Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - March Challenge!!



  • weslfuss
    weslfuss Posts: 22
    March Goal: to lose 10 pounds (though honestly I'll be happy if I can just make it to 5-7)
    Drink more water, work out at least 4 times a week.
    no drive-thrus or soda!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Adding weslfuss! welcome :)

    Jessyas - Incorporate strength training into my workouts in order to build more muscle while I'm burning the calories, keep learning new recipes and cooking for myself, get down to 133lbs or less!
    atrayubrandy - to lose 7lbs, drink 64oz of water a day, cut down on sugar, and quit diet soda. I also want to build lean muscle mass.
    lolahippie - to exercise at least 4 times a week, not binge, and to get below 134lbs!
    froggytank3- lose 10lbs, cut down on sugar, and stay under cals without eating exercise calories.
    Allie7383- get into the 140's, stay on schedule with TurboFire, get in at least 8 glasses of water/day, increase my running distance.
    KanCrav-152 lbs-strength train 4 days a week-only 3 caffinated drinks a day-80 oz water a day.
    Rachellynch83- Finish my 30day shred, be able to run 3 1/2 miles without stopping, try to eat the majority of my exercise calories, and stay below my calorie goals at least 29 days this month.
    Toshiette - go 120km/75miles this month and get comfortably into the 140s.
    mkingraham- lose 7lbs, run a 5k without stopping, strength train 3 days a week
    meagalayne- maintain between 125lbs and 128lbs, complete weeks 8 and 9 of HH 1/2 Intermediate Training Program, YogaFit 1 time/week, strength train 2-3 times/week, and eliminate sweetener use by the end of the month (eeek!)
    hizzle85- lose 8 pounds, complete the pushup and squat challenges, eat under/ right at my calorie limit, exercise at least 4 days a week, work on increasing my water intake, start the c25k program.
    eleanoreb- Get below 135 pounds, eat more veggies and less chocolate/candy
    Ngoat- lose 3 lbs, drink more water, cut down on my sugar intake and be sure to excercise at least one day of the weekend
    NicNac86 - lose at least 4lbs (avg 1 a week), drink more water, more Wii, more dog walks
    echoicmemories- down to 130lbs, lose 2" from waist and 1" from hips, continue workout plan with alternating days at least 4x week, increase elliptical to 15, begin C25K
    cheralicia - Walk to or from work (or both) at least 4 days a week, track on MFP 90% of the month, yoga 2x/week, start to love running!
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - continue to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 3-4 times per week, and continue C25K training
    kristinlough- lose 6 lbs, exercise 5 days a week, water and/or tea only, no more white carbs, 20 pushups a day 3 days a week, plank for 60 seconds
    maggiemay131- stay on track with half marathon training, kick the Diet Coke habit, and reach comfortably into the 150's (162 current!)
    Lostalykat- Work out 4-6 days a week with my training, Make 1 new recipe a week, Track everything that goes in my mouth, try 1 new yoga class.
    shelsab-lose 5 lbs. Try 3 yoga classes. strength training 3x week. Try new clean eating recipes.
    Sams111- Get into 220's, Spin 3x a week, gym 5x a week, and increase calories.
    mamabearr- Lose 7-10 lbs. Try to work out at least 5 days a week (even if it's only for 20 minutes) and eat healthier.
    brittfam- continue to work out 6x's a week, more stength training, goal weight loss for this month is 8lbs
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, at least 4x a week workout with strength training, lengthen gym time, tons of water- cut out diet soda, find wedding dress
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day
    edryer123 March Goal Weight is be under 140lbs and get to where I can run a full mile without stopping (almost there but still fighting weather outside)
    CaptainJim157to lose around 7-10 lbs, if I can, get at least 30-60 min of exercise a day, that's my main thing! And try and only have a pop once a week, instead of like, everyday
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day.
    Meggonkgonk: Make strength training workouts more of a priority (30 min 2x/wk minimum); Eat 1 fruit and 3 different vegetables everyday; Try 3 new recipes (do not have to be “perfect” just delicious).
    jnlynch- lose 5 pounds (be at 118 lbs), workout at least 4x a week; completing my 30 Day Shred & starting the 6 Week Six-Pack, & eat breakfast on weekdays.
    rmarin18- scale: lose 5 lbs, non-scale: Drink at least 72oz of water a day & strength train 2x per week.
    prila13-5 lbs weight loss, Drink at least 4 glasses of water per day. (I have only been able to reach 2 so far LOL), Be able to walk 3 miles per day by the end of March.
    gofatties-make it to hand stands class 1x a week. and to cut down on late night emotional eating.
    Huni3bee-lose 10lbs, drink 10 cups of water a day instead of 8, and when I walk home I'll take the long way home instead of the shortcut... I'm also going to try and cut back on sugar, I'm going to actually push my self when working out no matter how bad it burns.
    Paigeb15: Drink at least 48 oz of water a day, Maintain 110-115 lbs, Make myself go walk at the park down the street on my lunch on nice days, less alcohol
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125 lbs. ; continue to follow Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon training (starting week 9-race is on April 2nd); continue to find and try out new recipes for dinner at least 4 nights a week; make time for my family :o)
    Finncmh- see a loss on the scale, continue lifting 2-4 times a week, run 1-2 times a week, walk to work at least 2 times a week, play outdoors more, keep eating clean! Be supportive on new people on here giving honest opinions and input.
    JacciLatt5- Ive never done this before but here it goes. I want to do the 30 Shred Dvd this month; eat less processed foods; try atleast 2 new workouts; be down @least 4 lbs
    kbellnurse - Get into the 140's! (lose at least 4lbs), workouts 4x/week (at least), school work on EVERY school day - make it to church for at least one Sunday.
    NLG139-I would like to lose 4lbs in March, drink 64oz of water a day, and get in my long runs every weekend (I'm training for a half marthon in May).
    Whitneysaenz - Lose 7 lbs (GW for March 31st: 160lb), drink at least 64oz of water a day, eat more vegetables, and exercise at least 4 days per week!
    DowntimeDesings-Start and stick with insanity workouts
    SexyInASizeSix-lose 15lbs, and drink 10 glasses of water per day
    tjradd73-to lose 6lbs, drink 80ozs of water/day, 3 days of arms/week, and burn at least 5,000 calories/month
    rivingtonst-I'm doing the 4x4, haha, In the next 4 weeks I will: lose 4lbs, workout 4x week, and make 4 new recipes.
    stuartme123: Check in with this thread 3-4x a week.- 30 min of cardio 4x a week - Continue C25K - reach W4 by Spring Break! - Curb unhealthy snacking - - Add veggies - Try one new healthy recipe a week - Lose 1lb a week and maintain over Spring Break for a total of 3lbs. MarchSW = 155.4.
    hilhall822: up the water intake- be better about precooking meals so I don't snack all day!
    runteachrun-For the month, I want to lose 15 pounds!
    peachyxoxoxo-stop bingeing. Work out 3-4 days a week. Track ALL foods every day.
    crystalfaith - workout at LEAST 4 times a week! Lose 5 lbs. Start eating more veggies and fruits :)
    mmahabee- get a fitness routine worked out so I can maintain my weight and tone my body
    bstamps12- Lose 4 lbs, bike 60 minutes straight, bike 9 miles straight.
    Sorry I am late! I wanted to do this challenge last month and lost track of it and haven't found it this month until now.
    CurriedGrasshopper - (Jenn) - I'd like to lose 3lbs, continue with p90x, and focus on drinking more water and less diet coke.
    gymgirl12- lose 5lbs (be at 145) Increase cardio time, starting working more core exercises, watching what I eat and limit snacking (especially chips).
    weslfuss- to lose 10 pounds (though honestly I'll be happy if I can just make it to 5-7), Drink more water, work out at least 4 times a week. no drive-thrus or soda!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jenn- welcome to the group!

