
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I don't mean to be a jerk, but it's simply against the law to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk. It's a vehicle, so it's supposed to be driven on the road.

    Yes they do in Florida....
    Sidewalk riding
    (Section 316.2065(10) and (11), F.S.)

    A person propelling a vehicle by human power upon and along a sidewalk, or across a roadway upon and along a crosswalk, has all the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    .....people fart in the isle at the store and walk away so the people who come down the isle next think it was me!

  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    The girl that sits across the room is talking to her friends/family on the phone at work sooo loud that I can't talk to my accounts on the phone because I can't hear them. And then she complains that everyone else is too loud.. WTF?

    ohhhh I so have one of those in my office!

    The coworker that calls her mommy, daddy, or husband every morning to report that Timmy pooped in the toilet. While we're busy as hell.
  • mommacool
    mommacool Posts: 138 Member
    ...when i just change my kid's diaper and he takes a poop three minutes later :)

    ROFL!! This made me crack up!! After 5 kids I know what you mean... but we are finally done with diapers!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    The girl that sits across the room is talking to her friends/family on the phone at work sooo loud that I can't talk to my accounts on the phone because I can't hear them. And then she complains that everyone else is too loud.. WTF?

    ohhhh I so have one of those in my office!

    The coworker that calls her mommy, daddy, or husband every morning to report that Timmy pooped in the toilet. While we're busy as hell.
  • pookie55
    pookie55 Posts: 16 Member
    i agree. I hate it when there is a short line and I am next and they switch cashiers. :explode:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I'm doing so well eating healthy ALL day and then my boyfriend goes, "How 'bout pizza?" lol
  • pouringraina
    pouringraina Posts: 106 Member
    When people CONSTANTLY ask me if I'm pregnant just because I'm a newly-wed, and I can get pregnant now. :grumble:

    Not for 5 YEARS PEOPLE. 5 YEARS!
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    ...when i just change my kid's diaper and he takes a poop three minutes later :)
    haha nmine does this! Sometimes I get through 3 nappies in as many minutes.
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Hey those of you who get ticked off about supposedly fit people with disabled stickers - when my husband was very sick I had a disabled sticker, but he/I didn't look disabled. I have been on the other end of 'disabled parking space rage' by people who thought I didn't look disabled enough. Well I only parked there when I had my husband with me, he didn't walk with a cane but he had brain tumours which affected his mobility.

    Well, they won't be giving me horrible looks any more because now he is deceased, but just remember that sometimes the disability is invisible.


    Well said, there are a lot of invisibile illness`s ,sorry about your loss x
  • I'm doing so well eating healthy ALL day and then my boyfriend goes, "How 'bout pizza?" lol

    OMG i hate it when my OH does that!! And then when you say no he gets it anyway and eats it right infront of you!! :mad:

    It pisses me off when people sit in the buggy bay on the bus and then give you a filthy look when you get on with a buggy! :grumble:
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    I'm a cashier and I have a TON, but I'll just list a few.
    When I bag your items, put them in your cart, then you take the bag and leave your cart in the middle of my aisle so I have to get it out of the way so my other customers can get checked out. When ppl leave the carts two feet away from the corrals, where the carts belong! When ppl ignore me. When I ask you for your savings card, you ignore me. Then you yell at me for not asking for it. Or, you yell at me bc you didn't give me your coupons. When they are rude as hell, then complain on me bc I was "just being nice to piss you off". When I get cussed out. WHEN YOU HAND ME YOUR BLOODY BAND AIDS, SNOTTY TISSUES, ETC and tell me to throw it away. That's not happening. Sorry.
    98% of the time, if your cashier is rude, it's YOUR fault or she/he just had someone really rude, and they're trying to get over the situation. That's just a few things; There are sooooo many more.
    Just ask your cashier how they are doing. It makes a world of difference. I have the power to give certain ppl 20% off their order. If you're nice, you get the discount. If you're rude, guess who's not getting the discount?
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Hey those of you who get ticked off about supposedly fit people with disabled stickers - when my husband was very sick I had a disabled sticker, but he/I didn't look disabled. I have been on the other end of 'disabled parking space rage' by people who thought I didn't look disabled enough. Well I only parked there when I had my husband with me, he didn't walk with a cane but he had brain tumours which affected his mobility.

    Well, they won't be giving me horrible looks any more because now he is deceased, but just remember that sometimes the disability is invisible.


