worth it in the end so hang in there!!
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I know most people find jillian motivating but her voice really grates on me, I usually look out the window and visualise myself looking hot to block out the sound of her...

    Last night laying on bed before I went to sleep I couldn't get the stupid background music out of my head!! Lol

    I don't mean to come out as though I am hating on Jillian Michaels as I point out the following things about her. I am happy for her success and her motivation. However, there was one of her exercise DVD that I purchased when she just started becoming big and not many people knew who she was. She kept stopping and laughing at herself after every exercise move, and it made her look like anything but a professional trainer. I couldn't believe they allowed that to be on a DVD for people to purcase. I was embarassed for her. When my mother had seen the 30 day shred, she couldn't believe she that she was the same Jillian from the Biggest Loser because her body didn't look much in shape.
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Day 3 today. I put the tv on mute this time and turned some tunes on :)
    I'm getting a little frustrated because my 5 lb weights are too heavy for the presses in the first circuit (w/ the squats) and too heavy for the lateral raises at the end (w/ the side lunges) but not really heavy enough for the rowing ones or the curls...oh well, I guess i'll just keep going til I can do all of it.
    How has everyone been doing eating wise? Any tempations? I swear when im done, im going on a calorie splurge (may do pizza)..if i have to burn most/all the calories to do it, then so be it :laugh:
    I was having some major cravings tonight. Could not stop eating! Luckily pretty much all I have in my house is fairly healthy food, so I didn't eat anything too bad, just enough of it to add up to like 700 calories. It just gets hard after a while to constantly be worried about portions and cals. BUT it'll be worth it in the end so hang in there!!

    I am working on removing all of my temptations from my home (for example, chocolate candies from Valentine's Day). I'm not doing so bad avoiding them since I have purchased substitutes, but they are still staring me in my face, and that is hard. It's easier when they are out of sight and out of mind.

    My appetite has flown through the roof! I am trying to combat this by substituting the unhealthy foods I can't seem to stay away from. I am having small amounts of diet soda, instead of regular soda (I didn't have soda for a long time and after I tasted it one day, I have been on a crave), sugar-free candy instead of regular candy, etc... I am hoping to regain control of my appetite soon by being careful not to eat foods that intensify it.
  • I have some catching up to do, but I am in starting tomorrow. Any feel free to add me, I am new to mfp.
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Had completed L1 Day3 today. I cleaned my home for 3 hours yesterday, went on a two mile walk during my lunch break at work, and crashed when I got home, so not enough energy was left for Jilian at that time.
  • sunshinel397
    sunshinel397 Posts: 206 Member
    Day 3....getting easier!
  • I just started it this morning - so I guess I'm in. I also started Zumba a few weeks ago, just once a week though so far. I am sore after the first day of 30DS though. But, tomorrow I'll go again.
  • deasourus
    deasourus Posts: 16
    I can't believe I've done L1D4. I honestly didn't think I would make it this far! lol. I am happy to say that I did not wake up sore this morning! Well a little bit but not nearly as bad as the past couple of days! I'm really starting to see changes in myself. My back seems alot leaner =D I weighed myself and I lost 2 pounds since last week! This lady is a genius! How is everyone else doing? Keep up the good work! And remember is only 20 minutes a day! We can do this!!!
  • sudha336
    sudha336 Posts: 26 Member
    L1D5 Completed.
  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    L1D4 Done!

    I was going to have a rest day today as today has been my lazy food and drinking day....Got to 10pm and I thought stuff it I'm up for it...I got a small stitch about half way through, which I put down to my alcohol consumption and sh!tty foods + no water before I started (not good). Got through the whole workout with only a few little rests.

    Go Me! How's everyone else going??
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    Level 2 day four completed yesterday . . . going to do Level 2 day 5 today with 8lb weights. Let's see if I am alive tonight! I do like how it gets easier and easier to make it through the exercises each day.
  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    Day 4 completed today - coped with it ok but still finding it so hard
  • Done with today's shred. Keep hoping it will get easier, but I guess if it were easy, I'd have done it along time ago. Will keep at it one day at a time!!
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Level 1 Day 6 and I don't need the paramedics standing by after the cardio, so somethings working!
  • Ntdrkyet
    Ntdrkyet Posts: 64 Member
    I am finally starting to feel better! (I can bend my legs, climb stairs without too much pain and sit down with out wincing!!) Something must be working or maybe I am dying! I will let you know tomorrow. I am still on L1 thinking I will probably try to level up after another week. I am able to get through the whole work out using my five pound weights too!!

    Way to go everybody!!!
    We can so do this!
  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    I am finally starting to feel better! (I can bend my legs, climb stairs without too much pain and sit down with out wincing!!) Something must be working or maybe I am dying! I will let you know tomorrow. I am still on L1 thinking I will probably try to level up after another week. I am able to get through the whole work out using my five pound weights too!!

    Way to go everybody!!!
    We can so do this!

    You're post made me laugh! Only in the last couple of day's have I been able to sit down without looking like a moron, either whining and screwing up my face or just falling on to the lounge without bending my legs :laugh:

    I hope it's working and me are not just dying, that would be totally disappointing :wink:
  • deasourus
    deasourus Posts: 16
    L1D5! I so didnt' feel like doing it today, but i pushed myself! I really want to try l2, im just getting bored of l1, i've got everything she says like memorized! it drives me crazy!
  • lauraashley09
    lauraashley09 Posts: 182 Member
    L2D2 complete. What is level 3 like, anyone?
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