    Kandace-thanks girly! hope you enjoy dinner and the time with your hubby!

    Meag-thanks! I will def try to get all of my cals on rest days, and have been trying to eat a few more of my WO cals also...seeing how that goes for now!

    Jaccilatt-you won't look like an idiot!! everyone is a beginner sometime!! If it makes you feel better could always just try the bi kes at the gym first...not in a class :) you will do great, good luck!

    AFM-got to go on that hike today with my son, it was called Bluffs trail and had some great views of lake mead and the river in the las vegas wash! 4 miles and 620 cals burned! woohoo!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    Had a nice and lazy day today- Meag you will be pleased that I RESTED today! hehe. I really needed it and I think I have been wearing myself out. I'm a little over on the cals today, but we did take the dog for a nice walk that wasn't hard or far but I didn't log it and I wouldn't normally be moving like that during my regular day. I'm not worried about it because the more important thing today was giving my legs a rest. So tomorrow its back to C25K with W7D2. I'm a little nervous but I'm going to wake up and eat my oatmeal a la yogurt and then head on over to the gym. I was nervous about 2.25 last weekend and ended up feeling awesome- so that's what I'm going to keep in mind when I wake up tomorrow. I'm really craving some coffee/chocolate right now- think its about TOM so who knows what I'll scrounge up- hopefully nothing to high in cals!

    Have a great evening and check in with you tomorrow!