    My mom takes my grandma grocery shopping like once a month, but she uses her handicapped sign at every place we go. She's even got mad and yelled at someone who was ACTUALLY handicapped and parked in the last handicapped place. LOL.
    But I totally agree with you! Never judge, bc you never know :)
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    I'm doing so well eating healthy ALL day and then my boyfriend goes, "How 'bout pizza?" lol

    OMG i hate it when my OH does that!! And then when you say no he gets it anyway and eats it right infront of you!! :mad:

    It pisses me off when people sit in the buggy bay on the bus and then give you a filthy look when you get on with a buggy! :grumble:

    What's a buggy bay? lol
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    when ppl liter!! especially when they throw their cigarette butts!! The world is not your ashtray...speaking of cigs, I hate when I see ppl smoke preg or with kids in the car!! WHY???

    I completely agree! Bc my dad smoked around me, I have multiple types of asthma. It's almost ruined my life. It makes working out next to impossible. I've always been the fat kid since I was like 10. Do not smoke around your kids! You're killing them! But a cool side effect of my asthma? If someone is smoking all the way across a parking lot, I can smell it. :) lol
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    When people with no common courtesy leave their shopping cart right next to your car door instead of walking a few feet away to put the cart where it belongs, or even better they leave the cart hitting your car door and are still getting into their vehicle and do not say "oh sorry,and move it so you can get yourself and your child into the car. Why should I have to put your cart back...I didn't use the damn thing...Lazzzzzy!

    I'd wait for them to get in their vehicle then put it in their way and drive off, so they have to get out and move it, or run over it and damage their car lol.
  • I'm doing so well eating healthy ALL day and then my boyfriend goes, "How 'bout pizza?" lol

    OMG i hate it when my OH does that!! And then when you say no he gets it anyway and eats it right infront of you!! :mad:

    It pisses me off when people sit in the buggy bay on the bus and then give you a filthy look when you get on with a buggy! :grumble:

    What's a buggy bay? lol

    Its a area where the seats fold into the wall of the bus so your facing into the middle of the bus rather then forward. It lets you park your buggy there without getting in peoples way when they get off and off the bus. Hope that makes sense!
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    people who don't recycle!!! So true! kills me....
    People drive gigantic trucks 85mph in the fast lane and I KNOWWW they aren't using that truck to haul or tow anything... they just want to guzzle that gas to look cool.... not
    People who feed their kids *kitten* my sister recently made dinner for her kids... Frozen chicken nuggets, french fries and mac n cheese FML way to start the bad habits young!!!

    I live in a big city, and as a cashier out of towners come in all the time. They buy a bunch of stuff! So they need that huge truck to haul back all their groceries and purchases so they can live for the month or whatever. Also, maybe they need that truck for work, and they can only afford one car.
    Also, who are you to judge what ppl feed their kids? Everything you listed, CAN be healthy. And if you feel so strong, then have your own kids and feed them all the veggies you want. Trust me , you wont get far. Kids hate veggies.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Your grocery store has you pack the groceries yourself? THAT'S what would piss me off. :) I would never pack them myself...I can't imagine a store even wanting you to. Maybe things are different here in the South, but that's the store's obligation. Every once in a blue moon you see a customer packing them, but you also usually see other folks looking on and wondering why. Heck, it throws the store into a tizzy if you tell 'em you can wheel the buggy out to the car yourself.

    I always bag it myself, unless they volunteer. Then I'll ask if they're sure, and if they insist, I'll let them, but I'll keep an eye on them to make sure they dont need help.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Your grocery store has you pack the groceries yourself? THAT'S what would piss me off. :) I would never pack them myself...I can't imagine a store even wanting you to. Maybe things are different here in the South, but that's the store's obligation. Every once in a blue moon you see a customer packing them, but you also usually see other folks looking on and wondering why. Heck, it throws the store into a tizzy if you tell 'em you can wheel the buggy out to the car yourself.

    Wow, apparently the south has it WAY too good lol. :tongue: No store in my city packs your groceries for you, unless maybe you're paying for bags and they're located behind the register (yes, we pay for plastic bags)... what, do you not have arms to do it yourself? What's next? Laziness to the point where groceries are just delivered to your house & you don't have to get off the sofa? Oh wait... :laugh:

    Yeah this was a huge culture shock when I moved to Buffalo. Aisles are narrower, cashiers are more rude, no baggers, customer service never knows what's going on, stock guys run away from you when they see you coming to ask a question, have to carry groceries to the car myself (which kinda sucks when it's a freakin' snow storm and you've got kids to strap in, etc).....totally miss The South. UGH!

    A lot of times, you just need to ask for help out to your vehicle, and they'll just go get their coat and help you!
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