  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    sorry! double post :)

  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Meag-just wanted to tell you that I had never heard of buttercup squash before (butternut, acorn and spaghetti-yes) and I actually found one at the store a few days you just bake it in the oven like a regular squash??? What would you pair with it? I was thinking couscous or quinoa and maybe either chicken or pork chops?
    We really love buttercup squash because its SO creamy and delicious and so we tend not to use it in recipes - we just eat it oven-roasted either tossed with some curry paste thinned with water (weird but so delicious) or roasted as-is. I've used it in a few recipes before but the texture and taste gets lost amongst the other ingredients and it makes me a little sad, because it's so luscious and creamy. I know - it's squash - but seriously! I'd say either peel and cube it and toss it in the oven with whatever flavours you like (we like more Indian masalas) or just cut it into 8 or 10 large slices, scoop out the middle, and roast it skin down until it's soft (may want to microwave it on high for 5 mins to speed this up). Serve it along side whatever protein you're having that day. We've had it with BBQ chicken, roasted pork tenderloin, and even fish and it was always great. I'd typically not have a carb with it, because I'm somewhat carb-phobic and squash is a decent low-GI sub, but I am SURE i'd be really yummy with couscous or any other whole grain as well. I bet it would be amazing in a warm bulgur wheat, couscours or quinoa salad! :bigsmile:

    The coolest thing? When you cut it open, notice that it smells strangely like a mix between pumpkin and watermelon. That's how you know it's good! So sweet, creamy and fabulous. Enjoy it :happy:

    Meag-made the squash tonight. Just baked it in the oven...I put a little brown sugar on top of the girls' and they liked it ok...squash is the one veggie that they aren't the fondest of! Funny cuz they loved it as babies...too much of a good thing I guess :laugh: We had it with some salmon. It was by far the BEST salmon I've EVER had! He works with a guy that has a buddy that lives in Alaska and flew him some fresh Alaskan salmon-it was so pink-it was almost red...very tender and YUMMY!!! Squash went really well with it.

    Oh...and I found the blueberry muffin mini wheats today at Wal-mart...excited to try them tonight as my snack :love:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    i recommend sugar free fudgsicles or pudding, the jello chocolate mouse is also awesome....and they are all aroung 60 cals a piece!

    Good evening everyone!

    Had a nice and lazy day today- Meag you will be pleased that I RESTED today! hehe. I really needed it and I think I have been wearing myself out. I'm a little over on the cals today, but we did take the dog for a nice walk that wasn't hard or far but I didn't log it and I wouldn't normally be moving like that during my regular day. I'm not worried about it because the more important thing today was giving my legs a rest. So tomorrow its back to C25K with W7D2. I'm a little nervous but I'm going to wake up and eat my oatmeal a la yogurt and then head on over to the gym. I was nervous about 2.25 last weekend and ended up feeling awesome- so that's what I'm going to keep in mind when I wake up tomorrow. I'm really craving some coffee/chocolate right now- think its about TOM so who knows what I'll scrounge up- hopefully nothing to high in cals!

    Have a great evening and check in with you tomorrow!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Oh...and I found the blueberry muffin mini wheats today at Wal-mart...excited to try them tonight as my snack :love:

    i hope you love em as much as I do!! :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Melissa-i hope you love em as much as I do!! :)
  • HotMamaof2Boys
    I know it's past the 1st... but I would love to join!
    CW : 170
    GW : 145
    Goals for this month : I want to lose 10 lbs., stop getting any fast food or soda. I really, really want to try to workout every morning Mon. - Sat. I am so lazy in the mornings though. This seems like an excellent group to keep me motivated!
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    Anyone have recommendations for something to soothe a scratchy throat other than water? I am watered out at this point in the day. I was think hot water with lemon and honey
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Adding HotMomma

    Welcome, and to anyone else who wants to join, pls copy this list and add yourself/goals to the bottom.
    Jessyas - Incorporate strength training into my workouts in order to build more muscle while I'm burning the calories, keep learning new recipes and cooking for myself, get down to 133lbs or less!
    atrayubrandy - to lose 7lbs, drink 64oz of water a day, cut down on sugar, and quit diet soda. I also want to build lean muscle mass.
    lolahippie - to exercise at least 4 times a week, not binge, and to get below 134lbs!
    froggytank3- lose 10lbs, cut down on sugar, and stay under cals without eating exercise calories.
    Allie7383- get into the 140's, stay on schedule with TurboFire, get in at least 8 glasses of water/day, increase my running distance.
    KanCrav-152 lbs-strength train 4 days a week-only 3 caffinated drinks a day-80 oz water a day.
    Rachellynch83- Finish my 30day shred, be able to run 3 1/2 miles without stopping, try to eat the majority of my exercise calories, and stay below my calorie goals at least 29 days this month.
    Toshiette - go 120km/75miles this month and get comfortably into the 140s.
    mkingraham- lose 7lbs, run a 5k without stopping, strength train 3 days a week
    meagalayne- maintain between 125lbs and 128lbs, complete weeks 8 and 9 of HH 1/2 Intermediate Training Program, YogaFit 1 time/week, strength train 2-3 times/week, and eliminate sweetener use by the end of the month (eeek!)
    hizzle85- lose 8 pounds, complete the pushup and squat challenges, eat under/ right at my calorie limit, exercise at least 4 days a week, work on increasing my water intake, start the c25k program.
    eleanoreb- Get below 135 pounds, eat more veggies and less chocolate/candy
    Ngoat- lose 3 lbs, drink more water, cut down on my sugar intake and be sure to excercise at least one day of the weekend
    NicNac86 - lose at least 4lbs (avg 1 a week), drink more water, more Wii, more dog walks
    echoicmemories- down to 130lbs, lose 2" from waist and 1" from hips, continue workout plan with alternating days at least 4x week, increase elliptical to 15, begin C25K
    cheralicia - Walk to or from work (or both) at least 4 days a week, track on MFP 90% of the month, yoga 2x/week, start to love running!
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - continue to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 3-4 times per week, and continue C25K training
    kristinlough- lose 6 lbs, exercise 5 days a week, water and/or tea only, no more white carbs, 20 pushups a day 3 days a week, plank for 60 seconds
    maggiemay131- stay on track with half marathon training, kick the Diet Coke habit, and reach comfortably into the 150's (162 current!)
    Lostalykat- Work out 4-6 days a week with my training, Make 1 new recipe a week, Track everything that goes in my mouth, try 1 new yoga class.
    shelsab-lose 5 lbs. Try 3 yoga classes. strength training 3x week. Try new clean eating recipes.
    Sams111- Get into 220's, Spin 3x a week, gym 5x a week, and increase calories.
    mamabearr- Lose 7-10 lbs. Try to work out at least 5 days a week (even if it's only for 20 minutes) and eat healthier.
    brittfam- continue to work out 6x's a week, more stength training, goal weight loss for this month is 8lbs
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, at least 4x a week workout with strength training, lengthen gym time, tons of water- cut out diet soda, find wedding dress
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day
    edryer123 March Goal Weight is be under 140lbs and get to where I can run a full mile without stopping (almost there but still fighting weather outside)
    CaptainJim157to lose around 7-10 lbs, if I can, get at least 30-60 min of exercise a day, that's my main thing! And try and only have a pop once a week, instead of like, everyday
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day.
    Meggonkgonk: Make strength training workouts more of a priority (30 min 2x/wk minimum); Eat 1 fruit and 3 different vegetables everyday; Try 3 new recipes (do not have to be “perfect” just delicious).
    jnlynch- lose 5 pounds (be at 118 lbs), workout at least 4x a week; completing my 30 Day Shred & starting the 6 Week Six-Pack, & eat breakfast on weekdays.
    rmarin18- scale: lose 5 lbs, non-scale: Drink at least 72oz of water a day & strength train 2x per week.
    prila13-5 lbs weight loss, Drink at least 4 glasses of water per day. (I have only been able to reach 2 so far LOL), Be able to walk 3 miles per day by the end of March.
    gofatties-make it to hand stands class 1x a week. and to cut down on late night emotional eating.
    Huni3bee-lose 10lbs, drink 10 cups of water a day instead of 8, and when I walk home I'll take the long way home instead of the shortcut... I'm also going to try and cut back on sugar, I'm going to actually push my self when working out no matter how bad it burns.
    Paigeb15: Drink at least 48 oz of water a day, Maintain 110-115 lbs, Make myself go walk at the park down the street on my lunch on nice days, less alcohol
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125 lbs. ; continue to follow Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon training (starting week 9-race is on April 2nd); continue to find and try out new recipes for dinner at least 4 nights a week; make time for my family :o)
    Finncmh- see a loss on the scale, continue lifting 2-4 times a week, run 1-2 times a week, walk to work at least 2 times a week, play outdoors more, keep eating clean! Be supportive on new people on here giving honest opinions and input.
    JacciLatt5- Ive never done this before but here it goes. I want to do the 30 Shred Dvd this month; eat less processed foods; try atleast 2 new workouts; be down @least 4 lbs
    kbellnurse - Get into the 140's! (lose at least 4lbs), workouts 4x/week (at least), school work on EVERY school day - make it to church for at least one Sunday.
    NLG139-I would like to lose 4lbs in March, drink 64oz of water a day, and get in my long runs every weekend (I'm training for a half marthon in May).
    Whitneysaenz - Lose 7 lbs (GW for March 31st: 160lb), drink at least 64oz of water a day, eat more vegetables, and exercise at least 4 days per week!
    DowntimeDesings-Start and stick with insanity workouts
    SexyInASizeSix-lose 15lbs, and drink 10 glasses of water per day
    tjradd73-to lose 6lbs, drink 80ozs of water/day, 3 days of arms/week, and burn at least 5,000 calories/month
    rivingtonst-I'm doing the 4x4, haha, In the next 4 weeks I will: lose 4lbs, workout 4x week, and make 4 new recipes.
    stuartme123: Check in with this thread 3-4x a week.- 30 min of cardio 4x a week - Continue C25K - reach W4 by Spring Break! - Curb unhealthy snacking - - Add veggies - Try one new healthy recipe a week - Lose 1lb a week and maintain over Spring Break for a total of 3lbs. MarchSW = 155.4.
    hilhall822: up the water intake- be better about precooking meals so I don't snack all day!
    runteachrun-For the month, I want to lose 15 pounds!
    peachyxoxoxo-stop bingeing. Work out 3-4 days a week. Track ALL foods every day.
    crystalfaith - workout at LEAST 4 times a week! Lose 5 lbs. Start eating more veggies and fruits :)
    mmahabee- get a fitness routine worked out so I can maintain my weight and tone my body
    bstamps12- Lose 4 lbs, bike 60 minutes straight, bike 9 miles straight.
    Sorry I am late! I wanted to do this challenge last month and lost track of it and haven't found it this month until now.
    CurriedGrasshopper - (Jenn) - I'd like to lose 3lbs, continue with p90x, and focus on drinking more water and less diet coke.
    gymgirl12- lose 5lbs (be at 145) Increase cardio time, starting working more core exercises, watching what I eat and limit snacking (especially chips).
    weslfuss- to lose 10 pounds (though honestly I'll be happy if I can just make it to 5-7), Drink more water, work out at least 4 times a week. no drive-thrus or soda!
    HotMamaof2Boys: I want to lose 10 lbs., stop getting any fast food or soda. I really, really want to try to workout every morning Mon. - Sat

    HotMomma- Welcome to the group! I do want to take a minute to talk about your goals (as we do with many new posters) because frankly from the sound of your goals, I think you are setting your sights/expectations too high and setting yourself up for some serious disappointment. Coming from a similar start weight and with a similar goal, I really just do not think 10 lbs is realistic for a month and if you were to achieve it, its just not healthy. MAX you should be looking at 8lbs, though I think 4-6 is much more achievable. Your workout goals seem similarly a big bite to take off (though admirable!)- but somedays life just takes precedence to workout time- and if this happens even once in a week, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

    I know this is really disheartening to hear (we've all had this discussion at one point or another) and if you really feel these goals are acheivable then I will certainly step back. But so many people give up because they don't meet unrealistic goals. I think you deserve to give yourself some wiggle room- maybe aim to lose 5lbs and workout 4x a week. If you make it to 10lbs and 6 workouts- it can be icing on the proverbial cake! Anyway, just my $.02. Good luck whatever you decide to do!

    Edryer- I like hot water with honey, and I also (not the healthiest suggestion in the world) like gummies- sweedish fish in particular. I suck on them like lolipops.

    Ok everyone- its been a long day of moving for me. Im gonna go veg out in front of the TV. G'nite!

  • nausicaa11
    nausicaa11 Posts: 17 Member
    Its a bit late but I wanted to join too! My goal is to lose 5 pounds by the end of March. And exercise at least 6 days of the week.
    Jessyas - Incorporate strength training into my workouts in order to build more muscle while I'm burning the calories, keep learning new recipes and cooking for myself, get down to 133lbs or less!
    atrayubrandy - to lose 7lbs, drink 64oz of water a day, cut down on sugar, and quit diet soda. I also want to build lean muscle mass.
    lolahippie - to exercise at least 4 times a week, not binge, and to get below 134lbs!
    froggytank3- lose 10lbs, cut down on sugar, and stay under cals without eating exercise calories.
    Allie7383- get into the 140's, stay on schedule with TurboFire, get in at least 8 glasses of water/day, increase my running distance.
    KanCrav-152 lbs-strength train 4 days a week-only 3 caffinated drinks a day-80 oz water a day.
    Rachellynch83- Finish my 30day shred, be able to run 3 1/2 miles without stopping, try to eat the majority of my exercise calories, and stay below my calorie goals at least 29 days this month.
    Toshiette - go 120km/75miles this month and get comfortably into the 140s.
    mkingraham- lose 7lbs, run a 5k without stopping, strength train 3 days a week
    meagalayne- maintain between 125lbs and 128lbs, complete weeks 8 and 9 of HH 1/2 Intermediate Training Program, YogaFit 1 time/week, strength train 2-3 times/week, and eliminate sweetener use by the end of the month (eeek!)
    hizzle85- lose 8 pounds, complete the pushup and squat challenges, eat under/ right at my calorie limit, exercise at least 4 days a week, work on increasing my water intake, start the c25k program.
    eleanoreb- Get below 135 pounds, eat more veggies and less chocolate/candy
    Ngoat- lose 3 lbs, drink more water, cut down on my sugar intake and be sure to excercise at least one day of the weekend
    NicNac86 - lose at least 4lbs (avg 1 a week), drink more water, more Wii, more dog walks
    echoicmemories- down to 130lbs, lose 2" from waist and 1" from hips, continue workout plan with alternating days at least 4x week, increase elliptical to 15, begin C25K
    cheralicia - Walk to or from work (or both) at least 4 days a week, track on MFP 90% of the month, yoga 2x/week, start to love running!
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - continue to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 3-4 times per week, and continue C25K training
    kristinlough- lose 6 lbs, exercise 5 days a week, water and/or tea only, no more white carbs, 20 pushups a day 3 days a week, plank for 60 seconds
    maggiemay131- stay on track with half marathon training, kick the Diet Coke habit, and reach comfortably into the 150's (162 current!)
    Lostalykat- Work out 4-6 days a week with my training, Make 1 new recipe a week, Track everything that goes in my mouth, try 1 new yoga class.
    shelsab-lose 5 lbs. Try 3 yoga classes. strength training 3x week. Try new clean eating recipes.
    Sams111- Get into 220's, Spin 3x a week, gym 5x a week, and increase calories.
    mamabearr- Lose 7-10 lbs. Try to work out at least 5 days a week (even if it's only for 20 minutes) and eat healthier.
    brittfam- continue to work out 6x's a week, more stength training, goal weight loss for this month is 8lbs
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, at least 4x a week workout with strength training, lengthen gym time, tons of water- cut out diet soda, find wedding dress
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day
    edryer123 March Goal Weight is be under 140lbs and get to where I can run a full mile without stopping (almost there but still fighting weather outside)
    CaptainJim157to lose around 7-10 lbs, if I can, get at least 30-60 min of exercise a day, that's my main thing! And try and only have a pop once a week, instead of like, everyday
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day.
    Meggonkgonk: Make strength training workouts more of a priority (30 min 2x/wk minimum); Eat 1 fruit and 3 different vegetables everyday; Try 3 new recipes (do not have to be “perfect” just delicious).
    jnlynch- lose 5 pounds (be at 118 lbs), workout at least 4x a week; completing my 30 Day Shred & starting the 6 Week Six-Pack, & eat breakfast on weekdays.
    rmarin18- scale: lose 5 lbs, non-scale: Drink at least 72oz of water a day & strength train 2x per week.
    prila13-5 lbs weight loss, Drink at least 4 glasses of water per day. (I have only been able to reach 2 so far LOL), Be able to walk 3 miles per day by the end of March.
    gofatties-make it to hand stands class 1x a week. and to cut down on late night emotional eating.
    Huni3bee-lose 10lbs, drink 10 cups of water a day instead of 8, and when I walk home I'll take the long way home instead of the shortcut... I'm also going to try and cut back on sugar, I'm going to actually push my self when working out no matter how bad it burns.
    Paigeb15: Drink at least 48 oz of water a day, Maintain 110-115 lbs, Make myself go walk at the park down the street on my lunch on nice days, less alcohol
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125 lbs. ; continue to follow Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon training (starting week 9-race is on April 2nd); continue to find and try out new recipes for dinner at least 4 nights a week; make time for my family :o)
    Finncmh- see a loss on the scale, continue lifting 2-4 times a week, run 1-2 times a week, walk to work at least 2 times a week, play outdoors more, keep eating clean! Be supportive on new people on here giving honest opinions and input.
    JacciLatt5- Ive never done this before but here it goes. I want to do the 30 Shred Dvd this month; eat less processed foods; try atleast 2 new workouts; be down @least 4 lbs
    kbellnurse - Get into the 140's! (lose at least 4lbs), workouts 4x/week (at least), school work on EVERY school day - make it to church for at least one Sunday.
    NLG139-I would like to lose 4lbs in March, drink 64oz of water a day, and get in my long runs every weekend (I'm training for a half marthon in May).
    Whitneysaenz - Lose 7 lbs (GW for March 31st: 160lb), drink at least 64oz of water a day, eat more vegetables, and exercise at least 4 days per week!
    DowntimeDesings-Start and stick with insanity workouts
    SexyInASizeSix-lose 15lbs, and drink 10 glasses of water per day
    tjradd73-to lose 6lbs, drink 80ozs of water/day, 3 days of arms/week, and burn at least 5,000 calories/month
    rivingtonst-I'm doing the 4x4, haha, In the next 4 weeks I will: lose 4lbs, workout 4x week, and make 4 new recipes.
    stuartme123: Check in with this thread 3-4x a week.- 30 min of cardio 4x a week - Continue C25K - reach W4 by Spring Break! - Curb unhealthy snacking - - Add veggies - Try one new healthy recipe a week - Lose 1lb a week and maintain over Spring Break for a total of 3lbs. MarchSW = 155.4.
    hilhall822: up the water intake- be better about precooking meals so I don't snack all day!
    runteachrun-For the month, I want to lose 15 pounds!
    peachyxoxoxo-stop bingeing. Work out 3-4 days a week. Track ALL foods every day.
    crystalfaith - workout at LEAST 4 times a week! Lose 5 lbs. Start eating more veggies and fruits :)
    mmahabee- get a fitness routine worked out so I can maintain my weight and tone my body
    bstamps12- Lose 4 lbs, bike 60 minutes straight, bike 9 miles straight.
    Sorry I am late! I wanted to do this challenge last month and lost track of it and haven't found it this month until now.
    CurriedGrasshopper - (Jenn) - I'd like to lose 3lbs, continue with p90x, and focus on drinking more water and less diet coke.
    gymgirl12- lose 5lbs (be at 145) Increase cardio time, starting working more core exercises, watching what I eat and limit snacking (especially chips).
    weslfuss- to lose 10 pounds (though honestly I'll be happy if I can just make it to 5-7), Drink more water, work out at least 4 times a week. no drive-thrus or soda!
    HotMamaof2Boys: I want to lose 10 lbs., stop getting any fast food or soda. I really, really want to try to workout every morning Mon. - Sat
    nausicaa11: Lose 5 pounds and exercise 6 days a week.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Anyone have recommendations for something to soothe a scratchy throat other than water? I am watered out at this point in the day. I was think hot water with lemon and honey

    you could try gargling with warm salt water...i would szay cough drops but they really add up on the sugar and cals!! you could also try "airborne" the over the counter med thats suppossed to get you feelin better a lot quicker :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    welcome to hotmama and nausicaa!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Been MIA today with the boy, and due to work, which is going fine. The bar is actually just so easy -- Really lax and the customers are insanely easy to please. Anddd they all want to date me, which is hilarious :laugh: It's pretty miserable as a highly educated and diversely skilled young professional to still be working at bars, but whatever. I'll take what I can get right now. I have the rest of my life to be successful and do meaningful work... :noway:

    Eating has been so-so. Since I can't really workout on my foot (and knee, which I hyper-extended in YogaFit this week and is killing me) I'm taking a break from obsessing about food. Still doing really well but not going crazy. Adapting meals where I can and just taking what comes. No idea how to log my work into exercise so I am eating when hungry and just seeing how my body adjusts. Had frozen yogurt tonight and it sated my desire for ice cream - at least for the time being. I'm feeling some improvements in my foot so perhaps I'll be able to run again soon... It's just a waiting game.

    CHOCOLATE - For those who want a low cal choc fix, I have a few suggestions.

    For clean eating, I'd mix together 1/4 ip each pumpkin puree and egg whites (2), 1 Tbsp chia seed, 1 Tbsp water, and 2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa plus whatever fruit, jam, dark chocolate chips, natural PB, or other addition (think oatmeal/ice cream mix-in) and any natural sweetener (I use none but I like my chocolate bitter) and microwave on high for 90-100 seconds. Awesome! It's like cake. I like mine with a little melted PB and natural jam, but fruit and choc chips both work awesome too!

    Another yummy treat - mix 1-2 tsp of cocoa powder in with your oats before adding milk/water and then cook as directed. Top with coconut and almond milk - tastes just like almond joy! It's great with blueberries too :bigsmile:

    Want a choc protein fix? Protein brownies! OMG I am in *LOVE* with them! I had one crumbled up with plain yogurt and strawberries today for a snack at work and it was heaven. So easy. Recipe:

    1 cup oats, old fashioned
    1/2 cup each 1% cottage cheese and egg whites
    2 scoops whey isolate protein, chocolate
    1/2 tsp each vanilla extract and baking soda
    2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
    1 cup unsweetened applesauce

    Mix in a food processor and bake in a parchment lined 9X5 loaf pan at 325F for 27-32 mins (watch carefully). I cover mine with aluminium foil for more even cooking. Once it's set in the middle and a toothpick can be inserted and removed cleanly, they are done. Cut into 6 servings - around 140cals each and soooo good! No sweetener or sugar needed (IMO).

    I honestly have chocolate at least twice a day and it keeps me sane. Cocoa powder is perfectly fine for you (as far as I know) and it's a great add-in and so flexible! If you want that extra kick, 15grams of chocolate chips is 70 cals and sometimes it's just worth it! Just be sure to weigh it out because honestly, it doesn't look like much but it goes a long way!

    Have a great night everyone and see you tomorrow - You're all doing fabulous! And welcome newbs to our happy little corner of the internet :flowerforyou:
    Meag :heart:
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Meag~ That looks delicious! I'm going to have to buy some cocoa powder. Glad your job is going better, and plus side if the customers all want to date you they are probably leaving good tips! :laugh:

    Meredith- I did not mean to discount week 3 of the c25k. It does look tough, and actually I realized I read week 2 wrong. I thought it said jog 60 seconds, 2 minutes of walking. I didn't want to do walking. I think I will try week 2 with jogging 90 seconds walking 90 seconds and see how I do. If it's too hard I will do what it says. :smile: I did run track and cross country in high school, but that has been a long time ago. I walk a lot at my work for 12 hour shifts and found when I tried running the first time I was able to run a lot better than I thought. I was able to run 2 1/2 miles at a 6-6.3mph pace. I figured I would do this to try and get in better shape and increase my speed and distance.

    Today is supposed to be my rest day. I did my c25k and 30 day shred yesterday, but it's also my sister's baby shower. My mom and other sister are in charge of it, and we tried to get healthy snacks. However, if I think I will go over on my cals I'm pretty sure I will be doing the 30 Day shred again. On a plus note I weighed in on my mom's scale and it showed a good weight loss. That would be awesome especially since I increased my calories for the month. I didn't officially log it as it's not my official weigh in scale, but I was excited!
    Have a great Sunday!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Meag-just wanted to tell you that I had never heard of buttercup squash before (butternut, acorn and spaghetti-yes) and I actually found one at the store a few days you just bake it in the oven like a regular squash??? What would you pair with it? I was thinking couscous or quinoa and maybe either chicken or pork chops?
    We really love buttercup squash because its SO creamy and delicious and so we tend not to use it in recipes - we just eat it oven-roasted either tossed with some curry paste thinned with water (weird but so delicious) or roasted as-is. I've used it in a few recipes before but the texture and taste gets lost amongst the other ingredients and it makes me a little sad, because it's so luscious and creamy. I know - it's squash - but seriously! I'd say either peel and cube it and toss it in the oven with whatever flavours you like (we like more Indian masalas) or just cut it into 8 or 10 large slices, scoop out the middle, and roast it skin down until it's soft (may want to microwave it on high for 5 mins to speed this up). Serve it along side whatever protein you're having that day. We've had it with BBQ chicken, roasted pork tenderloin, and even fish and it was always great. I'd typically not have a carb with it, because I'm somewhat carb-phobic and squash is a decent low-GI sub, but I am SURE i'd be really yummy with couscous or any other whole grain as well. I bet it would be amazing in a warm bulgur wheat, couscours or quinoa salad! :bigsmile:

    The coolest thing? When you cut it open, notice that it smells strangely like a mix between pumpkin and watermelon. That's how you know it's good! So sweet, creamy and fabulous. Enjoy it :happy:

    Meag-made the squash tonight. Just baked it in the oven...I put a little brown sugar on top of the girls' and they liked it ok...squash is the one veggie that they aren't the fondest of! Funny cuz they loved it as babies...too much of a good thing I guess :laugh: We had it with some salmon. It was by far the BEST salmon I've EVER had! He works with a guy that has a buddy that lives in Alaska and flew him some fresh Alaskan salmon-it was so pink-it was almost red...very tender and YUMMY!!! Squash went really well with it.

    Oh...and I found the blueberry muffin mini wheats today at Wal-mart...excited to try them tonight as my snack :love:
    Glad you liked the squash Melissa! We never have ours baked sweet with brown sugar, but I bet it's yummy that way too :happy: As long as it's cooked long enough I find that it's just absolutely fabulous. And that salmon sounds incredible. We have some in our freezer that I should make this week... Any good recipes?

    Hope you enjoyed the mini-wheats! I prefer mine with coffee and without any milk, but to each his own! :heart:
  • Hizzle85
    Hizzle85 Posts: 49 Member
    happy sunday all!!

    Yesterday was my first day back on the wagon after a few days of being sick. At least I only gained 1 lb over that period of time (3 days). So I started back on my squats and pushup challenges, and its amazing how taking just one or two days off can make a huge difference in your progress!! It was rough to get back up and meet the goals for the day. But I did it!! I also did pretty good on my calories yesterday as well.

    Today I've already done 30 minutes of zumba and I plan to get another half hour later in today.

    I'm a little discouraged, because of the stall in my weight loss because of being sick, but i'm trying not to let it deter me from moving forward.

    I really need to go to the grocery store so my food supply for the week is healthy enough. I've just been so lazy this week and let it keep me from getting what I need!

    Here's hoping this week goes better than the last one. But you know what? Even though the middle of the week sucked, i still met the goal of working out three times!! Yay!! :)
  • Mary830
    Mary830 Posts: 64
    Quick selfish (kind of whiney) post.

    I weigh myself every morning, but my "official" weigh ins are on Sunday. Today I weighed 144.6 (down 4.4 lbs from 149 last week) Part of me is really excited about that.

    BUT- the whiney part of me is depressed that I even *can* lose that much weight in a week. Until Feb. I weighed 135. So, it's not surprising that, since it took such a short time for me to gain 14 lbs, it would come off fairly quickly as well (a lot of water weight from a high sodium diet) How the heck did I let myself go SO BAD in such a short time that I would gain so much.

    Don't get me wrong, I am happy and proud of my hard work this week. But I still feel like I haven't "really" lost weight yet- that the actual weight loss won't begin until I am back in the 130s. Does anyone else ever feel that way? Or am I just crazy?